Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Cruise Life Away

Chapter 25

by youngandreckless 4 reviews

chapter 25

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-05 - Updated: 2006-09-06 - 797 words

Chapter 26

Andy's POV

I opened the door the hotel room slowly almost afraid of what I would see, or rather who I wont see.

"MOMMY" Jordan yelled pushing past me. I smiled seeing all my friends jumping up and running towards me.

"Thank God you're alright" I mummbled wrapping my arms around Ana and pulling her close. She pulled back from me slapping my arm "don't you EVER scare me like that again!" I chucked kissing her forehead "I wont, I promise"

I looked down smiling at Jordan who was tugging on his mommy's shirt begging for attention.

"I swam!" he grinned once she looked at him. She looked from him to me and back to him

"I'm so proud of you" She smiled picking him up and holding him close. "Mommy you crying?" Jordan asked looking up at her curiously. "no tears I ok!"

I smiled lightly watching him wipe away his mother's tears. "I'm was so scared" He grabbed her face in both hands "charlie say that he is only thing you supposed to be afraid of"

Laura's POV

"I spent most of last night dragging this lake for the corpses of all my past mistakes, sell me out- the joke's on you we are salt- you are the wound" I smiled as Patrick sang the opening lines to My heart is the worst kind of weapon.

The last couple of days have been um great? Haha yeah right. After we had our reunion in the hotel we just chilled while Dan and Charlie went about setting up the last concert.

I have to say that this cruise has been interesting. It seems we can't go anywhere with out drama following us. Maybe one day we will have a drama free trip but then again how boring will that be?

"Its been fun" I looked up seeing Jose standing to my left.

"if you say so" I laughed shaking my head "I have to say you were probably the cause of half the drama on this trip. Thanks" I rolled my eyes turning away from him.

"be good" he smiled walking away from me. Haha I'm always good. Well atleast in bed.

Stacey's POV

Smiling I grabbed the girls hands running back stage as the boys ended the concert. I have to say I don't think I will miss this. Well the fan shit anyways.

"good job" I smiled kissing Pete. He smiled a thanks before walking off to change. About thrity minutes later we were ready to head out.

"you girls ready to head home?" Charlie asked throwing an arm around Laura's and My shoulders.

"more then you know love, more than you know" I looked up at him cocking my head to the side "you're an ok kid" I grinned half hugging him. He jumped back as if we shocked him

"don't tell anyone that! My secret it out!" Smiling we walked up to the others. "alrighty kids lets head home!"

We all boarded the ship waving goodbye to the island. "you know after this I am NEVER getting on another ship." Patrick sighed laying down on a lounge chair. "I couldn't agree with you more." Joe sighed leaning back against the chair.

I smiled nudging Joe "what do you mean? You didn't like the cruise from hell?" he grinned pulling laura into his lap

"I think the best part is yet to come" I don't get it. The cruise is over how can more come.

"what do ya mean?" Lizy asked looking up from her book. "whats the best part?"

He smiled standing up stretching. "driving home" We all nodded in agreement. Yes that will be the best part. Home. I cant wait to get there.

"Whats the next chapter of this book?" Laura laughed nudging me lightly "it seems this chapter of our life has come to an end." I thought about it for a moment

"it has yet to be written." I paused sighing "life is a blank page waiting to be written on. So who's gonna grab the pen?"

"or in this case the life raft!"

Smiling I leaned back onto pete. Yes in fact this chapter of our life has come to an end.
But like any good book there is always more you just have to turn the page.

The end! hey loserkids thats the end! sorry if it sucked i got stuck i dont write the endings normally thats laura's job but i got stuck with it tonight. but whatever. who knows there might be another story. shrugs i hope you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed writing it! much love to all! we do have a couple seperate stories going under our own pen names. SCAngel and brat whore. look out for them!
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