Categories > TV > Supernatural > Caught Writing the Story

Heart Attack

by FantasyIntoReality 0 reviews

This is a Crowley x reader smut. If you don't want to be scarred, then please don't read. You were in your room in the bunker. Writing fanfiction, if you will. You honestly didn't expect Crowley...

Category: Supernatural - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2016-07-16 - Updated: 2016-07-16 - 164 words

You set your laptop on your bed and stood to leave for a snack.
The boys were in their own rooms, and Cas was off doing who-knows-what. So you took this as the perfect opportunity to update some of you stories on tumblr. Most of them were smutty stories that were requested, since you wrote them so well.
This one, however, was not requested. You had the hots for a certain demon for a while now, and didn't know how to release the sexual tension. Soon, you came up with the perfect solution; fanfiction.
Making your way to the kitchen, you rummaged through the cupboards until you finally came across an unopened Hershey's bar. Silently cheering to yourself, you turned and bounded to your room.
You took a bite out of the sweet chocolate as you opened your bedroom door, and almost spat it out when your eyes landed on the honey colored orbs of the King of Hell, Crowley.
He smirked,"Hello, luv."
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