Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Mafia

A cunning plan!

by Ballroom_Blitz 1 review

Gerard comes up with a plan for one of the girl's and Frank is not amused.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2016-10-09 - 789 words

Hey everyone! I'm back, again. I know, I know I'm an arsehole. One minute I'm updating a lot an then the next I disappear off the face of the Earth. Oops. I just felt like when I wrote the two new chapters that they just weren't as good as the last ones. I felt like in the long time I was gone that I had changed too much and it wasn't the same any more. But on a whim I went back and re-read the previous new chapters and decided that maybe they weren't just as bad as I thought. So here I am back once again. It would seem I am doomed, never to leave. And that's just how I like it!

Also if you have any prompts, ideas, things you'd like to see, a funny line you think one of the guys might say. Anything at all, let me know! I love collaborating ideas, I did start this story with another author after all! Haha!

xoxo - BB

Scarlette's P.O.V

You always know it's gonna be a weird day when you get woken up by Gerard gently shaking you and being very nice. Like what the actual fuck does he want at this time in the morning?!
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey" he said, smiling almost unnaturally.
"What if I'm a vegetarian?" I said, sitting up in bed and trying to pat down my hair which had for some reason gained about 5 inches of volume during the night.
"Wakey wakey, vegetables and fruit then. Whatever, get your whore ass up"
I growled whilst baring my teeth, it's far far too early for this!
"Come on little vampire whore" he said smirking. Ugh, why does he have to be so insufferable!
I threw my pillow as hard as I could at his head only for him to catch it and drop it at the end of the bed where he was now standing. I flopped back, arm over my eyes to block out the light.
"Seriously Scar, the marshmallow is about to literally explode with excitement if you don't go talk to her soon."
"Huh?" was all I could manage, sitting back up again. What in the name of all that is good and choclatey is happening in this house this morning?!
"You'll see" he said, smirking once more before leaving the room. It was the same smirk he quite often wore, as though he knew something that everyone else didn't. I lay back down again, Geetard was planning something I just knew it...Something that Panda was excited about though...that had me worried.

Frank's P.O.V

"Jesus boss, are you sure?!" Gerard just looked at me. His mouth was smiling but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Damn right I'm sure. I've thought it over Frank, it's the only way...I've already asked Toro. He agrees, I think" God dammit, Ray! He's the one that's supposed to talk Gerard out of stupid ideas like this, not fucking agree with him!
"So how are you gonna talk them round, huh? Scarlette, she's like a mini fucking lion. Yeah, she'd probably go for it. But Pandora...she'd couldn't, she'd never...she's too-...No fucking Way! I ain't letting her get any more mixed in with all this shit than she has to be, okay?!" I instantly regretted my words as soon as they had left my lips. Gerard is my Don for fuck sake. First rule is pretty much don't question the fucking Don. Gerard bristled at my words, he straightened up in his char, hands clasped on the desk. For once we were in his office, it was rarely used apart from Ray who stored all his account records and endless notes in here.
"Franklin, Franklin, times have changed..." he chuckled quietly under his breath. I knew I was in a shit ton of trouble.
"I am not asking Miss Lockheart to do anything tonight...All you gotta do is bring her along, show her a good time and keep YOUR FUCKING TRAP SHUT!!" I blinked as Gerard stood up suddenly, banging both of his fists on the desk, a furious expression on his face.
"Keep her out of the fucking way tonight, I don't care what you do with her. Just fucking well distract her so Scarlette can do what I need her to do. Oh-fucking-kay?!"
I nodded, putting on my best poker face. I knew when it was best to shut up.
"Delightful, now get the fuck outta here and do some damn work...Oh and be a dear and send Scarlette in when you are done. That'll be all"
Scarlette was not not not gonna like this one bit.
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