Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Earth Mother (The Power of Perception)

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

"All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." Friedrich Nietzsche

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Kingsley,Luna,Umbridge - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2017-03-05 - 9752 words - Complete

The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
The state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses.
A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.

"All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Luna took the second step before restarting the count under her breath.
Luna took her third step, then her fourth, counting along with every step. She remembered her Father once broke his leg walking down the stairs and it was not hard to understand why. The steps were slanted upwards as they had been the day Pandora had illegally continued her work as an Unspeakable in the basement of their home. For Luna, it had been like this as far back as she could remember. The stairs creaked as if they were warning her to not venture further, but Luna had ventured through her share of dangers, she wasn't going to be scared of stairs.
Suddenly the impatient stairs flattened and with a small, "Eep!" Luna slid down into the wooden door. Luna shook off the cobwebs in her mind and ignored the laughter that bore into her brain like an eight legged parasite. She slowly rose to her feet holding back tears, thinking about her Father, her Mother, and her fear for Harry, was starting to overwhelm her.
"It was his fault she died." Luna thought bitterly as she saw her pleading Father whom she had always loved and relied on and all but spit in his face. She felt so much pain she wished the veil was back, maybe things were better with magic. Things hurt less with magic and the veil seemed to numb the pain.
It would certainly help her with the fear that gripped her beating heart. The Wooden door was full of cracks like it had been hastily repaired without much thought to it. The doorknob was missing and the wood was brown with a shade of dark red, as if it was bleeding, Luna rose trembling, and lightly pushed on the door, grazing it with her delicate skin.
Luna shuddered as the door creaked, sounding like a blade scraping glass. The sound seemed to vanish as Luna looked into the room. It was dark, with only a hint of light from the door way. Luna shuddered as she slowly stepped into the very room her Mother died. She felt something crunch under her feat. It felt like bones...
Luna screamed as the door slammed shut and plunged her into total darkness. The only sound she could hear was her shuddering cold breath, pounding heart and the crunch of someone approaching her as it crushed the bones in its wake.. She blindly took a step backwards and flung herself to where she thought the door was. If it was there, it did not open. Luna pressed her back to the door and held her breath as the crunching grew louder When it stopped she knew it was right in front of her. Luna scrunched up her face, sealing her eyes shut as she waited for the ax to fall. Then she heard a breath whisper. "Lumos."
A feint light lit the room yet Luna's eyes struggled to adjust to it. The floor was covered not in bones but seemingly ancient parchment's charred and burned beyond recognition. Scattered among the parchments were broken pieces of glass from potion vials shattered long ago. The walls were covered in mold and underneath it, Luna swore she could make out faces in the wall. The remains that filled the room had been destroyed leaving only clutters of burnt charcoal. The figure before her was none other than Harry who took Luna into his arms as he whispered. "Luna what happened, are you OK?"
Luna tried to nod but didn't have the strength to lie. "Father...he told on her."
Harry looked confused."What?"
Luna spoke quickly. Her voice sounding empty as she told Harry what she'd learned..
Harry was silent for a moment before he spoke. "I'm not going to lie, I don't like your Father, and he doesn't like me, but we both care for you. Your Father made a mistake but He did what he did because he loves you, and your Mother too."
"He knows who killed her Harry. Not just Shacklebolt but the Earth Mother. He protects her, I know it's Grimhilde why won't he just admit it."
"Didn't you see her face." Harry raised an eyebrow.
"He did something to the memory, it was dark in the room yet the darkness seemed to cover her face. Harry I..." Luna's voice caught, her eyes drifted to the floor. Harry followed her eyes and failed to grasp her reaction to a corner of the room..However as he took a closer look, Harry could swear the burnt Parchments had a feint shade of red to them.
"Is that where..." Harry didn't finish, the look in Luna's eyes was all he needed to know the answer.
"I don't remember much." Luna whispered as she knelt down and gently caressed the burnt parchments. "After Mother said the magic memory is fuzzy, everything seemed blurred. I remember this light Harry, this incredible light, I could feel the magic as it started to enter me. Mother had this look on her face, she looked into my eyes, she had this gleam, and I'm certain she knew what she was doing. She was giving me everything I had ever wanted. I was becoming a Witch. I felt so happy I don't think I ever loved my Mother more than in that moment. Then her eyes looked up and I..."
