Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

A Winter of Ice and Fire

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

Bah you humans and your trust. This isn't banking, trust will get you killed.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2017-03-05 - 6443 words - Complete

Harry didn't know how long he had been wandering through the forest. He had waited all day in the rook but as the day grew darker Harry was forced to accept what he already knew. Luna was not coming back.
Harry was morose as he wandered down the Forest's path. He felt empty, like the little boy locked in the cupboard under the stairs those many years ago. For the first time in his young life, Harry was completely and utterly alone.
He wasn't sure how long he had been walking but in the dead of night, Harry saw light. Harry hardly batted an eye as he drifted towards it. It mattered not what waited for him. It wasn't until he emerged from the trees that he realized where he was and felt his heart swell in relief. Harry raced towards the crooked house as if a horde of Dementors were swooping down upon him.
Harry quickly knocked on the door and heard muffled voices on the other side. Harry knocked again and the door opened, "If this is the Totalitar, I still have no idea where my children are."
"No it's me, Harry."
The door opened and Mr. Weasley stepped out. "Harry! What are you doing here? Where's Luna?"
Harry flinched at the question and quickly asked. "Can I please come in?"
"What? Oh, of course Harry." Mr. Weasley stepped aside and pulled Harry into the house. "Welcome back to the burrow Harry. MOLLY, HARRY'S HERE! "
Harry was pulled into the kitchen where Mrs Weasley tried to break his back with a hug. "Harry it's so good to see you. Where's Luna?"
Harry's gaze dropped to his shoes. "She's not with me, is anyone else here? Ron? Hermione? Hell, what about Ginny?"
"Percy's here." Mrs. Weasley replied but Harry couldn't help but frown, never really liking the Weasleys middle child. Even Mrs. Weasley knew that, though she never commented on it.
Mr. Weasley suddenly frowned. "How do we know you aren't a Totalitar in disguise?"
Harry thought for a minute then said. "When we first met you asked me what the function of a rubber duck was."
Mr. Weasley smiled. "Good enough for me. Let's take you to Percy."
"But..." Harry started as Mr. Weasley started dragging him through the house and up the twisting stairs. "Not to be rude or anything but I really don't want to talk to Percy."
"Oh I know that Harry, I was just taking you to his room." Mr. Weasley replied with an excited grin.
"Uh What?" Harry asked wearily.
Mr. Weasley stopped at Percy's room and waved his wand at the door. Then he gestured at Harry to open the door. Harry hesitantly opened the door and found himself staring at a black veil.
"In you go." Mr. Weasley grunted as he pushed Harry through the veil.
Harry yelled in protest but soon was falling into the void of darkness. Harry felt weightless yet knew he was falling. He could feel nothing and everything. Harry could hear nothing but the sound of his heart racing.
Harry suddenly hit the ground and sound seemed to explode around him. The sound of a gravelly, croaking voice seemed to attack Harry with ferocity. Harry felt something poke against his back, forcing him to the floor. "Stay still Wizzy."
"Let him go, it's Harry Potter!" Mr. Weasley shouted as he landed beside Harry. The Goblin removed his spear from Harry's back and stepped on him instead. The spear was now under Mr. Weaslys throat.
The Goblin growled. "Silence blood head, or your head won't be all that's red."
"You utter one more word in my presence, I will remove your head and make it red." Said a familiar voice
Harry looked up to see Ragnok staring down at him. His eyes were cold and judging, reminding Harry of when he got in trouble at school. "Um...I...where am I?"
The Goblin did not answer him, instead he just ordered. "Talk."
The Goblin just stood there waiting. When it became clear Harry wasn't going to say anything, Ragnok uttered. "Where is Luna?"
"She's g...gone." Harry stuttered not entirely from fear.
"I can see that, where is she?" Ragnok hissed. "Is she dead, or did you simply abandon her?"
"No it's not like that..."
