Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Fly on the Wall

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

I know shes a beetle but come on

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Draco,Harry,Hermione,Luna - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2017-01-01 - 3628 words - Complete

Luna was so excited she was shaking in her seat. Luna squeezed Harry's hand with anticipation as they sat together at the Gryffindor table. There was only two or three students who knew what was about to happen and it was going to be a most interesting situation,

"Ladies and Gentlemen can I have your attention please."

The Great Hall was silenced by the voice of the Headmistress. It had been a week since Luna had approached McGonagall with her demands. It seemed Luna's parting suggestion was one McGonagall agreed with.

"Due to Mr. Corner's actions, he has been removed from the position of Head Boy.

So please give a round of applause for the New Head Boy

Draco Malfoy."

For the exception of the Slytherins the hall went silent. Draco got up from his seat, bowing with charisma to his fellow Slytherins like the arrogant twit he was...or so they thought. If only they knew the amount of spells he had to cast to hide his miserable, unhealthy state. The Head Boy had to be someone strong after all.

Draco began to strut down the table as the Slytherins cheered the return of their champion while other houses began to boo and jeer. McGonagall had already lost control of the situation and it was looking like a riot would soon break out. The students couldn't be blamed for being angry. How the hell did a Death Eater known for prejudice become Head Boy?

Now Draco was walking down the Gryffindor table at a high intensity but if people could see his face they would've seen the fear he was trying to hide. Gryffindors began to stand in his way but none stopped him as he walked towards his target...The MUDBLOOD Head Girl.

Hermione stood up as Draco approached her and aimed her wand in self-defense, she was as confused as anyone about what Draco was doing. Ron was already sending a curse at the Head Boy but was easily blocked.

Strangely enough, Harry remained sitting during the confrontation with a calm smile on his face. He watched as Draco put his wand away and held out his hand to Hermione.

The entire great hall was suddenly silent. If they weren't confused before they sure were now.

Hermione just stared at the hand in shock. Never in a million years did she ever expect Draco to do something like this. Then she noticed it...The dark mark was missing. Upon seeing this she looked into Draco eyes and saw the change in him. The Fear, the Weakness, the Need for Redemption. His Shell Shocked Eyes held no ill will to her. Upon seeing those eyes Hermione took Draco's hand in her own.

Draco stared at their shaking hands in disbelief. Overwhelmed with emotions he pulled her into a hug, shocking the stiffened Hermione as much as the rest of the room. Even Luna was astonished by this while Ron was simply stunned. Draco was doing everything in his power to hold back his tears as Hermione hugged the broken creature. She knew this was not Draco Malfoy, this was someone trying to make a change for the better.

Draco let her go and raised his wand. He felt a fire awakened in him that he never though he'd feel again. He screamed the words to the silent hall with all his might.


At this the room erupted in chaos. The Slytherins where now the only ones not cheering. In fact they were storming over the other tables to get to Draco. Some of them were even dubbing him vocally the dreaded title of...BLOOD TRAITOR

It was clear that violence was about to break out between the houses when something most strange happened. Draco was attacked not by a spell but by a glob of pudding. He turned surprised to see a familiar blond girl winking at him and he knew what to do. Draco grabbed a random plate of food and started throwing it back at Luna.

At this the violence became a food fight and for the moment the hostility was soon quickly forgotten Some of the teachers tried and failed to stop the food fight, while others just avoided it all together so they wouldn't get dirty. Harry did not have this option since he was right at the Gryffindor table when it had started. He tried in vain to stop the fighting before coming face to face with a crazy eyed Luna.

"Uh Oh, the Loony's got the Professor in a messy situation," Luna taunted out of character.

Harry realized Luna was holding a big bowl of pudding and knew he was in trouble. "Luna please put the pudding down..."

"OK," Luna smiled as she poured the pudding all over her head. He face was completely covered in the pudding, causing her to laugh. "But I was never going to pour pudding on you. I was going to use pies."

"What pies..." Harry felt a pie hit him in the back of his head.

"Uh Oh, Mistletoe Harry," Luna hummed pointing above him. In his foolishness he did look up (despite it being October) and of course his face was greeted with another pie. Luna was now rolling on the floor laughing...literally.

