Categories > Original > Fantasy > Hunted

The great escape

by NerdHerd 0 reviews

Lace, Sneaks, and Joe escape the zoo, and are hunted by humans once again.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2017-04-28 - 710 words - Complete

"Joe! Sneaks! Get up! We have got to get out of.. Ugghhh!!" I looked down and realized.. My clothes... Were slightly changed. I had no leather jacket, but I had a vest those hunters put on those poor dogs. Sneaks and joe were the same. The vest was black and went over our shoulders, across our chests and stomachs, down our sides, and between our legs. It was very uncomfortable and humiliating. The children had their faces pressed against the glass, watching me. They wanted a show, I would give them one. I spread my wings, and took off. The crowd below was filled with 'oos' and 'awes'. There was a roof, a glass roof, covering our container. I flew back down and landed with a thud. I walked over to the glass separating me and the children. They all backed away, except for one. He wore sunglasses and had spiked up hair. A very similar leather jacket to me, a white t-shirt, and jeans. "C'mon, you wimps. She can't get us through the glass. Is de wittle kitty cat gonna hurt me?" He teased. I let out a roar. He definitely jumped a little bit, but I didn't scare him enough. Many adults were filming. If he wanted an animal, he's gonna get one. I got down the on all fours, spread my wings, let my claws sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight, and bared my razor sharp teeth at him. He laughed. He started tapping and then banging of the glass. I couldn't take him anymore. I lunged at the glass, claws first. I hit it so hard that it cracked. He ran back into the crowd. And they laughed at him.
"Sneaks! Joe! WAKE UP!!!" I yelled the last part, and they woke up.
"Ugh. What time is it?"
"FIVE MORE MINUTES!!" After a couple seconds, they made the sudden realization they were not in their bed rolls. Simultaneously, they say up with a snap. They looked at me, then at the glass.
"What the hell did you do," Joe said, as if he was expecting something like this to happen.
"Kids. Kids happened. Anyway, I need you to help me break the glass the rest of the way. Then I'll explain,"
"Sneaks, let's play.. Army..," Sneaks and Joe were planning something.
"Sir, yes sir!" Sneaks saluted.
"Sergeant Sneaks, climb that fence and amaze the kiddies! Are you up for the challenge?"
"Sir, yes sir! Ready for any challenge, sir!""
"Then get to it!"
"Sir, yes sir!" And with that, Sneaks ran off.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
"Sneaks and I used to play army as kids. We do it on occasions like this. When we need a master plan. And would you look at that! It worked!" Joe was right. All the kids moved to the second level to look a Sneaks up close. "Ready on three.. One.." I started.
"Three!!" Joe finished. Out of surprise, I ran as fast as I could, and, when we hit the glass, it shattered into a million pieces into the ground.
"Sneaks! Let's go!" I yelled as I swooped down and picked them both up. The kid from earlier was cussing and bullying another smaller child. Without warning, I swooped down.
"Lace! What're you doing?" Joe yelled in my ear. "You'll see!" And so he did. I stole this mean kid's sunglasses, and he chased after me while the kid that was being bullied waved at me. I gave a small wave back to him. Cute kid.
I swooped around into a large gray building. Sitting in a garbage bin was out other, better clothes. We quickly threw them on over our vests. I shot out of the building at the speed of light, hoping to get the hell out of there.
We finally saw the tree line. Safety at last! Not to far away was the new camp. It was much roomier than the other one. We built way more underground tunnels and hiding places in case of next time. Sneaks and Joe grew up to be best friends. The rest of the tribe had a lot more safety features. And as for me? Well, I got along just fine. Thank you for reading.
The End
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