"Harry!" A familiar voice shouted, to Harry's relief Hermione ran past Ragnok and pulled Harry to his feet. Hermione engulfed Harry into a hug.
"Hermione thank Merlin it's you." Harry sagged with relief. "One minute I was at the Burrow, the next I was...where am I? Where's Ron?"
Hermione replied quickly. "The Great Goblin city of Oderus, located underneath the city of London. Home of the Goblin's largest army and the new Location of the LLA. Founded during the great Goblin rebellion of 126-."
"Hermione, now's not the time for a History lesson. Hey Harry? Ron said as he joined Harry and Hermione. He seemed to still be recovering from the Battle of Hogsmeade, as he was on crutches. Ron looked on somberly. Hermione seemed to have already noticed what Ron had too, as they both asked. "Where's Luna?"
Harry shuddered at the question and decided to take in his surroundings. He realized they were in some underground cavern full of rock and gold. He was surrounded by Goblins and LLR members. All of them were looking at him, their eyes asking the same question. "Where is Luna?"
Harry opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. His throat had suddenly gone dry as his heart went to Luna. Ragnok ended up breaking the silence, speaking to Hermione. "That's what I'm trying to find out? All the boy said was that she's gone."
Ron whispered hoarsely. "You mean...she's she?"
"No." Harry uttered his voice scratchy. He had actually not thought of that. He felt even worse now, Luna was alone, heartbroken, in danger, grieving and possibly dead.
Harry felt a stubby hand pull him down until he was looking into Ragnok's dark eyes. "Then where is she?!"
"I don't know ok!" Harry shouted as he pulled away from the Goblin's grasp. He looked at all those around him as he spoke quietly. Yet everyone heard him speak as his voice echoed through the cavern.. "Xenophilius is dead, she went to bury her Father and when I woke, she left a letter...she left..."
Harry stormed past his friends and the Goblin leader. He shoved his way past the crowd and ran through the caverns, ignoring the cries of his friends. He just had to get away from them, from everything.
When Ron and Hermione finally found him, he was hunched in a corner trembling. Ron whispered to him. "It...It will be...ok."
Hermione glared at Ron who shrugged, her look softened seeing how lost Ron was in this situation. Hermione rested a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry..."
"I swore I would never leave her, she swore she would never leave me...Why did she leave me?" Harry asked pleadingly as he fought a battle not to cry, a battle he hardly ever lost, yet the tears slowly fell
When Hermione embraced him, he stopped fighting and let go.

Luna wasn't sure how long she had run, but she knew if she stopped before she lost her will, she would turn right around and run back to Harry. Luna had a mission though, and she had to finish it. Even if she didn't know how, or where she needed to go, or where she was going, or where she was now. But the sun had once again set, Luna was certain she was lost. Luna focused on her magic and tried to disapparate but her magic failed her. Luna cursed. "Bloody Heck! Darn it!"
"Hahahaha! The girl curses like a sailor."Aναρχία cackled
Anarchiam coughed. "More like a toddler, Ha!"
"Leave me alone! You told me if I left, my magic would come back to me. Now I 'm alone and cold and lost in the woods."
"You've been gone a day. Apparition takes a lot of magic. Conjure yourself a fire and rest for the night." Anarhie intoned.
Luna nodded and raised her hands. When nothing happened she glared at the Nargles, they cackled. "You might want to say the words."
"Imaginatio Potestatem." Luna uttered but nothing happened.
"We meant incendio." Aναρχία laughed as Luna huffed and finally conjured the fire, it was small and pitiful but Luna curled up by it as she tried to warm herself.
Luna shivered as the fire only helped so much. The snow still froze her skin and the cold wind cut to the bone. Luna's tears froze onto her face as she shook. "I deserve to freeze to death, for abandoning Harry, for betraying him."
"Betrayed is a strong word, and completely inaccurate." Anarhie interrupted sharply.
"Anarhie's right Luna," Aναρχία croaked with mirth. "I would go with dump, devastate, let down, abandon..."
