Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

A Family Reunion

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

"Father always said I would leave my mark on people."

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Kingsley,Luna,Umbridge - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2017-03-06 - 7820 words - Complete


They found him marching through the halls of Oderus, eyes firmly planted on an un-seen destination. He did not notice the Goblins until they blocked his way with their spears, only then did Harry speak. "Get out of my way."
"That is not possible Mr. Potter." The first Goblin uttered. "Lord Ragnok has requested your presence immediately."
Harry shook his head as he tried to move forward but the spear continued to block his way. "I need to find Luna."
"Ragnok has news on the girl." The second Goblin replied solemnly.

Less than an hour later Harry stormed into Ragnok's office where the Goblin Lord was waiting for him. "Where is she? Where's Luna?"
Ragnok sighed tiredly. "A squad of Goblins found her in the forest outside her home. She appeared lost and confused, but her magic has clearly returned to her. Unfortunately she fled the squad, burning much of the forest in her wake."
Harry frowned. "That doesn't sound like Luna, why would she just burn the forest down."
Ragnok grimaced, "A poorly worded order I suppose. I wished to speak to her and the Goblins tried to use force when she refused to cooperate."
Noticing Harry's glare the Goblin raised his hands. "No harm has come to her by Goblin hand I assure you. I only wished to speak with her about her power and ways we Goblin's could help her."
"Why not mention this at the Battle of Hogsmeade?" Harry asked with a calmness that seemed to unnerve the Goblin.
"I was not aware that the girl could regain her magic, however recent developments suggested otherwise." Ragnok replied with a grunt. "I spoke with your friends Granger and Weasley earlier, they gave me the necessary information but were keen of making sure they said nothing that would betray your trust."
"They're good friends, loyalty is very important to us." Harry replied.
"Humans," The Goblin muttered under his breath before speaking quietly. "So did you tell your friends about Lovegood's parentage?"
"I didn't think it...I beg your Pardon?" Harry asked with disbelief.
"Or did they honestly not know? I'm certain that after meeting her you would've found out by now." Ragnok replied with grin.
"I...You knew this whole time?!" Harry shouted with anger as he rose from his seat.
"How could I? You just told me." The Goblin cackled before noticing Harry's glare. "Sit down Potter, I only began to question the possibility while I spoke with your friends. I must admit this raises some problems but as it stands, it is probably for the best."
"What do you mean for the best? Do you have any idea what she is going through right now!" Harry hissed as he backed away from the Goblin's desk.
"More than you do Potter, the Minister will want her alive, otherwise she would have been dead already." Ragnok growled before calming down. "Harry...I lost five Goblins in those woods. They were attacked by a horde of Dementors. The horde found Luna understand Potter."
Ragnok got up from his chair and stood on his desk. He walked up to Harry and staring him in the eyes. "The Totalitar have her now."
Harry felt his knees give out on him as he landed back in his chair. Harry seemed to keep falling, his mind filled with a storm of emotions, mostly horror and then grim determination. "No...I have to help her. I need to save her!"
"As do I Potter. We need to invade the Ministry of Magic if we are to do this. Now I gathered from your friends that you have experience in breaking into the Department of Mysteries." Ragnok asked with a glint in his eyes.
Harry nodded, "With five others, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Ron and Hermione, actually Hermione broke in a second time by herself...where is she? Shouldn't Hermione be here for this."
"Granger has already been informed and is currently calling together the LLR, I shall be doing the same. With your help we may be able to overthrow the Totalitar and rescue Luna." Ragnok exclaimed.
Harry nodded in thought. "That won't work, you break into the Ministry they will threaten Luna's life. I have to get her first. Do what you must but I have to go NOW!
Ragnok laughed. "You expect to just break in by yourself. The only reason you got in so easily last time was because the Unspeakables let you. Even then you have only touched the surface of what's inside that place. Goblins were part of the Ministrie's construction and the Department of Mysteries goes deep into the earth. You have no chance."
Harry slumped as the Goblin hopped to the floor. "I'll give you a moment to yourself, just whistle and some refreshments will be available for you, though humans aren't overly fond of our food."
Harry let Ragnok leave as he pondered in thought. Though calm on the outside he was panicking internally. "What the Bloody Merlin Damned Hell am I going to do. They have Luna!"
"So rescue her" said a voice in his head that sounded like Filius, "You know damn well the Goblin's will get her killed before they rescue anything. It's up to you Harry!"
"If I just waltz into the Department of Ministries by myself, I will get myself killed and Luna will be... I can't just leave her there. Damn it where is Hermione when you need her?"
"You are not asking the right questions." Flamel's voice intoned in Harry's head.
