Categories > Original > Drama > The Talent Expedition
2 years have passed, and both Jacob and Serena are 11 years old still living in the same places. Both haven't seen each other since the recital 2 years ago, and Jacob almost forgot about it. Serena remembers, but doesn't think about it anymore since it has been so long.
"Grandmother, do you think something fairly odd will happen today?" asked Serena in the kitchen.
"Why do you ask?" responded her grandmother.
Serena looked out the window. "The smoke in the distance; the forest."
Her grandmother walked over to the window Serena was at, abandoning her vegetable cutting.
The forest just close enough to see the tips of the trees looked disturbed in a way. There was a slight smoke, but noticeable enough to have concern over it. It soon got bigger and bigger, and trees were being seen knocked down.
"Some sort of tragedy," said her grandmother, as she walked towards the front door to open it. "Do you want to come to the forest with me to check it out?" she asked, tilting her head at Serena.
Serena's eyes lit up. "For an investigation, yes," she said, proudly.
Her grandmother opened the door without taking her eyes off of her. Although, the second she opened it, wind rushed in and there were loud screams from people. Serena shrugged as she ran outside with her grandmother. The door closed with a slam as both of them ran to the crowd.
What they saw was beyond belief. Smoke was rushing in to the crowd, and the forest trees were knocked down and destroyed.
"Is it some sort of disaster?" yelled Serena, trying to get her grandmother's attention. Her grandmother did not hear it because she was not there. The crowd was advancing towards downtown London for some strange reason. Serena stayed put, calling out to her grandmother. Then she saw her grandmother in the forest.
Serena ran unprepared, for she did not expect such an outcome of this. When the two finally reunited, her grandmother told her everything.
"I heard people saying that the queen was assassinated," she said.
Serena gasped. "That explains the smoke and the people running around!"
The two started to run in the forest, seeing some cottages destroyed, families coming out, coughing from the smoke. The trail of footprints were visible; 4 big footprints every foot or two. They followed them until the became invisible.
"Well that doesn't make any sense," said Serena. "Where are they?"
"You are an 11-year old school girl, not some 30-year old cop. Let us look around. Maybe we will find the queen," said her grandmother.
Just then, a net caught them, and they were lifted up in the air, stuck and dreadfully uncomfortable. Two men who had a look of evil on them slowly approached them, smirking.
"Well, look at our first slaves," said the first man. "The day has come; our empire has grown stronger."
The second said, "Let's take them back to Belgium."
"Wait," said the first one again. "Let us see if we can get anyone else. What are your names?"
"Serena," said Serena.
Her grandmother shouted, "Don't say your names. They are luring you in!"
The second guy came up to her with a knife close to her neck. She stayed silent, still in the net.
The guy with the knife said, "Do you want to do this the hard way?"
Serena's grandmother didn't waste another second trying to say her name.
"Gertrude," she said as the guy stepped back and returned his knife. The two men started to whisper to each other while still looking at them caught in the net.
Then the first one said, "Do you know anyone, kind of famous, that you have heard about? We just need to know about that person to see if they meet our high requirements. We will let you go if you tell us. There is no other way."
Serena was still thinking. To trick them, she needed to say someone who wasn't famous, who couldn't pass their so-called, requirements. Then she thought of Jacob.
"Jacob Sulfur," she shouted at them. "That's who. Now can you let us go?"
The two smirked as they made a note of that and walked towards the net. They used their knives to cut the rope and confine their hands with the excess rope.
"Hey!" said Serena, as rope was tightened around her wrists behind her back.
Gertrude leaned into her ear. "This is what they are expecting of you. Just do as they say but don't lower your standards."
The first man explained, "We are going to 'get' your precious little Jacob. By get, I mean kill." Serena started to scream. "We are starting our own secret civilization in Belgium that kills famous people. We are killing the queen here in London, and we are killing Jacob Sulfur."
With that, they were taken away to a harbor where they got a ride on their secret rowboat back to Belgium for them to work on their property as slaves. Both Serena and Gertrude got to Belgium in a matter of 2 days and started working on that property day and night. They were kidnapped for a matter of working, as Serena liked to think of it, but they were always cooking the food, preparing the crops, stablizing the house, and readying the platform for hanging people. The first to be hung was the queen, and that was done so the first day they arrived for work.