"SHUP UP!" Luna shouted, her voice joined by the other two Nargles.
"Tough crowd." Aναρχία murmured before shrieking. "Fine, be that way. I'm going to find a fairy."
With a pop the Nargles vanished leaving Luna in the cold. After an hour of freezing, Luna started casting more fires until they surround her. Luna laid down in the snow and whispered to herself. "Why Mother, why did you betray me...forsake me? Did you ever love me...or was it all a lie?"
There was no answer, only the harsh bite of the wind. Luna curled into herself and tried to survive the freezing cold, wondering if she had truly done the right thing.

"The worst part is I can't even be mad at her for leaving." Harry uttered mournfully as he sat with his head and his hands, he finished telling his story to Ron and Hermione. "I would have done the same thing. Actually I have done the same thing, no wonder Ginny was pissed with me."
"That and the constant fighting" Ron pointed out. "She also didn't appreciate you avoiding her for a month after the battle, and there was the whole breaking up with her. She really didn't like the incident at Percy's surprisingly racy Bachelor party where you got drunk and made that speech about being free from crazy ginger bi-"
"Ron, you're not helping." Hermione scowled at Ron who blushed and mumbled an apology. Hermione looked at Harry carefully and said. "You know she still loves you, don't you?"
"Ginny?!" Harry exclaimed horrified.
"No, Luna you toe rag!" Hermione scolded as she whacked the back of Harry's head. "Luna isn't you Harry, she didn't leave to protect you, she's too smart for that."
Harry quirked an eyebrow. "And I'm not."
"He's getting smarter Mione." Ron chirped only to get wracked by the other two members of the Golden trio.
"Focus Harry," said Hermione. "Why would she leave you. Luna wouldn't unless she had to. Remember you both told me about her magic. When I last saw her she was practically a squib again."
Harry looked up as his brain clicked.. "Hermione, you're a genius. Xenophilius said that her magic was overloading. Her magic is fighting the love in her core and the only way for her to keep her magic was...oh."
As soon as it had started, Harry's outburst ended as he sunk back into his melancholy state. Hermione hugged him again while Ron patted his back. Harry whispered. "She's out there alone, because of me. She shouldn't be alone right now. Not after she just buried her Father. Not after..."
Hermione spoke softly knowing she was treading on thin ice "Harry, is there something you're not telling us? You seemed to gloss over certain parts of your story."
Harry looked away uncomfortably, not wanting to expose Luna's parentage, it wasn't for him to tell. "If you see Luna, ask her. That is if you...I...ever see her again."
"Harry of course you'll see her again." Hermione insisted but Harry didn't listen.
Ron shook Harry's shoulders. "Harry, don't do this. Don't shut us out!"
It was useless Harry turned away from his friends and walked away, leaving Ron and Hermione feeling utterly helpless.

Every step she took was a labored one, her shoe covered feet sinking deep into the snow. Not for the first time Luna wished she had packed more. Other than her mother's writings she only had the clothes on her back. Luna had no money, no food, only freezing snow to quench her thirst and clothing unsuitable for the harsh winter weather. Another 24 hours had gone by and this time she was unable to even conjure the little fire she had, and apparition was completely out of the question. The funny thing was even though Luna still couldn't use her magic, she could feel it growing within her. It wasn't her magic that was the problem, it was her body.
Her face was growing numb from the cold and ice had frozen at the corners of her mouth. Her hands were her main concern as she could feel them grow numb with frostbite. Luna knew that was a very bad sign. She could not escape this forest until she was able to regain her strength but Luna felt as weak as a kitten. Luna could feel the urge to lie down in the snow and go to sleep, and that idea seemed more appealing as time went by...
"No, I'm not following for it Wrackspurts." Luna hissed out suddenly. Luna knew all too well the perils of Wrackspurts, especially in the freezing cold. If she wasn't careful they would tickle ones brain until she fell asleep in the snow. Luna knew they meant no harm but falling asleep in the freezing snow often meant death.
