Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Get Busy Living...

Getting to know you....

by BlueEyedBlonde 1 review

chapter 3

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-09-07 - Updated: 2006-09-07 - 353 words

The show went great and Kali couldnt wait to get offstage, Pete was there and she wanted to talk to him...or flirt but whichever it was it would still be fun!

"You were great tonight," Pete said from behind her.

A little startled she mummbled a "thanks,"

"So, that guy you were with last night...he was your../boyfriend/?" Pete asked.

"Yea, but not by choice," she said a little disappointed that he was asking her about her boyfriend that she wanting NOTHING to do with..

"How can that not be your choice? You can choose who you want to be with.." he said in a very calming way...

"Well, my dad...he really likes John, and he never aproves of the guys I date...but John loves me..." she trailed off...and looked down..

"But you dont love him, and I know you could way better..." he said nudging her in a playful way.

Was he talking about himself?? she wondered...

"Well, it was good talking to you again Kal," he said making her blush by the way he called her by her shorter name..

"You too Pete," she said smiling.

"Oh and can make your own choices," he said before walking away...

Pete's right...she thought, and she shouldnt have to be dating John if she didnt love him...she was going to end it...and that was that.


"John?" she called walking through the front door of her apartment...she heard a someone shuffling around the bedroom...she walked in and her jaw dropped...

"A BUSINESS MEETING?!?!?" she yelled seeing John and another woman in her bed....

"Baby, I can explain..." John said slowly.


She felt tears streaming down her wasnt that she was sad about the break up it was that he had been lying to her...and there was nothing she hated more than liars....all she could do was far away from there as she could....and she knew who she wanted to see....
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