The two men were usually out in the forest preparing things and checked on them every once in a while during the days. On times where they would travel out of the country, they were ordered to stay and work or else hunting them down and hanging them would be in order. Serena and Gertrude took this seriously, and worked without hesitation.
"Grandmother, do you think something fairly odd will happen today?" asked Serena in the kitchen.
"Why do you ask?" responded her grandmother.
Serena looked out the window. "The smoke in the distance; the forest."
Her grandmother walked over to the window Serena was at, abandoning her vegetable cutting.
The forest just close enough to see the tips of the trees looked disturbed in a way. There was a slight smoke, but noticeable enough to have concern over it. It soon got bigger and bigger, and trees were being seen knocked down.
"Some sort of tragedy," said her grandmother, as she walked towards the front door to open it. "Do you want to come to the forest with me to check it out?" she asked, tilting her head at Serena.
Serena's eyes lit up. "For an investigation, yes," she said, proudly.
Her grandmother opened the door without taking her eyes off of her. Although, the second she opened it, wind rushed in and there were loud screams from people. Serena shrugged as she ran outside with her grandmother. The door closed with a slam as both of them ran to the crowd.
What they saw was beyond belief. Smoke was rushing in to the crowd, and the forest trees were knocked down and destroyed.
"Is it some sort of disaster?" yelled Serena, trying to get her grandmother's attention. Her grandmother did not hear it because she was not there. The crowd was advancing towards downtown London for some strange reason. Serena stayed put, calling out to her grandmother. Then she saw her grandmother in the forest.
Serena ran unprepared, for she did not expect such an outcome of this. When the two finally reunited, her grandmother told her everything.
"I heard people saying that the queen was assassinated," she said.
Serena gasped. "That explains the smoke and the people running around!"
The two started to run in the forest, seeing some cottages destroyed, families coming out, coughing from the smoke. The trail of footprints were visible; 4 big footprints every foot or two. They followed them until the became invisible.
"Well that doesn't make any sense," said Serena. "Where are they?"
"You are an 11-year old school girl, not some 30-year old cop. Let us look around. Maybe we will find the queen," said her grandmother.
Just then, a net caught them, and they were lifted up in the air, stuck and dreadfully uncomfortable. Two men who had a look of evil on them slowly approached them, smirking.
"Well, look at our first slaves," said the first man. "The day has come; our empire has grown stronger."
The second said, "Let's take them back to Belgium."
"Wait," said the first one again. "Let us see if we can get anyone else. What are your names?"
"Serena," said Serena.
Her grandmother shouted, "Don't say your names. They are luring you in!"
The second guy came up to her with a knife close to her neck. She stayed silent, still in the net.
The guy with the knife said, "Do you want to do this the hard way?"
Serena's grandmother didn't waste another second trying to say her name.
"Gertrude," she said as the guy stepped back and returned his knife. The two men started to whisper to each other while still looking at them caught in the net.
Then the first one said, "Do you know anyone, kind of famous, that you have heard about? We just need to know about that person to see if they meet our high requirements. We will let you go if you tell us. There is no other way."
Serena was still thinking. To trick them, she needed to say someone who wasn't famous, who couldn't pass their so-called, requirements. Then she thought of Jacob.
"Jacob Sulfur," she shouted at them. "That's who. Now can you let us go?"
The two smirked as they made a note of that and walked towards the net. They used their knives to cut the rope and confine their hands with the excess rope.
"Hey!" said Serena, as rope was tightened around her wrists behind her back.
Gertrude leaned into her ear. "This is what they are expecting of you. Just do as they say but don't lower your standards."
The first man explained, "We are going to 'get' your precious little Jacob. By get, I mean kill." Serena started to scream. "We are starting our own secret civilization in Belgium that kills famous people. We are killing the queen here in London, and we are killing Jacob Sulfur."
With that, they were taken away to a harbor where they got a ride on their secret rowboat back to Belgium for them to work on their property as slaves. Both Serena and Gertrude got to Belgium in a matter of 2 days and started working on that property day and night. They were kidnapped for a matter of working, as Serena liked to think of it, but they were always cooking the food, preparing the crops, stablizing the house, and readying the platform for hanging people. The first to be hung was the queen, and that was done so the first day they arrived for work.
The two men were usually out in the forest preparing things and checked on them every once in a while during the days. On times where they would travel out of the country, they were ordered to stay and work or else hunting them down and hanging them would be in order. Serena and Gertrude took this seriously, and worked without hesitation.
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