Categories > Anime/Manga > Digimon > Missing Link

Chapter 2

by skittlesfairy 0 reviews

Things are starting to roll as those who were lost return home.

Category: Digimon - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Renamon, Rika, Takato - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-08-26 - Updated: 2006-08-27 - 3706 words

Only one person called him Gogglehead.......

"Rika!" Takato exclaimed. is that really you?" Rika asked the dazed Takato.

"Rika? Wow.......can't believe I found you so quick.......though I WAS looking for Henry....." Takato thought out loud.

"Argh! Stupid Gogglehead!!! I finally find you and you want to go see Henry!!!!" Rika spazzed at Takato.

"Actually........he was the only one I could find...." Takato began, but was cut off by a rampaging Rika.

"Do you know how long we all looked for you?!?!?! And then you go and show up on your own!!! After twenty years!!! You are so dead Gogglehead!!!!!!!" Rika shouted in Takato's ear.

Rika lunged for Takato's head, and Takato dodged nimbly out of the way.

"Rika........" Guilmon tugged on Rika's shirt trying to get her attention.

"What?!" Rika screamed at Guilmon, who hung his head sadly.

"I just wanted to know were Renamon was.........." Guilmon explained sadly.

"Rika! Apologize now!" Takato shouted angrily at the Super Model.

"Fine, I'm sorry Guilmon, Look I have to go, meet me in Shinjuku Park at Guilmon's old shed" Rika growled and stormed off.

"That didn't go quite like I planned.........." Takato muttered and walked back home.

"Takato is that you?" Mrs.Matsuki asked her son.

"Yah!" Takato yelled up the stairs.

Mrs.Matsuki came down the stairs to see her son sitting behind the till with his partner.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you just leave?" Mrs.Matsuki asked her son.

"Yah, but we ran into Rika and she told us to meet her at the park cause she said she would round everyone up for us." Takato explained.

"Ah.......Well then, you can help in the bakery......oh and Takato?" Mrs.Matsuki asked her son.

"Uh....yeh?" Takato asked nervously, he didn't like the look in his mothers eyes.

"Tomorrow we're going to get you registered in school" Mrs.Matsuki told him, grinning as she walked into the kitchen to help her husband make the days bread.

Takato was still in shock.


He went missing for twenty years, and what does his mother do like the next day after he's back? Send him to school. "Takatomon, how come you have to go to school?" Guilmon asked him as they sat at the till. "I have no clue...." Takato said, stunned.

His mother was going to send him to school...


"Oh, and Takato, since today is Sunday, and we'll only be open until 5, do you want to run an errand for me?" Mrs.Matsuki called from the kitchen.

"Where?" Takato asked, anything was better than staying here and waiting at the till.

"Just to the convenience store, You know the one by the park?" Mrs.Matsuki told her son.

"Alright.....what do you want me to get?" Takato asked, wandering into the kitchen, Guilmon not far behind.

"A carton of milk and a can of tomato sauce" Mrs.Matsuki said, handing her son the money.

"And try not to get into any trouble..." Mrs.Matsuki told Takato before he was completely out the door.

Takato and Guilmon walked slowly through the park, looking at all the changes that it had gone through over the years. It was so strange seeing all the changes that the city had gone through, because to Takato it felt like only a few days ago that he was kidnapped. "It's so different now......" Takato whispered. "I think the park looks funny......." Guilmon said happily to his partner. "Only you Guilmon.....only you...." Takato laughed. "Hey you! Gogglehead! You still owe me a battle!" An angry Karin shouted at Takato, closely followed by her digimon partner Gabumon. "Eeck! Let's go Guilmon! It's that crazy girl from yesterday!" Takato shouted at his partner, and they took off, leaving Karin and Gabumon in their dust. "Karin.......I know this may strange to you, but I don't think they want to fight" Gabumon said calmly as her partner ranted about stupid goggleheads. "...................I think we lost em Guilmon, she reminds me WAY to much of Rika....." Takato panted as he and Guilmon stepped into the bakery.

"Takatomon.....why don't we fight? We would win!" Guilmon said as his human partner handed his mother the milk and tomato sauce.

