Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines SPN

When Hozzie and Sam came back Penina and Dean had talked things through and were sharing stories about their childhoods. Penina found Dean’s stories more interesting than hers but she also found it really sad. Especially since he talked about their Dad so fondly but from the sounds of things, Dad hadn’t always been too nice to him.

“Hey,” Dean greeted “Did you find the bar?”

Sam nodded “Yeah, it’s not too far from here. We didn’t go in though.”

“No, I don’t imagine they’d have let Hozzie in.”

Sam just laughed and sat down on one of the beds “So are you two okay now? No more arguments?”

“I’m not promising anything.” Penina said “I mean, I’m no angel.”

“Me neither.” Dean said “But I think we’ll be okay now.”

“So what are we doing here anyway?” Penina asked “Out of all the motels in the world?”

“Well, me and Sam still need to work.” Dean said.

“Right, and me and Hozzie will help you. Because we need to learn this stuff.” Penina said.

“Well…” Dean said awkwardly “I mean, yeah, you need to learn this stuff but-”

“So you can take us with you and we’ll pick up everything we need to know.” Penina said “Can I get a knife? No, even better, can I get a gun?”

“I don’t think I want a knife or a gun.” Hozzie squeaked.

“You won’t be getting either.” Dean said “You’re not coming with us on the actual hunt. You can help us with the research I guess-”

“Research? That’s boring.” Penina said.

“Well, yeah, I know-”

“Research isn’t boring, it’s vital.” Sam said “If it wasn’t for research we’d never know what we were doing in a case, we’d just run in blind.”

“Surely if you just shoot it it’ll kill it, right?” Penina asked.

“Not always.” Sam said “For example if you encounter a vampire the only way to kill it is-”

“Stake through the heart, right?”

“No. See? You need to chop it’s head off.” Sam said “There’s so much you need to know if you’re going to hunt monsters.”

“Well can’t we split the work so that someone does the research and someone does the actual interesting bit?” Penina asked.

Dean laughed “Unfortunately not. If you were to encounter something by yourself that your partner had researched but you hadn’t then you’d be in a bit of trouble, wouldn’t you?”

Penina sighed theatrically “I suppose you’re right. Fine. What kind of research do we have to do now?”

“Well, me and Dean were gonna go and interview the family. We already have an idea of what kind of case this is.” Sam said “You two should stay back here and study.”

“Can’t we come with you to interview the family?” Penina asked “We need to learn everything we possibly can!”

“I understand that.” Sam said with a small grin “But don’t you think the family will get a bit suspicious if the FBI show up with two kids?”

“We’re not kids!” Penina said indignantly “And what if we were working a case by ourselves, we-”

“Uh, wow, wow, hold up!” Dean said “You two won’t be working a case by yourselves for years yet. There’s so much to learn. You can start with the studying.”

Penina rolled her eyes “Okay fine, but you guys will take us when you go to stop the ghost or whatever, right?” Sam and Dean exchanged a look “You can’t keep moaning that we need to learn this stuff and then refuse to show us.”

“Obviously you’ll be coming with us.” Sam said “I just don’t know whether your first day is the best time for that. You haven’t even known about the supernatural stuff for twenty-four hours yet so maybe you shouldn’t come chasing ghosts with us.”

“Oh come on, you can’t really expect us to sit here and read these dusty old books all night, can you?” Penina asked “You’ve gotta let us come and do the interesting bit. Back me up Hozzie!”

“I don’t think I particularly want-” Hozzie started.

“Exactly, see, we need to go!” Penina cried “Otherwise I’m gonna die of boredom and Hozzie’s gonna be a scaredy-cat forever!”

“I’m not a scaredy-cat!” Hozzie snapped “Don’t talk about things you don’t understand.”

“What does that even mean?” Penina asked.

“Enough!” Dean cried “Okay, fine, you can come with us but you’d better listen to everything we say and don’t you dare do anything stupid to put yourselves in harm’s way.”

“Yes boss.” Penina said playfully “So… Can we come with you to interview the family?”

“Sorry kiddo.” Dean said “But like Sam said, it would look a bit weird if the FBI showed up with two kids.”

“Again, we’re not kids.” Penina said “We could be like… Trainees or something?”

Dean laughed “You’re as stubborn as me, I’ll give you that. But no. You’ll need to sit out of this bit, sorry. One day you’ll do the interviews and you’ll realise how boring and draining they are.” He looked at Sam “We’d better get going anyway. We won’t be long. Just stay out of trouble you two. Don’t leave the motel room!”

“As if we would do a stupid thing like that.” Penina said, rolling her eyes. The two brothers said their goodbyes and left the motel “Hozzie, I think we should go exploring.”

“Excuse me?” Hozzie said “Did you miss the part where Dean told us not to leave the motel room, or what?”

“We’re not gonna get into trouble.” Penina said, rolling her eyes “I just don’t wanna spend the rest of the day reading dusty old books. Think about it logically. We should be in school right now. But we’re not. Shouldn’t we be out doing something?”

“I really don’t see the logic in that. Surely if we’re not in school while we’re supposed to be then we should be doing some studying.”

“No, no, no, getting out of school when you’re supposed to be there is a rare treat. We need to make the most of it.”

“Sam and Dean are the only ones with keys-”

“Then we’ll climb out the window! Come on, we can’t waste our day of freedom!” Penina threw open the motel room window “Well I’m going even if you don’t. You’ll regret it though!”

Penina climbed out. Hozzie hesitated for a moment before groaning loudly and following her.
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