Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Werewolf's Love

Quidditch Season Is Upon Us

by Dead-poets 0 reviews

Aurelia Mercy was raised next door to the Weasleys, she got her letter to Hogwarts and left with Fred and George, her best friends, now she has to protect her powers as she goes away from her famil...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2017-01-18 - 1670 words

I went up to the Gryffindor Common Room and saw Fred and George waiting for me, "Where have you been?" George asked, you know how some guys grow up and they say that they're becoming more like their father, I think George is becoming more like Molly, very momma bear. "Out." I answered with a shrug and Fred's eyes widened, "Out?! Have you checked the time? We need to go over the Quidditch tactics for the season!" Fred shouted and I turned to the large clock on the table next to the couch, "Oliver's pissed isn't he?" I ask and they nod, I grabbed their arms and ran down to the field, I saw a very red faced Oliver, "What took you so long!?" He practically shrieked, "It's the first day back, Oliver. Cool it." I snapped and went to Angelina and Alicia and sat between them, Oliver was completely on edge, after all, it was his last chance to win. Oliver didn't say anything for awhile and then spun around to us with slight anger on his face, "This is our last chance, no, my last chance at winning the Quidditch Cup!" He growled and I flinched slightly as his spit hit my face, Oliver began pacing as he continued to speak, "I'll be leaving at the end of the year, which means that this is my last chance! Gryffindor hasn't won in seven years! Seven!" Oliver shouts into our faces and my eyes widened, "Okay, so we haven't had the best luck--" Oliver was cut off by tapping against the door way, we all turned and saw Lupus in human form, "Who are you?" Oliver barked at Lupus, but all Lupus did was shake his head, "O aff fe sia'eri xtia'iri." He panted and I nodded along, I stood up and Oliver snapped his head over to me, "Where in the name of Merlin, do you think you are going?" I gave him a big toothy grin, "I think I'm going to sit back down." I answered and sent a look of pity to Lupus, "And you! Whoever you are! Get out!" Oliver growled and Lupus's eyes widened, he quickly ran out and Oliver turned back to us with a weird smile, "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted!" Oliver growled and Angelina's grip on my arm tightened, Oliver did have a bad habit of getting a little to intense. At least everyone called it intense, I called it devil mode, I had my reasons, I'll never go near him and his seat again. That was a bad Thanksgiving. "Okay, so we haven't had the best luck, we've had a lot of injuries throughout the years, I think most of us remember when Aurelia was in second year and that Bludger." Oliver commented and I raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember any accident in second year." I said with a confused tone, "Exactly." Angelina, George, Fred, Alicia, and Oliver said in complete unison, "Can someone tell me that story?" Harry asked and I nodded, "Can someone tell me that story too?" I questioned and Oliver rolled his eyes at us.
Harry scooted over to me and I rested my arm around his shoulder, "Anywho, after all the injuries in the past few years, and let's not forget the fact that the tournament was called of last year." Oliver's voice faltered and he looked as though he was going to cry, he grabbed the bridge of his nose and turned away from us, "But!" He shouted suddenly, "We've got the best ruddy team in the school! We've got three superb chasers." Oliver said and motioned to the three of us, "We've got two unbeatable beaters." Oliver smiled and the twins did a fake girly laugh, "Stop it Oliver, you're embarrassing us." They said in unison which Oliver rolled his eyes at, "We have a seeker who has never failed to win us a match." Emphasis on the 'NEVER', "And we have me." He finished and I clapped. "We love you too, Oliver. Your the best captain we'll ever have." I cheered and that just got everyone sending him compliments, "The point is!" Oliver exclaimed over everyone, and slowly began to pace, "The Quidditch Cup should have our name on it this year. I thought when we got Harry on the team we would win the Cup, but we haven't. And this is the last chance we get to see our name on the thing." Oliver snapped and I frowned. "We'll win! And take the idiots down!" I shouted and jumped up, "I'm more concerned that you'll kill yourself if we don't win, though." I whispered to myself and Oliver apparently heard