Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Ghost of a Rose

Reaching for Light

by FenikkusuAi 0 reviews

Karin trains Misaki; Kabuto and Orochimaru evaluate.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Orochimaru - Published: 2016-07-28 - 1538 words

However, grateful for her freedom she was, Misaki found that the life of a kunoichi was not was not a pleasant or an easy one. She still couldn't guess what she had gotten herself into. Just the way the pale man and the medic preferred it.


Fatigued, Misaki put her hands up again to fend off the fierce blows that her teacher rained down on her. Misaki could sense the anger behind them yet realized that it wasn't personally directed.

"Stop that!" she snapped suddenly. "That's enough for today." The girl swiped her red hair to the side with a scowl. Misaki could glean nothing from her expression except rage and resentment.

Misaki could hear her mumble something under her breath as she watched her walk off in the direction of the showers. Then again, Karin was always in one of her bad moods.

She knew that Karin liked to be clean if at all possible. Already, Misaki was beginning to notice their quirks. The type of people they were.

In the end, Misaki supposed that she was right when she glimpsed the thread of blood on her forearm. It had unnerved her at first, but she was growing used to the sight. a bandage would take care of it.

All this training was leading to something, and Misaki was unprepared. Misaki had never been on a battlefield, so she had little to no fighting experience. Yet, if she died, she was sure it would be of little concern to anyone else.

Misaki wondered if anyone from before would miss her. She could easily be compared to a frail cobweb that glittered in the sun before it was gone-ripped apart by the wind or shattered by raindrops. No proof that it existed at all.

All she could do now was appreciate how long her life would last.

Mori. Mori Misaki...

A vague whisper of a memory ticked at her mind, and then, there was nothing.

Misaki wished that she could remember what it had been like to have an identity. Had she been been happier?

Still, Misaki was aware that she didn't belong. Misaki was a seed that had blown in their garden and here she would thrive or perish. The pale man was testing her to survive. An unspoken agreement still existed between them. He had given her her freedom. And he could take it away. Lock her away in that place until she turned old and grey.

But Misaki knew that flora was tough. It could stand anything and could even grow through hard stone. After all, she was still alive and not dead.

At least, for the most part, she was free. outside, she could watch the clouds or take a walk in the garden. when she watched the distant silver crescent of the moon rise she nearly wept. In the past, Misaki had taken a lot of things for granted.

Even in spite of her newfound happiness, something was still wrong and it tugged at her even when she took her tea; a crack in her concentration that was steadily opening.

It was hard to explain, but Misaki felt that her true talents lay elsewhere and she had no idea how to tell them that. She had no place. Misaki supposed that her protests wouldn't matter. After all, she knew next to nothing about herself.

She had to have come from somewhere. The pale man would know.

For now, home was where her feet sank into the dirt. For the moment, it was the Otogakure. She had made it a home. It was harsh yet vibrant and full of life.

Misaki was aware that she shouldn't worry so much. It was miraculous just to be alive in the rays of the sun. At peace, she allowed lean her head back...

"Looking good out there, Misaki-chan."

At the sound of his voice, his haughty voice, Misaki nearly jumped out of her skin. She was still useless. It was shameful for a nin to be taken by surprise.

Misaki was surprised that his glasses wasn't steamed. How could she excite him so much?

The medic smirked and leaned against the railing so that he could further devour her with his eyes. From above, the sun hid behind a cloud.

Kabuto. He had been watching her. Misaki wondered for how long. Then again, she hadn't forgotten that Kabuto was a spy.

A blush, a persistent blush, began to form on her cheeks. Conflicted, Misaki turned her head.

He had never forgotten that she had been interested in him. He used that fact to torment her.

Misaki took a moment to fidget at her clothes. They were a light minty green and black. Sturdier and better than what she had before.

"Thanks," she murmured.

"Maybe we'll fight later on, and and I'll show you some more moves. Would you like that?"

No. I would not.

Misaki could see what he was doing; he was antagonizing her. Misaki opened her mouth but her words were stuck in her throat.

For a moment, she could envision how he saw her and was struck by how pathetic looked.

A flower. A weak flower with no value. It should be plucked and put out of its misery.

Misaki could almost see her reflection in his eyes. She was so distant and small.

She knew that Kabuto would have no qualms about killing her. Here, she stood with a predator.

"Don't you ever wonder about yourself, who you are, or how you came to be here?"

Kabuto had reverted back to his bedside tone. Misaki didn't trust it.

Misaki lowered her head. "How did I get here then?"

Kabuto shrugged. "You were just a stray wandering around on the back roads. No village. No headband. until my lo picked you up and made you useful. You were woefully behind on jutsus for one your age," Kabuto recited it as if reading a lab report.

So. She had been left to her own devices. Interesting. Kabuto never hesitated to say that she was a nothing from a poor unfortunate to a stray cat.

Mostly, Misaki wondered what had done to be abandoned. Had others been frightened of her. Had she been hated? Had she been a criminal? These were just stray thoughts.

Misaki could always remember the trees and not much else. She could always remember them and not the people or a village. It was how her mind worked. Had she lived with Parents? Siblings?

"Your arm is hurt," he noted.

"Just a little scratch," she replied.

Self-consciously, her hand closed around it. In the Otogakure, weakness was something that should not be displayed.

"Here. Maybe I should just treat it myself..."

Misaki stepped away. She didn't want him touching her.

But could she prevent it? She was nowhere near his level and probably never would be.

"Misaki!" a new voice called to her.

She turned and automatically felt relief when she recognized a now familiar face. Sasuke.

As Sasuke moved towards her, she felt no fear. The two were on reasonable terms. Misaki knew that he trained with the pale man and was currently his top student. Misaki sensed that he didn't belong here either.

"Looks like your hero is here to save the day." Kabuto was bemused.

Silently, Misaki watched as the grey-haired man moved out of the heat into the interiors of the castle.

The stoic one just followed the pale man's order. Misaki cherished that. How Sasuke played no games. To him, he was just following orders.

"Orochimaru has instructed me to bring you to the labs for evaluation."

Misaki nodded in acknowledgement and allowed herself to be led away.

Did even Sasuke know something? Had he been sworn to secrecy?

Misaki wondered who was keeping a secret from her as the dust swirled in the wind.


Orochimaru ducked his head from the window. He had grown weary of watching Misaki as she cut her baby teeth. However, it was alwasys nice to see the the phases of a experiment grow and change forms. The girl was mutable. How fortunate for him.

The serpentine pressed a finger to his lips. "I would say she has an earth chakra. That would be my guess. Maybe she'll surprise us."

Much of a shinobi's or a kunoichi's worth was dependent on his or her abilities.

Misaki would learn who she was when the time was right. He had a feeling she would be pleased.

Kabuto crossed his arms over his chest. "She's not a soldier. She can't fight for you. She was better suited as a lab pet."

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. "And yours?"

Kabuto glowered. Orochimaru sat back and chuckled.

Misaki was such a kind person. Orochimaru wondered how long it would last. It was a miracle she had turned out that way considering the circumstances.

"Then, she's perfect for what I have in mind." Orochimaru drawled. "Allow the buds to grow fat before they can Misaki-chan herself would elaborate."

Kabuto smirked. Orochimaru could masterfully used her own psychology against her.

All he could do now to train her well and watch the results.

She would be too naive to realize what he was planning for her...
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