Luna squinted, like she was trying to see what was just out of sight, before speaking once more."I was waking up on the floor and she was just lying here on the floor. Things were exploding, her potions where erupting. I didn't care, I just wanted my Mother to wake up. I tried shaking her and I started yelling for her to wake up. She never answered and I just remember, realizing that she was never going to answer me, that she was gone. I felt pain like I never felt before, that no one should ever bear...I was only nine. I was wanting the pain to go away. The Gargle's came to me and they answered my prayer , they took away my pain. They took everything from me..,and I was happy with that, as long as I never felt that pain. Then you came into my life Harry and reminded me what I had lost over the years."
Harry lifted Luna away from where her mother had died. "Luna..."
"I haven't been down here since. I just lived here...pretending this room never existed." Luna whispered. I want to leave this place Harry. I dreamt of returning home every day in Xanadu, I guess I'll have to keep dreaming, for this place isn't my home...not anymore.
Harry let Luna go as he pulled out his wand. "First you need to see something. Close your eyes."
Luna did and heard Harry whisper. "Lumos Maxima."
Behind her eyelids, Luna was blinded by a flash of bright light, It was so powerful Luna could hear the magic humming through the air she breathed.
"Nox," Harry whispered, plunging Luna back into comfortable darkness. Luna opened her eyes as they struggled to adjust to the darkness. Luna blinked a few times and gasped at what she saw.
The walls were covered in glowing green markings, casting a feint emerald haze over the dark room. The word's said many things. One marking marked the 41th of February, another marked the fifth of November, even words like Nargle and Magic,
"Devil's Night," was carved deep into the stone. Surrounding the drawing was a perfect circle and surrounding the circle was a Triangle. Inside the triangle were many pictures of crudely drawn castles. Cutting down the picture was a thin line carved straight and true. At the end of each line was the words "Pandora's Box."
Luna's eyes widened, she wasn't sure what the words and the castle meant, but she recognized the symbol. "The Deathly Hollow's."
Harry nodded looking at the markings with no small amount of unease. Luna stared at Harry with a rare look of astonishment. "Harry, how did you discover this?"
Harry took Luna's hands and led her through the room. "When I first stepped down here, I felt...something lead me to this..."
Harry pointed to an old warn out book, burnt nearly beyond recognition. It was covered in potion stains, and looked as if it would fall apart if lifted from the desk. Luna reached out but Harry stopped her and carefully turned the pages, Luna caught glimpses of writings, scribbled down in a rush as inks blots covered the deteriorating pages. Harry showed Luna a page completely covered in a series of runes so complex, even Dumbledore would cry uncle. At the top of the pages were two words.
"Pandora's box." Luna whispered. "I've never seen anything like this! My Mother was brilliant,'s inhuman!"
Harry swore he could hear the Nargles laughing. "Can you translate it?"
Luna shook her head. "They're not words, most of these runes don't spell anything. They're elemental Runes so sophisticated. The runes are overlapping, creating images and fractals that probably go on and on for eternity. Endless images circling and spiraling. It brings abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollock to shame. He was this painter who had fractals in his work...I think he has since died, artists tend to die young...My great uncle on my third side removed was an artist and he tried to fight a yeti..."
"Luna!" Harry interrupted as Luna begun to ramble.
"Sorry, in layman terms which are boring, these Runes are like those used in warding. In order for Wards to work, they need to be charged by magic. Runes either have to have magic. The Runes instead of being side by side, are painted partly on top of each other, overlapping. This breaks every law of runes making, because the magic would charge itself to a point of exploding. Unless it creates a perfect fractal" Luna explained as she examined the parchment.
"Fractal's?" Harry asked as he looked over Luna's shoulder.
"A pattern, on every scale. You look at the images close enough and see the same patterns, look even closer, beyond what our eyes are capable of seeing, the pattern continues. It's also known as evolving symmetry."
"How many times does the pattern repeat itself." Harry whispered at the swirling image.
"As far as it can go, no one is certain for sure. Harry what is the most magical Number?" Luna asked suddenly.
Harry reached into the back of his mind for an answer, there he remembered something Hermione once said. "37, it combines the magical numbers of 3 and 7."
Luna shook her head. "Many arithmeticians believe so, but they are all wrong. The most powerful infinity."
There was a pregnant pause before Harry spoke. "Are you saying this rune goes on forever?"
Luna shook her head. "The fractals go on forever, the amount of fractals at this scale is beyond count. Mother wrote something under it...Oh dear."
Harry read aloud the small writing that Luna pointed at. "Runes must completely cover inside of room, room must be"... Luna this room is bigger than the great hall."
"Mother has either created a doomsday contraption which would have killed us all by now or she has created the first independently self charging runes system in the history of magic. I'm not sure how but it's the only logical explanation of the theory. It would need an incredible amount to activate the runes, but once activated the runes would pull magic from nothing, except infinity itself." Luna spoke breathlessly her eyes lit by fire. "This has to be what Mother wanted Filius to build. This must be important."
Harry took the page from the broken book and folded it before putting the parchment in his pocket.
Luna gasped as she looked at the next page. Luna read her Mother's words like she was starving for them. She read them out loud reverently.