"You wish to be a hero then you must be prepared to carry that burden once more. You have the power to do great things Harry Potter. You must claim and use that power." Filius instructed. "I know you fear power but if you do not face this fear, Luna will never again be free."
Harry trembled at the thought of what he had to do and whispered. "What if I mess up, what if it hurts people, It's such a risk."
"Isn't Luna worth the risk" Filius and Flamel uttered at the same time and Harry felt his resolve harden into a will of iron.
"Always." Harry spoke with conviction to himself and rose. Harry stormed up to the doors of Ragnok's office and pushed against the doors, but they did not open. Frowning Harry pushed again but it would not move.
"You are asking the wrong questions?" Flamel again uttered in his mind. "You look but do not see."
Harry looked around the golden room and saw nothing amiss. Closing his eyes Harry walked across the room and opened them, and observed his surroundings. Still seeing nothing Harry asked the room for a drink and a glass of water appeared on the table. Harry reached for it but paused. As Flamel's voice again whispered to him. "Trust your instincts, what does your gut tell you?"
Harry looked at the shut door, then to the glass of water. "It tells me that something is wrong."
As Harry placed his wand into the water something strange happened. The water seemed to ripple not on the surface but down the glass, almost as if it was the glass itself that was rippling. Harry mumbled, "Clever, a glamour "
Harry aimed the wand and muttered. "Reveal your secrets."
With a glow of his wand the water began to change colour, turning into a vibrant purple. Harry picked up the glass and took a whiff of its scent. "It's a Sleeping drought."
Harry then was hit with a realization as he asked no one. "Why aren't Ron and Hermione here? Why would they not tell me first?"
"Now you are asking the right questions Harry Potter." Flamel's voice approved.
Harry looked around the room and noticed what he missed. As faint as it was, Harry saw signs of Glamours. Harry realized the entire room was glamoured. Focusing his magic he shouted Finite and all the Glamours in the room fell, revealing the sparse office was full of broken objects and portraits, parchments scattered on the floor. These were the signs of a struggle. He also saw two familiar wands on the floor, snapped completely in two. The wands of his friends.
Harry raised his own wand and blasted at the door, blowing a hole through it, Two Goblin peaked their heads through the hole as Harry shouted. "WHERE'S RAGNOK! WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!"
The two Goblins looked at each other before removing their heads out of the hole. The door opened to reveal ten Goblin's with glowing red spears. "Our Lord is busy. Please wait in your seat for the Lord to retur-"
Harry blasted the Goblins with a Stunner and charged them. Raising his wand he cried out "Lumos Maxima."
The Goblins were blinded by a bright light. When the light faded Harry was gone. The Goblins panicked as they started searching the room, unaware that Harry was leaving the room under his favorite cloak.

Harry followed the Goblins as they left. Making sure the cloak covered him entirely. It wasn't long before the Goblins stopped and their leader started knocking on the door. Ragnok opened the door angrily growling. "You are disturbing the business of the King, state your business and pray he does not have you beheaded!"
The Goblin seemed to gulp as he stuttered. "Sorry my Lord, I did not realize...Potter discovered the glamours in your room...and he h...has...escaped?"
"Is that a question?" Ragnok hissed as he stared down the fidgeting Goblin. "I thought the room was cleaned, who decided on using Glamours?"
The Goblin did not answer, he wasn't given a chance. Ragnok drew his sword and beheaded the Goblin before Harry could even blink. Ragnok spoke to the other Goblins with a voice that left them trembling. "Potter is a Goblin friend, he is not to be harmed. Nor must he be allowed to leave, or contact the rest of the humans. GO!"
The Goblins scurried out of sight as Ragnok sighed. "Pitiful..."
Ragnok walked back into the room as Harry followed closely behind under the cloak of invisibility. With a snap of Ragnok's lanky fingers, the stone door closed behind them.
Harry could see no stone, or gold here, only darkness. Ragnok lit a torch which showed him the way. Harry followed distantly down metals stairs that reflected the light of Ragnok's flame. As time wore on Harry began to wonder if following Ragnok had been a good idea. He needed to get to Luna.
Just as Harry was thinking of turning back they came upon a metal door that reminded Harry of Gringotts. Ragnok slid his nail down the center of the door which faded out of existence before Harry's eyes. Ragnok placed the torch on the wall as he entered the dimly lit room. "Sorry, for the delay, there was a situation."
Harry peeked into the room expecting to see the Goblin King. Instead he saw his friends, Ron and Hermione sitting at a table with an untouched mug of tea. Harry would have assumed that they were having a simple meeting with Ragnok, if not for the Goblin Metal Bars separating them from the Goblin. They also looked rather unhappy with that fact. Ragnok frowned as he looked at their untouched drink. "Something wrong with your refreshments."
