Categories > TV > Supernatural > Twinchesters Rewrite

Chapter 4

by FrankIsMySexGod 0 reviews

Hozzie's P.O.V

Category: Supernatural - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2016-03-06 - 2525 words

“Missing?” Sam asked me. I nodded my head and tears were coming out of my eyes. I got on well with Sam, so I supposed it was best to tell him rather than Dean. “Since when?” He asked.

“About 30 minutes after we got in. I tried to stop her but she knew what she wanted. So I decided to give her a bit of time before I told you guys but I must’ve fallen asleep. What if something’s happened to her?” I asked in fear.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get her back. I’m just going to tell Dean, okay?” He asked. Before I could even answer, he was out the door. I felt guilty as anything. It felt like 2 seconds since Sam left that Dean came storming back in.

“Where is she?” He asked, searching high and low for any sign of anything that could’ve taken her.

“I told you, Hozzie said she ran away.” Sam said.

“She did. I swear. She told me that she’d be back soon. Maybe even today but I can’t shake the feeling that something must’ve happened to her.” I said.

“Of course something’s happened to her. She’s gone off gallivanting without any proper training. Something’s gotta have happened to her.” Dean said. He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. “Okay, Sam, you take Hozzie and be careful with baby,” he said, handing Sam his keys. “I’ll ask around. See if anyone’s seen her. And for the love of god, don’t split up.” Dean ordered before he ran out. Sam and I looked at each other awkwardly. We both knew that as soon as Penina and Dean got reunited, not even hell itself could contain the wrath.

“Do you know anywhere that she might’ve gone to?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Not really. But then I don’t really know anywhere around here.” I answered truthfully. He nodded his head.

“Well, any types of places? What are her hobbies?” He asked.

“She loves music, so maybe a concert? But sometimes, on rare occasions, she likes getting drunk off her face so she doesn’t have to face stuff. Do you think that could’ve happened? She wouldn’t know her way back here.” I answered.

“That’s fine. We just have to look around those kinds of places.” Sam said. We hopped into the black Impala and we went on our way. We drove to any bar we could find, and it was almost empty.

“Do you think that maybe she just doesn’t want to be found?” I asked eventually. Sam looked at me sympathetically.

“Don’t say that. I may not know her /that/well but people don’t just run away from situations without wanting to go back home, you know? I ran away from my family once. Well, ran away from the whole ‘supernatural’ part of it. I went to Stanford, but in the end, I came back to this life. It was worth it in the end. I couldn’t really see myself being a lawyer.” He told me. I looked up at him.

“You were gonna be a lawyer?” I asked.

“Oh. Yeah. I had a girlfriend at the time actually. God. I loved her. Her name was Jess. She was absolutely incredible.” He said. I bit my lip. Something must’ve happened to her.

“Not anymore though?” I asked. He looked a bit sad at that. He gulped before deciding to tell me more.

“Dean came to find me one day when dad was missing for a whole week. When I came back, I found her dying the same way that our mother did when I was just a baby. Burned on the ceiling by a yellow-eyed demon.”

“Shit. Sorry to hear that.” I told him. He smiled half-heartedly and shrugged.

“It was a long time ago. I’m over it as much as I can be.” He said. We were in the car as Sam was driving around to find one last bar before we headed to a concert venue when Sam’s phone rang. He put it on speaker phone. “Dean? You’re on speaker.”

“Listen, I’m at the Cat’s Den Bar just 5 minutes away from the motel. I think I found something. Video footage at t the bar. She was here at about 1 this morning and then the camera’s flickered off.” Dean said. I started getting really scared whereas Sam stayed calm, but he sighed in stress.

“Demon?” He asked.

”Oh yeah, and get this; she had a hell of a lot of drinks.” Dean said. Sam and I furrowed our eyebrows.

“What does that have to do with anything?” I asked, getting rather confused.

“Listen, I don’t know about in England, but in America she’s underage. So when we find her, I’m gonna kill her.” Dean said. Sam groaned.

