Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Why all the teasing ?

In a dream.

by book-worm 3 reviews

Archie finds out where Atlanta is through a dream. Is it a trap? Is she really there?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Published: 2006-08-25 - Updated: 2006-08-25 - 477 words

Archie tossed and turned. He was having a nightmare.

Or was it a nightmare?

He saw Atlanta. She was alive! Tied up and not looking all that well, but she

was still alive. She looked like she was in some warehouse. He blinked and he

was now outside the warehouse. There was a number on the building. 4326. He

blinked again and everything was replaced by total darkness.

Archie woke up. He was back in his bedroom.

Why did he have that dream? Was it true? Was Atlanta still alive and in

that warehouse. He didn't have a sixth sense like Theresa so why was he

getting this dream. "Maybe it's just all in my head," he thought sadly. And

he tried to fall a sleep again. But sleep wouldn't come to him. He kept thinking

about his dream. Would it hurt to check it out? He knew there were three

warehouses in this town and they were all in the same area. 4326. Was that the

warehouse Atlanta was in? Maybe he should check it out.

His first instinct was to tell Jay, and get the team to look for Atlanta

there . But the last thing he needed was for everyone to find the warehouse in the

middle of the night, only to find it empty, and have everyone mad at him

for waking them up for no reason. So that was out of the question.

Maybe he could just check it out himself. And if Atlanta was there he

could go back and tell the others. And if she wasn't there he could come

back here without anyone knowing about him sneaking out.

But what if it was a trap? He wouldn't be able to contact Jay and tell him

where he was. So what if he left them a note?...

Archie grabbed a pen and paper and wrote...

Jay, Theresa, Odie, Herry, Neil,

I think I know where Atlanta is. I don't know if she's really

there so I went to check it out. If you're reading this I've most likely been

caught and won't be able to contact you or I've found Atlanta and will be waiting

for you there. If you are reading this then the first place you should look is at

warehouse #4326. I think Atlanta's there.


After finishing the note, he gathered his whip, and PMR(You never know it

might suddenly work). Then quietly he snuck into Atlanta's room and

grabbed her bolas(she might need a weapon too if she's there).

Then he put the note on his desk, and very quietly, tip-toed down the hall

and snuck out the front door.

He knew Jay would probably kill him for what he was doing. But this was for

Atlanta's sake. IF she was at the warehouse.

"Warehouse# 4326," he thought, "I hope you're there, Atlanta."

And so off he went.

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