Teacher or not, Harry couldn't resist himself as he accidentally knocked over a jug of cold water off the table. Luna screamed with laughter as she became drenched in water. Luna got up to retaliate but found Harry already throwing pancakes at her. Luna grabbed a bottle of maple syrup and started squirting it all over Harry's hair.

Luna couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun. Was all this even real? It seemed like it was only yesterday when she was friendless and joyless, a ghost who wandered the halls. Now she was having a food fight with her Boyfriend Harry Potter. In Luna's mind there was no greater expression of love than assaulting the object of your affection with food.

Luna ran at Harry armed with corn on the cob (where was she getting all her food from? This was breakfast) and started whacking him with it, causing more laughter as Harry fell to the floor. They kissed as Harry reached out for a bowl of oatmeal and pouring it over Luna's head, adding to the pudding in her hair.

Meanwhile Draco had sneaked out of the great hall as soon as the food started flying and ran into a strange hooded figure. At first Draco pulled out his wand fearing the worst but realized that this hood was not for fear but concealment.

"So they made you the new Head Boy. They fired me for a Death Eater...that's rich."

Draco showed the hooded Michael his arm. "I'm not a Death Eater anymore and I'm going to make sure that the hate ends. If you were still Head Boy then you would continue to promote it."

Michael shook his head "I don't hate anybody for their blood status you idiot. I feel that Mudbloods and Squibs have a right to be happy in their place, which is below Purebloods like us. I do have a problem with one Squib who ruined everything for me."

"You did that yourself, Corner. I assume by your hood that Madam Pomfrey hasn't been able to fix your hair problem. Luna keeping you nice and bald then." Draco smirked at him but Michael got right in his face and saw Draco's brief flash of fear.

"You are not the same Draco Malfoy, you can fool these blood traitors but you can't fool me. How many concealment charms did you cast to hide your Grey hair, your skin and bony look, or the fear on your face?" With that Michael walked away leaving Draco to flee to the Head Boy's room.




The Head mistress's voice echoed through the room causing the fighting to end. Harry immediately took advantage of the commotion to sneak out of the Great Hall. It probably wouldn't look good for the professor to be caught participating in the food fight though Harry was certain Flitwick had gotten involved as well.

He pulled out his invisibility cloak only to realize even it was covered in food. Harry cursed under his breath as he sneaked into the nearest empty classroom and started cleaning his clothes with his wand.

"How do I look?"

Harry turned to see Luna was in a right state of a mess. She had used the pudding and syrup in her hair to stick it up in spikes. While her robes were painted in every colour of food imaginable.

"You look beautiful Luna...your also a complete mess," Harry replied which just caused more laughter between the two.

"That was the most fun I've ever had Harry." Luna sighed as she started to bend her spiked hair, not content with the weird look.

"I was thinking the same thing," Harry replied to the rainbow girl.

"I still can't believe we are...together," Luna said thoughtfully drifting off into her own world.

"Me either," Harry replied now completely clean. As he went to leave the room Luna surprised him with a hug. Harry usually loved this but unfortunately Luna was still covered in food.

"Luna..." Harry sighed exasperated before shrugging and hugging her back.

"That is officially the second strangest hug I've seen all morning" Ron said as he entered the room. "I never thought I'd see the day Malfoy would hug Hermione. I mean Merlin this has been one strange year, and it's only been a month!"

Harry chuckled "I got a feeling it's only going to get stranger Ron, Where's Hermione?"

"Heading to class and you should be too "Professor," "But she told me to tell you two to meet her in the Library during lunch. I have no clue why, but she said she'd explain later," Ron said as he left the classroom.

"We better go Luna," Harry insisted but Luna wasn't letting go.

"Harry promise me something," Luna said softly with a hint of more emotion in her voice.

"What's wrong Luna?" Harry asked, noticing the change of her demeanor.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me. Don't abandon me like my Mom and Dad did. I need you Harry and I'm scared something is going to happen," Luna realized something as she said this. "I have never been scared before...not since mom died."

