Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > .:.Bound To You.:.

.:.Chapter 1.:.

by ddproxcm 5 reviews

See Prologue.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Robin, Starfire - Published: 2006-08-29 - Updated: 2006-08-29 - 852 words

A/N: Wooooo Hoooo Chapter 1 has finally arrived A/N: Wooooo Hoooo Chapter 1 has finally arrived. Thank you for all the great reviews we got for the prologue and to clear up some things, It ios rated M for the FUTURE content of the fic. So now that that is cleared up. You are about to read another chapter written by great DDP and edited by me because our editor cough CM cough went AWOL for the week, so we are having to make ends meet without her...So I hope you enjoy the story and I will try to update again sooner than I have.. Keep reviewing!
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Bound To You
.:./Chapter 1/.:.
"Stupid.....Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!"
A set of fingers rapidly tapped a clear glass case in a repetitive manner. In a fit of frustration he raised his bare hand and ran his fingers through his jet black hair. He kept it at the back of his head, holding the delicate limp locks away from his face as he let out a deep sigh.
"/Come on...I can do this! Just put your hand in your pocket, pull out your wallet, and then it's done. It's such a simple procedure..." /he continued on in his deep thought.
He moved his hand away, his locks falling back over his face as his hand traveled toward the pocket of his leather jacket. His hand rested on a wallet that was held within, but he instantly pulled it away almost as if he had burned his hand on a hot stove.
"No, no, no!" /he shouted in his mind, "Don't be stupid! Argh, I can't do this! I should know better...if I do this I will be doing more damage than good. I'll be putting her in danger...YEAH! That's it...she'll be in danger if I do this/," he thought with more confidence as he moved the sunglasses up on the bridge of his nose.
It was when he was moving his shades that he saw a glint from the corner of his eye. He peered over, leaning gently on the glass case as a ring sparkled from the light projected off the top of the case. It was hard for him not to stare in awe, and it was even harder for him to shut his gaping mouth.
/"It's perfect...that's it! That's the ring!" /he thought ecstatically.
He brought his hand back to his pocket, but his other hand rested firmly on his wrist as he fought to pull it off the wallet.
"No, you can't! Think Dick, damn it think about what you're doing!" he finally shouted out loud causing those in the shop to stare at him oddly.
Robin's cheeks heated instantly as he brought his hand toward the back of his head.
"Uh...uh...I mean...that ring is so...uh...not for her...I want this one..." he stuttered while pointing to a random ring, hoping that he had covered up his sudden outburst.
The store associate came up toward him holding the key that would open the case Robin had pointed to.
"Ah, it's about time. You've been standing there for a good four hours in deep thou--"
"FOUR HOURS?" he shouted again.
He flipped his wrist and spotted the digital numbers blinking.
"How could I have been standing here for so long? I thought I had only been in here for at most 30 minutes..."
"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you finally want to buy something. And good timing too, cause I was about to close this shop down," he said sticking his hand in the case, "Now, it was this one right?"
Dick watched as he held the ring. He was surprised that his random point had landed on the ring he had been admiring.
"Yeah...t-t-that's it..." he stuttered the last part miserably.
"It's a gorgeous selection. The girl that's getting it must be very lucky..."
"Right..." he let out under his breath as the man went to wrap the ring up.
He paid for the ring and then grabbed it as he stepped out of the store quickly.
/"I can't believe I just bought it. Alright, no need to panic. You know what to do, it's not hard...whoa...wait...I can't...this is just going to stay my pocket...and it will never see the light of day for a very long time..." /he muttered while making his way back to the tower.
/"I wonder what her reaction would be...would her eyes sparkle as bright as this rock? Maybe even more..." /he thought as his steps seemed lighter.
He caught himself and noted how lame he would have sounded if he said that out loud, but it didn't seem to bother him as much,/ "Kori, would be so happy...and that's all I want to make her...happy..." /
His thoughts carried him over to the tower, right before the large doors of the 'T' shaped building. With a deep breath, he moved his hand to push the door open.
"It's now or never..."

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