Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 8 > Girl's Got Competition

The Art of Asking Out

by Princess_Rixie 0 reviews

Selphie Tilmitt seemed to have Irvine wrapped around her finger. Well, that is, until Savannah Preston transfers to Garden. Can Selphie realizes what she's lost, or does she risk losing Irvine for ...

Category: Final Fantasy 8 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Irvine, Selphie - Warnings: [!!] [?] [X] - Published: 2006-09-04 - Updated: 2006-09-04 - 1122 words


When we last spoke, Irvine stole my underwear, I cried a lot, and we met the last of the transfer students.

When I first met Rihanna Van Der Pul, I noticed that we were natural polar opposites, just as I was with Savannah. I thought I would hate her from the moment I met her, but of course, I was wrong. Very wrong, indeed.

About a week and a half after that day, I received some news that changed my life. For better or for worse, I got it from Irvine Kinneas himself.

This is news that could be potentially harmful to you readers. Okay, maybe not, but I thought it would for me.

Irvine wanted to ask out Savannah. personal stalker ever since Ultimecia's defeat...was going to ask out another girl. Not just any girl, Savannah Preston. My polar opposite.

It was only a date, not a boyfriend-girlfriend invitation, but I was still pissed.

Back then, I thought my reaction was because they barely knew each other, and that I didn't want Irvine to get hurt by a girl he recently met. When I think about it, all I can think is how much of a lie that was.

A lie that made up for the fact that I now had a crush on Irvine Kinneas. I should have known it, and I don't know why I was so goddamn blind to it, but then I was on the fast track for falling in love with the one person I thought I never would.

How the mighty shall fall.


It was a week and a half after we met Rihanna, Madia, and Aeshiah. The sun was shining, the bees were buzzing, and I was walking around the Quad, trying to find something to do. It was a Wednesday, and classes were out for the rest of the day. And I was bored. Bored as a girl in a canary jumper could be, I'd reckon.

As I mindlessly walked around the Quad, I heard a noise that no one would associate with three pm. I heard someone snoring. I turned on my heel, and found the source of the noise.

The snoring figure was lying on my bench, wearing a leather duster and blue jeans. Black gloves adorned his hands, which were laced together on his stomach. A long brown ponytail fell to the ground, and a black cowboy hat was played directly on his face.

You guessed it. Irvine Kinneas. I tip-toped over to him and kicked him in the knee.

His face contorted in pain slightly as he scooted up onto his haunches, his black cowboy hat sliding all the way to his knees. "'Mornin' to ya, Sef." He yawned, stretching his long legs and arms to either a snow angel or belly flop position as he lay back down on the bench before getting back up onto his elbows.

It would have been a funny sight, but when Irvine did it constantly, it suddenly wasn't funny anymore. "Afternoon, you mean. It's already three o'clock." Irvine's half-open eyes, tired by being awoken so suddenly shot open as he doubled up. I snorted quietly as he checked his wristwatch, shrugged his wide shoulders and lay back down.

I raised an amused eyebrow at his antics. "Exactly how long have you been sleeping, Irvine?" I asked, half surprised he was skipping class, and half annoyed that he had taken up my favorite bench.

He shrugged his shoulders again nonchalantly, a thoughtful expression graced on his features. "Um...nine?"

I knew for a fact that Irvine's first class began at nine-thirty, so he had skipped every single one of his classes. "Irvine Kinneas, you are never going to become an SeeD if you keep missing class."

With that, Irvine pulled himself to a sitting position and set his hat back on top of his hair, messy from sleep. "Gees, keep your little pink thong on," he muttered as I sent him a knowing glance, almost daring him to say, 'or not. I'd prefer them off'. But instead of a perverted comment, I got something even more shocking and dangerous, "What do you think of Savannah Preston?"

I thought to myself. Many things came to mind about Savannah Preston. She was the blond-haired, anorexicly-thin, chesty knockout that I always wanted to be. Mature, sexy, with the air of sophistication billowing around her. She seemed like the person destined to be with Irvine, the knockout female with the hotshot male. "She seems nice," I said lamely, searching for something that wasn't 'slut', 'whore', or 'tramp', "Why?"

Irvine shrugged again, but I could tell that he was slightly uneasy about it. "I was thinkin' of askin' 'er to that concert? The Galbadian Trio?"

The Galbadian Trio was a three-part country group that Irvine was obsessed with. He had asked me to help him get tickets for it yesterday, since I was much better with computers and they sold tickets online. Luckily, unbeknownst to Irvine, there is a metal band baring the same name, and they conveniently tour in Fisherman's Horizon the same day as the country band.

I nodded my head in approval. "Sounds cool. You should ask her now, and I'll go buy the tickets if she accepts. And remember, confidence, Kinneas." I motion my head in the direction of Savannah Preston, deep in conversation with Rihanna Van Der Pul. Despite their eighteen-year age difference, the two had become best friends almost instantly. I didn't understand their sudden friendship, as the only thing they had in common was their ample height, but who was I to say that they couldn't be friends? Irvine and me had very few things in common, one of them being annoying each other.

Irvine stood up, brushed his pants off and tipped his hat at me. "Wish me luck." He winked at me, also smiling his oh-so-seductive smile that stole many a' hearts. Including mine. But that's a whole different story.

And then he turned on his heel and walked over to where the two stood, chattering excitedly. I snorted as he asked her, his posture radiating the confidence that he always had when it came for asking girls out. If only Savannah had seen him moments before...

That's the weird thing about Irvine. He gets nervous before he asks out the girl, but then he's Mr. I-can-do-fucking-anything-now once he saunters over there to ask her.

Suddenly, he turned around and gave me the thumbs up sign and a wink.

I didn't know it then, but that was the time that everything in my life went wrong. And all I could think of at the time was getting Irvine tickets to a metal concert.

I'm so hopeless

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