Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

An unexpected surprise

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Juliet and Sawyer get good news.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Sawyer - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 764 words

Juliet was nervous and excited at the same time. She knew that Sawyer wanted a boy. But she wanted a little girl. Kate squeezed her hand before heading towards the door out into the hallway.

“I was nervous too before I found out I was having a girl. It was such a long time ago now. If you ever need any help, I’ll be glad to help out. All of us are here to help you.”

With that Juliet was grateful. A shaky breath escaped her mouth and she looked to Jack with a lopsided smile.

“I’m ready when you are.”

Jack had taken every step in ensuring Juliet’s survival. Just as she had done with Kate. His eyes wandered to Sawyer.

“Just so you know Sawyer I can’t control what nature does. Would you really be disappointed if the two of you were having a girl?”

Sawyer brushed Jack off with the wave of his hand.

“Cut the suspense doc.”

Nodding Jack turned on the machine and smiled at Juliet.

“Ok here we go.”

Sawyer kept his hand threaded in Juliet’s right one as the two perused the screen with their eyes. Jack continued his thought as he did his work.

“Looks like the two of you are having a boy…”

Jack had trailed off as he squinted at the screen. Sawyer let out a laugh.

“Well doc, looks like you and Kate lost the bet. We’re having a boy.”

Shaking his head Jack smirked. Pointing at the screen he saw Juliet gasp.

“The other one is a girl. She’s not shy either.”

Sawyer’s face fell as he looked towards the door to the hallway.

“Freckles was right. How did she know?”

Juliet squeezed Sawyer’s hand and smiled.

“Twins. There hasn’t been a set in my family since my great-grandmother.”

Jack nodded and took note of what Juliet said in his head.

“Ok. Do you know if there were complications with any of the births in your family?”

At this question Juliet nodded her head.

“My older sister Rachel. She had a prolapsed umbilical cord. Mom had to have a C-section.”

Jack listened with concerned attention and put a hand on Juliet’s left one.

“I will do everything I can to make sure this pregnancy goes smoothly. You have my word.”

Juliet knew what someone’s word could cost. She’d seen too much death on this island. She worried about what would happen if the injections weren’t successful. Having spent
years in a lab doing research trying to figure out how some women could conceive, while others couldn’t. Her work was groundbreaking in the science world and she realized she had a real talent in helping people who had trouble.

Then she came to the island. At first she was very eager to help the women on the island and their dilemma. But when she lost a woman named Henrietta she felt the odds were stacking against her. Knowing that everything started at conception didn’t help matters any. She often wondered if the problems the women were having with their pregnancies were due to the radiation on the island. She didn’t want to be one of the women who lost their lives. Kate was her control case. She was alive and well and so was Megan.

“I know what someone’s word can cost Jack. I gave my word to the women who lived on this island and I failed them.”

Jack shook his head and turned off the machine. He remembered when Juliet had confided in him about all the work she’d done on the island.

“But you haven’t failed Juliet. Megan is alive because of you. You are at the end of your second trimester and you haven’t had so much as a hiccup of a problem. Your serum works Juliet. Give yourself some credit.”

Carefully hopping down from the exam table Juliet nodded seriously. Could she really be close?

“Time will tell Jack.”

Jack put a hand on her left one before she could walk away.

“Your serum may work Juliet, but I’d still like you to rest. Stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water.”

When Juliet and Sawyer entered the hallway, Kate was sitting with a sleeping Megan in her arms. She smiled at Kate and ran a finger along Megan’s cheek.

“We’re having a boy and a girl.”

Sawyer nodded and guided Juliet forward. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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