Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Remember Remember the 5th of November

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

"Imaginatio Potestatem"

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Flitwick,Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2017-02-23 - 2417 words - Complete

The concert hall went silent as the wild haired man moved toward his instrument of passion. He loved the way he felt when the crowd of noblemen froze and worshiped his art. Nobility was only the circumstances of birth, but he was the BEST!
He attacked his instrument in what could only be described as an attempted to destroy the thing. He loved his instrument, but for his art, he would gladly destroy the thing over and over again. He loved how the women fainted, not from romance, but from the shock of his playing. When he was finished, the crowd was in a stunned silence. He smiled inwardly, whether they admitted it or not, they knew he was second only to God.
A voice grumbled, "My hairs not that messy."
"Of course not, yours is far worse." Another voice snorted back causing a girl to giggle.
The man spoke to the crowd, oblivious of any interruption. "Meine nächste Song ist ein hübsches kleines Toon ich für Elise schrieb."
"What did he say? A young man asked.
"I don't speak German?" A young lady replied.
The wild haired man slowly played his song while the golden haired girl listened in wonder.
"Isn't it beautiful," She whispered.
"It's even prettier when you play it" Her boyfriend whispered back.
"Oh Merlin that was so bloody cheesy. Thank Morgana I'm not lactose intolerant or this place would smell like Dragon shit." The small man gagged loudly.
"Thank you Filius, for your wonderful words of beauty." Harry shot back sarcastically.
"It wasn't about the beauty, it was about getting a point across." Filius shouted over the performance. "What is the deal with human's romantic fascination with courting, loving words, and some lies, about how awesome you are. The Goblins have none of that dragon shit. If a Goblin likes a female Goblin they snog them on the spot."
"Snog them?" Harry asked.
Filius laughed. "Well only if she's receptive. If the female goblin isn't interested, she cuts your head off before you can say…oops. Female Goblins are called Dwarves and look just like the Muggles depiction. Thank Merlin I'm part human too. I was able to marry three lovely women in my three hundred years of living."
"Three hundred?" Harry gaped.
"Of course, this is his memory after all. He turned my mother into a Beethoven fan and she turned me into one. Now can we please listen…oh darn the shows over," Luna sighed.
The crowd stood up and applauded as the wild haired man bowed respectfully.
"We still have much to speak of Luna so we will be restarting the memory." Filius spoke as he raised his wand and did just that. "Now the goblins have given the three of us a Message."
Filius conjured up the letter and began to read:
Moon Child and Goblin Killer's Bane.
We wish to bestow upon you the honor of Goblin friend.
It is the highest order any human can receive.
Do to your friendship with Sir Flitwick and your past accomplishments,
We wish to give you crucial information.
The Minister is hiding something.
Since he became the Minister, Goblin relations has dropped immensely.
We have used spies to discover that the Minister is in someone's pocket.
Who this person is we know not.
We also don't believe the Minister was bribed but blackmailed.
Also know that the Ministry is about to make a move. Again we don't know what.
The Goblin people are on your side, by order of…
The Great Goblin King Oderus Urungus The 956th!
If Muggles, Wizards and Goblins learn to do business together,
The Profits would be Legendary
We will not fight this war but we will aid you with knowledge and funds
Have a Bloody Day
May your Species Fall and your Children Be Enslaved.
There was a brief moment of silence before Harry spoke. "What the Hell was that?"
Filius chuckled. "That was how Goblin's end letters and meetings with humans. Never forgave wizards for winning the war. I mean they lost, just let it go."
"Who is blackmailing Royal? What could Royal have done for someone to blackmail him?" Luna asked.
Filius sighed. "That is the most interesting question before you. What I find most disturbing is the Goblins already assume a war is going to happen. I would not put it past them to add fuel to that fire."
"I don't want a war. I don't want to hurt anybody," Luna whispered. "But I will not back down."
"Some things are worth fighting for Luna," Harry answered.
"Here, Here!" Filius cheered.
It had been nearly a week since Luna had spoken to Pandora and as the days went by, Luna slowly recovered from the loss of her mother. Harry was with her every step of the way. When he left to teach classes Luna was there by his side, invisible to the rest of the class. Slowly Luna began to feel even stronger, though her magic continued to slip away. She knew time was running out but no matter how much she tried, she could not cast the most mysterious spell.
"Filius, what do you know of a spell called Imaginatio Potestatem?" Luna asked slowly.
"Ah so she did tell you about that. I was wondering when you would ask." Filius mused. "It is a spell developed by your mother near the end of her life. It is a spell that showed me just how little we know about magic. A spell that has only one rule, a rule that breaks all known rules of magic. To cast the spell you must not know the spell's intent. If I told you more it would not work. I myself could never cast it. Pandora herself had to use another invention - a short term forgetful potion - in order to cast it. She never taught me how to brew it since I believe it was her last invention. If I were you I would just go with the spell."
"I don't understand." Luna hummed with annoyance.
"Good, don't understand it, at least not yet." Filius cackled at the look on Luna's face. "Now before we leave I must tell you something else. There was a second letter for you Luna, but all I was told, was it was written by a human. On the letter, it said to not deliver to you until November the 5th at 11:00 am."
Luna took, opened, and then read the note out loud.
The second vial must be used tonight. Be strong, be brave, and be fast!
"Curious." Luna muttered in deep thought. "It must be the second vial from mother's vault…the second memory."
"Be strong and be brave could mean the memory isn't pleasant…but fast?" Harry asked confused.
Luna's eyes seemed to pop out of her head. "Uh Oh!"