“Dean, promise me you won’t do or say anything, just get back to the motel now. We need to think up a plan.” Sam said.

”Fine, but I’m not happy about this, Sammy. I don’t thi-“ Dean started before the line went dead.

“Dean?” Sam asked worriedly. “Crap. Okay, I’m gonna drop you off at the motel and find footage of anything around the bar.”

“What? No. No offence, Sam. I originally would have done, but if you don’t recall, both my sister and my brother have been kidnapped by a demon. Just let me help!” I begged. Sam sighed.

“Fine. You can be on the lookout, but you have to stay in the car. I’m serious. If you see anything, honk the horn.” He instructed. I nodded my head.

“Okay.” I said. We sped to the bar and I was looking out for anything suspicious while Sam collected anything he could find. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. Nothing happened though, and eventually Sam climbed back into the car. He told me to look at the CCTV and what to look for. We got back to the motel in record time, though, where I was watching hours upon hours of footage.

“Anything yet?” Sam asked. He was looking through the other half of the footage. I shook my head. Then I spotted something. I didn’t see the guys face, but I saw Penina. She was walking, almost voluntarily with the man.

“Wait. I think I found something. But- she can’t have done.” I said. Sam looked over my shoulder as I replayed what I saw. Sam’s eyebrows creased.

“What? If it’s a demon then why is she...? Unless she doesn’t know he’s a demon. Good job, Hozzie.” Sam said, picking up the keys to the car.

“Wait, we don’t even know where he’s taken her.” I said.

“I was looking it up when I was watching, and I think there’s only one place he could have taken her.” He said, putting on his jacket.

“Where?” I asked, whilst putting on mine.

“There’s this abandoned warehouse nearby.” He said. I groaned.

“Why is it always an abandoned warehouse?” I asked, making him smile slightly. We ran to the car and drove to the warehouse. We parked relatively near, but not too close that they’d suspect us. Sam handed me a huge tub of salt. He explained to me that if I saw one I had to throw some salt at a demon.

“Okay, I’ll keep you safe. Don’t worry.” He whispered as we reached the door. We opened it and snuck in. There we saw Penina tied up and with bruises all around her. Dean had a black eye but was keeping the demon busy whilst tied to a chair. We still couldn’t see his face. Not that it mattered. He still noticed us.

“I see my other two children have joined me. What a nice little family reunion.” The demon said before turning around. It was unmistakably the face of our father. Only his eyes were black. I gasped and stepped closer to Sam, who lowered his gun.

“Dad?” Sam asked, almost deflated.

“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt a pretty little hair on any of your heads. Let’s just have a chat.” He suggested. Sam shook his head and held his gun up again.

“No.” Sam roared. “Let them go.” Sam ordered. Before dad could reply, Dean somehow managed to get the rope off his wrists and attack him. I don’t know what happened. It was all a bit of a blur. All I know is that while Sam and Dean were having a wrestling match with dad, I untied Penina. She looked at me gratefully, but I could see the fear in her eyes.

“This isn’t quite the hangover I was expecting.” She joked. I rolled my eyes and walked her to the car. As we were making our way through the door, a heap of black smoke made its way outside and into thin air. Dean and Sam helped us into the car and that’s when it all started.

“How dare you disobey me and Sam. We’ve done everything we could for you since we found you...” Dean ranted, going off on a bit of a tangent.

“I didn’t even disobey you! You never told me not to go out on the piss did you?” Penina asked.

“What does that even mean?” Dean asked angrily, not understanding her British slang.

“Guys, stop it!” Sam interjected.

“No. He’s a massive dick. He has been from the start. I just wanna go back to my old life no matter how shit it was, because it’s not as shit as spending time with him!” She snapped.

