Categories > Games > Mario > Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)

#1: Prologue

by Jayjar100 0 reviews

Original story and OCs by AK1028. When two world-ending events happen at the same time, The Darkness, and The Void, our heroes must work together in order to stop this threat that could potentially...

Category: Mario - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Luigi,Mario - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2016-11-30 - Updated: 2016-11-30 - 2266 words

Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)

By Jayjar100

Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028

OCs belong to AK1028


Chapter 1: Prologue


Ahem! Today...I'll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies. This prophetic book was a mysterious tome of stories of future events. Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness. The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people's eyes. That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away. the tale of that forgotten book's last owner. It is a tale of love...


It was night. Timmy Turner, an average kid who no one understands, who was standing on top of a building, dressed in Neo's clothes from the Matrix trilogy.

He put on some dark glasses. "I'm the one." He said. He jumped down to another building with a much lower roof.

Mr. Crocker, his teacher, who was dressed in Mr. Smith's clothes from the same trilogy emerged, carrying a ray gun. "He's the one." He started running after Timmy.

As Timmy ran, Mr. Crocker started firing the laser. As Timmy dodged, time slowed down, just like in the Matrix trilogy. Timmy did a back flip and landed on another roof. He continued to run.

He jumped onto another roof, and stopped to face Crocker. Crocker stopped in front of him.

"There's no escaping, Mr. Turner." Crocker split into three. "There's no escaping, Mr. Turner." Crocker #2 said.

"I already said that." Crocker #3 said.

"No I said it." Crocker #1 said.

"Are we gorgeous or what?" Crocker #2 said.

They backed Timmy onto the edge of the roof. "There's no escaping the world's most gorgeous army, Mr. Turner!" They all said.

Timmy narrowed his eyes. He jumped in the air. He was stuck there for several seconds. "Uh, we're still spinning!" He finally managed to fall down, right onto a parked car, causing ripples in the ground.

"Nobody defeats Teo! Master of the martial arts!" Timmy loudly proclaimed.

The Crockers saw Timmy was just fine, and began to fire at him. Timmy started to run away again.

It was revealed to be a simulation, with his fairy godparents watching him. "All right Timmy!" The green haired one, Cosmo said. "You may always be chosen last for kickball, or as lab partner,"

His wife, Wanda, who had pink hair, finished his sentence. "But in your trilogy wishes, you're always the chosen one.

Cosmo and Wanda's baby, Poof, was also watching Timmy.

Timmy back flipped to the entrance of a Chinese restaurant, called Hong Chong. The three Crockers stood in front of him.

The Crockers multiplied, there now being 6. They all pulled out their ray guns.

"Hey, you guys look hungry." Timmy said. "Would you like some sweet or sour pork or, KAPOW!" As Timmy said that, he kicked and a large wave flew out of his foot.

The Crockers all began to speak at once. "Oh, no thanks we're allergic to MSG-GAHHHHHH!" The wave of energy hit them and they were sent crashing into a building.

They all multiplied again, there now being 18. Timmy started to run away again.

Wanda picked up a phone and began to scream into it. "Timmy, get the ring, get the ring!"

As Timmy was trying to dodge the lasers, he heard to phone ringing from a phone booth. Timmy ran inside of the phone booth and answered the phone. "Get me a new trilogy wish! This one's not fun anymore!"

All of the Crockers dropped their ray guns. "What, we're totally fun, because fun starts with F!" They all pulled out giant metal Fs and hurled them like Frisbees at Timmy.

With a POOF, Timmy was gone.


Meanwhile, in the Koopa Kingdom, the Koopa King, Bowser was busy plotting his next scheme to attack the Mushroom Kingdom and kidnap Princess Peach.

He was in the main room, with Kammy, his top henchman (or should I say henchwoman) standing there next to him, and his son, Bowser Jr, also standing next to him. All of his minions were in the room, including Goombas, Hammer Bros, Chain Chomps, Magikoopas, etc.

Bowser began to announce something to his minions. "Listen well my elite minion task force! It's time to initiate my awesome plan to invade Mushroom Castle! Today is the day where I make my beloved Princess Peach ALL MINE! And if that weren't awesome enough, I'll ALSO stomp her little mustache and ice wielding buddies!"