No one believes in magic anymore
Not even the Wizards that wield it
Without magic humans become cold
Men grow cruel, children born old.
What happened to imagination, what happened to wonder
What happened to love for the world and our brothers
Together we stood tall but divided we fall
By Forsaking Magic we have doomed us all
We have placed chains of limitation on our spirit
We have taught ourselves rules that have never been spoken
Until every declaration of weakness and every moment of doubt.
Is hammered into our souls, now dented and broken.
If we stay on this path nothing shall endure
For the coming war shall wipe the land bare
No salvation for the wicked or no salvation for the pure
And the children shall be born no more.

Luna's reciting had become cold and emotionless. The green haze had begun to fade, bringing them back into darkness.

Realities a liar, Sanity's a sin
Love is not desire, it is a war one cannot win.

Luna was no longer looking at Harry, her eyes glazed and empty. Harry jumped back as the pages started to flip until it reached the very back of the book. Luna started to sing the words in the melody of a children's nursery rhyme Harry could not quite recall. He shivered as he listened to the words.

Sense of dread
In my head
Visions of red
Left unsaid
I'm already dead.

I know his death
I know hers too
All must die
No matter what I do
I shall too

Only I know why

I'm sorry..I just wanted to help...
I should have told you
Forgive me Luna

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

Harry frowned at the writing a looked at Luna, who was practically shaking as she muttered mindlessly. "What in Merlin's..."
"Stupefy!" Harry had his wand ready before he even knew why. Luna ducked as Harry deflected and shot a cutting curse at the attacker, who cried out. "Oh Bloody Hell!"
Harry cast Lumos and lowered is wand. "Xenophilius, what the Hell..."
"I think I lost my finger." Xenophilius moaned."No, just a nail, don't do that, you could have killed me."
"Why the bloody hell did you just try to stun me." Harry shouted angrily.
Xenophilius yelled in a strained voice.' "My daughter was having some sort of fit, likely because of those Godric dammed Nargles! I was trying to stop her from hurting herself."
"Dragon shit that was aimed at me!" Harry cursed as he raised his wand at the older man.
Luna peeked out from the floor. "Father?"
"Damn it don't you understand she's in danger. The Nargles are going to destroy her, like they destroyed my Pandora. I won't let that happen again." Xenophilius shrieked as he sent a curse at Harry. Harry shot the curse back at Xenophilius, but met another curse the Wizard had cast.
"STOP STOP STOP!" Luna screamed shocking the two Wizards from their anger. Luna had tears in her eyes as she stood between the two. "This fighting isn't solving anything. Father, I have to do this. You can't stop me, Harry can't stop me, nothing can stop me, even if I wanted to stop. Please just leave me alone."
Luna strode over to Harry and took his hand. "Let's go Harry."
Harry nodded and glanced at Luna as he prepared to Apparate.
"NOO!" Xenophilius shouted as grabbed Luna's arm and yanked her out of his grasp. Luna cried out as Harry reclaimed her other arm. For a split second the two pulled Luna's arms like a demented game of tug of war before another cry from Luna forced Harry to let go. Xenophilius wrapped his arms around Luna's waist as he started carrying her to the door. Luna kicked out violently before slamming her heel into her father's groin. He dropped her as he bent over wheezing in pain. Harry practically lunged at Xenophilius, punching him square across the chin but Keno struck back knocking Harry to the floor with a vicious back hand. Harry tumbled to the floor with a loud thump, causing Luna to kick her Father in the shin. Xenophilius grabbed his shin in pain while reaching for Luna. Harry rose to his knees and with a cry, tackled Xenophilius to the ground. Harry began raining punches on the older man who covered up from the abusing. Xenophilius cried out as a punch hit his nose but was able to kick Harry off of him.
Xenophilius struggled to his feet holding his bloody nose and shouted. "Do you not care for my daughter Potter. I am trying to help her while you let her go mad! I'm not blind, you wanted to go on another bloody adventure and Luna gave you one. But you are working for the forces of evil. The Nargles will corrupt and destroy Luna. I can't let that happen!"
Harry growled seeing red."Stay the hell away from Luna, if you hurt her again I'll..."
Harry trailed off as Xenophilius stared over his shoulder. Harry cautiously turned to see Luna standing behind him, staring up at the ceiling. Her head was slightly tilted and she stood upon her tip toes.
"Luna?" Harry asked as he approached her but she quickly raised her hand.
"Shh." Luna whispered as she pointed to the ceiling.
Harry was about to speak and her look prevented it. Instead he tilted his head, stood on his toes and listened. At first he didn't notice anything unusual, the only sound he heard was Xeno's heavy breathing. Then he heard it, a sound. It wasn't loud, in fact he hardly heard it all, but hear it he did.
The ceiling shook slightly under the sound of muffled footsteps. Luna's eyes traced each spot where the thump came from. Whispering could be heard but they were unintelligible from the basement. A loose floorboard bent and the ceiling creaked under the weight of footsteps .clicking and clacking from the floor above them.
Luna's eyes slowly lowered from the ceiling as they stared across the room. She hardly whispered. "What have you done?"
Something in the room seemed to cackle, and a pair of large yellow eyes pierced through the darkness. It started whispering something that none could hear, but filled the room with a growing sense of dread
Harry turned to Xenophilius, who had backed up to the door with his wand in his hand. "He was pale white and practically twitching as he looked away from his daughter. "I...I promise...I."
The Whispers grew loud as a second pair of yellow eyes emerged from the darkness. They cackled and howled as the...
"What have you done?" Luna demanded as she looked at her Father with a mixture of anger, fear and despair.
"I can't let them take you Luna, not again..." Xenophilius uttered, oblivious to the yellow eyes
Suddenly Luna realized that she was the only one who could see the thousands of yellow eyes staring into her soul. She could no longer ignore the whispers and cackles as they reached a deafening volume. Her father was saying something, and Harry was yelling back with a look of loathing.
Luna couldn't hear them over the Nargles chant.
The past shall reprise as another shall demise
"How long were you ewaiting to turn her in?" Harry growled at Xernophilius who looked heartbroken.
"She approached me after you both fled Hogwarts. I promised I would turn Luna in as long as she was safe. I wasn't going to do it until I knew for certain that she was endanger. The Nargles are destroying her mind. I don't have a chose, they will fix her. They won't kill her but the Nargles will. I'm sorry...I..."
"Who is she?"
Luna screamed as she bolted to the door and right into her father's arms. Before Harry could blink Luna bit her Father's hand and broke free from her Father's grasp. Xenophilius backed away with his arms raised, like he was speaking to a lunatic. "Listen darling, everything going to be alright, I made them swear on your safely, unbreakable vows. They only want to help you Luna, to cure you."
Harry pulled his wand on Xenophilius. "Step away from her you treacherous bastard!"