"I know we could win but I don't want to fight, we shouldn't fight other Tamers, it isn't right" Takato said sadly as he sat behind the till and waited for a customer to buy something.

This went on all day, until it was time for them to close up shop.

"Mom, me and Guilmon are going to the park to meet Rika and the others k?" Takato said hurriedly as he and Guilmon dashed out the door.

Takato and Guilmon ran as quickly as they could, slowing down when they reached Guilmon's old hut.

They hid in some bushes, eavesdropping on the few original Tamers who had already arrived.

"I always knew Rika was loopy, but now she thinks she's found Takato, I mean Chumly has been gone for twenty years! If we were gonna find him, we would have found him already!" Kazu said angrily.

"I don't know.....I think she was telling the truth..." Henry said thoughtfully.

"I have to agree with Kazu on this one Henry...." Ryo said doubtfully.

"When IS Rika going to get here?" Jeri asked, looking around the small group of people and Digimon.

"Right here......" Rika growled.

"Hello boys, Jeri" Renamon greeted the startled Tamers.

"So where is he?" Kazu asked impatiently.

"What's wrong with you?" Jeri asked the cranky man.

"I have WAY to many papers to grade tonight" Kazu explained, rubbing his temples.

Takato couldn't help himself, he began to laugh, and fell out from behind the bushes he was hiding behind.

"Kazu.......a.........teacher......" Takato managed to laugh out.

"Chumly?" Kazu asked, disbelievingly.

Takato managed to pull himself together and stood up beside Guilmon who had emerged from his hiding spot when his Tamer had fallen out laughing.

"The one and only!" Takato said merrily.

"But how? You haven't aged....or anything!" Henry exclaimed amazed.

"I dunno.......same thing happened to the others......I think some one or something is behind it......." Takato said mysteriously.

"The others?" Ryo asked, not quite sure who Takato was talking about.

" would NEVER believe me...." Takato began.

"Takato, you've been missing for twenty years and have not aged a day. I don't think you can wow me anymore today." Henry pointed out.

"I was with Tai, Matt, Davis and Ken.............." Takato rushed his words, looking at the ground.

"You were with the Digidestined?!?!?!" Kazu shouted, totally freaking.

"You where with the Digidestined, HA! Gogglehead, I think you have your goggles on to tight" Rika scoffed.

"Takatomon......those weird people asked if we were Digidestined" Guilmon said, claw on his chin, thinking back to when Takato and him had been found.

"Your serious.......THIS IS SO COOL!!!!" Kazu shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Kazu, your thirty and you still act like your 13" Jeri laughed.

"Takato you said something about Someone being behind all of this, what did you mean?" Ryo asked, wanting to get the low down on a possible threat.

"Well, me and Guilmon were going to fight a digimon because a digital fog had appeared, but before we could fight back we were kidnapped by a Diaboromon, after that I can't really remember much...." Takato admitted.

"Do you think some one is behind this? And why would they only take Takato? If what he says is true, Diaboromon took two people from each group, so why only Takato?" Henry pondered.

"It doesn't make any sense........" Jeri agreed.

"Life just got a lot more complicated......" Kazu said.

"What time is it? Crap!" Ryo yelled, getting ready to run, as he was late to get home to his wife Izumi.

"Hold it! You bunch aren't going any where until I get some explanations!" A figure yelled, snapping the old Tamers attention to her.

"Arg! Not you again! What are you doing stalking me?!" Takato screamed in frustration.

"Ha! Like I would stalk you Gogglehead! I want answers and I want my battle!!!" Karin screamed at the Tamers.

"Battle?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Never mind.....she thinks she's the Digimon Queen and she challenged me to a fight earlier....." Takato mumbled.

While everyone was fighting Guilmon had decided he wanted to make friends with Gabumon.

"Hi! How come your Tamer always wants to fight?" Guilmon asked Gabumon.

"To become the best you must beat the best!" Gabumon recited.

"Not so, with a strong bond you do not need data, or much skill to become strong" Renamon said, phasing in front of Gabumon and successfully freaking her out.

"Ahhh! Don't do that!!!!! And who are you to tell me how to fight?" Gabumon asked once she had gotten her breath back.

"Can you reach your mega form?" Renamon asked, not answering Gabumons question.

