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Harry Potter Questions That Will Make You Think

by ccollins1246 10 reviews

A question about Harry Potter that will make you think. Leave your answer in the reveiw section. Every week or so, I will come up with a new question, and add it. I really want to hear your theorie...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2017-07-09 - 167 words

A question about Harry Potter that will make you think. Leave your answer in the reveiw section. Every week or so, I will come up with a new question, and add it. I really want to hear your theories, and if you have any questions of your own, leave them in the reveiw section, and I will post it one week.

Please Leave An Answer. So far, only 1/64 people has.

1. Harry's number in Quidditch is #7. Do you think this has any meaning? If so, what is it?
A shout out to Hufflepuff_Ice_Queen, the only one who cared enough to leave a comment.

2 How do you think the Marauders made the map?

3. Do you think that Harry, Ron, and Hermione all have something in common with Harry's mother? (Deeper than haircolor?)

4.Which Harry Potter character would you date?

5. If you could have prevented one death in Harry Potter, which one would it be?(Mine would be Dumbledore, or Dobby.)

6. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
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