Luna crushed her hand into her ears as the laughter made her scream, without thinking she bolted for the door and yanked it open...and screamed. Standing in the doorway was an all too familiar figure.
Face hooded in shadow, the reaper wrapped it's thin, bony, arms around Luna. Harry sprinted across the room and tackled the deathly figure, while Xenophilius screamed bloody murder. The three sprawled across the floor as the figure reached for its scythe. Harry pointed his wand at the hooded creature's head but found himself flying across the room, hitting the wall and knocking the air out of him. Luna cried out as she tried to get to Harry but found herself unable to move as the figure rose to its feet and held Luna with its outstretched hand in front of her face. The figure raised its hand and Luna whimpered as she followed it off the floor. Looking under the hood Luna could only see darkness.
"Let her go! You swore you wouldn't harm her, you made the vow." Xenophilius shouted as he grabbed the figure's wrist, but was unable to even move it.
"The vow is still in effect I assure you." A woman said from the doorway. "Though scaring the child does not necessarily violate the vow, it really is in bad taste."
The figure dropped Luna to the floor and she was able to get a look at the woman. She just smiled as she started repairing an old shattered table. "You better help up your friend, we have lots to discuss."
Luna uncertainly glanced over to Harry, who was still struggling to his knees and ran over to help him up. Harry hardly moved and Luna only seemed to hurt him worse. Suddenly Harry cried out as an orange spell hit him in the chest. Luna shouted, "Leave him alone!"
The Witch smiled as she lowered her tea tray and sat at her transfigured table.. "I just wanted to help, we can't have Harry Potter hurting himself with a broken rib. That could kill him if it puncture something vital. Come join me, we have much to discuss."
Xenophilius stared at her. "Is now the time for tea parties, the Nargles are going to..."
"Do nothing." The Witch said sweetly as she took a sip of her tea. "I can assure you no one is leaving this room unless I say so. Miss Lovegood and Mr. Potter, please take a seat, we have much to discuss."
Luna struggled to comprehend what she was seeing. Jane Grimhilde was sitting with her nervous father, drinking tea in the middle of her Mother's old lab. Luna squeezed Harry's hand for assurance as they walked towards the table, neither sat down.
"Suit yourself." Jane Grimhilde sighed as she looked at the young couple with a warmness that didn't reach her eyes. She practically gushed as she spoke. "Luna, you don't not mind if I call you Luna. Well Luna, you have no idea how long I've wanted to meet you and of course who doesn't want to be meet you Harry, the saviour of Britain. It is an honor to meet such brave youngsters such as yourselves."
Grimhilde held her hand out to Harry who continued staring at her coldly. The Minister grinned, her ruby lips giving away shark like teeth. "You haven't changed a bit have you Harry. Just as...insolent as ever. My, your scar as faded as well, of course not all scars fade but of course you'd know all about that Luna. All the magic in the world could only hide yours. That isn't necessarily a negative thing, Scars have a way of reminding us of our mistakes, if one learns to interpret them in the correct and proper fashion."
Grimhilde looked at Luna and whispered. "So Luna, are you really a...Squib."
Luna stared back and nodded, Grimhilde scowled. "Well that's no good, you're far too important for that, I mean, everyone is talking about you, The Totalitar hear a great many things, things that might not be real at all. So how do I sort the fact from the fiction?"
The Minster looked around as if she was expecting an answer. Even Xenophilius was staring at her like she had grown a third head. When no one answered she uttered with a mischievous wink. "You don't. Instead you write your own book, and write your own truths, your own laws, and your own world. After all what is reality in the face of mass delusion."
The Witch giggled as she took another sip of her tea. "That is the secret to control, distorting perception. Dumbledore could have killed a person and people would still think he was the embodiment of good...if no one found out about it. When a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound. Not at all. Same goes for life."
"You all have your own perception of reality, yet the slightest bit of knowledge can replace ignorance with life altering changes. Keep the people ignorant of reality and you can do what is necessary to preserve order. If I cleared you of ignorance, would you thank me Luna, I doubt it, the truth is a great and terrible thing. I'm sure you wish you never knew about your Father's involvement in Pandora's death."
"What about your involvement?" Luna uttered as the two witches looked each other in the eye. "You had my Mother killed didn't you. You're the Earth Mother."
A look of sadness came across Jane Grimhilde's face that made Luna's belly churn. "The Earth mother isn't a person, it is a metaphor in a prophecy referring to a person. I suppose there is a possibility that it refers to me, but I heard them all. The Department of Mysteries was once full of prophecies. They are unreliable and often mean many different things."
"What about my Mother." Luna growled.
"I sent the Auror." Jane confessed. "The consequences of that decision ended Pandora's life but I did not have her killed. She was a nuisance, a true master of disorder, but she need not have died. If anyone is responsible for her death it was Pandora herself."
Luna glared at her with pure loathing causing the women to chuckle. "Perceptive has made you rather mad at me. Your perspective of things is that I killed your Mother. If I changed your perspective you would view me rather differently. Well I think it's time that I cure you of the blessing that is ignorance. I think it's best that we speak to each other plain."
The Minister reached into her robes and pulled out a small vial with a brown liquid inside. She looked to the reaper and uttered in a voice that broke no argument "Secure the room."
The figure floated across the room and seemed to be casting wards around it. Xenophilius spoke with a weariness. "What are you doing?"
Grimhilde drank the vial before speaking. "Something long overdue Xenophilius."
And then she started to change. Luna and Harry watched in disgust as her flesh began to bubble and boil. Her bones snapped and crunched as they bent into their original form. Her unnatural beauty vanished as she seemed to age before their eyes. Her skinny figure bulked and her skin became dry and wrinkled.. Her eyes lost their colour, looking as black as the corner of the shadow filled lab. The transformation stopped and Xenophilius was the only one who wasn't looking at her with shock and disdain. Sitting before them was someone they knew all too well. A short, stubby woman with a plastic smile that made her look like a toad.
Harry uttered darkly. "You..."
Luna practically hissed at her. "...Are supposed to be in Azkaban?"
Dolores Umbridge practically giggled. "I run Azkaban, I run the Ministry, I run Hogwarts. I run everything girl and I had the Minister in my pocket before he foolishly got himself impeached. After that I had to involve myself more personally. When a man makes a mess it takes a woman to clean it up isn't that right dear."
"Yes Minister." Uttered a dark voice from the shadows, Luna looked and saw the reaper standing there still as stone.
Umbridge grimaced. "Don't call me that title, it means nothing to me. Being Minister keeps me from my work. Now lower your hood, you're among enemies."
The hooded figure slowly raised its arms and lowered its hood. It slowly walked into the light and Harry had to hold Luna back.
Xenophilius growled at Umbridge. "Get him out of my house!"
Umbridge chuckled. "You really believe this is your house? I'm afraid I must decline your request Mr Shacklebolt has been serving as my personal body guard, he is quite good at it though I don't think the work has been good for his health."
Luna could not deny that the Man had seen better days. His dark skin seemed pale and tinged with a greenish colour to it. His eyes seemed half vacant though his mind was clearly intact. He looked sick, in more way's than one, yet power seemed to flow from his presence, a cold and toxic presence. He didn't say anything, he stood silently waiting for Dolores to instruct him. "Kingsley please don't tell me you have forgotten your manners. After all you are their guest."