"No, can you?" Gabumon answered.

"Yes, quite easily actually, as can Cyberdramon, Terriermon and Guilmon here" Renamon stated, growing vexed with this stupid Gabumon.

"I'm sure.........." Gabumon drawled, clearly not believing her.

"Fox Face don't lie" A voice said from a tree branch above.

"Hello Impmon.............." Renamon growled, clearly not pleased to see him.

"Hi Impmon!!" Guilmon said cheerfully.

"Hey Pineapple Head!" Impmon said, hanging upside down.

"What do you want?" Renamon asked coldly.

"Sheesh, what's got your tail in a knot?" Impmon asked, flipping down and landing on his feet.

"You.........." Renamon spat.

"Renamon why you being mean to Impmon?" Guilmon asked innocently.

"Because" Renamon replied hotly.

"That's not a very good reason......." Takato said, he had walked over when his adult friends had told him to go to the digimon because this was "adult" stuff.

"Hmf!" Renamon snorted and turned away from the other digimon and Tamer.

Gabumon turned to the strange Tamer that had joined their little group.

"How do you know them?" Gabumon asked, she was curious as he didn't seem to be related to any of them..........

"It's a LONG story, and I ain't tell'n my part toots!" Impmon said, leaning against a tree.

"It is a long story" Takato agreed.

"No it's not Takatomon.....we met, and then we met R ika and Henry, and battled the Deva's, then Makuramon took Calumon and we went and got him back from Zhuqioumon, but before that Beelzebumon killed Leomon and Takatomon got really REALLY mad and I digivolved into Megidramon but Beelzebumon beat me anyway, then me and Takatomon bio-merged and beat Beelzebumon easy! But it was really weird.....anyway, after that we went to the Sovereign and got Calumon back, but this weird pink stuff attacked us and took over the Digital World, then it came here and we beat it! But we had to go.....but that was okay cause Takatomon came and got us! But when we got back Parisimon attacked us and tried to open this weird portal thing........oh! And then we went to Rika's and got cake an bread and lots of other good things! And on our way home there was a digital field and that's it!" Guilmon said, and took a deep breath.

Gabumon blinked, she had heard stories of 'Super' Tamers who had stopped the D-Reaper and saved the worlds, could they really be the 'Super' Tamers from the stories?

"Wow, didn't know you could talk that long Pineapple Head" Impmon said, surprised.

"Niether did I!" Guilmon giggled.

Takato just stared at his red friend.

"You get weirder every day Guilmon"Takato smiled.

"I know!" Guilmon continued to giggle.

"You people are weird! What are you all going on about? And what about my battle? I don't have time for this! Gabumon!" Karin called, getting the digimon and Takato's attention.

"Yes Karin?" Gabumon asked immediately at her Tamers side.

"Lets get this party started! I want the battle I came for and I am going to get it!" Karin yelled, drawing a card and slashing it.

"Digimodify! Digivolution activate!" Karin said calmly as she slashed a card.

"Gabumon digivolved to................Garurumon!" Gabumon, now Garurumon shouted.

"What's going on?!" Rika roared, stomping through the bushes to find a digivolving Gabumon and an angry Karin.

Rika's eyes flashed dangerously and she smirked.

"So you want a fight eh?" Rika asked, still smirking.

"Yes, and I want to battle that stupid Gogglehead behind you!" Karin smirked back.

"This Gogglehead? He couldn't fight his way out of a soggy paper bag! If you want a fight, I'll give you one, but you aren't going to last a minute!" Rika smirked confidently.

"Ha, your just an old bag! How could you and your pathetic partner hurt Garurumon?" Karin taunted.

"That's it...............I was going to take it easy on you, but now you've insulted Renamon and I!" Rika growled, reaching for her cards.

Renamon smiled as she saw this, she was going to have fun..............

"Renamon, walk all over her" Rika commanded and slashed a card.

"Digimodify! Hyper Speed Activate!" Rika said calmly.

Renamon disappeared and reappeared behind Garurumon and delivered a swift kick to her side leaving the large wolf digimon fighting to stand.

"Karin.......Cough.............she's powerful............" Garurumon whispered hoarsely.

