Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Iris of Cyrus

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

I am a casualty of madness and evil. If I had succeeded, I would've put Riddle to shame. I was so young, so foolish, I deserved what happened to me. The universe has a way of making you pay for you...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2017-03-04 - 5969 words - Complete

Luna sat in silence as Harry spoke in hushed tones. They had not been back for long, yet it had only taken a couple of hours before Luna was able to get Harry talking about the death of his uncle, and his unhappy life with him.
Hermione was torn between the heart ache of what her friend was going through, and amazement that Luna was able to get Harry to open up in such a short amount of time. Hermione had known Harry for nearly eight years, and he rarely opened up at all. Hermione wasn't stupid, she knew that Harry and Luna's relationship was very different from Hermione's own with the Boy-Who-lived. Yet she was also quite certain that they had become a lot closer than they should be, dating for a mere four months. Let alone the fact that they were a mere 18 years old, Luna was actually a month shy of 18. Yet as she looked at young couple, she could not help but feel they had somehow changed. They looked older, they definitely looked their age but the differences were there. Harry seemed a little taller, and in better shape, while Luna's hair seemed to be longer, like it had not been cut in a year.
Hermione was brought out of her musing's by Ron, who seemed both sad and confused. "I don't get why Harry's so upset. Don't get me wrong, what they did to his uncle was bloody horrific, but Harry wasn't exactly fond of him. From what he told us, he treated him more like a bastard than a son or nephew."
"He was family Ron, and as horrid as he was, Harry spent a large portion of his life with the Dursley's. He has to feel something form of sadness and that just makes it worse because he feels he shouldn't, he finds himself stuck between hatred, grief and confusion. He then feels guilty for feeling hatred and guiltier still for feeling sympathy to someone like Vernon Dursley. Add to the fact that when Harry was just a child he probably dreamed of proving himself to the Dursley's, and earning their love the way they loved Dudley. He likely gave up on that dream long ago, but he just saw it viciously butchered in the worst way possible and..."
"Merlin! Hermione, I take it back." Ron exclaimed, overwhelmed by Hermione's verbal assault. "I may have the emotional range of a teaspoon but I can still only process so much when you talk so fast."
Hermione blushed short of breath. "Sorry."
Ron just grinned warmly. "I'm just glad you're back Hermione. I better check on the Squibs, mainly those like Evander."
Hermione agreed and began to walk with him. "We really need to find out his real name..."
Ron interrupted her by placing both hands on her shoulders. "Where do you think you're going?"
Hermione looked bemused. "I'm going to help..."
"No you are not, you are going to go rest. I have everything under control." Ron said somewhat smugly.
Hermione looked as if she was about to argue but thought better of it. She was indeed too tired to argue with Ron, this probably meant he was right. "You better not mess up Ronald Weasley."
"I'm insulted that you think I would." Ron tried to pout but it looked more like a smirk as he took off. "I have to find Frickter." Ron thought to himself. "He can run the place."
Hermione slowly walked to her room, which like every other room the LLR was just a hospital room with a transfigured bed and some blankets. She also conjured herself a book shelf to keep the books she had on her, which was all of them. As she was about to open her door, she jumped back and drew her wand as it started to open by itself. Hermione was about to start casting curses when a familiar voice whispered. "Hi, what's wrong?"
Hermione sighed with exasperation as she pocketed her wand. She was too young for all of this. "Why are you in my room Luna? I thought you were with Harry."
"I was," Luna hummed as she let Hermione into her own room. "But he didn't feel like talking, or being awake anymore. I'll wake him later, but I thought I might talk to you Hermione."
Hermione looked at Luna and again noticed something was off about her. This time it wasn't a physical difference but the look in her eyes that didn't fit her. Hermione sat down and waited for Luna to speak, after a couple minutes it was clear that Luna wasn't talking. Hermione went to ask what was wrong but instead blurted. "How come you look old? I mean...I..."
Hermione was mortified at what she said but before she could explain herself better Luna started to laugh. Hermione didn't think she ever heard Luna laugh so hard and briefly wondered if Harry ever had.