Luna shook herself awake for a second time as she again started to doze. She had to think, as hard as it was she had to think. Luna knew her Father had been in a similar situation while searching the Forest in Canada for the Abominable snowman. Newt Scamander had also traveled to the Great White North 50 year earlier to discover the Yeti. Xenophilius never did realize that the Yeti and the Abominable snowman were the same species of creature. Nevertheless Luna remembered a story her Father had told her as a child.
"I thought I had spotted the creature and had run after it. However by the time I realized it had escaped, I was far from my camp and had no clue how to get back. If that wasn't bad enough night had crept up on me and the snow had come bellowing down. The coldest winter in Britain had nothing on this cold. My blood was practically frozen, and I was so weak I couldn't even use magic. I thought I was going to die Luna, but obviously I didn't."
"How?" Luna had asked.
"I used the northern star to make my way back to camp, I also shouted like a banshee until they found me. Xenophilius laughed.
"You used a Star, Mother used to say wishing on a star made your wishes come true."
Xenophilius chuckled sadly. "If that were true, everyone would have everything. You can't always get what you want. Sometimes you just get what you need, and that's OK."
Luna was forced into consciousness as she landed in the frosty snow. Luna struggled to her feet trying to shake it from her clothes but, they were wet now and the cold burned her like she never knew cold could.
Luna looked up at the sky but the stars could not be seen above the trees. She started to shout but she made as much noise as a tree falling in an empty Forrest. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!"

"So the Minister of Magic is Delores Umbridge." Ragnok uttered. "That should not surprise me, yet it certainly makes sense. This could be used to our advantage. Clearly she did not intend for this to get out. Xenophilius died giving us this, by protecting Potter and his daughter. Even if he did bring her to his home,. What else did Potter say?"
"He was largely unclear, his story had holes in it, when we pressured for more he got tense. At one point he said it was not for him to say." Hermione replied to Ragnok.
Ragnok was silent in deep thought. After a few moments he grumbled. "Is there anything else he told you, no matter how unimportant it may seem?"
"We've told you everything Harry would want us to tell. We won't betray his trust." Ron stated solemnly, think of Harry's moment of weakness. Seeing Harry break down and cry like that unnerved him.
"Bah you humans and your trust. This isn't banking, trust will get you killed. It doesn't matter. The girl can't have traveled far without magic. I've sent Goblin squads to find her, as wise as she is she is still young. Her youth and emotions have made her act most recklessly. She will be dying in those woods unless she is rescued."
"And after you find her." Ron asked slowly.
"The girl is too valuable to be wandering in the forest, trying to give Muggles magic. We need her here and now." Ragnok exclaimed as he smashed his fist onto the desk. "As long as we keep her away from Potter, she will regain her immense power. We could use this power to end the war, here and now."
"Luna is not a weapon!" Hermione proclaimed her voice shrill. "She is a person and you cannot keep her for your own whims."
"The magical world is at war, if Delores is indeed the Minister then she will not rest until every Magical being that is not a Witch or Wizard is exterminated, that includes us Goblins. For the sake of my people, I must take hold of her."
"I thought she was Goblin friend, you sound like you want to imprison her." Ron growled as the two stared down the Goblin.
Ragnok groaned as he shook his head. "I like the girl, she was my Half Brothers God child. I am responsible for millions of lives. With her power the Goblins can win more than our races survival."
Ragnok stood up and left the room as Hermione and Ron exchanged nervous looks.

Harry wandered aimlessly through the dark caverns. Harry was completely lost but was certain he would be found soon enough. Harry paused as he stumbled upon a rather odd sight of a piss drunk Goblin singing British songs. Harry walked past him and found the source of the Goblin's cheerful mood.
Goblins filled the room that looked like a cross between the Gringotts bank and the Leaky Cauldron. It didn't take a Goblin to figure out what the room was. The few Goblins that weren't drinking were trying to kill each other, in fact the golden floor was suspiciously stained red.
