Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Peregrine (MPHFPC)

The Peregrine (MPHFPC)

by Luna10442 0 reviews

((Based off the movies)) "I always thought everything had already been discovered..."

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2016-11-22 - Updated: 2016-12-30 - 991 words

Author'sNote- If you didn't read the top, this is based off the movie. But I have read the books!

Dawn Ives opened her eyes.

A peregrine falcon was perched outside her window.

Blinking slowly, 15-year-old Dawn sat up, her auburn hair in curls around her shoulders. The bird was absolutely breathtaking. its eyes were pale green mixed with brown, which was sort of strange. Its wings were a night-sky dark blue, and its beak was perfectly pointed. The peregrine was perched upon a tree right next to Dawn's window, and it seemed to be staring at her. Dawn stared back for a couple moments before the bird let out a soft caw, then flew away. Dawn sighed and stood up, stretching.

Dawn Ives was 15, almost 16. She was slightly tall for her age, and skinnier, too. Her body was very slim, and she had a regular build. Her hair was medium, length-wise, and a dark auburn color. Her eyes were a dark blue, and she had thick lashes. Her skin was pale, and her hands were usually freezing. It was a mystery why. Right now she was in a nightgown that fell short at her ankles. She ran a hand through her hair and slowly opened the door.

Careful not to disturb her sleeping mother or two little brothers, Dawn quietly made her way to the kitchen and began breakfast for four. Eggs, bacon, fresh oranges, milk, and more were plated. Dawn knew she had to go to school before they awoke, so she got out a piece of paper and a pen to write a note. Signing it with a flourish, Dawn ate a little and returned to her room.

Finally, 15 minutes later, she took her backpack and slowly opened the front door. Dawn laughed and waved at her two best friends, Stella and Robert, as they honked at her from Robert's car. He had just gained his licence a couple months ago.

"Come on, slowpoke!" Stella called at her. She was the youngest of the three, at 15 years old a couple months ago. She had short black hair that was usually in messy tangles. Her eyes were a light blue, wide, and sometimes unblinking. Admittedly creepy, but she claimed she couldn't control it.

Robert waved at Dawn from the driver's seat. He was just recently turned 16. His hair was black, like Stella's. But unlike her, his hair was always combed back on his head. His eyes were kind and a dark brown. He had an athletic build, because he played a lot of sports. Mainly lacrosse and soccer, but he did football and track, too.

Dawn chuckled as she got into the car. Stella hugged her from the passenger's seat next to Robert, while he nodded his head and started driving to their school, Honeysett High. Dawn stifled a yawn. Her mother had gone to bed early, so she had had to take care of her brothers (or, as she called them, Thing One and Thing Two). They had been restless last night.

"Welcome to a new year of Hell..." Stella murmured as they pulled up at their school. "Jerks, populars, and more jerks!"

Dawn chuckled as the three friends got out of the car. The bell rang, and slowly, the groups of people walked inside the school. They were all in the same homeroom, so Dawn followed the small crowd that was her class.

"Mrs. Robinson is gone, right?" Dawn whispered to Robert. He nodded.

"Concussion and a broken leg.. It's a wonder she survived." Stella quipped as they all sat down next to each other. Dawn looked up to see their new teacher, and received a shock.

The teacher that stood before them looked young, maybe 26 to 30 years old. Well, it wasn't exactly young, but it was young to Dawn. Her hair was so dark blue, it looked black, and was perfectly placed on the top of her head. Not one hair was out of place. Her eyes were a mix between dark green and pale brown. Her skin was milky white, and her lips were a pale red. She was beautiful, there was no denying it. The girls and boys of Dawn's class were whispering rapidly among themselves.

"Hello, class." The teacher greeted them, her eyes scanning the room. They were surprised as she spoke with a British-sounding accent. "My name is Alma Peregrine, but you can call me Miss Peregrine. I am your new teacher for this year." Miss Peregrine smiled warmly, showing pearly-white teeth.

"She even looks like a peregrine." Robert mumbled, and Dawn stifled a chuckle. Miss Peregrine's eyes were immediately on her, and Dawn bit her lip hard. The older woman's eyes studied her carefully for a second, almost as if judging her. Then she turned back to the class.

School began as normal, and Dawn had to fight not to fall asleep for some periods. They moved around classes until lunchtime, ate, then returned to their classes again. Needless to say, Dawn was exhausted by the end of the day when they returned to their homeroom class. Miss Peregrine sat behind her desk, glasses now perched on the bridge of her nose as she worked over some papers.

The ending bell rang again, and the class immediately stood to leave. Girls gossiped and boys laughed as they left the school. Stella, Robert, and Dawn started heading to Robert's car to go to the Froyo store, as was their routine.

Dawn suddenly stopped. She turned, and saw Miss Peregrine's retreating back going down the street.

"I'll catch up!" She called to Stella and Robert, who nodded. Dawn started following Miss Peregrine. She recognized where she was heading- an older, abandoned part of town. The older woman was walking briskly, as if willing to get away from something. Dawn followed closely, but stayed far from her.

Miss Peregrine suddenly froze, and Dawn abruptly stopped.

"It is not polite to follow other people, Miss Ives."
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