"Yes Minister." Shacklebolt spoke deeply, sounding as if he would rather not. "Potter and Lovegood, it has been too long."
"Don't speak to her you murderer." Harry shouted as he stepped in front of Luna, something Luna was grateful for as she felt her world spinning.
"Oh that's right I forgot you killed the harlot." Umbridge uttered as she pointed to the stained spot on the floor. "Is that where you killed her."
"Yes Minister."
"Did she suffer?" Umbridge inquired with a evil grin often seen on the faces of pranksters.
"Yes Minister."
Delores persisted, as Luna struggled not to claw out her cold eyes. "Did you enjoy it, killing her?"
Kingsley did not answer at first, he just glared at Umbridge with loathing, something which seemed to amuse her, then he spoke. "I did what I had to."
"Dragon shit!" Harry yelled, only for Kingsley to grab his wrist and yank it towards Umbridge in a painful angle. Luna started shouting but Kingsley seemed to keep her at bay as a dark humming filled the room.
"It's all a matter of interpretation. How's this for perspective." Umbridge whispered as her fingers traced the scars on his hand. "I must not tell lies, yes that is what I made you write with your blood, right. Yet I knew the Dark Lord was back. We needs Dark Lord's to clean up the country of unsavory elements during their brief reign's of terror. Of course being an insane Dark Lord, his reign would not last, they never do."
Delores smiled as the long nails dug into the scars on Harry and as she continued looking into Harry's eyes. "So how else should we interpret this, what was I really trying to tell you. As the head of the Unspeakables, I am able to control the Ministry of Magic and with it, all of Wizarding England. I know everything that there is to be known, and I know what every individual knows and most importantly I know what everyone should be permitted to know."
"So, what does that...scar really mean. Well I knew you spoke the truth and you knew you spoke the truth but the world knew you were lying. They knew this because I told them to, not with words but by doing what I do best, manipulating perception. They believed the truth I educated them to believe, yet you persisted with your delusion. I have met individuals like you, the stubborn willful outcast. Willful people aren't so hard to control though, you just need to break them. The truth is what I say, and by disagreeing you are lying. The Scar's meaning is simple really. Respect your superiors, your disobedience is prohibited."
Umbridge took a long sip of her surgery tea, closing her eyes as her nails dug deep and drew blood from Harry's hand. Harry bit his lips as he tried to deny her the satisfaction of his pain, but Luna's screams as she struggled to help Harry seemed to be music to the Witches ears. Then she opened her eyes and smiled so wide she looked like a frog, "Now the question is, how deep shall I have to cut you before it finally sinks in?"
Umbridge took the mug of tea and started pouring it onto Harry's hand. Even he could not help but cry out. Xenophilius broke in. "Enough of this Dolores! You are not here to hurt Potter and my daughter, you are here to help them!"
"Am I?" Umbridge uttered sounding bored before nodding to Kingsley who released Harry from his grip. Harry backed away holding his bloody and scolded hand while Umbridge drank the rest of the tea.
"Harry!" Luna yelled as Kingsley let her run to Harry. Umbridge raised her wand and knocked Luna to the floor with a whimper.
"LUNA!" Xenophilius cried out before turning on Umbridge. "You swore you wouldn't hurt her, you made an unbreakable vow."
"I swore I wouldn't kill her." The Minister said with a condescending grin. "I have no intention of killing it, if I did it would have died years ago. I would have given her detention while I taught at Hogwart's and poisoned her there. She's much more useful to me alive. Though it would be no great loss is she died."
"You're a Monster!" Luna shouted as she struggled to her feet, her eye already showing signs of bruising.
"I'm a Monster?" Umbridge laughed viciously a she rose to her feet, red in the face. "I am the only thing standing between order and chaos. You are the monster, a monstrosity of birth, transformed into an abomination by that mad women Pandora."
"Don't speak her name! You killed my Mother!" Luna screamed causing the mug on the table to shatter into a million pieces.
"Well you're not all Squib yet." Umbridge said with a gleam in her eyes before looking at Luna with a strange look Luna could not place. "You really believe that Luna? You really think I killed your Mother?"
Luna sobbed with anger. "I know you did, and for what, because my Mother wanted to give a Squib magic."
Umbridge started to chuckle again but this time there was no humor in her voice. "I support giving Squibs magic, it's the Muggle's I don't trust. Besides giving a Squib magic is dangerous and has to be done in a proper regulated fashion or they will destroy us all. Squibs are inferior creatures, give them magic freely and they will turn on us like the ravenous Halfbreeds they are."
"Shut up!" Luna shouted with tears of rage in her eyes as she approached the older Witch and looked up into her cold eyes. "Why would you want to help people like me, you have been trying to stop my work from the beginning, you killed my Mother and you're a bigot."
"I'm a realist, I see things for what they are...I'm a Sister as well," Umbridge replied with a look of disdain. "My Father married a Muggle and gave birth to me. Then they gave me a Brother, such a...sweet little thing. He didn't talk much at first, he was timid, weak and wide eyed. Eventually it became all too clear that little Evan was nothing more than a Squib. Father, for all his many faults was rightfully both furious and disgusted. He wanted to dispose of the child, but eventually he simply banished his filthy Muggle wife and child back into their own world. I confess I was rather upset to see them go, I did not understand then, but Father set me straight and showed me my ignorance. It's one of two things I truly owe to my Father."
"My Father was a janitor, he was able to find out many a Wizard's secrets this way but I was never going to succeed in politics, the daughter of a janitor. So I convinced him to retire young and then cut all ties from him, last I heard he died poor and hungry."
"That's not all though, I ended up having a child of my own. Times had since changed and it was confirmed that I had...a miscarriage." Umbridge uttered her eyes darkening.
"A miscarriage?" Luna spoke with a hint of sympathy.
Umbridge snorted. "Miscarriage, Squib, Afterbirth, again it depends on your perception. Magic is consistently evolving and the moment it was born, we were able to determine that the creature was a Squib."
Luna glared at her and felt Harry grab her hand to stop her from acting rash. "You"
Umbridge spoke with anger in her heart, her words sharp and cutting. I can honestly say I never felt so ashamed and disgusted in all my life. What kind of Witch births a Squib. What would my Father say, he would laugh at me, I sure he is still laughing from his grave. I think he did it, somehow he must have cursed me. So it was, I birthed a Squib! I...I hated that thing, completely and utterly. So I decided to have the beast destroyed."
Luna tried to break free as she hissed. "How could you do that! To your own child?"
"I would never do such a thing to my own child, but I did not have a child. I had a Halfbreeed, a freak of birth." The minister uttered sinisterly. "Of course that wasn't the end of the story. My then soon to be ex husband was outraged and devastated, called me lots nice things, hell even my Unspeakables were upset with me and that doesn't happen often I assure you."
"Well I moved on with my life not knowing that I had been betrayed. My husband had a friend among the Unspeakables and instead of destroying the creature like I had ordered, they took it with them. They raised the bastard, got married and became" Dolores spat with disgust.
"They were happy for a while but Luna, let me tell you something." Umbridge bent down and looked right into Luna's eyes as she whispered. "There is nothing I don't know. If you keep a secret from me, I will find out what it is. I found out and they aren't such a happy family anymore."
Luna's glare weakened under the Witches empty gaze. "Why are you telling me this?"
Umbridge smiled sadly. "I'm afraid the Mother died. We tried to help her butg in the end we had to kill her."