"Maybe a drink isn't such a bad idea." Harry muttered to himself as he carefully walked to the bar, making sure to step around the Goblin sleeping on the floor, or at least he hoped it was sleeping. The House elf serving as bartender was large and ugly, only giving him a quick glance before saying. "You can't drink here, one sip of Goblin ale will kill you...Bugger."
The house elf walked over to the sleeping Goblin and started sweeping his body to the back of the room, Harry gulped and decided he agreed with the house elf's assessment. When he returned Harry asked it. "Do you have any non-lethal drinks."
"Goblin water won't kill you if you only have a glass, but drink too much and the parasites will eat your brains." The elf replied with a grin.
"Right..." Harry drawled slowly.
"Of course, that girl brings in her own drinks. Maybe she's willing to share." The house elf pointed down the table.
Harry gave the girl a quick glance, catching sight of familiar red hair he looked away as fast as his head could. "I...I think I'll...just go."
He couldn't help but glance back nervously and cursed under his breath when his eyes met hers. Seeing her approach, Harry quickly whispered to the Goblin. "Is too late to have some of that Goblin Ale."
"Harry? What are you doing here?"
Harry sighed as he looked up at the glaring ginger. "Hi Ginny."
Ginny sat down beside him and punched him in the arm. "Don't get all awkward with me. You are the one that dumped me."
"Ginny I really don't want to talk about this right now." Harry groaned.
"Is it so wrong to still want to be friends Harry." Ginny pressed on.
"In my very limited experience on this matter, yes." Harry grumbled.
"Wait, where is Luna? I thought she was with you. Hell why are you sitting here alone in a Goblin bar?"
"Luna's gone off on her mission, left me behind." Harry whispered his eyes tired, then he frowned. "Hold on, what are you doing here?"
Ginny shrugged. "I'm bored, Nothing else to do here. The Goblins don't trust the LLR yet, so until further notice we are basically prisoners. I just got back from my recruitment mission. France may not be like England right now. But they have intentions of overthrowing the Totalitar. So Luna dumped you."
Harry glared as Ginny. "She did not dump me, Ginny.'s a long, miserable story."
"We have time," Ginny replied with a wink. "Not like there's anything better to do."
Harry sighed uncomfortably. "I'm not so sure, I already told Ron and Hermione, and with our history."
"Friends lie and sugar coat things." Ginny said as she offered him a sip of her Butter beer. "What you need is honesty. Besides Luna and I are friends."
Harry sighed in defeat though a small grin appeared on his face as he begun to tell is tale.

Screaming was tiring, moving was tiring, thinking was tiring. The miserable little magic Luna had been able to do was now impossible. She was just too cold and weak. She couldn't remember why she even bothered, it was so much easier just resting against the tree. There was no cold, no pain, just a numbing warmth...wait
Luna pushed herself off the tree and moaned in frustration. She had just remembered why resting was a really bad idea. Luna really hated Wrackspurts, she hated snow and she hated bloody Nargles. Luna knew struggling was hopeless and fighting futile. If she kept trudging through the wrath of winter, her mission would be over before it started. She needed to survive, had to.
Luna closed her eyes and whispered. "White beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure. Ignore the freezing, ignore the cold, focus on how you will survive."
Luna took in her surroundings. She was in a clearing surrounded by trees and in the center of it was the large Birch tree she had been leaning against. Luna started pulling parchments from her pockets looking for anything that could help her. Pandora's work could not help her now. What she needed was warmth. Then she felt something in her pocket. Luna's excitement grew as she pulled out her old wand.
Luna was not yet able to use her magic but perhaps she could channel some magic through her wand. Luna focused inward as she channeled her power through the stick. Then she intoned, "Incendio."
Nothing happened.
Luna whimpered as she collapsed into the snow. It was too hard, she had made a terrible mistake. She would never leave these woods, never finish her work, never see Harry again.