"I'm not exactly in the mood to drink poison." Ron sniped, red in the face, despite a recently broken nose and some swelling on his forehead.
Ragnok began to speak."You are not being kept here prisoners-"
"Then are we allowed to leave, because from where I'm standing it sure looks like we're prisoners." Hermione shouted her left eye was black and her lip was bleeding.
"You both must not leave." Ragnok snapped. "You and Potter are too important to our cause, especially with Miss Lovegood's capture."
"Where is Harry? I demand you tell me what is going on!" Hermione ordered. "I demand you speak to your king."
"I am the king!" Ragnok thundered with authority before adding solemnly. "King Oderus is dead!"
The room was as silent as death after this statement. Ragnok sighed tiredly. "Normally when a king dies, his heir takes the crown. If the King is killed by a Goblin then the killer and heir must fight for the crown in the duel to the death. However the King and his heirs were killed in the destruction of Gringotts. I have taken the crown for myself by defeating all other challengers, and with it I shall do what must be done."
Ragnok looked at Hermione solemnly. "I have no ill will to you two, Potter or the rest of the LLR. What I must do, I do for the good of my people. This war with the Totalitar is bigger than your little rebellion. The destruction of Gringotts has broken all treaty's the Goblins made with the Wizarding world. Now it is our time to strike."
"What do you mean." Hermione asked with no small amount of trepidation.
Ragnok glared as he looked up at the ceiling, his voice deep as it echoed throughout the caverns. "For the last thousand years, Goblins have been forced to live beneath the earth, but no more. The Goblins shall be freed once more and we shall reclaim the surface from the Humans. Wizard and Muggle it matters not, they will bow before the might of the Goblin."
"I should have learned by now. Never trust a Goblin!" Ron hissed. "All you care about is your greed."
"This has nothing to do with greed. We both desire the same thing, the freedom of our people. Once the surface has been reclaimed we will not enslave the Humans but unite all of our races as in the days of old. We shall strive for a society where Muggle, Wizard and Goblin live in harmony once more. We shall live in peace and as equals...With those willing to live with us.
Ragnok looked down and uttered sinisterly. "Those who are less willing shall be banished into the depths of the Earth forevermore, or else pay in blood. Your rebels are being rounded up as we speak. They all shall make a choice. They can fight with us, live in the earth, or feed my people with their blood. Work with us and together, we shall unite the people of the earth!"
"By dividing them in half?" Hermione hollered incredulously.
"Only temporary. The youth shall be brought up to see our different people for what they are, and the old that hate us shall die in the darkness, never again seeing the sun." Ragnok grinned bearing his long teeth. "The Goblins will fight this battle, even if it destroys us, but if Wizards like you joined us then nothing will stop us from freeing the Goblin nation from the tyranny of man."
Ragnok looked at Ron and Hermione uttering. "You have an hour, make your choice. Your people with likely follow your lead so keep that in mind if you choose darkness or death. For the sake of our friendship and our people, may you chose wisely."
Ragnok turned to leave when Hermione asked. "You really think Harry will go along with this, or Luna? We want to help but not like this? Muggles aren't ready to accept the existence of Wizards, let alone Goblins. You do this, you either destroy your race or condemn most of humanity to death."
Harry wasn't certain but Ragnok almost looked sympathetic. "I have to, for the sake of my people."
The Goblin opened his mouth before his eyes hardened and he swiftly left the room. Ron shouted as he gripped the metal bars. "I'd bloody rip his noise off. If only I had my wand."
Hermione sighed with frustration. "Even if you did, nothing cuts through Goblin Metal."
Suddenly a blue spark appeared from thin air and blasted into the floor under the bars, causing both Hermione and Ron to scream, the latter much higher pitched than he would care to admit. A second light blasted into the floor and it was followed by more. Ron and Hermione moved to the back of the cells as more spells blasted the earth until a creator formed beneath the Goblin Metal bars. Suddenly the air shimmered as Harry removed his cloak with a swish. Harry grinned, "Well what are you waiting for, crawl under the bars."
"Brilliant." Hermione uttered in shock as she crawled beneath the bars.
"Always the tone of surprise " Harry replied as he helped Hermione up.
"Oi, that's my line!" Ron yelled as Harry helped him up as well. "Do you have our wands?"
Harry grimaced. "Your wands have been...snapped."
Hermione gasped in horror and Harry could relate, remembering how his wand had been snapped in the escape of Godric's Hollow. Ron just groaned. "Not again, I'll kill that Goblin."
"Don't" Harry said as he led the Golden Trio back through the caverns uttering a Lumos when the Darkness took hold..
"OK I'll let you kill him." Ron grumbled as he helped Hermione in the darkness.