Harry hugged her even closer as he kissed her head "I'm not going anywhere. I've gone through too much to die now. As long as I live I am never leaving your side Luna."

"Hello Harry, Luna I would like to introduce you to an old friend...acquaintance...pest." Hermione decided upon as she greeted her two friends in the library.

"What do you mean Hermione?" Harry asked before noticing a familiar buzzing sound. "You don't mean Rita..."

"...Skeeter," The witch finished as she appeared in the room. "If I were you I would be more friendly towards me. Together we are going to have the papers flying off the shelves."

Luna grinned "Hell Miss Skeeter I assume you are here to cover the story that The Daily Prophet and Quibbler have been ignoring."

Rita grinned back a toothy grin. "Of course but after today they won't be ignoring it for long my "Miracle Squib". I like that name don't you little girl."

"I prefer Luna but it could make a good article title. If we are going to do this interview properly then I would like to make sure my Mother gets her credit and know that I know all the misreporting tricks so no funny business fly girl."

Skeeter stiffened "Granger you said you wouldn't tell anyone about my..."

Luna interrupted "I saw you in fly form the moment I walked into the room. Fly's don't fly the way you fly."

"How could you tell that?" The older witch asked surprised.

"Observation of course, it's honestly easy to spot an animagus. Now shall we begin?" Luna asked as she sat down at a desk.

Harry whispered into Hermione's ear. "What in Merlin's name have you done, you've created a monster."

Hermione nodded as the interview began...


By Rita Skeeter

That's right you have heard correctly. For the last 7 years Hogwarts has been home to a squib, named Luna Lovegood, who has somehow gained the ability to use magic despite her condition.

The girl has successfully kept her past condition as secret for the last eight years before finally revealing the truth three weeks ago. Now Luna has decided to tell the world her amazing, inspiring, story, in this exclusive interview with me: Rita Skeeter

So Luna tell me just how have you gained the ability to use magic?

I'm honestly not sure Miss Skeeter. I know it happened around the time my mother died. She was working on trying to give non magical people magic but her spell backfired and killed her. I, however, have since gained the ability to perform magic. My mother was a brilliant witch who was always misunderstood by the magical community but I believe she is responsible for this breakthrough in magic.

That is quite amazing. What was it like growing up as a squib?

It was quit lonely. Ignorance is really bliss for Muggles but as a squib I wasn't given that luxury. I didn't fit in with Muggles or Wizards so I was a lonely child. With my Father on his expeditions, my Mother became my only friend. When she died all the magic in the world couldn't change the fact that I didn't fit in anywhere. I felt like I was truly alone, I guess I was.

You don't seem to be a lonely now. With the reports that you have been dating the

Wizarding Worlds Savior, Harry Potter.

He's just Harry to me and he means the world to me. Ever since we met in my 4th year he has been by my side when others avoided me. Recently we have been spending more time together and he would support me through tough times. He has given me true friendship, then he gave me his heart. It still feels like a dream. I love him with all my heart and I owe him everything for helping me through these hard times.

Hard times?

Sadly I am losing my magical abilities, and soon I will be a squib again. I am doing everything I can to stop this but I have to accept it as a very real possibility.

That's Horrible!

It's OK as long as I have Harry by my side I will be fine. I just want to do all I can to help the Wizarding world while I still have the power.

But will Harry still want to be with you if you beco...

You think he'd stop loving me if I lost my magic? What type of person do you think Harry is?

You think he is so shallow? If you are going to insult my Boyfriend then let's just end this int...

NO! NO! I'm sorry, I'll just take this out.

No put all this in the article so people know it isn't being censored.

What do you mean censored?

A non-magical person gaining magic has to be the biggest story of the year. Yet all THE PROFIT talks about is me and Harry dating? The ministry will do anything to stop this information from getting out. If I can become a Witch then maybe Muggles can too. That was my Mothers dream and while I'm still here, I will try to do the same. I won't let anyone stop me...even the Minister himself.

Why would the Ministry stop this research?

Because they are scared of change, and I represent a change beyond their control. Mark my words if I die from an accident it was no accident...but I don't fear for my life. I have a secret weapon but that I shall keep to myself.