Luna shook with mirth even as her laughter died. Luna looked up at Hermione and said grinning. "I guess I do look older though saying I'm old is a bit harsh."
"I didn't mean you were old." Hermione quickly pleaded.
"I know, but it was most amusing." Luna sighed as she looked at Hermione. "I can't tell you everything, and what I can won't believe it."
Hermione shook her head smiling as she sat down on her transfigured bed. She spoke as Luna sat beside her. "There's a lot I didn't believe. Try me..."
Luna grinned serenely as a faraway look appeared in her eyes. She spoke in a whisper that was normally reserved for confessing your most precious secret. "I don't know how long we were there, but it felt like years, maybe it was years. We were in paradise. It was...magical, I mean truly magical, in all the ways something can be magical."
Luna looked at Hermione as she continued. "You say I look older, I most likely am, at least a little. Harry and I learned so much, about magic, about ourselves and of each other."
Luna looked away again with a faint smile. "We spent every moment together, only when Ni... our host separated us for meditation, or give us private counsel, only then were we ever apart. Together we learned the secrets of magic, yet no matter how much we learned the answer seemed out of our grasp. We would break the laws of magic, yet not know how or why. It was astounding, enlightening, humbling and most frustrating."
"What laws of magic are we talking about." Hermione asked softly.
Luna also laughed softly. "Harry stopped himself mid free fall without a wand after a ghost pushed him off a tower, that's two right there. Oh I conjured a Crumple-Horned Snorkack without a wand or intent."
Hermione burst out laughing and Luna shook her head with a sly grin on her face. "I'm not joking Hermione."
"I know you're not," Hermione managed to say through her laughter. "It's just..."
"You don't believe me," Luna stated calmly. "I knew you wouldn't."
"Maybe I do." Hermione replied calmly.
Luna was about to laugh again, when she looked at Hermione, and realized she was serious. Hermione drew her wand and wrote LLR in the air. She then arranged the letters vertically and wrote Luna Lovegood Revolution
"I was the one who came up with the name." Hermione said softly. "Revolution was overruled by the other members. They preferred Rebellion because it meant fighting the establishment. They don't understand how much bigger this is. This is bigger than the LLR fighting the Totalitar. This is a revolution of magic itself."
"I grew up in the Muggle world Luna, it's very different from the Wizarding world. Reality is what it is, and nothing can change it. Things are what they are. You can't transform birds into water goblets, you can't take a household object designed for sweeping dirt and use it to fly. The world is governed by the laws of science. We question everything but once it's proven we assume it correct unless proven otherwise.
"Muggles can be strange though. They will believe in the strangest things without as shred of proof, whether it's celebrity gossip or the existence of a dinosaur living in a Scottish lake." Hermione chuckled. "Of course after entering the Wizarding world I learned it wasn't a dinosaur but a water dragon called Newt."
Luna nodded sadly. "Named after the great Wizard, Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. May she rest in peace, I don't know how the Ministry covered up her fatal fight with the Red Dragon."
Hermione pressed on. "You do understand what I'm saying Luna, Muggles believe things without the slightest bit of proof but it didn't make it real. They didn't know that Wizards were erasing memories from their heads but they still believed in the bogeyman and Merlin knows what else."
"I came into the Wizarding world with a similar mindset as I did before. There were more things to learn and the rules were different but in General it would be the same. I was right to a point, but I don't think I truly grasped the meaning of the word magic until..."
Hermione looked at Luna and grinned. "I remember when I first met you, I thought you were by far the strangest person I had ever seen. You dressed weird, you talked weird, you read that Magazine called the Quibbler, and all its maddening stories. I just didn't understand how the Wizarding world could believe such rubbish so easily. I didn't understand...until I saw them."
Hermione's eyes had long left the room and focused in on the memories that she saw every night. "I remember you shooting that spell, and the voices that could cut through air. I saw them Luna, we all saw them, and I couldn't believe it. I was so certain they were not real and yet I saw the Nargles with my own naked eyes, and I felt my world turn upside down."