Harry shook his head "No you don't understand...I'm not mad. Ragnok's right, his people are second class citizens forced to live in dreary places like this. He won't succeed though, Muggles will blow the Goblins to Hades if they try to fight them. Besides your right Hermione, I can't support the death and banishment's of millions, be they Muggle, Wizard or Goblin."
Hermione looked at Harry impressed. "Who are you and what have you done with Harry Potter. What happened to your temper."
"She happened..." Harry murmured sadly. "Luna's right, an Eye for an eye just makes the world blind. It blinded me of many things but now I see what I need to do. Maybe if Luna finishes her work, maybe we can Help the Goblins unite the world without bloodshed. Right now we need to rescue the rest of the LLR"
Hermione just shook her head. "We won't be much help without wands, I'd be shocked if there was a single LLR member who still has a wand."
Harry reached the door and opened it, revealing the somewhat brighter caverns of Oderus. A red spell shot right past Harry, almost singeing his eyebrows. Harry muttered to Hermione. "I don't think that will be a problem."
The LLR, it seemed, had not gone so quietly. In fact they were fighting off the Goblins throughout the catacombs of the Goblin city. Harry looked at the chaos then back to his friends. "We need to get you wands."
Hermione groaned before pushing Harry and Ron back grabbing the Invisibility cloak and throwing it over herself. Harry stared at where she disappeared before he glanced at Ron. "Did she just ditch us?"
"No...No...She wouldn't." Ron replied seeming less certain by the second.
Suddenly a fist appeared out of thin air, punched a Goblin right on the nose. He fell to the ground squealing as Hermione threw off the cloak and grabbed his glowing red tipped spear. Hermione twirled the spear as another Goblin charged at her only to be knocked to the ground stunned by Hermione's spear.
"Harry..." Ron uttered.
"Yeah Ron"
"I think I love that woman." Ron said solemnly.
"Good to know." Harry replied .
"RON!" Hermione called out as she tossed a spear to Ron while giving Harry the cloak. "We have to round up as many LLR as we can and lead them to the North west portal. If we split up tell them to meet at the original headquarters. Use your Patronus to spread the message."
Harry frowned as he looked at his friends. "I'm not going with you, I'll spread the word but I have to get out of here and save Luna."
"You'll need our help if you want to save her Harry" Hermione insisted.
Harry shook his head. "You don't understand, I have to do this alone."
"Are you Bloody Mental!" Ron cursed. "You'll get yourself killed."
"And what do you think happens if the entire LLR shows up at the Ministry trying to break into the Department of Mysteries. I'll tell you what, they will kill as many LLR members as they can while threatening to do the same to Luna." Harry shouted as his mind drifted to Luna.
Hermione looked forlorn. "We'll go with you, won't we Ron."
Harry shook his head. "Not this time, the LLR needs you, now more than ever."
"But what about you Harry? I will not let you walk to your death again!" Hermione cried her eyes full of fear and anger.
"Well it's a good thing I'll have death on my side." Harry said cryptically before throwing the Invincibility cloak over himself and vanishing from sight.
Hermione glanced at Ron who was looking apprehensive and spoke. "Did he just say what I think he did?"
Before Hermione could answer a red stunner flew between them and blinded a charging Goblin. Before Hermione could answer a red stunner flew between them and blindsided another charging Goblin. They turned swiftly to see Ginny who yelled. "Well? What are you waiting for, a Howler!?"
Hermione followed after her with Ron, who muttered. "Are all women this scary?"

"Squib, Squib, Magical Squib
Little wee baby cries in her crib"
Luna heard the tortured melody the Bellatrix sang as she descended into the dungeons. Luna closed her eyes and focused on the magic she had in her. Maybe this time she could shut it out, the taunts, the knife, the fear for her Father and friends.
Bellatrix stood over her and cackled as she kicked Luna away from her.
Maybe this time I'll cut off your pretty hair.
"Make it stop."
Luna did not notice the shadow that covered her or the Witch that stood over her. She did not hear the curses and taunts nor did she feel Bellatrix's blade cut through her skin. She shut out Bellatrix and the dark world with it.
She did not notice the Dark Witches frustration over her lack of reaction, nor did she feel the blade press against her throat...
The twisted Witch turned to see a mouse like man cower before her. "I was just here to tell you that Greyback is here with some snatchers. They think they got Harry Potter."

Luna opened her eyes at this. "Harry?"
But no one was there, no Harry, no Bellatrix, just darkness. Luna nervously looked around as she called out. "Hello...where am I? Is anybody out there?"
Luna crawled through the darkness on her hands and knees. Images of Bellatrix filled her mind while her heart ached from the guilt of leaving Harry. Luna could feel the emptiness consume her. It was a dark and pitiful feeling, as if a dark cloud had covered her brain.