me, "I love you." I said with a fake smile and threw my arms around him, "Now that this is settled, practice times will be posted. Be here late and you're doing laps." He barked and walked on to the field, I grabbed my broom and we all took off after him. Two hours and a half later, we had finished for the night, "Ksenia!" Fred and George shouted as I jumped off my broom, "Yeah?" I responded, "You have some explaining to do!" George shouted, they ran up to where I was, crossing their arms and they gave me a look that just said, "Gurl, you got some explaining to do.", "I have to get to detention, so do you. After detention, I promise." I swore, they shared a look and nodded, "We'll meet you in the common room." I ran off to find Lupus. It's not like him to show up in human form where other people are, not to mention the fact he said he was in serious trouble, I checked to make sure no one else was around and quickly transformed into my direwolf form, my paws hit the cold grass, I loved the feeling of it, I liked being in my direwolf form, it was much more comfortable. I turned back to the forbidden forest and quickly ran to him, I slid to a stop, he was lying across the ground, under the tree of strength, I shifted back to my real form and crouched down next to him. "What's going on?" I ask him and he struggles to lift his head, "My body won't let me shift back." Lupus choked out, this has never happened to him before, I don't know what to do. My heart slowly sped up in panic, "I need to get you back to Hogwarts." I slowly lifted him up and onto my shoulders, he was heavy, but he was my closest friend, he was worth the back pain.
Carrying him back to the castle was a pain, I dropped him twice, and it was getting later, the moon was rising and I needed my potion, sliding through the doors I dropped him to the floor, "Minnie!" I screeched at the top of my lungs, I looked back down at Lupus and saw him slowly closing his eyes, hopefully just passing out, "Albus!" I screeched again, I heard footsteps but they sounded far away, "Remus!" I shouted, I felt for Lupus's pulse and sighed in relief as I felt the heartbeat. "Aurelia!" I heard Remus shout and run down to me, "What happened?" He asked quickly and I shook my head, "I don't know! I need Minnie or Albus, they would know what to do! They always know what to do." I panicked, I've seen this happen before, just thankfully not to him, we used to have a pack, I was the only one originally born human, "Aurelia." I heard Albus say as he made his way down to us, "Is it happening again?" He asked and I shrugged, "Give him one of your potions, we'll see what happens." Albus says, he gave me a smile, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. "Of course, sir. I'll go grab one, try to get him to the hospital wing." I told them and sprinted through the halls, I screamed the password at the Fat lady and ran up to my dorm, "Where are you going in a hurry!" Fred shouted after me, "I'm trying to save a life." I answer and sprinted up the stairs, I flung the door open and the girls jumped, I fell to my knees in front of my dresser, my head started to spin, I need to take one now, I have never gone a day without my potion and was terrified to figure out what would happen. My pale hands grasped the dark bottles, I quickly popped the top off of one, drinking it as fast as possible and sprinting back down to the common room. "You owe us an explanation, missy!" George bellowed after me, "Meh!" I shouted back for no reason, but to give them a response, I couldn't get my head wrapped around why Lupus couldn't change back, I pushed pass people who were heading to the great hall, "Watch where you're going! Blood traitor!" I heard the little ferret of a Malfoy shout at me, I was to worried to hex him, but the next prank I set up shall be on him. I ran to the Hospital Wing and saw Poppy placing a wet towel on his forehead, "Here!" I blurted out and tossed her the bottle, I was out of breath, "I am not as in shape as I look." I pant, Poppy poured the potion into his mouth, "We should see if their are any improvements in the morning." Poppy informed me as the doors opened, "Ksenia! We need food and an explanation." Fred barked at me, George looked over to Lupus and raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that the guy from this morning?" He asked and I nodded. George grabbed my upper right arm while Fred grabbed my upper left arm before dragging me away.
They dragged me back to the Gryffindor Common Room, then up to their room. "Explanation, now."
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