Categories > Books > Harry Potter > just a little starnge


by DarkDawn 0 reviews

hi my name is Thaliana its a small weed pretty but unwanted like me after all who would want a freak of nature like me.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2016-08-18 - Updated: 2016-09-21 - 112 words

Okay so everyone knows how in the wizarding world when a baby is born they are registered with a wizarding school so that when they reach the age of 11 they go and learn to be wizards and yada yada yada. well my story is didnt go that way i was taken from the muggle hospitable and reported dead to my parents. i was raised in a lab yes the same one as maximum ride and her flock were raised in but we were seperated in the great escape i named my self Taliana its a small flowering weed pretty but unwanted afterall who would want a freak of nature like me?
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