Luna continued to crawl before she reached a stone wall. Blindly she reached her hands out and placed them against the stones, before pulling herself to her feet. The stone wall was naturally cold to her touch as Luna felt her way around the room, as it had to be some sort of room, it was too dark to be anything outside, and the floor was too smooth to have not been made by Goblin or man.
Luna reached out across the wall and froze as her hand brushed against something freezing cold. Luna slowly reached out and touched the hard substance. Something soft seemed to cover bits of it but for the most part it was as hard as rock yet colder than ice. Then she felt something inhale right in front of her face, she could feel the warmth leave it.
Luna quickly pulled her hand away but a cold hand grabbed her wrist and forced her against the wall. Luna whimpered in helpless terror as she felt the Dementor's face against her's. Luna was too scared to even move, petrified by the Dementor's sightless gaze. Luna struggled to use her magic only to see more horrible memories of her Mother's cold body, Filius collapsing as he broke his unbreakable vow, her Father dying in her arms...
The Dementor abruptly let her go as the sound of gears turning signaled the opening of a metal door Luna could not see in the darkness. Luna was unaware of this as she feebly curled up on the floor and cried. The door banged against the wall as it opened which was followed shortly by an unearthly scream that no mortal should hear.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" A deep voice thundered. "Lay a finger on her and I shall send you through the veil."
Luna felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder as the voice whispered gently. "Are you hurt, did the Dementor try to kiss you.
Luna shook her head. "It just tormented me..."
There was a moment of silence before the voice said. "You saw them die...your parents."
Luna nodded though noticed it wasn't a question. The man spoke softly. "I'm sorry child, I really am, but it had to be done. Now come Miss Lovegood, it's time to see your Mother."
"My Mother?" Luna repeated with confusion, finally looking up to see Kingsley Shacklebolt kneeling beside her. Luna shouted, "No! Not you! Get away from me!"
Luna backed away as best she could on the floor. The former Minister grabbed at her leg but Luna began kicking as she screamed. "LET ME GO, GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MURDERER!"
Kingsley sighed as he stood up and conjured his scythe with a flick of his wrist. "Miss Lovegood, there is no way out of this. You can either act like a child and I can drag you there by the ankles, or you can meet your Mother with a shred of dignity"
Luna glared at Kingsley but followed him out of the cell none the less. Luna could feel the Dementors following her from a distance, though clearly close enough to weaken her spirit and magic. As Luna looked around she noticed the many other cell doors down the hallway, some doors were 8 feet in height while others were so large, even a giant would find it excessive.
Luna spoke with a vague air of curiosity. "Where am I? What is behind those doors?"
"The Department of Mysteries, and if I was to tell you the contents behind each door, I would have to kill you. I have enough of your family's blood on my hands." Kingsley lamented in his deep voice. As they passed a particularly large door, something large let loose a mighty roar, giving Luna goose bumps.
At the end of the hallway a door opened on its own to reveal a revolving room with only a single door. Kingsley raised his scythe and tapped it to the floor three times and suddenly the floor began to descend into the earth, as if it was one large elevator. As Luna watched silently, she noticed the many doors appearing and rising with the wall as the room continued its journey deep into the earth.
"How far down does this go?" Luna asked aloud in wonder.
Kingsley chuckled at the Ravenclaw, as he drawled in his deep voice. "To the center of the earth? the other side of morning? To the deepest part of Hades? One can only guess Miss. Lovegood."
Luna looked at him curiously before turning her eyes away and sinking back into silence. Kingsley glanced at the girl and asked. "Dementors reported no sign of Potter, you have no need to fear for him."
"He wasn't with me." Luna replied softly.
Kingsley looked confused but held his tongue as the room came to a halt. Kingsley led Luna through one of the doors and walked down the hallway, the Dementors still following close behind, like vultures follow a dying calf.
They soon reached another door, this one had no door handles. Kingsley placed his hood over his head to hide his face. Once again resembling death he placed his hand on the door and waited. Then with a flash of light the door melted from existence. On the other side, two Unspeakables stood waiting for them. They wore robes of white and had blank white masks over their faces, looking as if they were ghosts. One of them spoke with a deep voice muffled by the mask. "This way Miss Lovegood."
Luna followed the Unspeakables while looking over her shoulder. Her heart plummeted when the door reformed behind them, sealing her only way out. It wasn't long before the group reached stairs that descended into darkness. Luna took a deep breath as she trekked down.
Luna felt there was something she should be doing but couldn't think of what this least not at first. As they reached the bottom of the stairs she looked at the hooded figure to the right and her mind clicked. He had placed the hood over his face before meeting the Unspeakables...
"Unspeakables, I have some information that you must hear." Luna said with excitement in her voice.
