Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Just Married....Kinda

Big Announcements

by ColorOfAngels 1 review

The honeymoon is over and it's time Harry and Ginny to return home and to make some big announcements

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2005-06-17 - Updated: 2005-06-18 - 2784 words

A/N Here's chapter 3......

"I don't know if I can do this."

"Sure you can, I'll just be waiting right out here for you."

"Not funny Harry Potter."

He looked down at the very pale red head who was gripping his arm so tight that he was beginning to lose circulation. "Maybe it was a little funny Ginny Potter."

She gave him a weak smile and a quick peck, but neither of them made any attempt to move closer to the door. They were standing on the porch of the Burrow and had been contemplating going inside for the last ten minutes. They both knew the whole family was in there because they had sent an owl home yesterday saying that they would be home by lunch and that they had an announcement for everyone. At the time it had seemed like a good idea to just get it over with and tell everyone at once, now not so much.

Ginny was feeling progressively sicker the longer they stood there and Harry was fairly sure he would rather fight Voldemort again than go in there and make the announcement that some how he had told Ginny he would make.

"Come on lets just go in there and do this thing...okay?"

She looked up at him and he could see the terror in her eyes as she nodded.

He took her left hand in his, carefully hiding it behind them as he led her into the house.

"Hello...Anybody home," he called as he walked into the living room. His stomach dropped to his knees when he saw the whole extended family sitting there all eyes turned to him.

"Honestly, what were you thinking running off together for two weeks without asking or telling anybody where you were going only leaving a one lined note like that," Molly was the first to speak/scold. "And do I even need to tell how inappropriate that was-"

"Mum we are both of age now, it's really not that inappropriate," Ginny said trying to cut her mother off before she really got started.

"Ginny, honestly I'm disappointed in you running off with a man you're not married to, no offence Harry."

Harry looked around and saw that Molly's sentiments were shared by everyone as he now had six brothers looking murderously at him. "Well actually we have an announcement to make..." he saw the stares he was getting changing either to suspicion, interest, or a mix of both. "You see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.....Molly, Arthur...I mean Mum and Dad... while we were in Tahiti...that's were we went....Ginny and I... well we....the thing is...we got-"

"ENGAGED!" Ginny shouted showing everyone her left hand from behind her back.

All eyes, including Harry's, turned to Ginny in surprise. Luckily everyone had started shouting and looking at the ring on Ginny's finger, so they were to busy to notice his shock before he quickly recovered.

"Wow... look at the size of that rock," Fred commented

"Jezz Ginny you really know how to bag em," George continued.

"It's gorgeous Ginny, I am so happy for you," Hermione said pulling her into a big hug.

Harry felt like he was watching some weird play take place, where he thought he knew the words but someone had switched the script. He stood there watching until Percy crossed to him and offered his congratulations. That was was just to surreal to take.

"Ginny, should we give everyone their gifts," Harry said suddenly. His voice didn't seem to be coming from him, it sounded to high pitched and far away.

She looked at Harry and saw the strange look on his face, "Sure, its all in the luggage." She took all the luggage, which she had shrunk and put in her purse, and made it grow back to its natural size. The second she did, she regretted the decision. The 14 large pieces of luggage they had to buy to fit all of their new stuff in seemed a little more excessive when it was taking up half of the crowded living room then it had back in the Bungalow.

Someone let out a low whistle.

"Jeepers guys did you leave anything in Tahiti?" Charlie asked.

"So we did a little shopping, some of it is for you guys." Ginny shifted uncomfortably, "Harry do you know which bags their stuff is in?"

"No, I had to split them up to make it all fit and to make sure nothing broke." He had an idea, " Why don't we take all this stuff upstairs so we can sort through it all and bring everyone's gifts down at lunch."

"Okay," she answered a little to eagerly as she quickly reshrunk everything so they could take it upstairs.

As soon as they reached Ginny's room Harry shut the door and put a silencing charm on it. He turned to his wife who had collapsed on her bed and was staring at the ceiling.

"Ginny...What did you do!" he wailed.

"I don't know!" she wailed back in despair. She sat up and looked at him, "They knew Harry, they knew we got married, did you see the look on their faces? They were going to eat you for breakfast! I don't know what happened, I just sorta panicked." She flung herself backwards back onto the bed and stuck a pillow over her face.