Luna, Filius and Harry entered his quarters, only to see they were too late. The room had been ransacked. Chairs, beds, pillows, cupboards; overturned, upside down, spread around and thrown to the ground.
While Harry grumbled about poor security, Luna raised her hand and called out,
"Accio Memory Vial."
Nothing happened.
"NO Accio Memory! ACCIO!"
But still nothing happened.
They were indeed too late.
"NO! NO! NO! NO!"
Luna's shriek shattered windows as she disappeared. Harry tried in vain to summon the memory vial while the windows repaired themselves, as it was an afterthought.
A Cat Patronus emerged from the fireplace and spoke. "Please Mr. Potter, try and keep Luna from destroying the schools windows. It wasn't nearly as bad this time but half the windows in Hogwarts where momentarily destroyed."
"Disturbing," Filius muttered under his breath.
"Disturbing Filius?" Harry inquired.
"You heard what the Headmistress said, only half the school window's. Last time she did this Hogsmeade was littered in glass. Her powers are weakening. She is indeed becoming a squib again." Filius sighed, "We are running out of time."
"Be strong, be brave, and be fast!" Harry muttered. "Pandora knew this would happen. Why did she have us wait until now to open the letter? How come I feel like we are being manipulated?"
Filius chuckled humorlessly. "Because with all respect to Pandora, we are being manipulated."