The last thought stopped her, Luna struggled to her feet one last time with anger in her heart. She had one last ace up her sleeve, but it was a card she had not wished to play. 'Luna weakly stumbled towards the closest tree and raised her wand. The wand that told Luna she was a Witch, the wand that she had used since first rowed the boat across the black lake with the other first years. The wand that made her squeal with delight when she performed her first successful charm, doing so in front of the proud eyes of Filius. The wand her Father gave her, and the pride she felt when he told her it was her mothers.
"Sorry" Luna whispered before she grabbed the wand by the other end and snapped it in two.
Sparks crackled through the air as they shot from Luna's wand. It wasn't much but it was enough, the sparks landed on the tree and caught. The Magical sparks lighting an enchanted green flame which quickly began to consume the tree. Luna shielded her face as smoke billowed from the tree and forced Luna back as the fire grew in size.
Warmth, beautiful wonderful warmth. In the light of the immense fire Luna collapsed into the snow and let the warmth sooth her.

"Wow that was a long story." Ginny muttered as she drank from a bottle of firewiskey.
Harry looked concerned. "Are you sure you haven't had too much."
Ginny laughed. "I haven't even started, that drink I gave you was butter beer from the Three Broomsticks."
Harry gave his a drink a look of betrayal, causing Ginny to laugh. "Well that was some story, now what happens next."
Harry shrugged. "Stories over, at least my part in it is. It's all in Luna's hands now, I'm going to...Merlin I don't know."
Ginny gave him a dirty look. "That's it? You're just going to give up?"
"I'm not giving up, I just know when I'm not wanted" Harry snapped back. "I'm not going to crush her dreams just so I can be with her."
"What do you know of her dreams." Ginny hissed viciously. You think her dream is to finish her Mother's work. To go to the moon. I know her dreams too but they are just that, dreams. But do you know what she really wants most. The deepest most desperate desires of her heart?"
"Do you?" Harry shouted, attracting the gaze of many drunken Goblins.
Ginny whispered harshly. "As a matter of fact I do know."
Ginny reached into her pockets until she found what she was looking for. She put her bag on the table, a bag far too large to fit in a coat pocket, and started searching through it throwing out books, quills, parchments and Chocolate frog cards.
Finally Ginny pulled out a crumbled up piece of parchment. "I found this in Luna's bag during my 6th year at Hogwarts, when the Carrows were terrorizing the school. We were on the train home for the holidays, and I was looking through Luna's bag for a copy of the Quibbler when I found this. It's an essay she wrote in fifth year for History of magic. We had to write about a Witch or Wizard we looked up too. Luna told me she never handed it in yet she also kept it for years. I never got the chance to give it back. Death eaters took her off the train after that, and you know the rest."
Ginny placed the crumbled parchment in Harry's hand and looked him dead in the eye. "Read it."
Harry nodded slowly as he unrolled the parchment and began to read.
I had a most peculiar time thinking of someone for this essay. I don't look up too many people. I guess there's my Mother and Father, there's also Filius though I don't want to make Mr. Bins jealous by choosing another Professor. Newt Scamander was the only adult I could think of but that is who my Father would pick. The truth is the person that inspires me is my classmate Harry Potter.
Many people have always said he was a hero, but when I first met him I thought he was rather strange, Of course most people seem strange when I first meet them. Still I didn't see a hero, just another boy with too many Wrackspurts in his hair. It wasn't until our future meetings that I got to understand what made him a hero.
He isn't my hero because he won the Tri-Wizard Tournament, or killed a Basilisk or even defeating You-Know-Who as a baby. He's my hero because he wasn't afraid to he5lp a bunch of kids with their homework, even at the risk of expulsion. He wasn't afraid to state what he believed in, no matter how crazy it made him seem. Most of all, he wasn't afraid to befriend a lonely girl the world thought was strange.
