Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (joel & Benji Madden plus others)

pt 27 Q&A

by Reign_Madden 0 reviews

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Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2006-08-24 - Updated: 2006-08-24 - 2146 words

After you left a message on Robyn's answer machine, you go into the living room and look around. It looked nice enough, there we're quite a few photos on the wall, but it was difficult to tell whom the house belonged to. You settle yourself on the couch switching the TV off standby and absent-mindedly flick through the channels.
Your thoughts drift to Benji and how much you miss him, you can't wait to get home and hear about LA and you wonder if they know where you are.
Just then the front door opens and you hear voices in the hallway. You sit bolt upright, eyes wide you're not sure why but your heart is pounding against your ribcage.

'Good afternoon sunshine' a guy with scraggily black hair, greets you coming into the living room and sitting in the armchair to your right.
'Alright you're a wake, about time.' Another guy with a nose ring and a lip piercing says sitting right next to you on the couch.
'Frankie don't crowd her man, can't you see she's scared' a guy with wild curly hair says settling on the floor.
He was right you were scared, you were sure they could hear your heart beating. You look at each of the guys individually and they were looking right back at you, What an odd bunch of guys?
'Don't look so scared I'll introduce us' the guy in the armchair says sitting up and breaking the silence.
'I'm Gerard Way, the guy sitting next to you is Frankie Iero, The curly haired monster in the corner is Ray Toro. The guy from yesterday in the glasses is my little brother Mikey.' He explains
You don't say anything but just sort of smile awkwardly. This is crazy.
You sit there starring at each other; this was so weird and really really uncomfortable.
'Can I ask you a question?' you say finding your voice
'Sure fire away' Gerard smiles encouragingly.
'I'm still in New Jersey right?' you thought you were but now you weren't so sure.
'Yep you're in Belleville' he says
'Ok whose house is this?'
'This house belongs to Frankie, but we all live here.' He says taking a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.
'How did I hurt myself'? You question.
'You got hit by a car'
'About eight days ago'
'Do my family know I'm here?'
'No. I found two numbers in your bag and called them both, the first one ending 546, a lady answered and said that the people who lived there moved out.' Gerard explained.
'What? Are you sure coz that's my house number.' You reply slightly confused.
'Positive the second number, kept going to answer machine so I left like a hundred messages.' He says
'No there would be no answer at that number, Kelly's in Europe I was visiting her.' You say quietly.
You settle back against the soft couch and take everything in. Eight days was a long time, why did they move out of the apartment? They didn't even know you were here. Thank God you left a message on Robin's answer machine.

'How did this happen?' you ask Gerard. He looked really withdrawn and for a second you didn't think he was going to answer. He clears his throat and starts talking.
'I don't know what you were doing walking around the streets that night, but we, Mikey, Frankie and I were going home. We had been drinking a lot and were messing around in the road. It was really dark and I was under the influence I didn't see it coming...'
'Oh my God' you shout interrupting Gerard, sitting upright and clutching your head.
'I remember I was lost and then there was an alleyway, these three guys were playing in the road, it was dark...'
'And you' you shout pointing at Frankie 'you pushed Gerard and he fell down and there was an old lady, what was her name?' you continue babbling to yourself ignoring the wide-eyed stares of the strangers in front of as your memory comes flooding back.
'Edna' you exclaim loudly shaking Frankie 'Her name was Edna I was helping her home and I got lost, I was trying to find the bus station to go home and meet Benji. But then I saw you guys and you, you Gerard you didn't see it but I did and I ran at you...' you cry trying to remember what happened next.
'And you pushed me out of the way of the car, saving my life' Gerard finishes for you.
No one said anything; you looked down at your body really seeing your injuries for the first time. Everything was all falling into place and it was overwhelming. No one knew you were here. You were in a house full of strange men, your body ached and you had missed out on eight days of your life. You try not to but it's too much to take in you burst into tears. So many emotions were flowing through you.
'Aww don't cry kid, it's gonna be okay' you feel an arm around your shoulders and you lean against Frankie's chest welcoming the comfort.

Kara's p.o.v

I had called about six of the hospitals before I found the right one. I spoke to the nurse who said she dealt personally with Reign Mercer. She told me exactly what happened and gave me the address of where she was staying.
I looked at the computer screen where I had begun typing Reign's letter to Benji. I was starting to get second thoughts; did I really want to do this? I sat and thought about it for a while. Since she had been gone Joel was much more into me and I liked it. He wasn't confiding in me like he did with her but to be honest I didn't want to hear him moaning about his life, I just wanted sex and gifts.
When she was around he always sided with her or agreed with everything she said I hated their "special bond".