" did you move so fast?! There's no card that can do that!" Karin yelled frantically as she searched desperately for a card that would bring her up to speed. ( A/N I'm thinking since it's like 20 years in the future they're going to have different cards because the distributors would change the cards, make new ones and stop making some k?)

"Ah! This should do it! Digimodify Enhanced Speed Activate(I have no clue if this card exists already, but meh)

Garurumon sped up, but she was still lagging behind.

"Ha, I'm surprised you lasted this long, Renamon you know what to do!" Rika commanded, putting her cards away, the fight was over, Karin just didn't know it yet.

"Hm, well it has been fun, but we have things to do. Daimond Storm!" Renamon said as she summoned her attack and hit Garurumon.

"Argh!" Garurumon yelled in pain and reverted to her rookie form.

"Gabumon! No...............argh!Gabumon what happened out there? We're the strongest! And she's only a rookie! She shouldn't have been able to beat us! What were you doing out there? She walked all over us and made us look like a bunch of fools! And we didn't even get to take on that stupid Gogglehead!" Karin ranted.

"Get on home little girl, and take your pet with you" Rika sneered as she and Renamon walked out of sight.

Karin was fuming.

"How dare you..............." Karin whispered dangerously.

"How dare you do this to me!!!!!!" Karin shouted furiously.

The old Tamers came out of the bushes to see Karin shouting death threats at Takato and the digimon.

"If this doesn't remind you guys of old times I'm a catfish........." Kazu whistled in amazement.

"No kidding, the way she acts you would think that she was Rika's kid, not Rachel" Jeri said thoughtfully.

"That's true......" Henry laughed, reminiscing about the old days.

"Maybe we should try and calm her down" Ryo said, making a move towards to the angry girl.

"Are you insane??? Do you remember what Rika was like?!" Kazu shouted fearfully.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Rika was never that bad......" Ryo said and continued his death march towards Karin.

"He's so dead......" Jeri concluded.

"Yup" Kazu agreed.

"And you can tell his wife" Henry told Kazu as he grabbed Jeri and dragged her off.


"Momentai!" Terriermon chanted happily as he followed his Tamer.

"I am so dead..........." Kazu murmured and moved closer to the one-sided fight that had erupted between Ryo and Karin.

"Argh you jerk!!! Let me kill the Gogglehead in peace! My life started going wrong when he came around!!!" Karin yelled angrily at Ryo, who seemed unfazed by all the yelling and flailing of fists.

"I can't let you kill him, at least not yet" Ryo said soothingly, trying to calm the raging girl down.

"THAT'S IT!!! I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU FREAKS!!!!!!! I AM SO GOING TO GET YOU ALL!!!!!!" Karin shouted as she stormed off, Gabumon close behind.

"Well today has certainly been interesting" Takato commented after Karin had disappeared from sight.

"Takatomon............I'm hungry" Guilmon whined, and is if on cue several stomachs voiced their agreement.

"Guess we should all be getting home......." Kazu said brilliantly and left on Guardramon's back.

Ryo left right after in Cyberdramon's claws leaving Impmon, Guilmon and Takato alone.

"Well this has been fun but I really gotta get goin" Impmon said sarcastically and leapt into a near by tree.

"Impmon wait!!!!" Guilmon called out to his friend.

"What?" Impmon asked irritably.

Guilmon ran up to his tamer and whispered something into his ear, making the goggle head tamer smile and nod.

"What are you two up to?" Impmon asked cautiously.

"Impmon can you have dinner with us?" Guilmon asked innocently.

Impmon blinked. When was the last time someone WANTED him around?

"Uh......." Impmon didn't know what to say, for once he was at a loss for words.

Impmon was at a loss for words..........AHHH!!! THE WORLDS GONNA END!!! (A/N I'm done..........and I think I need help........)

"Please Impmon?" Guilmon asked pleadingly.

"Ya Impmon!" Takato asked.

"Alright! Alright! But only if yous two shut your yaps!" Impmon relented, besides who gave up a free meal?

"Then lets get going! My Mom is going to be wondering where we got to" Takato grinned and took off leaving the two virus digimon in the dust.

"Hey!" Guilmon and Impmon yelled and ran after the grinning boy.

