Categories > TV > Law & Order: SVU > I missed you, Elliot Stabler

Chapter 12

by susanbensonstabler 1 review

It's been 11 years since Olivia Benson lost her daughter, Susan, to Child Services. Will she ever find Susan?

Category: Law & Order: SVU - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Olivia Benson - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2016-06-28 - 521 words - Complete

Chapter 12

Point of view of Susan Benson-Stabler

It's been almost 7 years since I almost died after Kathy shot me and Dad. Sara knew that Aunt Lex was the woman who was supposed to be her new mom the minute she walked into the squad room. She ran into Aunt Lex's arms and called her "Mom." Aunt Lex told Sara that she was her mom and that she would always be her little girl. I cried as I watched them hold each other. Sara has been my best friend since first grade and I want her to be happy like me. Mom and Dad got married on my 12th birthday on the beach. Mom looked so beautiful in her pale green sundress with a daisy tucked behind her left ear. Grandpa Don gave her away. Aunt Amanda, Aunt Lex, and Aunt Case were bridesmaids. I was maid of honor. Uncle Fin and Uncle Nick were Dad's best men. Dad couldn't take his eyes off Mom during the entire wedding. I've even begun dating a guy from my Honors World History class named Will Jameson. He looks at me the way Dad looks at Mom. I now have a 4-year-old adopted brother, Noah Porter Benson-Stabler. His mom Ellie is dead just like Sara's mom. Mom can't have any more kids after miscarrying twice but that doesn't stop her from spoiling both Noah and me. I still wear the silver locket she gave me when I was 11. I am considering applying to the same college Mom graduated from. I want to be close to my family. Richard came around after hearing that his mother shot his dad and little sister. He has been at boot camp for 4 months but calls and writes regularly. Maureen is expecting her own little one in 4 months. She is married to a really great guy named Daniel. Kathleen is dating a guy named Mitchell. Lizzie is attending college in Boston where she is studying science. Eli is now almost 13. He looks just like Dad. One day a week ago, a woman came to the precinct asking for Dad. Even though Dad was there, Uncle Nick told Dani Beck that he wasn't. When Dad came out of an interview room with Mom, he was shocked to see Dani glaring at him. I hid a smile as Dad told Dani that he was married to Mom. I could tell that Dani was pissed because of the way I saw her glaring at Mom. Yesterday, Mom told me that she is so proud of me becoming a beautiful young woman. I told her that I have Sara's mom to thank for bringing me back to her. Grace was the angel who told me I had to go back. Will is applying to Sienna College too. He doesn't want to be away from the girl he calls his Susan. I call him my Will. I love him so much. I only hope that I'll be as lucky as Mom and have children too.

Author's Note: This story is going to have a sequel. It will take place during and after Susan's college years.
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