Flash back Halloween '98

'Joel what are you wearing? That's not the costume we decided.' I cried looking at Joel's costume.
'Oh yeah, I know but when I went shopping with Reign we saw these awesome Jack and Sally outfits and we decided to get them.' He said
Just then Billy and Benji walked in wearing their costumes they were dressed as Batman and Robin.
'I don't see why I couldn't be batman' Billy whined looking down at his own costume.
'We've been over this Billy, your too small to fit in the costume, Batman was broad and muscular, not skinny and scrawny.' Benji said laughing.
'Your not muscular your chubby.' Billy replied jokingly.
'Take that back man' Benji cried launching himself at Billy and getting him in a headlock.
'Oww Benji, that's my head' Billy said stamping his feet trying to wiggle out of Benji's grip.
'Joel please change your costume, we we're supposed to be Romeo and Juliet.' I said holding his hand, while Billy and Benji wrestled behind us.
'I know, but this costume suits me so much more don't you think, I don't look good in tights' he replied kissing me.
'I'm your girlfriend, our costumes are supposed to match' I moaned childishly.
'Says who? Benji and Reign won't be matching' he asked holding me close.
'Says me, I want us to match not you and Rei...'
Just then Reign walked in the room dressed as Sally.
'Hey there Sally' Joel said leaving me mid-sentence
'Good evening Jack, you look very handsome' she said straightening Joel's collar.
'Hey Kara you look really nice' she said throwing me a smile.
'Thanks' I replied not bothering to comment on her outfit.
'Don't mind Kara, she's pissed coz I won't change costumes and go as Romeo.' Joel explained.
'Oh, If you want Kara, we can switch costumes. We both know Joel isn't going to wear tights, I don't mind trading with you.' Reign offered.
'See honey, Reigns offering to trade' he said walking over to me. 'That's why she's my best friend; she'd do anything to save me from the embarrassment of wearing tights. Isn't that right Reign?' he said over his shoulder.
'I've got nothing but love for you Joel.' Reign said fixing her hair in the mirror.
'See go trade with her, then everyone's happy, I won't have to wear tights and our costumes will match' he said smiling.
I'd never admit it but I guess I was a little jealous of their bond they were really close. It was like they had their own world, it always made my blood boil.
'No thanks, I'd wouldn't be caught dead wearing something that's she's already worn.' I said bitterly shooting Reign a nasty look.
Reign stopped fiddling with her hair and glared at me.
'Fuck you Kara next time I won't bother offering' Reign said angrily 'Come on Batman and Robin lets go.' She said leaving the room.
'Why'd you have to talk to her like that?' Joel asked when everyone had left I could see he was getting angry.
'She offered you her costume and you threw it in her face' he continued.
'I don't need anything from her.' I retorted.
'Sometimes I just don't get you Kara, you can be such a bitch maybe you should hang out with Reign more, with any luck she'll rub off on you.' And with that he left, closing the door behind him.

Present 2000

'Fuck it' I said out loud. Joel's gets a letter too. He'll be so hurt and torn up about it and I'll be there to pick up the pieces. I finished typing up Reign's letter and started on her one to Joel.

New Jersey
Normal p.o.v

You don't remember falling asleep, but when you wake up the living room is empty and the TV is off. You feel much better now you've slept and decide to make an effort to get to know the guys, after all they did take you in. You walk over to the stereo and rifle through the CD collection. A familiar album cover catches your eye, you'd seen it before but you couldn't remember where. You take the CD out of the case and play it. You close the case and study the cover.
My Chemical Romance- I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. You listen for a while the songs sound really familiar, you stand there thinking and listening to the guitar and the vocals before it dawns on you. You heard this band before at Kelly's apartment on New Year's Eve. You let the music play while you tidy the sofa where you had slept moments before. Your not one for snooping but you decide to have a look around. You take your time climbing the stairs and walk along the hall to the last bedroom.
You push open the door, and hobble in. The two beds that occupied the room where littered with clothes and magazine were on the floor. There were two guitar cases in the corner standing side by side.
You go into the room next door, this room has a double bed; a desk with a computer and you spot another guitar. You sit down at the desk resting your leg as it was throbbing inside the cast causing you discomfort.
You switch on the computer, it feels like so long ago since you read the news or even surfed the net. You feel so out of touch with everything.
You go online and read the news, nothing eventful happened in the last eight days. You mess around, reading your horoscope and other news websites.
You know it's stupid but you decide to type Good Charlotte into Google. As you expected nothing comes up. After all there album had only been out for two days if you remember correctly.
You click the history link on the computer, you know it's nosy but you can't help it. Whoever this room belonged to looked mostly at music sites and porn. You carry on scanning the history page when you see a link for My Chemical Romance. You click the link and wait for it to load.
'Holy shit, no fucking way' you exclaim loudly. The screen loads and you can't believe your eyes. Gerard, Mikey, Frankie, Ray and some other guy you don't recognise are on the screen.
You shake your head in disbelief giving yourself a head rush. You read the page before going to Google and typing in the band name. You're amazed at the amount of links that come up most of them were fan sites. You're in a famous bands house. You spend the next two hours reading and learning about the guys who took you in.
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