Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Return to Grace
Chapter Two: Destiny
4 reviewsRichie relives painful memories through his dreams, while Ash and Misty Try to escape from a group of Abominations.
Return to Grace
(#) hotshot76 2006-09-11
Great story i am a little curios as to where you got the idea for all this, it's original can the ideas seem firmiliar can't wait for the next chapterReturn to Grace
(#) DandJlover 2006-09-16
Wow! All I can say is wow! The plot and the Abominations, Ash disapearing, finding Misty! EVERYTHING! I love the story so much and would enjoy it if you updated! You might not have a ton of time but of you could work on it and make it this amazing I would be extatic beyond belief. This should even become a movie! You are an amazing writer and I would love to see it continued!Return to Grace
(#) cjonbloodletter 2006-12-20
kkep it up, It's not many authers that can put a gritty realism in a story like you have and I would like to see this story throughReturn to Grace
(#) facia 2007-04-09
I liked the first scene, even if the bit about Richie getting blamed in Ash's stead didn't seem to make much sense psychologically. But...still, it seems inconsistent. The world is practically ending and they're keeping one of the strongest remaining trainers and his pokemon out of the fight because he's a little unhinged? Then back to Ash and Misty, and, how did these people survive so long when they suck so much at dealing with Abominations? The banter didn't help, it was like they were in some other, much less dangerous story. (And is any of the main cast actually dead?)
I really like the concept and general world, but you keep jumping between it being incredibly dangerous for everyone else, and not so dangerous for the main characters, and then show the main characters nearly getting killed at stuff that should be happening all the time...
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