Xenophilius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Pandora, I understand the desire to change Luna's hair…"
"I didn't do this!" Pandora interrupted

Luna stumbled as a vision flashed across her eyes and she could hear the hissing of Nargles. Luna ignored them as she stood her ground.
"Why are you telling me this?" Luna uttered, her voice weakening as she started breathing heavily.
"Luna..." Harry spoke uncertainly squeezing her trembling hand.
It happened again, and this time the memory seemed to be clearer and Luna started to hear things she had not heard before.

"Xenophilius...since when did you become a Father." Umbridge asked slowly.
Xenophilius looked up. "Since she was born, she's seven years old and sh..."
"Seven? I don't remember dear Pandora being pregnant at the time."

"Why are you telling me this?" Luna shouted as she trembled.
Umbridge's lips twisted upwards. "I think you know why."

"You will be stepping on the toes of a lot of powerful people." Xenophilius rebuffed. "And those same people will be after Luna. You know what would happen if she got her hands on Luna."
Pandora snorted. "So that's what this is about, you're scared of her!"
"And you're not?" Xenophilius growled.

Luna took a step back. "No I don't know."
"Look around you, everybody knows." The Witch whispered. "Denial will get you nowhere."

You rely totally on Pandora even though she has long departed from this realm. You have built a wall around yourself but the very foundation to this wall is cracked. You have put too much faith in that foundation and soon the wall will fall and it will crush you."

Luna broke Harry's grip and backed up against the wall. They all seemed to be surrounding her, even the walls were closing in on her. Luna looked to her father desperately. "Father?

"Xenophilius...since when did you become a Father." Umbridge asked slowly.
Xenophilius looked up. "Since she was born, she's seven years old and sh..."
"Seven? I don't remember dear Pandora being pregnant at the time.

Xenophilius met her daughter's eyes for the first time, looking defeated. "Luna..."
Luna slowly started shaking her head, unable to comprehend. She started pleading to him, to Pandora, to anyone. "No...No.. She's lying, right dad. It's not true, tell me the truth! Please dad please!"
Xenophilius practically wept, the weight of the world seemed to crumble on him at last. "Luna...why couldn't you just let sleeping dogs lie."

"You are not your Mother. You are nothing like your Mother.
You don't truly want to be like your mother, you just think you do.
You are nothing like your Mother,"

"NO!" Luna shouted over the laughter, the horrible cruel laughter. "YOU'RE ALL LYING!"
"A terrible thing about the truth, once it's learned it can never be unlearned, you must live with your knowledge." Dolores uttered before smiling as she conjured herself another cup of tea."

"You think she loved you. If only you knew the truth girl.
You are nothing but a puppet on a string.
Even in death she still uses you"

Luna crushed her ears with her pale hands and started shaking her head violently as the room was spinning. She felt Harry pull her into her arms and she started fighting his grip. Giving into his embrace would mean excepting the truth, but there was no truth to accept, just lies, horrible, horrible lies.
"A terrible thing about the truth, once it is learned it can never be unlearned, you must live with your knowledge."
Luna couldn't fight it, she couldn't forget.. The truth could not be fought and it crushed her. She collapsed into Harry's arms as she sunk into the very depths of despair.

Xenophilius was incensed. "YOU ARE MAD!"
Pandora nodded. "That is why Luna must finish what I've started. My daughter is the only one I trust with this task! Don't you understand?"
Xenophilius started at Pandora with anger as he hissed under his breath. "She's not your daughter!"
Xenophilius again stumbled, this time from the impact of Pandora's hand to his face.