"It wasn't until later on, after the riot, that I was able to fully process what had happened. At first I didn't know what to think, but I was upset! I guess it's natural to be upset when you are proven so wrong but it doesn't make it right. I was so confused I thought I was going mad. I couldn't function as I did before, my very sense of logic was twisted. I was forced to adapt and challenge my very way of thinking."
"I started questioning everything I knew, and really looking into what you had been saying, not just about Nargles, Wrackspurts and Snorkacks, but Magic itself. Even if some of it is rather hard to believe, far-fetched or downright madness, I considered the possibility of it being true. You were always someone who I was friendly with, but I truly began to realize what you were capable of..."
"You taught me something Luna, the Wizarding world is not like the Muggle world. In the Wizarding world nothing is certain, nothing is impossible and the normal rules don't apply. In the Wizarding world, Miracles do happen. There are two types of people Luna, those who follow, and those who lead. You are a leader Luna, and an innovator. For the Muggles and Squibs of the world, you are a Miracle."
Luna shook her head, eyes wide. "I'm no Miracle, or a visionary Hermione. My mother is, I'm just trying to fulfill her work."
Hermione glared at Luna as she spoke sharply. "It's your work Luna, not Pandora's! You are in uncharted territory Luna, whatever your mother has done. Pandora is not remembered fondly, but you are an icon. You are as famous as Harry and Dumbledore, if not more so. You're an icon Luna, a symbol, don't you see!"
Luna hummed, "I've had my fifteen minutes of fame, but I'm nothing special. I'm not the things you say I am. Besides the Totalitar are in charge now."
"And the people still love you and they can't stop it." Hermione said her eyes blazing with passion. "That's why they want you Luna, it's why they hate you. It's why they try to silence you, but not even the Totalitar can silence the whispers, and nothing can stop the human heart from feeling what it feels!"
"Hermione, I think you've lost your mind." Luna giggled but Hermione just stood up.
"I finally started believing you, yet you refuse to believe me on this." Hermione stated as she walked to the door.
Luna paled, realizing she may have insulted Hermione "I'm sorry I..."
Hermione gestured Luna to follow and Luna noticed the smile in her eyes. "Come on, you wanted to see the other Squibs, right? Well lets go visit them."

It was a short walk to the housing section of the LLR. Hermione led Luna past a door that said housing and knocked on another door that said WMS. Not a second later, the door opened to reveal a tall, old man who seemed to have been expecting them. His nose was long and bent, while his skin looked like it could break from the slightest touch. He looked at Hermione and scowled. "The wards alerted me that you were coming, is something wrong?"
"Not at all, Master Wicket." Hermione replied kindly. "I was just wanting to introduce Miss Lovegood to the patients. I also wanted to check on the health of the wrongfully modified Squibs."
Master Wicket's eyes flickered to Luna as soon as Hermione mentioned her name. Luna wasn't sure if the Healer had heard the rest of Hermione's sentence until she finished. "Whatever...All the damaged...I mean wrongfully modified Squibs have been doing quite well, but one of the Muggles, Mr. Davis, has choked to death at the tender age of 109."
"What did he choke on?" Hermione asked sadly.
"Nothing..." He grunted
"I beg your Pardon!"
Master Wicket just looked at his notes. "The report says he choked on nothing."
Luna tilted her head. "Well that's something isn't it."
The old man looked at Luna and his cold sharp eyes softened somewhat...but only just. "So you're the girl Evander's been raving about. I wasn't sure you were real, what the elf man see's, rarely is."
Luna seemed to shrink from the man's eyes, eyes that could look into ones soul. Master Wicket leaned forward and whispered with his powerful, bitter voice. " look just like her. Interesting how magic works isn't it. What secrets you must have... and what secrets you have yet to discover."
The old man looked away and Luna shook, as if she was broken from a trance. Master Wicket spoke dismissively to Hermione. "So this is the Luna of your revolution...a girl. You have half an hour Granger, do not test my patience. You may be in charge of this farce but in here you're just a girl too."
The old man vanished, and the room seemed to grow warmer in his absence. Hermione shook her head as she pulled Luna along. "He can be quit compassionate and nice to his patients, it's the healthy he seems to despise."
