Categories > Cartoons > Invader Zim > Chat Room!

Chat Room!

by EmotionalZimFreak 2 reviews

This is what happens when you have Gir, Gaz, Zim, Dib, and Tak in the same chat room together... Lots a potty mouth and explicit language

Category: Invader Zim - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Dib, Gaz, Gir, Zim - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-28 - Updated: 2006-08-29 - 303 words - Complete

Piggy_Overlord = Gir
Game_Slaver = Gaz
Moth_Man = Dib
Revengecraze = Tak


Moth_Man has logged on

Moth_Man: Is anybody in this damn chatroom?

Piggy_Overlord has logged on

Game_Slaver has logged on

Piggy_Overlord: Yay! I like tacos!

Moth_Man: No one gives a shit!

Game_Slaver: Whatever...

WORLD_DOMINATION has logged on

Piggy_Overlord: Well, you don't have ta yell!

WORLD_DOMINATION: Gir, where the hell are you?

Piggy_Overlord: Me here!

WORLD_DOMINATION: Get off the damn computer!

Piggy_Overlord: Just a few more minutes, PLEASE!!!!

WORLD_DOMINATION: Fine, but hurry up.

Revengecraze has logged on

Revengecraze:What are these `chatroom` things for?

Moth_Man: Oh my fucking god, why won't you people go away!

Piggy_Overlord has logged off

Piggy_Overlord has logged on

Piggy_Overlord has logged off

Piggy_Overlord has logged on

Moth_Man: STOP IT!

Piggy_Overlord: No.

Revengecraze: Is this really what you mother fuckers do in your spare time?

Game_Slaver: Mother fuck yourself!

Revengecraze: Shut up, bitch!

WORLD_DOMINATION: Why don't you both shut the fuck up?!

Moth_Man: I'm going to bed...

Moth_Man has logged off

WORLD_DOMINATION: Good ridance...

Revengecraze: Shut up.

Piggy_Overlord: Can I rp with someone?

Revengecraze: NO!

Piggy_Overlord sticks a "Rape me" sign on Revengecraze's back.

Revengecraze: YOU LITTLE FUCKER!

WORLD_DOMINATION: Gir, get off the damn computer now, or i'll fucking come up there and slap the bitch outta ya!

Piggy_Overlord: Fine, sheesh.

Piggy_Overlord has logged off

Game_Slaver: Finally

WORLD_DOMINATION has logged off

Revenbgecraze: Im leaving.

Game_Slaver: Then go, ya ass faced bitch.

Revengecraze: WHAT did you call me?

Game_Slaver: An ass faced bitch.


Revengecraze has logged off

Game_Slaver: Bitch...

Game_Slaver has logged off

Yay, it's over!
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