Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > all for the family


by ahava 2 reviews

chapter seven

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-02 - Updated: 2006-09-02 - 820 words

Sophie's POV~
I lay awake in bed, trying to calm down my nerves and not send out a search party. He'd left hours ago without a jacket and by foot. Tony had called to say he'd found him, but that was a long time ago. I jumped as the front door opened and shut. I rolled out of bed and ran out to see him on his way down to the basement.
He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and a tear stained face, and then continued down to his makeshift bedroom. I felt my breath come in short gasps and tears fill my eyes. He really had cried. He'd never cried before in his life, and he'd been through a lot. And he'd cried... for me.
I pulled myself back to bed knowing I'd be unable to sleep, cuz with all that was going on, I had another problem. When I checked the calendar today, I noticed that I was six weeks late. I was hoping, praying that it was cuz of the stress and pressure, but I knew that wasn't it.
I looked up at the tv and clicked it on to see our wedding dvd already playing. I watched a happy excited Benji pull me into his arms and kiss me. I watched us slowly dance to some slow song, his arms wrapped around my waist, mine around his neck, our foreheads touching, just staring into each other's eyes as we slowly turned to the soft music. He brought his hand up to my face and kiss my forehead. I felt the tears come up in my throat, almost feeling his warm lips on my skin again. It had been so long since the last time he really kissed me. The only kisses I've gotten in a long time were the sexual 'I wanna fuck your brains out' kisses. I missed the way he used t kiss me. His kisses used to make me feel like we were the only ones in the world. Nothing else mattered when Benji kissed me, his soft lips on mine would destroy every problem that existed and life was one simple path I could easily make my way through just as long as he was there to kiss me. But the last time he kissed like that was so long ago; I doubted he'd ever kiss me like that again.
Eventually I fell asleep to Benji's wedding speech saying he loved me and always would.
"Soph?" I jumped and looked up startled, but calmed when I saw it was just my sister, Noah, and she was angry with me.
"Hi Noah," I yawned pulling the blanket over my head.
"What the hell is your problem?" she said yanking the covers off of me. "Joel said you filed for divorce. Sophie, are you retarded? You love Benji with all you have and he loves you even more. You guys live for each other."
"Nah, leave me alone."
"Did you see him today?"
"No, I was sleeping before you very nicely woke me." I said irritably.
"He looks like shit."
"And I don't?" I sat up. "Noah, look at me, I don't look healthy. I don't give a fuck what Benji looks like, ok? I'm six weeks late." I added in a mumble.
"What?" she gasped and sat down next to me. I nodded and wiped away a tear. "Did you take a test?"
I shook my head. "I'm scared to." I said. "I dot want it to be positive. I don't... I don't want this, ok? I love him so much, and if I could, I'd have everything the way it used to be. But I cant live with who he's become anymore, I can't and the kids can't either."
"But he's back, isn't he? I mean Tayala said he took them out yesterday and everything."
"I don't know, I really don't. I mean we all know what a suck up he is."
"But you love him."
"That's not always enough."
"But... what if you are pregnant? You guys have kids now; you have to think about them. You can't just do this just cuz he screwed up a bit."
"Noah, I don't know, alright? I don't freaking know anymore. I don't know what to do if I am pregnant, I don't know what will happen or anything else. I just know that I cant live like this anymore."
We both sighed and looked away, tears running down my face.
"Life's a bitch." She said finally. I smiled and hugged my big sister. "I still love you Soph."
"I love you too Noah." I sniffled nestling my head in her shoulder.

* ok this here is kind of a filler so it probably suckd. i got somrthing big coming soon so you'll just have to deal....
i wanna say thanx to +BuryMeInMemory+ for the awesome reviews. keep it up!
happy reading all!
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