Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Black Family

The Black Family

by Demon-DemigodWitch13 0 reviews

When Potters found out that Lily was pregnant with Harry, James celebrated with Remus and Sirius, now Remus and Sirius have kids too, welcome Harry Potter, Lucas Potter-Lupin and Alexa Potter-Black.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Parody - Characters: Bellatrix,Harry,Lupin,Salazar Slytherin,Sirius,Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] - Published: 2016-08-03 - 619 words

A scream rang out through a mansion in the middle of the woods. Everyone in the house dropped everything and ran towards the direction the sound came from. When Lucius, Bellatrix, Severus and Fenrir burst through the doors to the main siting room, Narcissa was sitting in a chair next to an open window. Lucius was the first to reach her but she ignored him to jump up and show Bellatrix the letter from Sirius, which made her sister faint. Fenrir picked Bella up and carried her to the makeshift infirmary while Severus checked both her and Cissa over with Lucius hovering around worried. No one else read the letter . . .

To Narcissa Malfoy nee Black and Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black,
We at St Mungo’s wish to inform you that a new member of the Black Family, Sirius Black’s daughter was born July 12th at precisely three in the morning, Alexa Jamie Selene Black. If you wish to visit her and her birthing father, the visiting hours are between 10am and 4pm.
the Medi-Witches and Wizards of St Mungo’s.

Two more people received letters that night and both reacted in similar fashions while Sirius and his daughter Alexa slept soundly in the birthing ward of St Mungo’s.

Two months later found Sirius and Alexa along with Remus and his son, Lucas in Headmaster Dumbledore’s office. They were waiting anxiously for Albus to return from the feast after three nights without any contact to the order or anyone. When Albus walked in Remus and Sirius sat up slightly only to jump up in horror when they saw Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa. Narcissa burst into tears seeing her Gryffindor cousin but she still wrapped her arms around Sirius and Alexa, all the while sobbing her heart out. When her sister had finished with her heartfelt reunion it was Bellatrix’s turn; this one was much longer and was more whispers of sorrow than crying.

After the reunions and apologies, the five adults, two babies and Professor Dumbledore sat down, everyone looking at Albus who was looking at Fawkes. What they were waiting for everyone had no idea until the fireplace in Albus’ office flared bringing the Potter’s (James, Lily and Harry) through. Everyone greeted each other before once again sitting in front of Albus’ desk. He sighed before reaching under the desk and bringing out a clockwork. They all gasped as words started to whisper around them, surrounding and consuming them . . .

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches . . . born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies . . . and the Dark Lord will mark them as his equal, but they will have a power that the Dark Lord knows not . . . and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives . . . the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies . . .
An uproar went up at this reveal. Everyone was yelling, Lily clutching Harry desperately to her chest, Sirius frantically reaching for Alexa, Remus refusing to take his eyes off Lucas while Lucius pulled Narcissa to his side and Bellatrix screamed, terrified, “No! I just got them back!”

It took Albus almost two hours and several calming draughts later to convince the seven adults that several safety measures and precautions are to be taken. One month later the Malfoy Manor had several charms in place and the Potter’s had been hidden due to the prophecy; for extra precaution Alexa and Lucas were not known to the world. As such they were there the night good old Voldemort tried to kill Harry.
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