Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 8 > Girl's Got Competition

That Stupid Boys Is My Bestest Friend

by Princess_Rixie 1 review

Selphie Tilmitt seemed to have Irvine wrapped around her finger. Well, that is, until Savannah Preston transfers to Garden. Can Selphie realizes what she's lost, or does she risk losing Irvine for ...

Category: Final Fantasy 8 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Irvine, Selphie - Warnings: [!!] [?] [X] - Published: 2006-09-04 - Updated: 2006-09-04 - 1303 words

Yes, this is Plastikxxxpill on FF.Net. I did not steal this fiction. I also do not own FF8.


~Selphie POV~

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Irvine wasn't supposed to fall in love with her. The date was supposed to be a flub. They were supposed to have the wrong address, go to the rock concert instead of the country concert, and have a huge fight. But they ended up going to the rock concert, and having a great first date. Exactly what I didn't want to happen.

And most of all, I wasn't supposed to fall in love with him.

It all started on one day in Balamb Garden, on a gloomy day like today. It was cloudy, misty, almost raining but not yet.

This is my story. The story of deception, lying, cheating, cat fighting...oh, and falling in love with Irvine Kinneas.


~A Fateful Day, A Few Weeks Before~

I stared at the sky. Dark clouds surrounded the darkened sky, giving the normally blue sky an ebony hue. I frowned. I hate rainy days. Maybe it's because people usually describe me as a sunny day, and rainy days are their opposite...but I'm rambling.

So I'm heading towards the building from the quad when it begins to pour, immediately soaking me. "Urgh...I hate the rain." I muttered to myself angrily, as I press my books to my chest in a failed attempt to keep them somewhat dry. I shivered; it was freezing.

"Sefie, you're going to need a jacket if you're going to be out on the quad when it's raining." A voice behind me called, scaring me out of my wits. I turned around, to be face to face with a smirking Irvine Kinneas, who was in the process of taking off his coat. He then proceeded to dump it on my shoulders.

Stupid boys. "What was that for? That stupid coat is weighing me down," I yelled at him, hinting that the coat was indeed very heavy, and I'm little.

He shrugged. "It's raining. You're cold. You know I can't refuse a lady in distress." He said matter-of-factly, annoying me further.

I look at him indignantly. "You call dumping a 10 pound coat on someone not refusing a lady in distress?"

He snorted. "Yes, ma'am." He said in his thick accent, acting cool as usual as I silently fumed at him.

He walked away, but he turned around when he was just far enough that I could barely see him to shout. "Y'know, most girls would say," he changed his voice to one of a girly girl, "Oh thank you Irvine. You are so kind. Will you ask me to marry you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. Defeating Ultimecia had done nothing more than inflate his already oversized ego. Stupid Irvine...

"Bite me." I sneer uncharacteristically, reminding myself of either Seifer or a pissed Squall. No matter how much they hated each other, they were very alike in many ways.

He tips his hat at me, and bids me good day. I hate him. I try to get him mad, and I'm the one who gets mad. But he's my best friend, so I have to deal with him. Which reminds me, why are we best friends when I hate him? But that's irrelevant. All I know is he's my best friend, and he drives me crazy.

I rush inside, slower than usual because I have a giant coat weighing me down. It is a nice gesture and it kept me warm and dry, but he could have placed it, not dumped it on my shoulders.

I enter the Garden building, and am face-to-face with Rinoa. She smiles. "You know, if you put on a cowboy hat, you just could be Irvine Kinneas for Halloween." She says sweetly, ushering me into the building.

"Yeah. Maybe I should be Irvine for Halloween, and he can be me. But the mere thought of him in my yellow dress is sickening me." Rinoa laughs, an airy, contagious laugh that I always wanted to have. Not my heavy, annoying laugh that while it gets people to laugh; it gets them to laugh at me. I join her, grabbing her arm and heading to our dorms.

"So, why were you out by the entrance to Garden?"

"I was waiting for you, Selphie. Why do you ask?" Her expression was one of confusion, my question hitting her as awkward.

"I mean, you could be making out with Squall in his dorm."

Rinoa turned a bright pink color out of embarrassment. "Selphie!" she hissed sheepishly, "You did not just say that out loud!"

I grin widely. I love torturing her about Squall. But I do think I have the license to. I mean, I set them up on a date when I got tired of Rinoa talking endlessly about him. I mean, who can survive when all their roommate says is, "Squall said..." "And then Squall..." "Squall is so gorgeous." So I reserved a table at the nicest restaurant in town, told them both to meet me there, didn't show up, called them to tell them to eat anyway, and he kissed her goodnight. So bam, they start going out. That was one of my most successful endeavors.

"Squall's in a meeting." Rinoa said lightly, gathering up her dignity from my surprising statement. I was surprised she would say anything at all.

"Oh." I respond as turn onto the dorms corridor. Ever since Rinoa graduated, we started rooming with each other. Rinoa was a great roomie, even though she could ease up on the Squall talk. I mean, Rinoa was obsessed, but I'm happy for her. I'm also pretty jealous.

Yeah. I'm jealous of Rinoa. Never thought I'd say it. Not because she has Squall, because of the relationship she has with him. They are in love. I mean, Squall, Mr. Meanie-Ice-Man, has even said he loves her...and that is seriously saying something. Knowing Squall, he'd never admit he was in love; it's pretty out of character for him to say it a month into the relationship. But he still said it; he loves her more than anything. And all I have is a cowboy who won't leave me alone.

So we reach our dorm in near silence, then burst out laughing. I always found awkward silences funny for some reason. I insert my key into the lock, and we enter our room and sit on our beds.

"So, you never told me why you're wearing Irvine's coat?"

"Well, if you need to know, he dumped it on me because I was cold." Rinoa raises her eye brows, as to say, "Oh really."

"Why are you still wearing it?"

My answer was simple. "I'm still cold."

"It's as big as you are...perhaps bigger."

"It covers everywhere."

"It's Irvine's coat."

This was an interesting statement to make; an interesting point to make up. "He's my best friend. Best friends help each other."

"I thought you hated him."

I smile at her comment. "I do hate him," I replied, fighting off a small grin, "But he's my best friend. He may drive me bananas, but he's still my best friend."

Rinoa laughs. "Irvine is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S." I laugh as well, remembering when we sang that song for him not even a week before. The look on his face was priceless, as was the fake crying he did. He's pathetic. I hate him. He's stupid.

He's my best friend.

He's stupid, but that stupid boy is my best friend. And I wouldn't trade anyone for him, even if he drives me bananas, throws his coat at me, and teases me. I don't what I'd do without him there.

But suddenly, I'll have to get used to him not always being there for me...

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