Luna heard it this time the words Xenophilius had whispered under his breath, The Nargles were chanting it as they destroyed everything in their path, every shred of doubt, every ounce of hope.

"She's not your Daughter"

Luna felt something pull her from Harry's arms forcefully and knew it was Kingsley. She found herself facing the horrible woman who she wished she'd never met. Her face was smug and cruel, she hated Luna and her existence. She was her mother. The two inescapable facts cut through her soul, leaving a scar she could never hide from.

The Earth Mother was Delores Umbridge and she was her real Mother.
The Moon Mother, Pandora Lovegood, was not her Mother.

Who Pandora was...Luna wasn't sure anymore, she only knew that her heart was shattered.
Dolores let out a whistle. "You hear that, that is the sound of your world being turned upside down. Maybe now you can appreciate the power of perception."
Dolores smiled as she looked to Kingsley. "Take the girl to the Department of Mysteries while Harry and I discuss his pending support to our Ministry."
"Luna..." Harry started to speak but felt the back of Kingsley's hand and felt his voice be silenced.
Xenophilius looked vacantly at something only he could see, only looking up when Umbridge grabbed his attention. "Eh-em, I promise I will return your daughter to you cured. She will be obedient and sane. She will be happy and normal. No longer shall you be bothered by Nargles and you shall have a daughter you can be proud of."
Umbridge reached into her pocket and pulled out a bag of sickles. She placed the bag into his hand and made him look into her cold eyes. "You have been most cooperative Xenophilius, since she is technically a fugitive I can promise that you will be well rewarded for this. Unfortunately I am rather low on cash at the moment but I did happen to have some spare change on my person to tide you over until you can be adequately rewarded."
Umbridge smirked as he Xenophilius looked into the pouch and flinched. "30 sickles should tide you over until then. Hopefully by then you will have learned your place. I don't want there to be any more accidents."
Dolores smiled sweetly before turning to Shacklebolt , already pulling out a potion vial. With a sip she started her painful transformation back into Jane Grimhilde.
Xenophilius looked between the coins in his hand and his daughter. He had never seen her look so broken, so empty, not even when she had been in St. Mungo's. Harry was trying to reach for Luna even as Shacklebolt started dragging the two up the slanted stairs. Xenophilius let the coins slip from his hands. "Merlin...I've done it again, I...I didn't mean to. Oh Merlin I...not again."
Xenophilius started yelling up to Luna, following her up the stairs. "I trusted you! I trusted you to help Luna."
"You didn't trust me, you needed my help and need overcomes a trust every time." Jane Grimhilde uttered with contempt.
Xenophilius was now beside himself as he started shouting. "I'm sorry Luna! Forgive me Pandora! Oh Merlin! Pandora what have I done. I have destroyed you both."
Grimhilde rolled her eyes as she followed them to the front door of the house. "Quit your whining, you are a hero to our cause."
Xenophilius looked at his daughter who met his eyes, looking so young and old, so sad and weak. "No I'm not. I don't want to be a hero. I just want to be her hero,"
The Minister snorted. "She's a Squib, the fact you spared her life makes you her hero."
"Does she look like she feels that. She sees me as a villain, and she's right." Xenophilius cried, his voice echoing through the house, "I betrayed my little girl, I betrayed my soul mate Pandora. I try and try to help but I only curse the ones I love with pain. Just wanted to help, I didn't mean to hurt my family, I don't want to hurt anyone."
Dolores suppressed her mirth. "You're a fool Xenophilius, it's what you are and always will be."
Xenophilius glared at her before turning to his daughter. "No...Not anymore, I remember when you looked up to me Luna, when I was your hero. I will be one again."
Xenophilius looked at Umbridge and whispered. "Leave my children here. Get out of my house and never come back."
Dolores couldn't help but laugh, "What did you say?"
Xenophilius shivered but shouted anyway. "Leave my children here. Get out of my house and never come back!"
Umbridge struggled to stop from falling over as she cackled. "Xenophilius with a backbone? This is pathetic, I shall see you when you've sobered up."
"NO YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK! GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HOME!" Xenophilius shrieked as he raised his wand at Umbridge.
Umbridge wasn't laughing anymore but the room seemed a lot colder. "Lower your wand."
"Not until you leave my home and never come back." Xenophilius growled. "I never should have helped you, if she knew what I did..."
Then he froze as his eyes lit up. His voice was a rasped whisper. "Pandora, you knew didn't you. What I would do, to you and Luna. You knew everything that would happen didn't you. You've known all along, the whole time!"
Then he started laughing, sounding a lot like Pandora had. Luna whispered wearily. "Father..."
"Never marry a seer," Xenophilius laughed erratically. "Or maybe you should, marrying her was best decision of my life. I miss her..."
Xenophilius lunged into action pressing his wand deep into Umbridge's throat. "Tell him to let them go. Give Harry his wand back."
Umbridge nodded to Kingsley who did as ordered. Harry grabbed Luna, who was staring at her Father in shock, and pulled her to the side. Kingsley reluctantly handed Harry his wand who then preceded to aim it at him.
Xenophilius blushed with excitement smiling manically. "I should kill you Shacklebolt, but I would rather you leave here before my arm gets tired and I do something drastic."
"You wouldn't dare." Umbridge hissed.
"I you dared first, when you violated my home, you betrayed my trust and hurt the people I love." Xenophilius all but breathed fire as he spoke, his eyes seemed to shine for the first time in years, Luna noticed they were a strange vibrant yellow colour and wondered how she had never noticed before.
Xenophilius spoke with reverence. "You can hear me can't you Pandora, you can hear me from the past. You can see this with your own eyes and hear me with you own ears. Then listen to my prayer. I'm sorry for all I've done. I only wanted to help. I'm sorry for not trusting you, I always should have trusted you. I trust you now Pandora, with all of my heart."