Harry knew she was right, the announcement was not going to go well, but where did that leave them now.

"So what do we do now?" he asked quietly sitting down next to her and removing the pillow from her head.

She thought for a moment, "Why don't we just pretend for now, that we're only engaged and once they get used to the idea we'll tell the that we are actually married."

He considered it for a moment, "Okay, but we were by ourselves in an exotic location for two weeks, they're going to think we had sex."

"We did have sex Harry."

"I know that!!! But that doesn't mean I want them to know that, if they think we did before we were married they will cause me bodily harm! Trust me, I was warned when we announced we were dating."

She was quiet for minute while she problem solved. "I know, if it should come up-"

"And you know it will," Harry interjected moodily as he hugged the pillow.

"Then all you have to say is 'you know Ginny doesn't believe in sex before marriage' and that you could never make me do something I didn't want to do."

He was still uneasy, "How long do we have to pretend?"

"I don't know. Until it feels like the right time."

"I'm still not so sure about this...I have a feeling it will all end badly," Harry stated simply as he started sorting through the luggage looking for everyone's gifts.

Ginny crept up behind him wrapping her arms around him. "It wont be for long, I promise."

He thought of Ron and Hermione and noted that it didn't seem fair that they had been having sex since 6th year and it wasn't a big deal. Well I guess it would be if Hermione had six overprotective older brothers. He also noted that even though they have been engaged since February they were still sleeping in different rooms when they were under the Burrows roof.

"I guess this means I'm sleeping with Ron tonight." She nodded solemnly. "I have to tell you Love, it's not quite the same."

She laughed and gave him another kiss. "Come on lets find everyone's presents and get downstairs so we don't have even more questions to answer."


What was supposed to be a family lunch had quickly been turned into an impromptu engagement party. While Harry and Ginny were upstairs, the twins had decorated and Molly, if it was even possible, started making more food.

After everyone had eaten their fill and then some, the family moved into the garden. Everyone was happily sipping their tea and chatting when Molly turned to Harry.

"You know dear, when you wrote yesterday and said that you two had an announcement I was afraid that you were going to tell us that you had run off and got married."

Ginny snapped her head around when she heard this. "What would give you that idea Mum?"

"It was actually Ron who suggested it first, of course he was only joking, but it planted the idea in our heads so we all started to worry."

Harry glared at his best friend, but Ron was to busy amusing Bill and Fleur's youngest with one of the giant wooden tiki gods that they had brought back for the twins to notice.

Harry turned back to look at his mother-in-law when she patted him on the knee, "I should have known better than to think you would do something so rash." She patted her daughters cheek. "And I should known that you know how much it would break my heart if I didn't get to help plan, let alone not attend my only daughters wedding. I feel simply awful for doubting you."

Harry looked at his smiling wife and saw she looked a little ill. Bill, who had been listening to the conversation now joined in as he playfully punched Harry's shoulder.

"But you had us all worried for a while and let me tell you that this didn't help." He pulled a large envelope out of his coat and handed it to Harry, "They gave me this at work to give to you, I don't know exactly what it is, but I was told it was your parents wedding gift to you. So you can see why we jumped to that conclusion."

Harry and Ginny shared a concerned glance as Harry opened the envelope with Ginny looking over his shoulder.

"Oh my gods," Ginny exclaimed quickly reading it again. "Oh My GODS!" She gave Harry a huge hug, who was still starting at the parchment in his hands.

Ginny's cries captured everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Ginny?" Charlie asked as he rushed over with everyone else.

"Nothings wrong because I have a house!" she was so excited that she was literally jumping up and down.

Harry quickly explained that apparently, his parents had been saving the ancestral Potter home to give him as a wedding gift. "But I thought their home in Godrics Hollow was destroyed," Harry mentioned to no one in particular.

"No my boy," Mr. Weasley interjected. "That was just a home they were hiding from Voldemort in."

"But why are they getting it now?"

Ginny was about to get up and strangle Percy for bringing it up but Hermione saved her the trouble.

"They probably had it arranged to have it given to him when he got engaged so they could set up the household before the wedding," Hermione reasoned.