"That's most unusual..." Luna's voice faded away as they entered the whitest room she had ever seen. However it was not the room but those inside that silenced her voice. There were many Muggles and Squibs housed within the LLR, those in this room hardly fit either description. In fact most of the unfortunate souls barely classified as human. In bright white beds they lay, some staring at nothing, others staring at everything, while a few simply looked at whatever amused their still sharp minds. At the moment, what held their interest was her.
They held Luna's interest as well, in fact she couldn't avert her eyes. They all looked uniquely different. Some were green and had elf like ears, others purple and had strange horns budding from their heads. A couple of them were red and had hard glistening scales. There was even one that was the colour grackorn, which Luna had never heard of before, but liked the way it rolled off the tongue.
What Luna was more interested in was the many eyes that stared at her. Many were normal looking eyes, though most were rather wide. There were some eyes that were most odd. Some were completely green, pupil and all. Some eyes were blood red and some seemed to glow. One eye in particular captured her attention. It had a white pupil and iris, surrounded by a black eyeball, it sat on the middle of the Cyclops' forehead. The rest of his body was covered in patches of black fur and shriveled gray skin. The eye stared, seemingly unseeing in her direction, and Luna felt a bolt of magic shoot up her spine.
At that moment Hermione spoke up, startling Luna from her thoughts. "Hello, I suppose you are wondering who this is..."
"No..." A green woman squeaked from her seat. "Cyrus knows who she is."
Luna noticed Hermione's eyes flicker to the Cyclops before speaking to it, her eyes now avoiding it. "You told them she was coming."
"What Cyrus sees and says is beyond my power." The Cyclops spoke in an old wary voice that seemed as ancient as any Luna ever heard. She also realized for the first time the Cyclops was a woman.
"I do not need to see, or commune with the Magic's to know the Moonchild is in my presence." Cyrus spoke softly. "I wish to speak with her later, in my private chamber...alone. Tobak!"
One of the Squibs ran to Cyrus and carried her out of the room. . Luna's eyes widened even further when she saw the Cyclops had no arms or legs.
The white room was full of whispers at this. Hermione whispered in Luna's ear. "Cyrus is over two hundred years old and is close to death. She is the only Magical to undergo the black magic ritual to gain powers. It cost her everything but she is supposedly the greatest seer of the last two centuries.
"Why would she do such a thing." Luna whispered.
"She desired Power. Of course the price of power can be higher than most are willing to pay, and those that do, often live to regret it." Hermione spoke in a hushed voice. "Any way, I'll introduce you to the others."
Hermione lowered her hand. "Cyrus is correct, this is Luna Lovegood and she is here to see all of you, to listen to you, and of course to speak to you. You will be nice and polite, and make our guest comfortable. Do I make myself clear."
"No we not unmake our-others blurred." A small high pitched voice squeaked. He was covered in blue fur and had long floppy ears reminiscent of a dog.
"Thank you Dobbit." Hermione said softly as she led Luna towards the Dobbit, who squealed with delight.
Luna looked at Dobbit, feeling the eyes around her, and nervously whispered. "Hello Dobbit. My name is Luna Lovegood."
Dobbit smiled madly. "I'm not disgusting."
Luna's eyes widened as she stuttered. "I don't think..."
Hermione put her hand on Luna's shoulder and whispered. "Dobbit is like Evander, doesn't speak quite right. He was trying to say you are beautiful."
"Oh," Luna blushed. "Thank you Dobbit."
Dobbit seemed to blush himself, though his hairy face made it hard to tell. "I'm lying villain."
Hermione translated. "You're a true hero."
Luna looked at Hermione suspiciously but replied to Dobbit. "Thank you Dobbit, that's really nice of you to say."
Dobbit grinned before hopping off the bed he sat at. "You may stay, hello and your welcome."
Dobbit walked off as Hermione said. "I must go.."
"I know what he said." Luna hissed somewhat insulted. "I'm a Ravenclaw you know."
"Then you know what an honor it is to meet you Luna." Whispered another Squib.
Luna's eyes met another of the oddities, this being was of the purple ones. He seemed to be unaware of her presence before he spoke. "Is what Cyrus says, true? Are you Luna Lovegood?"