They say the hero has to do something huge and spectacular. The Hero always slays the dragon and conquers the forces of evil to save world. Killing a Dragon doesn't automatically make you a hero, but his friendship has changed my life. He helped me make other friends and now I'm not so alone anymore. He even went to a dance with me, even though people made fun of him for it. He gave me the confidence to be myself. He's my hero and I'm blessed by magic too have him as a friend.
Harry let the parchment fall to the table as he finished reading it. He shuddered as Luna's words filled his spirit. He ached to see her, unable to hold her and tell her much this meant to him. Yet his heart felt warm, for the first time since she left. Harry felt Ginny's hand on his shoulder.
"She needs you Harry, whether she knows it or not. You once told me you were not a hero. I think you are, and you know you are. You need to look inside yourself and find out who you are. Do you really want to be some boring average Joe. Do you really want to be just Harry, or do you want to be someone you can be proud of? The World needs a hero Harry. They need you, but most of all, she needs you. If you don't want to be a hero you're already too late. You are Luna's hero."
Ginny gave a Harry a kiss on the cheek and started to walk away. Harry's voice stopped her. "Ginny..."
Ginny turned and saw Harry smiling at her. His voice was raspy as he uttered. "Thanks."
Ginny smiled back before leaving the bar muttering. "Of all the Goblin pubs in all the world, he had to walk into mine."
Harry looked at the essay and put it in his pocket. Noticing Ginny had left her fire Whiskey he took a large swig of the drink before dropping it onto the floor storming out of the bar as it shattered.
Harry felt better than he had ever felt before, he felt strong, powerful and determined. Harry felt something in him change. He knew what he had to do. He had to become the person Luna knew he could be. He had to become the Wizard he was destined to be. Because whether or not Harry admitted to himself, it was plain for all to see. Harry Potter was a hero.

Luna opened her eyes as she felt the cold once again begin too close in on her. The fire was still blazing and the snow around it had melted. Luna still felt the cold in her body and her left hand was still numb. Still she felt better than she had an hour earlier. Luna did feel bad for the tree, she had not thought of the poor tree before she had set it aflame. She wasn't even certain her idea would even work...
Luna's ears twitched as a foreign sound reached her ears. She looked around slowly, on high alert. She couldn't see much out of the fire light, but she could feel it in the air. She was not alone.
Perhaps the fire had attracted some creatures, or maybe it attracted something else. Luna called out into the darkness. "Hello? Who's there?"
"Hello child, fear not, we are only here to help you." A deep voice replied.
Luna rose too her feet. "Show yourself."
After a moment of silence, a Goblin slowly emerged from the darkness. It had its hands raised peacefully as it spoke. "Ragnok sent us to retrieve you from the cold."
"Ragnok?" Luna whispered softly lowering her guard a little.
The Goblin grinned bearing its teeth. "Yes, he is currently hosting a young Wizard of yours."
"Harry? Is he ok?" Luna asked as she felt her heart clench.
"I only know what I've been told. Ragnok did not inform me of the Wizards condition." The Goblin uttered. "Come with us child, we understand your need to stay away from the boy. We can help you with your work while protecting your power."
Luna lowered her hand as she slowly approached the Goblin. "I could get out of the cold, but he can't know I'm near, and I can't say long."
Goblin seemed to frown before he grinned. "As the lady wishes."
Luna paused again, something was not right. Something about the way the Goblin looked at her seemed wrong. "You are not here alone are you?"
"What?" Of course not." The Goblin croaked. "There are others behind me."
Luna felt something in the air. "Are they?"
The Goblin looked uneasy as Luna closed her eyes. She could feel it in the air, in the light and in shadows. She whispered in a trance like state. "There are only five Goblins behind you. The other 25 are surrounding the clearing."
Luna opened her eyes and recognized what was off about the Goblin's eyes. They did not show compassion or friendship but hunger and greed. "Thank you for your help Mr. Goblin, but I think I'll just stay here."
