Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Werewolf's Love

Secrets Revealed

by Dead-poets 0 reviews

Aurelia Mercy was raised next door to the Weasleys, she got her letter to Hogwarts and left with Fred and George, her best friends, now she has to protect her powers as she goes away from her famil...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2017-01-18 - 2370 words

As Albus left he left us in an awkward silence, Remus moved towards his desk and I turned back to my studies, "What are we working on today?" I ask as the time passes and Remus looks up to me, "We're going to see what you have all learned, we're going to learn about boggarts." Remus said softly as I nodded, "I will assume you're afraid of the moon." I comment and I hear a piece of chalk hit the ground, "Why on earth would I be afraid of the moon?" He asks in a shaky tone, "Well being a werewolf and all must be quite stressful." I tease and Remus's face goes from scared to confusion, "How did you know?" He asks me, "You smell like Wolfsbane, I picked it up this morning." I tell him and Remus walks over to me and sits upon my desk. "Most witches and wizards can't detect the smell of it, so, why can you?" He asks me and I give him a toothy grin and a slight giggle, "We all have our secrets, some must come up and some must stay a secret." I say as the door opens and in comes Fred and George, "Hey Aurelia, Professor Lupin." George greeted and sat down next to me, "I've never seen you two early for any class." I tell them with an amused smile, "What's the deal with Lupin?" Fred whispered in to my ear and before I could say anything Peeves suddenly burst in to the room, screaming at the top of his lungs, "Loony, Loony, Lupin!" I love Peeves sometimes! Yay! He makes things interesting! But in this case I could tell it was messing with Remus, "Peeves!" I shout at him and he spins around still singing, "Loony, Loony, Lupin," at the top of his lungs, "Stop it! Come on! You're better than this." I call out to him and scoff, then came the song for me, "Aurelia, Aurelia, crazy, kooky, Aurelia!" He always sang that as I walked through the halls, all it did was make me laugh, but sometimes when he sang it, my friends, mostly Harry, goes into protective mode, "Shut it Peeves!" I shout again and duck as Peeves threw chalk at me, "Crazy, kooky, Aurelia is no fun anymore." He snapped and flew off. "What was up with that?" George asked me, his eyes wide, "What?" I question and George shakes his head, "Whenever Peeves sings about something or someone you always join in, when he sung about Harry last year, even though it was rude, you always sing along." Sadly this is true, but when Peeves sung about just ticked me off, then I uttered the words I never wanted to say, "I guess I'm just growing up." I practically threw up in my mouth after saying those words, Fred's hand flew up to his mouth in shock, "Oh dear god!" He cried and George just looked sick, "I think I'm going to be sick." George whispered, Lupus suddenly turned into human form causing the three of them to cry out in alarm, "You take that back, Aurelia Ksenia Mercy!" He shouts and I jump up, "What the hell are you doing?!" I screech at him and then reality hit him, reality hit him hard, "You never saw me." He told Fred, George, and Remus, before turning back into a Direwolf, "What just happened, Ms. Mercy?" Remus asked me and I flinched, "Nothing I can explain, Professor." I mutter and sit back down.
We sat in silence until students flooded the room, "Good afternoon class, I am Professor Lupin, although I'd assume you'd know that." Remus said with a weak smile, "Today we'll be going over what you have learned over the years," He starts and walks over to a cabinet, "Can anyone tell me what this is?" He asks and a bunch of hands fly into the air, he pointed to Angelina Johnson and her response was Boggart, "Correct, now I assume you have worked with these before, so everyone line up." Remus ordered and we all stood and pushed the desks toward the wall, I stood in line behind Fred and George, I couldn't remember what I was afraid of when I was in my third year, I remembered Fred and George's fear, which was losing each other. Which was so sweet! Angelina walked up first with her wand drawn, Remus opened the door and out stepped a clown, I could hear her heart beat speed up, "Come on Angie, you got this." I said softly to her and she straightened up, "Riddikulus!" The clown turned into a Jack in the box, which was for some reason not scary at all, Katie went up next and the Jack in the Box transformed into a tarantula, "Riddikulus!" She shouted and the spider turned into a kitten, I don't know how that happened seems like a stretch, George was up next and the kitten turned into two figures, Fred and I, the way it looked was we were fine, then a green light hit us both and we fell down dead, "R-R-Riddikulus!" George stuttered out and then turned to his desk with a red face. Fred was up next and it went from Fred and I tap dancing to George and I standing back to back with solemn expression, then we were smiling, then we were dead, then we were standing and smiling, then we were dead, it kept switching back and forth, Fred looked terrified and softly said the incantation, then it was my turn, my heart rate sped up in anticipation, I watched George and I smile and wave while holding up pranking supplies, then it changed into my worst fear, me. I was my own worst fear and that confused me, the boggart smiled and laughed, but then the boggart looked down and looked back up at me with one red eye and one gold one and a smirk upon it's lips, my jaw dropped and Lupus started to growl, "Waso afney Eo?" I asked in the Direwolf native tongue, I asked who it was supposed to be, well technically 'Who are you?', it spoke in a sickly sweet growl of a voice, "O aff waso eo afney." I glared and raised my wand to shoot the spell at it, "Eo krotha eo ux dolara fey'a? O aff eo eza thaeă lav do thaeă karli." It growled at me, "Riddikulus!" I barked before running out of the classroom with Lupus trailing behind me, I ran to the forbidden forest and ran past tree after tree before falling at the foot of the tree of Srarakà, or the tree of Strength. Lupus fell down next to me and I looked him in the eyes, "Training starts early Lupus, that boggart may have just been a