Categories > Games > Mario > Super Paper Wishology (Jayjar100 Version)

#2: The Big Beginning

by Jayjar100 0 reviews

The Big Beginning

Category: Mario - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2016-11-30 - Updated: 2016-11-30 - 1879 words

Super Paper Wishology (Rewritten)

By Jayjar100

Original 'Super Paper Wishology' Story By AK1028

OCs belong to AK1028

Names of Timmy's Mom & Dad belong to AK1028


Chapter 2: The Big Beginning


Princess Peach woke up with a large headache. She couldn't remember what happened for a few moments.

She remember someone kidnapping her in the middle of the night... was it Bowser? No, it wasn't, the man was too small, and then, she remembered being in a small cage, and getting sent to Bowser's castle, and then... MARIO! She suddenly remembered Mario getting knocked to the ground, and she gasped.

"Bleh heh heh heh... Oh, you're awake, Princess!" Princess Peach knew who that voice belonged to. She stood up. She was horrified.

There, she saw Count Bleck floating in front of her. Next to her was Bowser, dressed in a white tuxedo. Weirdly, he was smiling wide. Peach looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing a wedding dress. Peach was too horrified to say anything.

That's when she heard what sounded like a thousand voices at once.


The Koopa King held his arms in the air. He embraced all of his minions cheering for him.

"You go, dad!" Bowser Jr cheered.

"I can't believe he actually got married. Well, I would rather had him marry someone... else..." Kammy Koopa sighed.

Peach finally found her voice. "Wh-what's going on here?"

Then, one of Count Bleck's minions appeared, Nastasia. "Count! Yeah, um, 'K, so preparations are complete..."

Count Bleck smiled. Mmm... Then it shall be Count Bleck!" As soon as he said that, some bells rung and he turned to Bowser. "Bowser... Ferocious and fearsome, evil king of the Koopas... Do you take Peach to be your lawfully wedded wife 'til your games be over?"

Bowser laughed. "Bwah ha ha! Will I marry Peach? Are you kidding me? The answer's YES!"

Count Bleck turned to Peach. "Peach... Noble princess, pure of heart... Do you take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?"

Peach was furious. She demanded answers. "Now, wait just a second! You will explain to me what is going on...RIGHT NOW!"

Count Bleck chuckled. "Is it not obvious? This is your wedding, Princess!"

Peach had calmed down slightly, but was still furious. "But...why in the WORLD am I marrying Bowser?!"

Bowser wanted to hurry up and get it over with. "Bwah ha ha! Hey, no gripes from THIS side of the altar, Bleck old boy! I don't get the details, but the count here has gone to a lot of trouble planning this! Just relax! We'll get married, we'll be in love, it'll be awesome! Finally!"

Peach angrily shouted. "No! And who picked this dress out! It's AWFUL! Take me back to my castle immediately!"

Nastasia put a spell on Peach, forcing her to the ground. "Yeah, um, being rude to the esteemed count is sort of frowned on, 'K? So, yeah, Princess Peach, I'm gonna need you to answer the count now... Do you, Peach, take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?"

Peach struggled against the spell. "N-n-n-n-noo..."

The crowd and Bowser gasped.

Nastasia put the spell on stronger. "Yeah, I'm sorry, you're going to have to say that again, I didn't hear you."

Peach groaned, against her will, ""


Timmy stood up to find that he was in his normal clothes and was in front of his house. "Huh, a trilogy wish with a twist ending."

Timmy brushed himself off. "I'll wish up another sequel after school. The Chosen One 4, Jorgen's A Jerk."

Timmy walked up to the entrance of his house. "Cosmo, Wanda, Poof?" All he heard was a frog ribbiting. "Ok, I guess I'll meet up with them later."

He walked into the kitchen of his home and saw his parents, Terrance and Tamara sitting on chairs at the kitchen table, so he took a chair and sat across from them. "Hey Dad, Mom, can I get some cereal? Something crunchy that's bad for me? Preferably with a toy in the box?"

Terrance looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Eh, honey, why is a buck-tooth street urchin wearing a pink hat calling us 'mom and 'dad' and asking for food?"

Timmy was slightly confused. "Um, because I'm your son?"

"But we don't have a son." Tamara stated. "We decided against having children so we could have more money..." She opened up a cabinet, revealing large wads of cash filling it up. "...less responsibility..." there were stacks of dirty dishes in the sink. "...and weekends free."

"Yeah!" Terrance agreed. "Having kids would only tie us down and prevent us from doing fun things like going to this weekend's big M.A.R.F festival!" He held up the other side of the newspaper.

Timmy read it out loud. "The Middle-Aged-Rock-Festival?"

"Cause you're never too old to Rock-N-Roll!" Terrance and Tamara said. They tried to play an invisible guitar, but they ended up nearly breaking their backs. "OW! Our backs!"

"Maybe we are too old." Terrance theorized. "To the heating pads!"

"And grab a muffin and let yourself out, street urchin." Tamara said.

Timmy was still confused. "Street urchin? M.A.R.F. Festival? Eh, I've had weirder mornings." He picked up a random muffin from the plate. He gasped.