Luna nodded slowly. "Yes I am her, what's your name."
The man looked at Luna and said. "My name is Pyotr. Thank you for what you have done for us."
"I haven't done anything." Luna replied, but the Squib chuckled as did a few others in earshot..
"You have child, you have given us hope." Pyotr said strongly..
"Modesty is the best policy" A familiar wheezing voice spoke as Evander hopped towards them. "That's what told me...or something."
"Hello Evander. It's a pleasure to meet you again." Luna beamed at the familiar face.
The elf like man grinned madly. "The pleasure is all his, Goodlove. I think I said that write, I mean right, I mean wrong, I mean..."
Hermione put her hand on Evander's shoulder. "Calm down Evander, you don't have to get everything right, just stay calm and try your best."
"Easy for her to say. She smart Witch, Not stupid Squib. Evander not stupid. Evander smart! Very Smart!" The green Squib began to yell as he turned somewhat red, attracting looks from the rest of the room. "I was smart! I was going to be a scientist. I studied in Muggle School and everything. Then they told me they could cure me and I wanted to be cured. I wanted to study science and magic, I wanted to be an Unspeakable, now I can't even speak!"
Evander was almost in tears as he sat down on the floor, as Luna sat beside him. "You spoke pretty good just then Evander."
The man's strange eyes met Luna's as he muttered. "He did? He did no notice, doesn't know name, or family that left him."
Luna leaned forward and gave the greenish man a hug. Evander slowly hugged her back as he whispered. "You are a saint dear child. Don't become one, it never ends well. The saint's make the world a better place but only after they are whipped, beaten and burned."
Luna stared into the wise eyes of the green man as he whispered. "Not all martyrs are saint's Moonchild...but all saints are martyrs."
Then as soon as it had come, Evander's eyes dulled and lost focus. He let go of Luna and wandered away muttering to himself about the terrible stinky potion he had to take.
"He's never done that before." Hermione said to herself. "It was almost as if he was..."
"Normal." Luna whispered softly.
"Do you see it now?" Hermione said to Luna. "You see now what you are to Evander. He looks up to you, they all look up to you. You are a hero them."
Luna looked around and noticed all the Squibs were looking at her. "But I'm not a hero... I'm not..."
To Hermione's surprise Luna seemed to get more upset as she spoke. "I'm not a hero, I'm just trying mothers work...I can't do it... I."
Luna bolted from the room so fast Hermione could have sworn she was using magic.

Luna didn't look back, she didn't look forward. She just ran away from the eyes that followed her, that haunted her, that owned her. Every single one of them the same silver as her mothers. The destiny that tormented her. Without looking she ran into a room and slammed the door shut. She cast some locking charms on it ignoring the fact that it made her somewhat dizzy.
It was only after she recovered, that she took in the room around her. The room was consumed in total darkness except for a small white circle that hovered a few feet away from her. Luna looked at the white circle and felt the magic that seemed to flow from it.
"Do I frighten you child." Said a familiar old voice, and Luna knew where she was. She was looking into the eye of Cyrus.
"It is not you I fear miss Cyrus." Luna lied politely.
The Cyclops laughed a harsh cackle and Luna pressed her back to the door, regretting her decision to lock it shut. The Cyclops hissed. "You cannot fool me child, I knew you were scared before you were even born. You will call me Cyrus, nothing more, nothing less. Compliments are meaningless to those who know what they are."
"What are you then." Luna asked nervously, her curiosity getting the better of her.
"I am a casualty of madness and evil. If I had succeeded, I would've put Riddle to shame. I was so young, so foolish, I deserved what happened to me. The universe has a way of making you pay for your crimes. I find that most comforting. It is sad though, how the hero often shares the fate of the villain. You know all about this don't you child.
Luna nodded. "Then which was my mother, a hero or a villain?"
The Cyclops was silent before she whispered again. "A complicated question, the answer differs person to person, and often is never truly clear."
"You wanted to speak to me." Luna stated waiting for a reply that never came. She continued hesitantly. "What was it you wished to speak to me about."
