Categories > Movies > High School Musical > Breaking free (yeah i know its unoriginal! But give it a chance!)

The heart break

by clance 7 reviews

Gabriella find's out the truth

Category: High School Musical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-08-20 - Updated: 2006-08-21 - 322 words

Gabriella, being the almost perfect child, didn't drink of course. She didn't evn know Troy drank.. and that was the way he intended to keep it.

After months of trying to guess what Troy was hiding, Gabriella finally confronted him. "what's going on Troy? You haven't been yourself for a while" said Gabriella.
"W w what are you talking about?" Stuttered Troy nervously. Troy paused. and finally said "I haven't been an different lately... have i?"

Gabriella knew something was up, Troy's answer hadn't been convincing. Despite this, Gabriella decided to leave it at that. It wasn't till the next week at school that Gabriella found out what was going on.

It was lunch break and Sharpay was eating lunch with the Cheerleaders (dont ask why i dont know) Gabriella walked past and heard Alexis (who was one of the cheerleaders) say
"Oh my god... Troy Bolton is so hot" hearing this didn't surprise Gabriella as she was used to it, after all Troy Bolton was only.. like the hottest guy in their year! But then Kayla (another cheerleader) said
"yeah.. and good in the sack!".. they all looked at Sharpay.. and Alexis said
"Sharpay would know." Sharpay blushed, her face turned crimson.

Gabriella rushed off crying. She knew it couldn't be true, Troy woud never do that.. yet in the back of her mind she doubted him, and she knew she had to find out the truth.

Troy walked onto the balcony where Gabriella was standing. He put his arm around her neck and said
"Hey babe"
Gabriella turned to face him, he saw that tears were running down her face.
"Troy i need to know the truth, did you sleep with Sharpay?"
Troy turned bright red. He paused. "Im so sorry, i never meant to hurt you, and i'll never do this again."
"It's too late, i can't do this Troy. We're over, as of now." Gabriella said through tears.
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