I knew from the moment she said it she instantly regretted it. She bit her lip, but didn’t apologise. It would’ve just made it even more uncomfortable than it already was. They just needed a bit of time to cool off. So when we got back to the motel, we instantly went to our rooms, although Sam was keeping a close eye on Penina in case she ran away again, so he kept popping in every five to ten minutes.

“So, dad’s a demon. Never thought I’d see that in my lifetime.” I said, attempting some small talk. She just had a single tear rolling down her cheek. She smiled politely and nodded her head.

“Yeah. Well to be honest I was kind of happy thinking I might never see him again. So this is just the icing on the cake.” She said tearfully.

“Penina, it’s been a couple of hours. You can apologise now, I’m sure.” I said. She shook her head.

“I know, but I still meant it. I must’ve done, right? Otherwise it wouldn’t have just shot out of my mouth like that.” She said.

“Or maybe you’re just saying what you think you want to mean if that makes sense? For instance, remember that time when you were with Lola the teaching assistant, and she was joking about your undying love for Eric? Even though you knew it was true you kept on insisting that it wasn’t?” I said. She let out a breath of laughter.

“That was totally different though. He was my teacher. It’s so embarrassing.” She said.

“But you only said you didn’t because you knew that it would be awkward if you admitted it. So you only said something you thought you wanted to be true at the time.” I told her. She nodded her head.

“Yeah. You’re right. Okay, I’m gonna go apologise. But can you come with me?” She asked. I smiled at her and hopped up. She begrudgingly got off of her bed and trudged towards the boys’ door. She knocked on it and Sam answered.

“Come in.” He said, smiling at us. I sat next to him in the corner of the room to try and give them as much privacy as possible.

“M’sorry.” She mumbled. Dean held up his hand in defeat.

“No. I am. I know you were in a vulnerable state and I snapped. Okay? But you gotta realise, both of you, that I care a hell of a damn lot about you. So seeing you get hurt when there was something I could’ve done kills me. I’ve already lost 19 years with you. It sucks. I just wanna make it up to you guys but in the safest way possible.” He said.

“I’m sorry for disobeying you by going out on my own. The truth is though; I’m not a little girl anymore. Hozzie isn’t either. We’re not gonna grow or be successful at anything if you shelter us away from the bad. Believe me, it’s impossible. If you wanna train us, that’s fine. But then you’re gonna have to let us be hunters. Because if you don’t, then no offence, but I don’t see the point in staying with you guys.” She said. Dean looked broken hearted at that comment. I’m not sure why though. To me, what Penina was saying made perfect sense.

“Penina, there’s something you need to know about being a hunter.” He said.

“What?” She asked, sitting down opposite him on the bed. He sighed, as if he was about to tell her some bad news.

“I’ve been a hunter my whole life, and not once have I seen a grey-haired one.” He answered. Penina nodded her head, contemplating something in her mind.

“Yeah, but if it helps people who aren’t hunters turn grey, then isn’t it worth it?” She asked. Dean smiled and gave her a hug.

“Yeah, that’s kinda the point.” He said. Sam and I smiled at each other, glad that their feud seemed behind them.

“So, who wants food? I’m starving.” Sam said.

“Ooh, me!” I agreed.

“Okay, we’ll get something on the way back.” Dean said.

“What? We’re leaving already?” Penina asked.

“Yeah, what about your friend and the vampires?” I asked.

“We’ve already helped some, and Charlie will understand. She’s a good hunter, I’ll give her that.” Dean said. “Plus, I want burgers and a good night’s sleep.”

“Ditto.” Sam said. We all packed our things and piled into the car. We were on our way back when Dean got a call from Castiel, waking up me and Penina.

“Hey Cas.” Dean said.

”Dean, someone’s at the door.” Castiel said.

“Okay, so go answer it.” Dean instructed.

“I already did, Dean. He said he wants to talk to you.”

“Who?” Dean asked.

”It’s Bobby.” Castiel answered. I didn’t know who he was, but Sam and Dean looked shocked. All I knew was that we were in for one wild ride with the Winchester brothers.
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