Someone snorted while the hooded Shacklebolt looked at Luna with a somewhat curious expression no one could see. Undeterred Luna continued. "I know the location of wanted ex-Minister Kingsley Shacklebo-"
The Unspeakables abruptly collapsed to the floor unconscious and Shacklebolt gripped Luna's jaw harshly as he stared into her eyes. "Do that again, and you will be sorry."
Luna felt herself collapse to the floor, paralyzed, the hooded figure of Shacklebolt revived the Unspeakables. Unfortunately they came to the conclusion that it was Luna who stunned them and the Dementor floated far closer from that point on.

Luna couldn't focus with the Dementor so close. She lost track of where they were going or how long they had been walking. However her mind returned to the present when a familiar voice uttered. "Thank you for escorting the Squib, you may now return to your other duties."
Luna eyes focused and hardened as Grimhilde looked down at her with a grin and sweetly said. "I'd say long time no see, but It really hasn't been that long has it."
Grimhilde gave Luna a friendly smile that did not reach her eyes as she uttered. "Escort...her to the staff room, and please, make sure no one enters but myself. Oh and summon more Dementors to stand guard outside the room. I want her weak without being in the same room as one of those vial beasts.
"Yes Minister." Shacklebolt uttered as he led Luna away from Grimhilde. Shacklebolt opened a door and peaked inside before gesturing to Luna to enter. Luna felt the door shut behind her as she took in her surroundings.
The staff room was far cleaner than the others rooms. The floor and walls were flatter, resembling marble more than stone. It looked no different than any other staff room at any boring job. The chairs were comfy looking and in the middle of the room was a coffee table carrying two glasses of tea. The room also seemed to be lit with something other than candlelight. Luna heard the door open and close again before she heard the dreaded voice of her Mother. "Take a seat child, please, please."
Luna silently took a seat as Umbridge sat in the chair facing her daughter. She had returned to her true form and Luna could not help but look away from the vile woman as their last encounter flashed through her mind. This time there was no Harry or Father with her, it was just Delores and Luna, Mother and Daughter.
Luna spoke first her voice toneless. "Hello Minister."
Delores shook her head with a smile. "Is that anyway to greet your Mother Luna. There's no need for formalities here."
Luna nodded her eyes staring at the wall . "Hello Umbridge."
Delores frowned as she spoke. "Well if you keep that snarky attitude up I won't let you have any tea."
"I don't want your tea, Umbridge," Luna uttered coldly. "and I will never call you Mother, Delores!"
The Minister simply smiled. "You will child, you will."
Delores picked up her own mug and took a long sip of tea. "Delicious, you know the thing I love about tea Luna. It has so many different ways it can taste. It can have lots of sugar, a little sugar or no sugar at all. It can have lots of milk, cream or just leave it black. It can be burning hot or nice and cold like ice tea. Personally I find the idea of cold tea revolting, but that's just me."
"You see Luna, one's personal preference of tea depends on the person. Some people prefer herbal tea, and some people" Delores shuddered though her grin never left her face, "Some people don't like tea at all."
Luna didn't seem to be paying attention but Delores knew better, Luna was hanging on to every word. "The amount of different ways to have your tea is truly astonishing and it truly shows the diversity of humanity...but we are only talking about tea."
Delores grin faltered as she continued. "Now what other things do people disagree on, a better question is what don't they disagree on? They have different tastes in food, world views, politics, governments, morality, prejudices, Religions, countries, books, music, homes, respect for law and order, jobs and life style."
"You know some of these things don't matter, but the fact is people will fight over anything, and the more it matters the more violent they get. The more they improved their weapons, the more damage they caused. If Wizards knew the amount of devastation Muggles could cause, it would incite a panic the likes of which our people have not ever seen since the Witch burnings. Yes back when Muggles were only just discovering the wonders of guns, they were still burning our people for centuries."
Muggles in their infinite stupidity nearly destroyed themselves in the 60's. Reasonable heads prevailed but only because we Witches and Wizards secretly got involved. He had to use compulsion charms on the world leaders to stop them from killing us all. The fact remains, Muggles are too dangerous to be trusted with magic."
Luna remained silent as Delores pondered the girl. "Am I to take it from your silence that you agree with my assessment, or do you wish to continue acting like a spoiled brat?"
"My words will have no effect on you. Your mind is closed to any opinion that does not match your own, even if it is a proven fact." Luna said in an airy voice that lacked its usual charm.
Delores shook her head with a sigh. "If there is one thing I have learned in politics it is that life is about compromises. You and I have very different views on the Muggles yes, but I sympathize with your plight of the Squibs."
"You abandoned me, wanted me dead, simply because I was a Squib. Sympathize with nothing but yourself."