Anything else you would like to say Miss Lovegood?

Stop abusing Muggles, Muggleborns and Squibs. Even the names Muggle and Squib are demeaning and insulting. The world needs to change whether you like it or not. I'm sick of seeing brilliant people being insulted by undeserving jerks who think blood status matters. I thought the hate would've died with the war but it's worse than ever. I have been insulted and called nonhuman, a freak, and a science experiment. If the Wizarding world is going to change then we must change who we are first. I will also like to hear from any squibs who have suffered over the years. I know what it's like to be treated cruelly. I have the scars to prove it.


Luna hadn't meant to mention the scars but now that she had she knew it was the right thing to do. She looked over to Harry then Hermione. "Remember when you rescued me from Malfoy Manor? Well one of the Death Eaters was an unspeakable who knew my secret and he told Bellatrix..."

Luna then closed her eyes to concentrate. Soon markings began to appear on her arms making Harry and Hermione gasped. Even Skeeter looked on in shock. Luna revealed the markings to be scars.


These where only a few of the horrible words carved into Luna's arm by the sadistic witch.

"They didn't hurt when they were made. I don't feel pain at all actually...I think it's a side effect from the Magic...but that just made her madder. I could remove them permanently but I keep them as a reminder of the Hatred I have suffered. The Hatred others suffered. It hurts to see them knowing that others must have had these as well. I have to stop this..."

Harry at this point got up and hugged Luna tightly as he tried to control his anger that someone could do this to Luna. Hermione was holding back tears while Skeeter was quickly jotting all of this into her article. She was as shocked as the rest of them but news is news and this was journalist gold.

Skeeter spoke up. "Uhh...Miss Lovegood, If you think it's alright I think those scars should be our front page..."

Thank you so much for your time Luna Lovegood and I think I speak for everyone when I say the hate must end. How many more hate crimes must we endure before we say "enough". Hate only causes pain and suffering. This reporter asks the question. After the wars the Wizarding world has suffered through,

Haven't we suffered enough?

The article had shocked the Wizarding World, from the news content to the sight of Luna's arms. The Daily Prophet was furious since they had no idea this article would even be in their paper. In fact Rita had to sneak into their office at night and put her article into the front page.

Luna grinned after she finished reading while Harry read the article with his hand over the picture. He simply couldn't bear to see it. He turned to Luna who was sitting beside him at the Gryffindor table.

"I can't believe you put that picture on the front page. You're a braver person than I am Luna."

Luna shook her head "You're the bravest person I know Harry. You fought Voldemort one on one while I just posed for a picture. It's not brave at all."

Suddenly owls began swarming the table, dropping hundreds of letters in front of Luna's desk.

They ranged from support to Hate mail. One of the letters however was From Rita Skeeter.

Meet me in my Office immediately with Potter and Granger.

I have big news from the Department of Mystery's concerning your Mother.

Luna showed the letter to Harry and Hermione, they immediately got up to head to Harry's office.

One flu power trip later and they arrived in Rita's office.

The room was empty...

"Something's wrong," Harry whispered pulling out his wand. Luna raised her hand for silence then listened.

Most people wouldn't have heard it...the faint buzzing sound. Luna followed it along the wall until she came across the fly. It has been half squashed against the wall and the bug was buzzing frantically.

Hermione had a hand over her mouth while Harry approached Luna's side. "Can you help her?"

Luna shook her head as she gently took the fly off the wall and placed it in her hand. "If she changes back she will die. No one can help her. I'm sorry, I never wanted anyone to get hurt little fly."

Luna turned to the other two. "This is either a response to the article or she found out something in the Department of Mysteries. We have to find out what that was. Especially if it was about my mother."

It seemed to dawn on the three of them that this was no longer a game. Luna's words had come true. People would get hurt and the first shot had been fired.

"This is going to get dangerous now Luna. Are you still up for this fight?" Harry asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

Luna nodded as she gently placed the fly on the floor. "Thank you for all your help Rita. I'm sorry this had to happen. May you feel no more pain? Goodbye Little Fly."

Luna looked up at the other two before she lifted her foot and put the fly out of its misery.
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