About five minutes later Takato, Guilmon and Impmon were inside of the Matsuki Bakery.

"Mom we brought a friend for dinner!" Takato yelled when they got through the hallway and into the dining room.

"Alright Takato, but next time warn me so I can make more!" Mrs.Matsuki scolded lightly.

"Uh, okay Mom.......Oh! This is Impmon, Impmon this is my Mom" Takato said introducing the two.

"It's nice to meet you Impmon" Mrs.Matsuki said over her shoulder from the stove.

"Uh ya, nice ta meet ya to" Impmon squeaked.

"Dinner will be in a few minutes and I want you boys clean understand?" Mrs.Matsuki said to the trio that stood in her kitchen.

"Yes Mam!" Takato said cheerfully as he saluted her and ran up the stairs followed by Guilmon and Impmon.

"And why am I washing my hands? I wear gloves!" Impmon pointed out.

"I know that, you know that, heck I think my Mom knows it, but trust me on this. Wash your hands" Takato said solemnly.

"She that bad huh?" Impmon smirked.

"Worse" Takato said as he washed his hands up and helped Guilmon wash his claws (A/N come on, how would you do something like that with claws like that?)

"Come on Impmon, I'm hungry!" Guilmon complained, he was getting hungry and Impmon didn't want to take off his gloves.

"I got my reasons!" Impmon said as he played with the edges of his gloves.

"It can't be that bad........" Takato said, trying to reason with the small imp.

"Yes it is! Leave me alone!" Impmon yelled.

"Alright Impmon, if it really means that much to you" Takato sighed in defeat and quietly walked down the stairs leaving Guilmon and Impmon alone for a few moments.

"Don't worry Impmon, it doesn't matter what happened, the past is the past!" Guilmon said reassuringly and placed a paw on Impmon's shoulder and left the small demon rookie to himself.

"How did he know?" Impmon asked himself as he pulled back his gloves a little bit to reveal scares on his small clawed hands.

~~ 1 Hour later ~~

An hour later a full Impmon sat beside Guilmon in the empty room that was Takato's.

"I think you need to get a new decorator Goggles" Impmon commented, not moving from his spot. He was full for the first time in months and very VERY comfy.

"Muh..........tired..........." Takato moaned from his spot on his futon.

"Takatomon............I'm sleepy.........." Guilmon yawned as he curled up next to his Tamer.

Impmon stifled a yawn, but he was tired to..........and warm and............

Soon the three had dozed off leaving the land of the waking for the dream realm.

~~~Digidestined Realm, Nothern Quadrant, Real World~~~

"Did you guys get the message to?" Zoe asked

"You mean the one that said 'Your journey is not yet over Digidestined'? Y aI think we all got it" JP said sarcastically.

"But what did Oraphanimon mean? I thought we saved the digital world.........." Tommy wondered aloud.

"Maybe Kerpymon decided he wanted to rule the world again" Kouchi said, offering his opinion.

"I don't think it's that............its something else............something's trying to take over the worlds............." Takuya murmured, his eyes distant as the small group rode the elevator down to the Digistation.

"I think your paranoid........" Kouji said as they all stepped out of the elevator.

"Tch" Takuya scoffed, and remained silent like the others.

They hopped on the nearest Trailmon and let him take all of them to whatever station they happened to pass first.

~~~Digidestined Realm, Eastern Quadrant, Real World~~~

The elder Digidestined had contacted the missing fours parents as soon as Takato left with that strange digimon.

"Kari.........why did you call us?" Mrs.Kamiya asked when she noticed Matt's parents along with Ken's and Davis'.

"Mom..........." Kari began, barely containing her excitement

"We found them........."T.K said, but didn't finish.

"You found them? Where are they?" Mrs.Ichijouji demanded.

"What's wrong with them?" Matt's Father asked

(A/N PLEASE any one who reads this, send me the last names of all the Digidestined and Tamers. Please I need them for my fic)

"We found them but...............they haven't aged a day........." Sora said as the four Digidestined walked into the room.

Parents gasped and, four women fainted leaving the four boys blinking.

"Nice to see you to Mom......" Tai said to his unconscious Mother.

Tai's Father just grinned.

"Welcome home Tai, welcome home......" Kari whispered.
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