Everyone in the crowd cheered. "YEAH! It's OUR turn!" Bowser, Bowser, WHOO!" "YEAH!"

Slowly, the crowd's cheering turned into panicked cries. "Your Rudeness! We're under attack! Whoa!"

Bowser couldn't help but chuckle. "Bwah haha! "We're under attack!" You jokers are the best!" Then, he noticed something that stood out in the crowd. "Hey! Who are those hairy guys and girl in the back? We SHAVE around here, minions!"

The trio stood there. The two men were brothers, Mario & Luigi; Mario was the older one, even though Luigi was the taller one.

Standing next to Luigi was his girlfriend, Violet Calico. She was a young woman around 19, had shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, fair and white skin, a scar on her left cheek, wearing a purple hat with a snowflake on it, a purple shirt, a purple skirt, and purple shoes. She had violet ice powers.

"Oh so they do care about hygiene." Violet joked. Mario & Luigi tried not to laugh.

Bowser jumped in front of the trio, parting the crowd. Bowser Jr came over on his custom made Koopa Klown Kar, and Kammy came riding her broomstick.

"Blergh! Mario? Violet? ...AND Luigi? How'd you get in here?" Bowser questioned.

Mario smirked. "Oh nothing, just that the front gate was open."

Bowser nearly shrieked. "How many times have I told those idiots?! If you're the last in, LOCK THE GATE!" As Bowser said this, Kammy mumbled something about incompetent minions.

"Well, you're interrupting our launch of the attack, so LEAVE!" Bowser Jr shouted, pointing at the trio.

The three heroes now looked confused. "But we thought you already kidnapped her!" Luigi said.

The three villains now looked just as confused as the trio. "Wait, what? We're only now about to launch our attack."

Violet asked what was on everyone's minds. "Wait, if Bowser didn't take Princess Peach...who did?"



Timmy was now in Middle Earth, the setting from the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

"Cool, I'm in Middle Earth!" Timmy said amazed. Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof now were in the simulation.

Wanda handed something gold to Timmy. "Here you go, chosen one. One ring to rule them all."

Timmy looked at it strangely. "This is a teething ring!"

"Oh, sorry. Poof's teething again." Wanda apologized.

"Yeah, I know." Timmy pulled up his arm to reveal Poof teething on his arm. His pulled his arm out of Poof's mouth and gave the teething ring to him.

Wanda gave something else gold to Timmy. "Here you go, one ring to rule-"

Timmy interrupted her. "This is an onion ring!"

Cosmo tacked Timmy. "Oh, that's mine!" He took the onion ring from Timmy. "Precious!" He took a large bite out of it. "And delicious!"

Wanda began to check her pockets. "Oh, I know I've got that freaky ring somewhere." She found it on her right middle finger. "Oh, here it is."

She flicked it into Timmy's hand. Behind him was an ominous looking volcano with a red sky and grey clouds. As soon as he caught it, him and his fairies were transported to the volcano.

It was raining heavily.

"Only the chosen one can take this ring and drop it into the fires of dark Mount Gloom." Wanda explained. The ring was on a necklace around Timmy's neck.

Wanda bit into some chocolate that was on the mountain. Timmy was surprised. "What! Are you telling me this mountain is chocolate?"

"Dark chocolate." She corrected. Timmy glared at her. "What? Can't I have some fun on these wishes?"

Soon, the trio was at the top of the volcano. The lava was fresh, and bubbling. There was a small pathway that led to the middle of the volcano.

A large gust of wind nearly blew them away, and they held onto a rock.

"Timmy, throw the ring in the lava!" Cosmo shouted.

Timmy let go of the rock, and managed to slowly walk to the end of the pathway. He ripped the ring off of the necklace, and threw it down into the volcano.

As soon as it touched the lava, the wind stopped, and it was now sunny out. "Wow, that was anticlimactic." He turned to face his fairies. "Seriously, how about we have a little bit more action in my next chosen one mega action trilogy wish?"

"You got it!" Wanda said.


Hearing the voice of the princess; Mario, Luigi, Violet, Bowser, Kammy, and Bowser Jr all looked around. In a flash of light, Princess Peach appeared to them and she looked like she was in a see-through cage of some sort. That's when a strange man appeared.

The mysterious person spoke. "Bleck! Your princess has been taken by Count Bleck!"