"There is truth in that." Delores mused with a grin. "I often imagine what would have been if you were a Witch. With magic you would have made a great daughter."
Luna thought about growing up with Delores Umbridge as a Mother. Luna could not help but shudder at the thought. Umbridge giggled. "Really dear would I have really been so bad. I could have taught you so much, about the way of the universe, about the nature of Wizards Muggles and Half-breeds. I could have taught you discipline, law and order. Instead you were raised by two mad hippies and look at the result. The Symbol of a revolutionary cult full of anarchists and criminals."
"Don't talk about my friends, and my Mother and Father were better parents then you could ever hope to be." Luna hissed with venom.
Delores feign confusion. "I don't understand, I thought I was your Mother."
Luna opened her mouth but did not speak opting to sit instead. Umbridge beamed as she whispered. "Good Luna, I'm quite proud of you, already learning your place."
Luna abruptly rose from her chair and stormed to the door. She was not surprised to find it locked but that did not stop her from banging her fists on the door. Luna screamed at the door, "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!"
Then Delores said something that stopped Luna in her tracks. "I can help you with your quest."
Luna turned around looking at Umbridge as if she had killed a kitten. "What?!"
Umbridge shrugged, "If you remember I did say I sympathize with your plight with the Squibs. More importantly I believe in the art of the compromise. So I say we put our differences aside and come to a mutual understanding that we can both be happy with."
Luna's eyes met her Mothers, her emotions hidden beside cold eyes. "What are the terms, where's the catch."
"The most obvious compromise on your end is to never give magic to the Muggles. Magic belongs only to the old families." Delores stated, though it sounded more like an order. "Not to mention Muggles would enslave or destroy us if we gave them magic. Second you publicly condemn the LLR and demand that they turn themselves in. You will cooperate with our experiments so we can discover how you have been given magic without the usual side effects."
Luna remained silent which caused Umbridge to huff.."Well...what do you think?"
"I think you're mad." Luna replied with an air of calmness.
"Pot calling the kettle black." The Minister muttered under her breath as Luna continued.
"I think you're our out of your mind if you think I would ever work with you, compromise or not. Even if your terms were acceptable you seem to have forgotten that you MURDERED MY FAMILY!" Luna screamed, her voice hoarse with rage.
Delores only smiled and Luna felt the room grow very cold. "Ah, I see where you are confused and why you must think me mad. You see Luna, you seem to be under the false impression that you have any choice or say in the matter."
Suddenly two hands grabbed her wrists. Luna jerked around just in time to glance at the two Dementors before her mind was consumed with horror. Luna began to struggle but she could not break their ice cold hands. "No...Please...Help..."
They dragged her out of the room while the Minister followed with a smirk. "You are a very powerful Squib, nevertheless you are still a Squib. With your magic we can give Squibs a place in the Wizarding world, even they will never be classified as more than, above Muggle and Half-breed."
"We can also give deserving Witches and Wizards even more power, true power. Magic like yours would give us the Leverage we need to establish order and bring about an age of peace the Wizarding world has not seen since before the rise of Grindelwald...strap her in Shacklebolt."
"Yes Minister." Kingsley drawled as he forced Luna into a chair. Luna looked around shaking off the effects of the Dementors. She was in a small grey room with no noticeable details to it whatsoever outside the table in front of her. The chair she sat in sprung two bars that wrapped around her legs, trapping Luna. She looked up and saw Shacklebolt and Umbridge staring down at her. One admiring her helpless position like a work of art, the other looked with a tinge of pity and disgust. The latter spoke. "Is this really necessary Minister?"
Delores sighed with fake compassion. "I'm afraid it is Kingsley. You see Luna refuses to cooperate with us, so now she must be punished."
Luna glared at the Minister defiantly but the fear was evident in her eyes. ""
Delores shook her head and placed her bony hand on Luna's cheek causing Luna to whimper with revulsion. "I'm really sorry about this child, believe me when I say this hurts me more then it hurts you."
Umbridge brought her hand away and wiped it on her ropes. "I remember seeing something in the paper written by that buzzing beetle. I seem to recall her listening in to a rather private conversation about Pandora's death. You were terrified it would get out weren't you Shacklebolt. Don't really understand why your life has clearly improved since Filius let the Dragon out of the cave"
Kingsley glared as he uttered through clenched teeth. "Yes Minister."
"What happened to that little beetle Shacklebolt?" Umbridge asked with almost genuine interest.
"I seem to recall you crushing it against the wall Minister." Kingsley drawled. "Mentioned something about getting your hands dirty."
Delores smiled, "Oh that's right, pity really, her article gave me information on you, information that even I had been ignorant of. She mentioned something about you having some rather nasty scars left by Mrs. Lestrange. Though frankly from what I've seen I don't believe the message quite sunk in."