Luna was lying on her back and looking at the clouds, when she felt him land beside her. He dismounted his broom and preceded to lay down beside her. Neither spoke as they watched the many different clouds from atop the astronomy tower.
"I hope they never fix this tower, I like it the way it is." Luna whispered.
"The Muggles have a saying; if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Harry mused causing Luna to giggle.
"I find myself thinking that, more and more every day." Luna hummed before she frowned. "Mother could have prevented this. She knew the memory would be stolen. Why did she not stop it? I can't help but feel betrayed."
"Sometimes if you care for someone you have to trust them. I didn't believe in the Nargles Luna. To an extent I still have my doubts. The point is, I trust you Luna. If you say they're real then I believe you." Harry said in deep thought. "Luna, do you trust your mother."
Luna nodded. "I trust her, I just hope she knew what she was doing."
"I sure hope she did. I wonder who stole her memory." Harry wondered.
They continued in their peaceful silence before it was interrupted by a humming. Believe it or not the humming was not coming from Luna…but Harry.
"Never thought I'd see the day you started humming," Luna giggled, causing Harry to blush.
"It's just a song the Dursley's sang. I wasn't allowed to join in, but every year, on this day, they would gather together outside and sing this song." Harry reminisced.
"How does it go?" Luna asked.
Harry softly sang the old song as the ringing of the Castle Bells signaled the arrival of noon.
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Suddenly the tower shook as they heard the sound of gunpowder and fire, clashing with stone. The putrid smell of smoke suffocated them, while the sight of the black fumes quickly blocked out their view of the sun. Another explosion ruptured the tower as the only two occupants held onto each other for dear life. The Tower slowly began to topple and fall with Harry and Luna still on it. Harry reached out for his broom only to watch it become consumed by fire and burnt to a crisp.
"Take my hand Harry!" Luna screamed as the two began to slide off the collapsing tower. Harry grabbed her hand and Luna lifted them both into the air. They were not even twenty feet from where they were when a third explosion completely desolated the top of the tower and shot debris at the two souls. One brick smacked into Luna's head, knocking her unconscious. They were now falling to certain death.
"LUNA!" Harry shouted as he held onto her and pulled out his wand. "Aresto Momentum!"
The two began to fall much slower, but this did not change the fact that they were just under the collapsing tower. As one large piece of the tower was heading straight for them, Harry raised his wand and yelled. "Bombarda!"
The piece shattered into small debris but one brick smashed into Harry's face shattering his nose. Harry looked down and saw the ground approach them. Harry knew they would survive the fall, however it would still kill them. With Luna unconscious and the inevitable injury Harry would receive from the violent landing, they would be unable to move as the tower collapsed on them.
Harry never felt more helpless as he tried to wake Luna, he realized her life was in his hands...
Harry didn't know why he did it, but for reason's unknown he did. Harry raised his wand and yelled the first spell that came to his mind.
"Imaginatio Potestatem"
Suddenly it all stopped. The tower, the falling, it all just…stopped. Harry blinked in surprise, and the tower continued its fall. Just as a wall was about to strike them, Harry flew to the left on instinct. Harry was shocked, did he just fly?
Harry tried it again using his experiences on broom sticks. It worked! Harry was flying away from the tower with Luna in his arms. HARRY WAS FLYING! HE COULD FLY!
At lightning speed, he put enough distance between themselves and the castle. The tower hit the ground with a deafening sound of destruction. Debris was sent flying into the Forbidden forest, which was set ablaze.
Immediately students, teachers and Aurors exited the school in shock while Harry quickly landed and started to revive Luna. Centaur's fled the Forest as the Aurors tried to put out the flames. Even the Giant Squid in the Lake, started shooting out water into the Forest.
"It was the squib!" One student yelled, which only ignited loud shouts and heated arguments throughout the students.
"SILENCE!" Bane yelled as Luna slowly woke from her slumber.
"Ouch, where am I? OH!" Luna gasped as she saw the Forest and the Castle in flames.
"Luna Lovegood, did you commit this atrocity." Bane asked calmly.
"Of c…course n…not!" Luna stuttered.
"She speaks the truth, and as Centaur friend, she knows that lying is punished by death." Bane spoke to the crowd. "Besides it is clear that the device that destroyed the tower, was Muggle made."
As everyone burst into commotion. Luna and Harry's eyes met with the Minister's. Harry whispered to Luna, "This was planned, the ministry is up to something. Someone is pushing Royal to use extreme methods to achieve their goal. I know Kingsley, this isn't his style."
A realization appeared in Luna's eyes. "Mother knew we would be on the tower! Why?"
Harry thought back as he spoke under his breath. "Because she knew we would survive, and because she knew I would have to cast the spell."
Luna's eyes widened further. "You mean you used THAT SPELL! WHAT DID IT DO?!"
Harry grinned a wicked grin. "I learned how to fly! I can fly now, and it sure beats broomsticks."
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