"Every wrong that I have done will lead to her vision, and this vision will be worth the price. I put all of my faith in her now, as I do what must be done. Luna, she loved you I swear to Merlin, she loved you. You shall understand someday, do what must be done whatever it is you must do."
Umbridge tried to break free but Xenophilius dug the wand deep into the right of her neck. Umbridge grinned. "You better kill me Xenophilius, because I have power too. Kingsley if he strikes me down kill them all."
Shacklebolt had his Sylph up and Harry started throwing curses at him, Xenophilius started casting a curse when Umbridge screamed. "SEECE THIS MADNESS AT ONCE!"
Everyone stopped, and Umbridge composed herself. "I have a way for us all to get out of this alive, or we can act like uncivilized Halfbreeds and butcher each other like animals. Xenophilius would I raise my wand with the understanding that resisting would end poorly for myself."
Xenophilius hesitated before nodding. Umbridge reached into her robes and raised her wand to the ceiling. "I swear on my life and magic that neither myself or Kingsley Shacklebolt shall harm Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter, nor shall they be forcibly taken from your home, as long as you swear to not attempt to harm us.."
A light briefly flashed from her wand and she strolled away from Xenophilius and his threatening wand. Umbridge nodded to Shacklebolt who led her to the front door. Thank you for your generous hospitality. Harry and Luna, allow me to extend an invitation to the Ministry. You are of course welcome at anytime. I have a feeling you will be in our company sooner than you believe."
Xenophilius briefly smiled before raising his wand and flicking the door open. "I'd thank you for gracing us with your presence but honestly, when it comes to you, I don't give a damn."
Luna looked over Harry's shoulders before looking at her father with a hint of awe.. Harry nodded to him and Xenophilius nodded back. Shacklebolt opened the door and Dolores in the guise of Jane Grimhilde, walked out the front door.
Luna's face scrunched in confusion as she heard the laugh, but she heard another laugh as Shacklebolt ducked his head to leave the house.
Kingsley stepped out of the door and prepared to shut it when he was stopped by Grimhilde. Who looked rather smug as she peaked her head into the house. Xenophilius frowned as he looked at her before his eyes hardened. She spoke with her sweet voice. "Pardon me I almost forgot..."
Shacklebolt seemed to rush through Grimhilde's flesh like a ghost as he attacked. Xenophilius moved faster as he raised his wand but aimed it not at his attacker but at Luna.
"Petrificus Totalus"
Luna felt her body stiffen and fell to the floor with a thud. Harry fell beside her in a similar state followed by Xeno's wand which he let slip from his fingers. Luna could not move a muscle or utter a sound. Her moving eyes could see nothing but the ceiling. Luna however heard everything...
She fought the spell with all her might as she heard the sounds of glass breaking, of violent collisions with the floor and of horrible cries and gasps of pain. Luna struggled against her Father's magic but could not even scream when he heard a gasping body tumble down the stairs.
For a moment there was only silence...then Luna felt the spell lift and she was able to scream. Harry threw himself on top of Luna as Kingsley held the slypth over the two, yet he did not move. Dolores swaggered up to her servant and laughed. "Ops...forgot to mention him in my Witches oath."
Luna was about to launch herself at the toad like woman when she heard a voice cry out. "Don't Luna! Don't fight them! It's what they want!"
Luna heard her father and looked at them. "You can't touch us, your Witches vow..."
Umbridge grinned with malice. "Then I guess it is goodbye for now. I shall see you very soon my child."
Umbridge strolled out of the house with Shacklebolt on her heals, this time they slammed the door and vanished. By them Luna was already half way down the slanted stairs. "Father!"
Xenophilius was lying at the bottom of the stairs crawling slowly towards an unknown destination before he collapsed onto the floor. Luna quickly rolled her father over and felt her heart stop. He was pale and had a horrible wound across his chest, blood pouring from it at a startling rate. His breathing was labored as his eyes met his daughters. His voice was as weak as a ghosts'. "Luna, I should have told long ago. Trust your Mother, Luna. "Have faith in her knowledge, as I always should have. At least I understood before it was too late."
"No, you're fine Father. You're going to be OK, Harry can heal you right Harry?." Luna looked desperately to Harry who looked on through the doorway.
Xenophilius chuckled. "Luna, you are wrong and also right. I have never felt better, not in so many years have I felt so...complete. I hear her Luna...She is calling to me...I must go to her...It has been too long."
"She can't have you!" Luna cried out, too weak to shout, to be angry, or do anything but cry.
"She has always had me, and I have always had her, as you will always have me. Don't listen to that wicked woman. Blood or not she is your Mother."
"But you are my Father, I need my Father. I can't..can't... " Luna sobbed as she shook with despair.
"No...not anymore." Xenophilius looked over to Harry as he said this. "Stand by her, fight for her, be what I failed to be in life and as I die I shall be proud to call you son, as I am honered to call Luna my daughter,"
Harry nodded as he placed a hand on Luna's shoulder, she reached up with her opposite hand and gripped it firmly as if he would disappear if she let go,
"Nargles, show her what must be shown, and protect her as if she was one of your own."Xenophilius closed his eyes as he whispered. "Luna, I know things seem dark now child but the dawn is going to be astounding!"
Luna had a sense of deja-vu and swore she heard Pandora's voice as the familiar words were spoken. Xenophilius opened his eyes but did not look at Luna, but at something else, something made his eyes shine, like a shadow in the light.
Xenophilius reached out and grabbed hold of an unseen phantom that held is eyes with wonder and awe. His fist tightened as he exhaled.
"Pandora...My love...take me home...I am ready..."

"The more I see, the less I know for sure."
― John Lennon
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