boggart, but what it said was a warning, we start now." I order and Lupus turns into a human, "Why did that thing show up?" He growled and I shrugged, "I don't know, and I really don't like knowing." I say to him and pull out a flask of the potion that kept me in human head space, "Drink, it'll burn for awhile, I'm going to be using my time turner to go back to school so I can keep my grades up, I'll show you everything to do when I get back, drink the water of Srarakà, it'll keep you strong while human." I say and turn forward my necklace, honestly a little confused on how this would work. First thing I did was run into Hermione, "Shouldn't you be in DADA?" She asked me and I shrugged, "What time is it?" I ask her and grab my class schedule, "Nevermind!" I shout and take off to Divination, my first class with a time turner. I hurried from class to class with my little magical assistant, I scurried back in forth until the final class came to an end, "Hey Ksenia!" Fred shouted from down the hallway, "I don't have time!" I shout and run out of the castle and back into the forest to Lupus, where I found a slightly sick Lupus laying across the forest ground, "You lasted longer then I thought you would." I say softly and he groans, "I need to change back." He groaned and I shook my head, "You have to fight it, that's the only way you'll stay like this. Your wolf side controls you and mine controls me, you must resist." I tell him and put my hands onto his shoulders, a pain suddenly shot through me, it was Lupus's pain, that's another thing with Direwolves, we feel each others pain.
I gasped and felt myself suddenly change from human to wolf, my human self disappearing as white and black fur took over, "Goddamn." I heard Lupus mutter as he turned into his form once again, I barked and turned back into a human, "We work on your strength tomorrow. Everything will be fine." I say to him and Lupus gives me a tired look, "Let's go back up to the castle, come on. I need to talk to Albus." I said and turn into my wolf form once again. My paws stretched as we raced neck in neck to the castle, past Minerva and Remus who had wide eyes, I let out a howl and slid to a stop, I transformed back into a human and ran my fingers through Lupus's fur, "See you later." I whispered and turned to Minerva and Remus, Minnie glared at me with her jaw dropped, "Ms. Mercy!" She shouted and I walked over to her, "Yes?" I respond and flinch as she begins to shout again, "In all my years of having you as a student, I never thought you could be more reckless with all of this!" I look over to Remus who had an eyebrow raised but I shook it off, "I'm not sorry, at least I'm not entirely sorry. When I'm in my Direwolf form I feel free, Lupus just got done with a training session, cut me some slack Minnie." I say with a laugh, "Cut you some slack? Aurelia, you know what the Ministry does to your kind, what if Mr. Malfoy saw? He could have told his father or mother and they contact Albus and your sister, find evidence and kill you, or worse!" Minnie shouts and I growl, "Minerva, what is worse then death?" Remus asks and I give him a silent thank you, "What I'm trying to say is, you know what they do to your kind, they don't trust Direwolves, they're afraid they'll wipe out the entire wizard world." Minerva says and I winced at the thought, "But they think we aren't alive anymore, and since we are alive, we get mistaken for an Animagus." I say even though she's right, if I were to be seen in Direwolf form I could be killed, "Try to be careful, and stay in Human form, at least for awhile, and keep working with Lupus." She says and gives me a weak smile, I watched her walk away from me and slowly turned back to Remus, "I think you have some explaining to do." Oh god.
Remus and I walked through the castle past some students and then down a corridor where we were alone, "Let's start with your boggart." He said and I leaned against the castle wall, "It was me, I'm afraid of me." I answer and Remus shook his head, "The boggart had a red eye and a gold eye, mind explaining the language as well?" He questions me, "The boggart is me, the language was Direwolfian." I explain and Remus raises an eyebrow at me, "What did it say?" I was surprised, usually when I mention Direwolfian to a professor they flip out, "I asked, Waso afney eo, which translates to who are you. Then it responded with 'O aff waso eo afney', which means 'I am who you are'. Which scared me slightly, because when I pulled my wand it told me, 'Eo krotha eo ux dolara fey'a? O aff eo eza thaeă lav do thaeă karli,' which translates to 'You think you can defeat me? I am you at the end of the day." I spoke quickly and at the end Remus wrapped me into a hug. "You're a Direwolf, I should have known." He whispers and Lupus suddenly appears behind him, he growled and I shook my head as Remus turned to face him, "So he's also a Direwolf?" Remus questions and I nod, "Yes, but he can't stay in human form, unlike me." I inform and run my fingers through Lupus's fur, a sudden pain shot through my leg and that's when I noticed he was limping, I growled and suddenly turned into my Direwolf form, Remus kneeled down next to me and started to pet my fur, I turned back into a human and Remus's hand was on my head, "Sorry." He mumbled and I turned to Lupus. "Hospital wing, now." I order and turn back to Remus, "I'll see you at detention tonight, Remus." I bid him goodbye and take off after Lupus, I ran down the corridors and found a familiar black haired boy leaning against the hospital door, "You're in human form, surprising." I mutter and Lupus glares at me, "Poppy won't let me in, in Direwolf form." He sighs and we enter the hospital wing, "Hey Poppy." I greet and she glares at us, "Take a seat." She orders and Lupus jumps onto one of the beds, "So, what's going on with you and the professor?" He asks and starts making kissing faces and hearts with his hands. I grabbed one of the pillows and started to attack him, "Aurelia!" Poppy screamed and I took that as a sign to stop, "Sorry pops, we're just having a little fun." I say and she glares at me. "Come find me when you're done here, I'll most likely either be in detention or at Quidditch Practice." I say and ruffle his hair before heading out of the hospital wing.
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