He gasped. He just picked up the Fairy-Versary-Muffin. This muffin was granted to a child by Jorgen Von Strangle once they have had their fairies for a year. He remembered the disastrous incident that had happened when he had been granted the muffin.

Crocker had nearly taken over the world... that was a scary thought to think about. He was about to throw the Muffin in the trash, but he had second thoughts. "Just gotta keep it away from Crocker."

But then, the presence of the Muffin raised other questions. Why was it there? He couldn't think of possibly anything that would have caused the muffin to appear there. He would have to ask Jorgen later.

Right now, he just had to get his backpack and head to school.


After Princess Peach had said those words, the ground had begun to shake. A strange object started to appear.

Violet and Luigi woke up when the ground had started to violently shake.

"Luigi, what's happening?" Violet asked, startled.

"I don't kn-wait a minute, that's Peach!" Luigi said, pointing up to the altar.

"And that's Bowser!" Violet added.

"What are we waiting for? Come on, let's get up there!" Luigi and Violet raced up the stairs. The Chaos Heart emerged.

Count Bleck chuckled. "BLEH HEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Yes, all precisely as written in the Dark Prognosticus! Already it is unleashed! The Chaos Heart!"

Nastasia tried to add to the conversation. "Yeah, um, congratulations, Count."

They all heard a bold voice. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

Bowser, Count Bleck, and Nastasia turned to see Luigi and Violet standing on the step of the altar.

Count Bleck questioned them. "And just who are you two...asked Count Bleck."

Luigi answered bravely. "Well, since your plans are about to be foiled, my name's Luigi, and this is my girlfriend, Violet."

Violet groaned. "Please don't try to be as cool as Mario..."

Luigi let out a cry. "HERE I GO!"

Nastasia started to say something. "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to stop right this second, 'K? If you interrupt this now..."

Before Violet could react and before the mysterious girl could finish her sentence, Luigi jumped up and hit Bowser on top of his head, first. He then hit the Chaos Heart as he landed on the other side, right next to Peach. That's when the Chaos Heart started to act really strangely.

Violet was slightly worried. "What's going on?"

Luigi saw this too and before anyone could react, a bright light blinded them all and separated everyone instantly. Count Bleck and Nastasia were able to escape.

"Um, yeah, so are you alright, Count?" Nastasia asked.

Count Bleck answered. "Fools! Pointless acts like these will only earn you only pain...from Count Bleck! Very well. As the Chaos Heart is secured, this ragtag group now lacks use."

Nastasia pushed up her glasses. "Um, so, yeah, Count... This means that you may turn to a new page of dark prophecies..."

Count Beck began to chant. "Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds, as told in the prophecy! BLECK!"

With that, Count Bleck and Nastasia left in a flash of light - taking the Chaos Heart and the Dark Prognosticus along.


Timmy was now at his school. "Cosmo? Wanda? Where the heck are they?"

He stood in front of classroom 44, which was where he was supposed to go. "Well, if I have to face the educational system without magic, I better be prepared.

In the classroom, Mr. Crocker was writing on the board, 'Words That Begin With F'. All of them had something to do with fairies.

Timmy walked into the classroom with protective gear on. He walked up to two of his friends, Chester and A.J. "Hey guys, where's my seat?"

"Wow!" Chester shouted. "A new kid who doesn't know we're not cool!"

Timmy was confused. "What are you talking about? I know you're not cool." He took of the protective gear. "It's me, hello?"

A.J. got out of his seat and walked up to Timmy. "I'm A.J, the class genius, new kid. You can have my seat, I'll stand!"

Timmy was peeved. "Guy, I'm not a-"

"New kid!" Crocker finished. "Don't you know these kids aren't cool?"

He moved Timmy away from A.J and pulled out a megaphone. "A.J, F, FOR STANDING! Man, I love megaphones!"

Mr. Crocker put the megaphone down. "Okay, class. Today's assignment is to think of clever ways to destroy the new kid's self esteem.

Timmy was getting slightly angry. "But I'm not a new kid!" He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Look, I even did the homework you assigned on the Big Dipper!"

Mr. Crocker took the paper. "Hm, an overachieving suck up. I like it." Mr. Crocker took out the megaphone. "BUT F!"

The force of the loud noise caused Timmy to crash into the wall. "That's how roll in the 5th grade." Mr. Crocker said. "And everyone knows there's no such thing as the 'Big Dipper'!"

Timmy was even more confused now. "The Big Dipper doesn't exist?"

"Where'd you move here from? Dumbsville?" A.J made a joke.

At that, everyone in the class started laughing at Timmy.

Timmy was getting seriously annoyed by now. "I've lived here my whole life, what wrong with you guys?" He pointed at Chester and A.J." I'm your best friend!" He pointed at his bully, Francis. "You beat me up every day!" He pointed at Trixie. "And I've been in love with you since Kindergarten!" Timmy paused and realized what he just said.

"Awkward." Mr. Crocker said.

Timmy continued. "First my parents, and now you guys, what wrong with everyone?" He took Mr. Crocker's megaphone. "Look at me! I'm Timmy! TIMMY TURNER!"

After he said that, a chunk of the classroom's wall was forced open. A huge, metal, grey robot walked in. "Eliminate Timmy Turner."
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