The Goblin growled. "Ragnok gave specific orders. Bring the girl to the city of Orderus, do not take no for an answer."
Luna looked around as the surrounding Goblins began to close in on her. Luna stood defiantly. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I must finish my work."
"The Goblin's value your work, however it is not the priority. We are at war, we must win this war for the sake of our species. Your power can win the war, we can rise and conquer."
"RISE AND CONQUER!?" Luna exclaimed in shock and disbelief.
"The Goblins shall see the light, human. TAKE HER!" The Goblin commanded.
The Goblins charged and Luna cried out. "NO!"
The Goblins were thrown backwards by an invincible force. Luna felt the power flow through her and smiled. Her magic had returned. "You will never take me!"
Luna raised her hand and the enchanted fire left the burning tree and surrounded her in a circle of fire. The Goblins surrounded the flames as close as they dared. Luna absorbed the flames into her body, curing it of the frostbite that ravaged her hands. Then she rose out of the flames in a ball of fire.
One Goblin threw a spear that ricocheted off of her. Another shouted "NO! WE NEED HER ALIVE!"
Luna raised her hands at the burning tree and made a slashing gesture. The burning tree slowly began to fall. The Goblin's scattered out of the way as tree began to fall. Collapsing into the snow, shaking the Forest. Luna flew away from the Goblins as fast as she could hearing them shout out. "We'll smoke her out. Burn the Forest to the ground!"
Luna looked behind her and saw the Goblins had begun setting the Forest ablaze, and the flames spread quickly. Luna narrowly dodged a tree as she sped up the fire traveling faster, clearly enchanted. Luna coughed as she begun to inhale the smoke. Flying above the burning trees to escape the black smoke . Luna only just avoided getting hit by a glowing red spear, Instead of a spear head it had a glowing red light which Luna assumed would stun her.
Luna flew back into the now burning Forest and stared down the Goblins. Luna used her power to keep the smoke from her face. Luna stared down the Goblins who only stared back at her. Suddenly fire seemed to die down and snow began to blow viciously.
"BRACK WRASH!" The Goblins shouted as the Goblins retreated into the darkness. Luna frowned at the Goblins hasty departure before looking at the trees around her. Not only were they not on fire but they were covered in ice. The Forest seemed darker and the air seemed unnaturally cold, a cold that did not chill the bones, but the heart. The sudden silence was deafening.
Luna slowly looked over her shoulder and saw only darkness. Luna squinted as she tried to see in the blackness. Then it lunged, grabbing her by the throat with its cold dead hands. Luna grabbed the hand trying to break free of its grasp as it lifted her into the air. Luna saw the Wraith hooded face and felt the misery of the world flood her mind.
Luna poured her magic into her hands and conjured fire, forcing the Dementor to let her go. Suddenly another swoop past her. A cackling laughter ringing in her ears. Luna cried out Expecto Patro-
"If you don't stop screaming, I'll cut your throat!" The voice of Bellatrix Lestrange cackled.
Luna stumbled back as the vision flashed through her mind. She felt her powers growing weaker as the wraiths fed off her misery. Luna looked up and realized with horror the sky was full of swirling Dementors. Luna tried to focus her mind but the images of the past continued to assault her mind.
"Squib, Squib, Magical Squib
Little wee baby cries in her crib"
Luna heard the tortured melody the Bellatrix sang as she descended into the dungeons. Luna closed her eyes and focused on the magic she had in her. Maybe this time she could shut it out, the taunts, the knife, the fear for her Father and friends.
Bellatrix stood over her and cackled as she kicked Luna away from her.
Maybe this time I'll cut off your pretty hair.
Luna stumbled as one of the Dementors knocked her to the floor. The horrid laughter grew strong as the Dementor closed in on her. Luna felt her mind darken but not before she heard words that would fill her mind with dread. It was not the memories of Lestrange who spoke but of the Earth Mother.
"I will see you soon my child."
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