Delores reached into her robes and pulled out a parchment and a blood red quill. Luna stared at the pen and paled. She looked up at Umbridge wide eyes.
Delores laughed, "Yes you would know of this, you should have seen the look on Potter's face when he first wrote with this, but I will tell you what I told him. You know deep down, that you deserve to be punished. Don't you Luna"
"In a way, we all deserve to be punished. In a way we are all children, spoiled and rotten, whining about how life's not fair and throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way. We need order yet they desire freedom. We need law yet laws are constantly broken. I am the law, I maintain order and control the people of the earth. I raise them to be obedient little children and when I have to I punish them. You could say I am Mother of the Earth. Why else you think the Prophecy dubbed me the Earth Mother." Delores beamed with pride.
Kingsley spoke in his deep voice. "The Prophecy also dubbed you the Devil in Disguise Minister."
Umbridge snorted in mirth. "Kingsley, how dare you offend me so. I have half a mind to up your treatments, but you may have the truth of it. The Devil keeps order in hell, and what is earth if not a hell."
Delores placed the parchment and quill on the table and conjured a chair to sit in opposite from, and her eyes burning with excitement. "Don't mind me dear, I like to watch."
Kingsley turned to leave when the Earth Mother spoke. "Don't go anywhere Shacklebolt. I heard you had the Dementors walk within twenty feet of the girl, when I ordered they be within five feet. I would like you to watch as well, to remind you of what happens to those who don't follow orders.
"Yes Minister" Shacklebolt droned.
Umbridge never took her eyes off Luna as she whispered. "What should you write first, freak seems like a good place to start."
Luna didn't move at first, looking as if she wanted to refuse and throw the Quill at her face. "Have it your away." Luna uttered rising up to the challenge in her Mother's cold eyes.
Luna started writing on the parchment, the words forming despite the lack of ink. Luna refused to look at her hand as she waited for the pain.
Yet nothing happened.
Luna looked in confusion at Umbridge yet the Minister simply grinned. Then she felt it, pain It was as if a knife was carving her writings into her forehead. Luna looked in shock at Umbridge as blood begun to pore into her eyes. Luna gritted her teeth and continued to write with the pen as the marking on her head cut deeper and deeper. She wouldn't let her win, never! Luna wrote a few more times before she dropped the quill and clutched at her forehead in pain.
The Earth Mother sighed. "Father always said I would leave my mark on people."
Laughter abruptly filled the room, and Delores smiled that her joke got such a reaction from Shacklebolt. Then he spoke, "You should 'pay more attention to what she was drawing Minister."
"Drawing?" Umbridge questioned before looking at Luna and scowling.
Luna smiled with an airy quality that contrasted to the blood on her forehead. "I thought it was going to be on my hand, like you did with Harry, but this works too."
In a way it was more fitting this way, as instead of the word freak, a familiar looking lightning bolt was cut into Luna's head. Luna felt pride flow through her very being. If Luna was the freak her Mother proclaimed her to be, she would wear the mark with Harry did. No matter how far apart they were, they were connected now. Both wearing scars they would rather not have.
Shacklebolt's laughter seemed to only increase as Umbridge's scowl deepened. Finally she spoke. "Put her with the other Muggles, Squibs, Half-breeds and Freaks. Increase the Dementor guards around her."
Delores rose and stood over Luna with a look of pure loathing. Luna smiled back and for a moment Kingsley could see the similarities in each other. Umbridge raised her hand and struck Luna, who would have fallen out of her chair if she wasn't still locked into it, Luna looked up and continued smiling. You will never be alone, Harry...Not anymore."
Umbridge huffed as she reached into her pocket and aimed her wand at Luna. "Naughty children must be punished."
Luna tilted her head as if she was observing a Warhol painting. "Have you ever been punished?"
Umbridge looked ready to curse Luna into oblivion when she smiled, her cold eyes dark as she pressed her wand against the bleeding scar on Luna's forehead. Luna's face contorted with pain as she refused to break eye contact with Umbridge who spoke softly. "Where is your...friend Harry?"
Luna's glared hardened but Umbridge just pressed the wand deeper. "Did you to split up? Did he leave you? Did you leave him? Clearly you still care for him, even love him."
Delores traced her wand along the lighting shaped scar as Luna shook from the effort not you cry out in pain. Umbridge leaned forward and whispered in Luna's ear. "Don't worry, you will be seeing him again very soon. I'll have him brought here myself... If he doesn't choose to visit us first that is. He needs to be punished too doesn't he. Maybe I'll even let you help."
Umbridge rose back up and smiled wickedly. Luna whimpered as the wand left her scar. "I hate you."
Delores uttered sinisterly. "Good, maybe now you know what it was like for me, when you were born.
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