"There is something that I wish to tell you but it can wait." The Cyclops croaked. "I must say you have done quite well for yourself, but you know your time is about up. You got a little over a week before the Nargles take away what the Moon Mother blessed you with,"
"The Nargles aren't..." Luna started but stopped when the eye twitched.
"They aren't? Really? You seemed so sure of it in the beginning. Before they spoke to you, and helped you, the way they helped your Mother." Cyrus grinned and looked around, though it's eye remained fixed on Luna. "They will betray you when you need them most, but don't blame the Nargles, it is not their fault."
Luna stepped towards Cyrus and spoke. "You see the future, yes."
Cyrus uttered reverently. "I see all."
"Then tell me what will happen." Luna said desperately. "Tell me how to finish my mother's quest. Tell me how to help the Squibs. Tell me what happened to my mother. Tell me everything you can. Help me please!"
"No." Cyrus stated calmly.
Luna expected this, but was practically in tears as she shouted. "Why Not!"
"To tell you would be an exercise in futility. I can tell you the future, but to change it, that is not in my power." The Cyclops seemed to move closer to Luna as she spoke. "The only way you can know the future is to have power to shape it. You will decide the future, not I."
Luna closed her eyes and the fear rose within her, she opened her eyes and said. "If you know so much, then tell me how to preserve my magic."
"And now we arrive on the heart of the Matter. I will not waste my time informing you what you already know." Cyrus hissed.
Luna's eyes blazed with anger. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"LIAR!" Cyrus shrieked, sending Luna scurrying away from the creature. "You must except reality child. There is a reason you are weaker since your return child. You were gone a long time and your love has grown."
"I know." Luna shook her head. "But I can't do it, there has to be another way."
"There is no other way." Cyrus whispered. "He told you this himself. Potter knows this, your father knows this, why do you deny the truth?"
Luna glared at Cyrus. "The truth is unexcepable, I refuse to except it. I won't..."
"Is this why you believe in your nonsense?" Cyrus cut, her words deep. "Your Snorkacks and Humdingers? Your delusions will get you far on your quest but if you fail to see reason, reason will be the wall you smash your face against."
Luna turned away from the creature and started pulling on the door with all her might. Cyrus chuckled "So you choose to remain ignorant? Ignorance is not bliss child, it is the cause of much suffering. Trust me on this child, I was ignorant when I tasted the magic of Hades. Your ignorance will be your downfall. Ignorance has and always will be, the bane of us all."
"NO!" Luna shouted at the Cyclops. "I need Harry, I love him. I can't live without him."
Cyrus spoke with her ancient voice. "Then you shall doom yourself, and everyone you ever loved."
"Shut up!" Luna cried
"I still have to tell you something." Cyrus breathed menacingly.
"I don't care." Luna spit back, sounding more like a child than she would care to admit.
"Neither do I, but hear it you shall." Cyrus commanded as her voice distorted. It became deep and inhuman as the air in the room turned cold.
Then the room was full of light and Luna had to cover her eyes at first. When she removed her hands she saw the room was lit, and the walls were as white as the rest of the hospital. Most curious of all, Cyrus was gone.

Harry was trying hard not to panic as he ran through the halls with the LLR. They had been looking for over three hours but there still wasn't a sign of Luna. The Hospital may have been large, but he was certain they searched through every room at least twice. He was trying to deny it, but it was starting to look like Luna had vanished. Whether she left, or was kidnapped was another thought Harry didn't want to consider.
Hermione's group had reached his and as Harry looked into Hermione's eyes his heart sunk. Then his temper rose. "What the bloody hell did you do to her!"
Hermione was taken aback. "I told you, we visited the wrongfully modified Squibs. She seemed to panic when I told her about how much they all meant to her. She bolted and I haven't seen her since."
"And you just let her run away, by herself. For all we know, the Totalitar have taken her!" Harry snapped.
"There are no Totalitar in the LLR I can promise you that!" Hermione spoke calmly but Harry was certain he touched a nerve.
"Are you certain of that." Harry replied. "You said it yourself, The Totalitar are spies, infiltrating the LLR must be one of their top priorities, and you have the LLR alerted that she's missing, you might as well stick a big red X on her back."
