Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Crimson Love

Sort It Out!

by InkedFingers 0 reviews

The new students get sorted.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Tom Riddle - Published: 2016-07-24 - 1398 words

Just as Tom had let go of my hand the door slid open again and in popped a another boy, with glasses and brown hair.

"SO which one of you is the orphan?" asked this new boy rudely.

"Excuse me?" I asked. I could't believe someone this rude walked in here expecting an honest answer, but as I looked over at Tom I could see him glaring quite heavily at this newcomer.

"A rumor on the train is that there is an orphan coming to Hogwarts, and I would just LOVE to meet that kid" He grinned from ear to ear.

"And you think that it's okay for you to not only talk to people like that but to make fun of someone for where they come from? Just who the hell do you think you are treating people like they are beneath you?" I ranted as I stood up, shaking with rage.

My stomach turned as I watched this new guy look me up and down, flicked his hair back and leaned his forearm against the side of the door.

"So it's you huh? You poor thing, not knowing why you have all this power. I can teach you, if you like. And maybe after I am done we can enjoy each others company- after all, I AM going to be teaching you stuff that you have no idea about" He grinned maliciously.

"Firstly, I am not an orphan, Im from the Nathair blood line, and secondly I wouldn't let you teach me ANYTHING even if you were the only person on the planet that resembled a human being. Take your disgusting self elsewhere before I curse you" I growled and pushed him out of the doorway, slamming the door behind him and sliding the roller down.

"Nicely done"

I turned to see Tom smiling appreciatively.

I nodded and sat down where I was before.

"I just can't stand people like that- all they care about is where people come from. I'm so sick of it"

"So what does it mean to be a Nathair?" Tom asked.

"Well if you asked my mother it would be about having pureblooded witches and wizards all the way, no non magical or even half magical ANYTHING in the family. But for me? I want to get to know someone first before I make assumptions- except for that guy"

As we laughed at that the door slid open violently and someone yanked me out of my seat and into the hallway, then put so much pressure on my shoulders I crashed to the floor on my knees.

"Feel like learning something from me now?"

I looked up to see the guy from before with two boys on either side of him, one who looked mousy and scared and the other with concern on his face.

"James I thought you said it was a boy that shoved you?" Concerned boy asked.

"Did I? sorry, it must have slipped my mind to say girl, I mean, she hardly looks it" James replied smugly.

"Not for long" came a half growl from behind me. I looked up to see Sirius Black.

Oh great that's all I needed- the cousin that I embarrassed last family reunion holding me down to be punished for being honest.

When he was trying to hide in the corner of the reunion I grabbed him, shoved him into the centre of the dance floor and then pulled his pants down. Hell I thought it was funny.

"Now heres the first lesson- are you ready? It's called, don't piss me off or get in my way"

I looked to see James pulling his wand from his pocket and a cold chill ran down my spine.

"Get away from her!" Tom yelled from the carriage we were in.

"Not until she has learned her lesson- that Pureblood loyalists should be punished for their views!" James laughed with Sirius while he threateningly waved his wand around.

Tom rushed out to help but James punched Tom in the stomach and shoved him to mousy boy to hold onto.

I got angry at the thought of what was about to happen. So angry I wanted to explode.

I screamed as my mouth started to burn hot, and before I knew it something sharp was in their- something that I had just forced to happen.

"Hold her steady" James demanded.

Sirius nodded and held my head in place.

Tom struggled with all his might to break free and rescue me, which only made his captor hold onto him tighter.

As James came closer with his wand I did the only logical thing- closed my eyes and bit down hard on whatever it was in front of me.

The instant James screamed I let go, pulled Sirius trouser leg so he collapsed behind me, grabbed Tom and ran into the carriage, shutting the door behind us.

"Are You alright?" Tom asked as I turned around, to watch his eyes widen in shock.

"Do I look that bad?" I asked.

"No- you just have...fangs!" Tom replied.

I rushed over to the window.

I could see two fangs peeking out of my mouth. When I smiled I could see how long and sharp they were.

Suddenly the train stopped.

"Oh hell we are here! and these aren't going away!" I half shrieked.

"Just close your mouth and I will answer anything for you okay? I won't leave your side until this gets sorted" Tom smiled.


"Miss Nathair?"

We had made it to over the lake and were now standing outside the doors the the great hall when I turned to see a professor walking towards me with a stern look on her weathered face.

"Yes Professor?" Tom answered for me.

"A boy and his friends say that you attacked him on the train is this true?"

"He attacked us!" Tom exclaimed, holding my hand.

"Well there is an easy way to find out- open your mouth Miss Nathair"

Reluctantly I opened my mouth. My fangs were still there, and I watched as every other student except for this professor jump back in horror.

"As I thought. You will have a weeks detention, BOTH of you. Attacking other students is strictly forbidden especially with Animagus abilities. I actually thought you would be different from your mother Miss Nathair, but it looks as though the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. After the sorting ceremony you can go to the infirmary and get the fangs fixed up" and with that, She walked away.

"Stupid bitch" I growled.

"She took their side just because of your name, didn't she?" Tom whispered as he squeezed my hand.

"My mother was a Slytherin, same as my father. Looks like I can't escape them, even at Hogwarts" I sighed.

Tom didn't let go of my hand as we walked into the great hall.

Everyone was amazed by the whole hall but I was too angry to notice, even more so when the sorting started.

I snorted when Sirius Black got placed in Gryffindor- I couldn't wait to send that owl to his mother to let the family of Black know they had a "traitor" in the family.

It was all a blur until I heard "James Potter" called out.

I watched intently to see what the smug idiot got sorted into, and was outraged when the hat said Gryffindor.

"He should be in Slytherin the way he acted" Tom snarled.

I nodded. There was nothing I could say to change the situation.

Tom finally had to let go of me, and was sorted into Slytherin.

"Celeste Nathair" the bitch professor called.

I walked over to the stool and sat down, the hat placed on my head.

"Another Nathair hmmm? You would do very well in Ravenclaw, you are very intelligent" The Hat whispered to me.

"No. I want to be in Slytherin. The Professor that put you on my head, even my other classmates all I think I am bad, so that's exactly what I am going to be"

"SLYTHERIN" the hat shouted, and the second the hat was removed from my head I smiled as widely and as mischievously as I could, so that everyone could see my fangs.

And for once in my life, I felt that I had control over my destiny. And that I would have my revenge.
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