Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

Gerard escapes the dungeon with a familiar being from his past. LONG OVERDUE.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2016-07-17 - 618 words


The moon over Gerard's head shone bright like a celestial eye of heaven. Not that he could see it so well. Gerard was standing upright with his arms in the air and his thumbs were locked together in a Chinese latch lock. For six hours straight, he had been burned, beaten, whipped, and caned by Sloane and her lackeys.
Sloane flung a whip to his scarred and bloody back one more time and then motioned Tobias and Mortiz to let him down.They threw the bruised and bloody vampire in a pile of clean straw. His chest was slowly raising up and down. He could hardly move at all.
Sloane stood over him with a expected look in her eyes, "Well, Gerard dear? Are you now ready to bend to my will? Obey my every word?"
Gerard coughed hard, spitting out blood. He tried to catch his breath. He managed to turn his head to Sloane and spit out blood at her feet, "F-Fuck you..."
Sloane glared at him and then turned to her cohorts, "Leave the dungeon window above uncovered. Let the first rays of sunlight kill him". That said, Sloane left the dungeon, along with Tobias and Mortiz.
Gerard was now all alone in the dungeon. Sloane killed all the other prisoners in between the torturing. Gerard let out a small bitter laugh. He was now about to die by dawn all because he was stubborn.
Suddenly, Gerard felt very cold and at first he thought, I'm going to die now.
You're not going to die, said a woman's voice that sounded too familiar to Gerard. You're are leaving, though.
He didn't know what to make of this until he felt himself being lifted up. Then he lost consciousness.

Tobias and Mortiz escorted Sloane to her room and Sloane turned to them.
"Make sure he's only burned badly," she told them. "I want him alive".
"Should we tell your father?" asked Mortiz
"No," Sloane said quickly and then slammed the door on them. "I want him alive".
She walked over to her bed and threw herself upon it with a sob. She secretly hoped that Gerard would consent about marrying her as promised. She may put on a great act in front of the men in the dungeon, but she didn't enjoy hurting Gerard at all. All she wanted for him is to love her again but that will never be. He already took in a bride and he loved her more than anything.
Her father expected her to kill him if he resisted. She can't bring herself to kill him but if she doesn't, her father will...
Her thoughts were interrupted when Tobias and Mortiz came rushing into her bedroom, "Miss! Miss! The sun's up but the prisoner's gone!"
Sloane sat upright and her eyes bugged out. How could Gerard escaped? The doors were locked and the windows were barred.
"Search the castle! Search everywhere!" Sloane commanded. "We got to find him before my father finds out!"

Gerard opened his eyes when he heard birds chirping and caught the scent of freshly killed deer. He saw it laying on the ground before him. He slowly got up and drank the blood of the animal. When he finished, he heard the voice again.
"Feeling better?"
Gerard was startled and he nearly jumped when he saw a ghost wrapped in chains standing in front of him.
"W-Who are you?" he asked
"Why Gerard, mon amore," the ghost said in a clear French accent.
The ghost undid her hood and Gerard was taken aback when he saw her face.
"Don't you recognize your old lover?" Helena LeAnge said with a ghost of a smile on her face.
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