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by museumdebtor6 0 reviews

I come fromBolivia

Category: 6teen - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2016-03-18 - 556 words


As for me I hate sub reports more than anything in the world and accordingly I always do my best to avoid using them in my everyday business reporting. But recently my closer friend has given me a worthy piece of advice regarding the use of these naughty sub reports. Of course I?m very grateful to get such a valuable advice from my friend. To say the truth I?ve been very close to giving up using sub reports. But now I know for sure how one should use them in reporting.

I should say that special field, graphics and logos can be successfully inserted into a sub report. Then you can add this sub report to your main one of course. In this case your performance hit will be minimal. Moreover you?ll shave off a small amount from your development time. Additionally you can use this option to proceed with standardizing your reports. But the greatest benefit arises when it comes to updating your corporate logo. It applies to your color as well. So you know that a sub report can be set to re-importing when opening. In this case a sub report format editor is used. You only need to change one sub report during the entire procedure.

As you know very often there?s an urgent need to show data summarized by some conflicting groups. For instance you may require showing your total sales for every week. Certainly you also require demonstrating your totals per team within a month.

You can efficiently use sub reports for the purpose of loading your data and grouping it by its second value. In most cases sub reports are used like this. You?d better give up accessing the database once again. It would be your waste of resources.

Loading information into several arrays and certainly passing them through your sub reports is very efficient to my mind. This way you can easily group and format information. You can also try displaying the array in your main report. Of course in this case you needn?t using a sub report. But anyway sooner or later you?ll have to report huge amounts of data and accordingly you?ll benefit from sub reports anyway.

By the way reports highlighting sales reps as well as nation office sales need absolutely different tables. I suggest that the most effective way to tackle this problem is to make a sub report for every case. To summarize the value of all mentioned above we can say that sub reports are really able to slow down your general performance. But on the other hand when being used in the proper way they can be a very helpful tool. With this tool you can significantly expand your Crystal Reports functionality.

Nowadays our world is the world of modern technologies. These days the more your business is automated, the better, particularly in respect of Reporting Services. Reporting is a very helpful thing. So if you need to automate your reporting activities, you might think of using SSRS solution. Automated reporting will help minimizing repetitive tasks and saving time and money. Check out this SQL Server Reporting Services site to get more details.

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