"I trust my people!" Hermione spoke with authority. "It's you who doesn't trust me."
"I trust nobody when it comes to Luna!" Harry shouted before he calmed himself. "I trust you Hermione, I trust you and Ron with my life. I trusted Shacklebolt too."
Hermione put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "We'll find her Harry. I know we will."
"You'll find who?"
Harry and Hermione stopped and spun around. To their utter shock and delight, Luna was standing by the corner of the hallway with a faraway look on her face. Harry bolted and nearly crushed Luna in his arms. Luna was taken aback but hugged Harry anyway.
Hermione all but shouted. "Luna, where have you been?!"
Luna hummed calmly. "I was speaking to Cyrus. She had asked me to, earlier, I ran into her and...What?"
Luna looked between Hermione and Harry. Harry was looking at Hermione who was looking at Luna like she had kissed a Nargle. Harry spoke to Hermione confused. "Who is this Cyrus, Hermione?"
Hermione, looking at Luna, said. "I don't have a clue."
Luna raised her eyebrow. "You introduced me to her, how can you not know who she is?"
Luna looked around her and saw the nonplussed faces. "She was a Cyclops, she had no arms and legs and we talked in this room..."
Luna pointed at the solid wall behind her and froze. "Most curious..."
"Luna?" Harry whispered as Luna's eyes met his. "What's wrong."
Luna seemed to lose herself in Harry's eyes before her own hardened. She spoke softly. "Nothing"
Before Harry could respond, Luna began walking down the corridor, speaking with conviction. "I need to see them again Hermione, We have something to say."
Harry could have sworn he heard the Nargles laughing.

Luna seemed to know the way herself, rushing past LLR members as she reached the WMS room. As she arrived, all the eyes were pointed at her. Hermione and Harry both panted as they ended up having to chase her. Along the way, other LLR members had followed them, including Ron's group. Hermione had been filling Ron in on the way, while Harry just kept pace with Luna..
Luna walked into the center of the room and glanced at Harry and Hermione, Luna then spoke, "I'm not what you all think I am. I'm not a Hero, I'm not a Saviour, I'm not even a Witch. I'm scared, I'm confused, I'm getting weaker. I don't have much time left before I lose my Magic all together. I don't know if I can finish my mothers work anymore
Tears stained the young girl's face as she spoke with a determination that surprised even Harry. "I'm going to try though, I swear on my mother I will try. I can't do it alone. I know what I must do. I've been so focused on giving magic to the Muggles I've forgotten about the Witches and Wizards. We live in one world, and the Totalitar are going to hurt it. I don't know how or why, but if we don't stop the Totalitar we will all regret it. Muggles, Magicals, Squibs and all. I stand with you."
Luna nearly jumped a foot in into the air when the she heard the sound of cheers from behind her. It seemed the entire LLR had made their way into the suddenly spacious room. The applause was such a shock to the girl, especially as they echoed throughout the hospital. Luna's mind flashed to what was only a couple months ago, but felt more like years. She remembered how the students had cheered as she spoke to them from the Headmistress' Podium. Luna remembered the look in their eyes and saw it again today, she felt accepted once more.
Then a light bulb lit above Luna's head, a light bulb only she could see. Luna looked around her and felt fire flow through her veins. Luna spoke to Hermione who had been clapping the loudest. "You say I'm a hero, that people look up to me. You say they would listen to be. Then let me speak to them. Let me speak to them all. We shall follow in the noble footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X."
Hermione's eyes lit up with excitement, that Harry had not seen since they had arrived at the LLR. His own were far more troubled. "What exactly do you mean. You are aware that those three were assassinated right."
Luna ignored Harry as she smiled. "We go into the heart of Magical England and speak to the people so all can hear."
Now Harry was really worried. "You mean just stand there in public, like a sitting duck, and bash the people who want you silenced? That's suicide!"
Hermione's eyes shined with passion as she said "I like it Luna, but Harry's right. If the Totalitar capture you, then they win."
"If I can give the people hope then it will be worth the risk." Luna whispered as she felt a fire in her burn with passion. "Let them try."
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