The couple shared a look of relief before Harry reached back into the envelope and pulled out a key and a smaller piece of parchment with the homes coordinates on it. "We'll get up early tomorrow and go and have a look at it," he told her before he kissed his favorite freckle which resided on the tip of her nose.

She just smiled, took his hand in hers and rested her head on his shoulder.


I never should have gone to the loo. Harry thought to himself. That was definitely my fatal mistake.

On his way out of the bathroom he had been jumped, blindfolded, bound and gagged, by a gang of red heads, and carried to the tree house that Charlie and Bill built when they were younger.

The ropes tying him to the chair were really starting to itch and his eyes hurt from squinting into the light that they had been spotlighting him with while they shot rapped fire questions at him for the past 20 minutes.

He couldn't see any of them as it was now dark outside, but he had gathered that is was all the bothers minus Percy. At least they haven't asked me the question yet.

"Have you ever taken advantage of my little sister." Harry wasn't sure exactly who said it but he suspected it might have been Bill.

Damn, I spoke...well thought to soon.

"Answer the question Harry."

"Aww....come on Ron, not you too." Harry looked in the direction where he was pretty sure Ron was standing, "You're supposed to be my best mate."

"Not when it comes to you pawing my little sister."

Harry sighed and remembered what Ginny told him, "You guys know that Ginny doesn't believe in sex before marriage, just as you also know that I could never make her do something that she doesn't want to do."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief as they seemed to be satisfied with this answer, because he knew that if they weren't he would be taking a swim in the pond.

The door of the tree house suddenly burst open with a bang and everyone turned to see yet another red head, this one with a lantern so everyone could see that she was livid.

"WHAT DO YOU PRATS THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY HUSBAND!...To be," she demanded, quickly adding the last part after realizing her error.

"Awww..... we're just having a little fun with our friend Harry here, isn't that right Harry?" Fred said poking Harry with his wand.

"Oh yes, it's been a barrel of monkeys," Harry replied sarcastically.


"Muggle saying don't worry about it."

"Oh okay...we just had to make sure Harry knew who he was going to deal with if he steps out of line," said Charlie.

"Yes, apparently I needed a refresher," Harry said, shuddering at the memory of what they had done to him when they became an official couple.

"Well you have a wife, and you two have fiancés that would like to have a word with you!" she informed Bill, Charlie and Ron respectively. "And you two need to get out of here before I hex you into next week!" she shouted at the twins.

Harry enjoyed the fact that she could make her five older brothers who were all at least six inches taller than her, suddenly look like they were seven years old. I wonder if she will be like this with our kids? The thought of it made him smile.

The Weasley boys stammered excuses before quickly climbing down the rope ladder. Ginny turned her attention back to Harry. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they because I will kill them if they did. Why are you smiling like that?"

"I was just imagining you yelling at our children like that."

She strode over to him at sat on his lap and proceeded to kiss him deeply. She was surprised when he suddenly pulled away. "As much as I love you doing that, how about untying me so I can kiss you properly."

She giggled as she used her wand to untie him. Then she transfigured the chair he had been tied to into an oversized couch. Ginny licked her fingers and snuffed the wick in the lantern and pushed Harry onto the sofa.

"Now Ms. Weasley, I don't know if I should be doing this," he teased in between kisses. "After all I am a married man now, I don't think my wife would approve."

"What can I say," Ginny replied pulling her shirt over her head. "I like to live dangerously."


"What do you think they are doing in there?" Charlie asked his brothers as they saw the light go out in the tree house. They had stopped and turned around a couple hundred yards away.

"Well we know what they're not doing. You heard what Harry said and Ginny has always said she was going to wait," Bill answered.

"Well if she is going to go and marry some git, I'm glad that git is Harry," Fred stated.

"At least we know he will take care of her. Did you see all that luggage they brought home. If I was going to get all that stuff, hell, I would marry him," George joked.

"Come one, lets get going," Ron said to his brothers as he turned and started walking away, turning around only once to give a reproachful look back up at the tree house. "Hermione is probably fuming by now."

A/N Hope you enjoyed.... I like this chapter I thought it was funny but tell me what you guys think...I'm always open to make me want to update....
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