"Who?" Mario asked.

"By me, Count Bleck! The chosen executor of the Dark Count Bleck. The fine fellow prophesied to come to this also Count Bleck!"

Bowser got slightly angry. "I'll tell you who doesn't make a bit of sense...Count Bleck! Enough, release Princess Peach right now! I'm on a schedule over here!"

Violet thought of something funny to say but decided to keep it to herself.

Count Bleck retaliated. "Count Bleck says NEVER! This princess is integral to fulfilling the prophecies... She will be brought to Castle Bleck and used to destroy all Count Bleck!"

Luigi gasped. "Destroy ALL worlds?"

Mario jumped up and tried to jump on Count Bleck but was forced down by a magical force field. Mario looked confused. 'Why didn't that work?' He thought. Bowser Jr tried to shoot Count Bleck with a cannon ball from his Koopa Klown Kar, and Kammy tried firing a spell at the same target, but to no avail.

Count Bleck opened his cloak as he cast a spell on Mario. In an instant, Mario was face down on the ground. Luigi quickly grabbed Violet and pulled her close to him, in a protective way. Bowser's eyes widened as he saw Mario lying there like that.

Violet was shocked. "M-Mario?"

Count Bleck shook his head. "This man deserves ridicule... Weaklings cannot face Count Bleck!"

Bowser started to threaten Count Bleck. "Hey, here's a thought: you calm down and free the princess...OR ELSE!"

All of Bowser's minions walked closer to Count Bleck. Luigi finally gained some courage to fight. The villain trio were already in fighting stances, and so was Violet.

Count Bleck laughed. "Bleh heh heh heh. Your princess shall NOT be Count Bleck. In fact, Bowser, evil king of the Koopas...Count Bleck will take you too!"

At that, Count Bleck began to open a porthole, sucking in everyone in the castle except Mario, who was unconscious.


Timmy was now playing the role of Harry Potter, from the Harry Potter book series.

They were playing Quidditch, and Poof was the snitch.

"Woo hoo!" Timmy said, riding a broomstick. "I'm chosen one magic wizard boy, Timmy Totter, and I'm playing Poofer Scoop!"

Wanda was also riding a broomstick, but it was made of a large pretzel. Cosmo was also riding a broomstick. "Timmy Totter? I prefer tater totters!" As he said that he crashed into a wall, after poofing up some tater totters.

Timmy sped around the field, trying to catch Poof. Wanda caught up to him and took a bite out of her pretzel broomstick. "You gotta try this pretzel broomstick!"

Timmy was annoyed. "That does it, I'm not making any more wishes before breakfast." He was suddenly struck by lightning and heard a cackling voice.

"Oh no, it's the ultimate nasty wizard Moldywart!" Wanda said. Moldywart was like Voldemort, but looked like Timmy's evil babysitter, Vicky.

"It's not moldy, but it is indeed a wart." Moldywart then started cackling evilly.

Timmy dodged the lightning she soon let out from her fingers. He hid behind a large tower.

Cosmo appeared next to him. "Timmy, before you get destroyed, can you wish me up some ketchup for the tots?"

Moldywart blasted a hole through the wall, knocking the tater tots out of Cosmo's hand. "Here's Moldy!"

Timmy and Cosmo screamed, grabbed onto their broomsticks, and flew away.

A booming voice was heard. "Turner!" A hooded figure used his enormous wand to zap Moldywart away. And that wand could only belong to one person. The leader of Fairy World, Jorgen Von Strangle.

He uncovered his masked and it turned out to be him. "STOP!"

Timmy was oblivious to why Jorgen did that. "Cool, Jorgen got rid of Moldywart. And now I can scoop the poof!" Poof passed by him.

Jorgen was catching up to Timmy, and he zapped Cosmo and Wanda away.

Timmy caught Poof. "Yes!" Jorgen zapped Poof away. "Poof?"

Timmy looked at Jorgen. "Hey, what gives, I'm playing a game here?"

Jorgen started to cryptically say something. "The fun times are over. This is not a game. Remain in the shadows. Do not speak your name!"

Timmy was slightly confused and tilted his head a little bit. "Uh, you're freaking me out here, dude."

Jorgen zapped Timmy with the wand, sending him back to his house with his normal clothes on.
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