Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Last Stand

Avada Kedavra

by Hige 1 review

What happens when harry uses the Avada Kedavra on Voldemort at the last battle

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2006-08-25 - Updated: 2006-08-25 - 1170 words

Last time:


It didn't work.


Shit. ShitShitShitShitShitShitShitShitShitShitShitShit.

What am I supposed to do?

Peace offering?

Bloody Hell

"Avada Kedavra."

There we go now, there is the green smoke that we all love and hate...

Smoke? Oh gods... It didn't work again.

I can hear Voldemort laughing at my pathetic attempts to kill him. Alright, What the hell was the Wizarding world thinking when they thought a 18 year old boy would be able to kill one of the most powerful Dark Lords in the last century... how stupid can they be?

You can teach a kid how to use and shoot a fun but you can't teach a kid how to kill someone else unless you put the kid in a middle of a battle field. But no, they refused to let me go into battle saying I was too important for the 'minor' battles. So my only job was to kill this bastard... No, experience with this curse... they wouldn't even let me try it on a rat. What type of dumbasses are they?!

"Avada Kedavra!"

God damn it! It STILL isn't working!

Voldemort seems to be getting a crack out of my truly pathetic attempts at the killing curse.

Come on, what does he expect form a kid he tried killing off when he was a baby... why the hell couldn't he just have strangled me the muggle way. Then he would have already had the Wizarding World under his power and I wouldn't need to deal with this bullshit!

I wouldn't have had the damn stupid curse scar on my bloody forehead that everyone stares at. Even if he had to use the curse, why couldn't he have aimed it at my stomach or heart? That way I could have at least worn a shirt that could cover it up and no one can point at stare and ask stupid questions like...

"Are you really Harry Potter?"
No, I am actually the Easter Bunny, you see, I am under cover from a secret agency that wants to capture me and experiment on me, that's why I am wearing green contact lenses and a tattoo of a lighting bolt across my forehead so the Dark Forces can kill me first.

Who the hell would do that?

"Avada Kedavra!"

There we go... a little bit of green light, much better then the smoke.

Why would they let me go into battle before? Oh yes, I remember they wanted to protect me from seeing the horrors of war. Really? What the fuck we they thinking? Without experience how the hell will I kill this son-of-a-bitch?

How will they expect me to use this curse?

And nothing else will work on this bastard.

He made his skin into some sort of basilisk/dragon combination that stops most spells and bullets from working. The only spell that has no protection is the...

"Avada Kedavra!"


They hardly gave me a weapon, why couldn't one of the adults with battle experience try and off this idiot. It really shouldn't have been me.

I am just a damn kid whose only ambition is to be normal. I never wanted fame, I never wanted people to stare at me. I never wanted people to look like I am sort of famous idiot that should be pointed and gawked at all the time. I NEVER WANTED THAT!

"Avada Kedavra!!"

Why can't you just DIE!

I know that my face must look really pissed off and most likely red. Why is it that in movies it always seems like the good guys has such an easy time killing their bad guy?

How is it that they can do their job without hesitation? And why do they always seem so good looking as they do it?

What a pathetic hero I am.

I can't even kill the main bad guy. I can't even do my job.

You know who else can't do their job. Scrimgeour, the new minister, he is almost bas bad as the old one. The guy has been trying to get me to be his mascot since he has gotten into office. He thinks if I joined up on his cause more people would be on his side. What kind of crap strategy is that?

Using me as if I am not even a person. I am just some sort of toy the kids can pass around and when I am broken to just be thrown away?

No. I will not allow them to treat me like this. I won't let them forget about me once I have done my duty.

I will remind them every time that they see my scar, they will look at me and know that I was the one who saved their pathetic lives.

Their lives that they were too weak to save themselves. I will be the one who rescues everyone just to prove to them that I am stronger then they are.

I will be the 18 year old man who killed The Most Evil Dark Lord.

I will become the man who changed the world. For the better.

I will do it in any way possible.

I will change it in every way possible.

I won't let this pathetic world continue the way it has been.

What good guy would?

"Well, Harry Potter, boy-who-is-about-to-die, I believe its time we finish this once and for all, your pathetic attempts to kill me are about to end. Are you ready to die?"

I hate them.

"You know what? The first thing I am going to do after I kill you is to make sure no one can butcher my title like that."

It feels like a day has past but really it only was 2 min. has past.

Voldemort looks at me like I have gone crazy and maybe I have. One too many Avada Kedavra's have hit me I think.

"Those are you final words?"

"No, this is, Avada Kedavra."

I knew before I sent it out it would work, I am determined now. No one is going to mess with me again, I am not going to allow anyone to throw me away, they won't look at me with pity, but with honor or adoration. And if not that way then they will look at me with fear and hate. I will make them like that. I will control the pathetic Wizarding world. I hate them all but I care too much to let them stay the way they are.

Voldemort is dead.

Dumbledore is gone.

I am in control now.

Its time for the world to meet the new Harry Potter.


Well, in next part is the final part with Snape as the first character.

Not really slash but anyone can look at it in any way you want.

It's just what Snape is thinking while Harry is doing all this.

I am in the army so it takes some time for me to post stories up.

Sorry, but please review to tell me what you think.
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