Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Last Temptation of Luna Lovegood

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

"I don't know who Luna is anymore."

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2017-08-03 - 5136 words - Complete

Harry burst into room shouting. "LUNA! LUNA! I know what-"

Harry trailed off a he saw Luna lying in the window staring at the ceiling, oblivious. Harry sighed as he felt the wind leave his sails. He sat down on the bed and brushed his hand through Luna's hair causing her to close her eyes and lean into his hand. "Luna..."

Harry was silent in deep thought as he thought about everything she had been through, everything she had achieved and the task she still needed to finish, before he spoke from his heart. "A few days ago...though it feels longer. I...was given an old essay of yours by Ginny. She made me read it, so blame her for it, if you're upset about that."

Harry closed his eyes as he gently caressed Luna's face, who smiled under his tender touch. "You wrote about how you thought of me as your hero, not as the boy who lived, but just me. You wrote it before we began dating, I don't even think we had been friends that long. I...Not very many people understand me...not even my closest friends. In their defense I never understood myself to be honest. What you wrote...It meant allot to meant more than gave me the courage to continue on, to keep fighting...strength I desperately needed."

"You see that's what you do Luna, you give me hope. You guide me out of darkness, even when you are lost in the woods. You always know what to say to make me smile. You've been like that ever since I've known you. I remember when I first met you, I was so young, so stupid. I thought you were someone to avoid, a girl that was so extremely abnormal. Even then I guess the Dursleys hatred of the abnormal had left it's mark on me, however small it was. Later on I got to know you better, the wisdom behind your Wimsey, the gentleness of your spirit. Then I thought you were someone who should be pitied. How wrong I was, hell my first impression was more accurate for all it was worth." Harry shook his head at the thought.

"Your so much more than that Luna. You are so much more than this. You're brilliant, you really are. Your the greatest person I have ever met in my life by far. You are always looking out for others, even those who mistreat you. You are always offering to lend a hand, and lend comfort to others. You feel sympathy for those who try to destroy you. Even when things are tough, you would always face the day with a smile. In the darkest night your eyes would shine as if it was the perfect day. It was impossible to spend time with you and not smile, even when smiling seemed impossible. You are perfect in every way, and you said you loved me?! ME!? I don't know what I ever did to deserve you. What am I without you. Without you I would be nothing. Without you I would still be surrounded by friends yet I'd be utterly alone.

You say I'm your hero? How could you say that. What could I have ever done for you that holds a candle to what you've done for me. You've given me love I've never known, you've given me comfort I never sought, and you gave me my life, a life I had never lived. You've gave me happiness even in the darkest of times, for you always remembered to turn on the light. You inspired this world to fight for change, for freedom, for equality. You inspired every single soul you ever touched, even the sainted souls Umbridge, Kingsley, Malfoy, Pansy and even the Cornors, even they envied your purity."

"Your my hero Luna. Your not some one to be pitied or looked down upon, you should be looked up to and you are. I look up to you and I'm not alone. The whole world is waiting for you Luna, waiting for you to come back, to get better. Waiting for you to help them out of this hole they've dug themselves in. To give them the answer, I know you don't know, but have deep in your heart. Even if it's just the words of comfort and hope that has inspired me every day I've known you. The world is on the brink of destruction and only you can stop it."

I know this weight must be a heavy burden to bare. Hell it's the weight of the world on you shoulders, but you don't have to bear it alone. I'm here for you Luna, I always will be and I'll do anything for you. I just...I just can't stand to see you like this, so broken. Don't let this world weigh you down, and drags you into the depths of madness and despair. Show them you are so much stronger than you are so much more than that. Show them the way, and show the world who Luna Lovegood really is! Show them What Luna Lovegood is capable of."

Harry wiped his eyes as he felt Luna slowly grasp his hand. Harry quickly looked up and saw Luna staring at the glamour window before she finally spoke in a soft raspy and somewhat slurred whisper Harry struggled to hear. "t doesn't matter what I do...or who I help. I'm still Loony to them. I just want to be Luna."

Harry whispered softly. "Luna..."

Luna looked fearfully and started to shake as she squeezed Harry's hand tighter. "I'm scared, I 'm confused. I don't know what's happening around me. I saw so many things, now I'm tired and...I still see so many things. I don't know if I'm dreaming or awake...I don't know if I'm alive or dead. I should have known it would end like this...completely mad just like Mother. I don't know what's real anymore.

"I know our love is real. I know that much " Harry smiled as he gently hugged Luna and whispered. "I don't know much but I know that together we can do anything, I've seen the proof. I know everything will be alright, no matter what happens, as long as we have each other."

Luna whimpered softly. "You don't understand..I don't know who Luna is anymore."

Harry recited with a sad grin. "Luna is a puzzle I hope to never truly solve, but want to spend the rest of my life trying to figure out. She says she loves me and I believe her with all my heart. I know for certain that I love her."

"You do?" Luna whispered with a glint of hope in her eyes

Harry nodded before kissing Luna on the lips. "Always."

Harry felt Luna wrap her arms around his waist and crying into his chest muttering. "Then I must be Luna, because I love you too."

Harry smiled tearfully as tilted Luna's chin and kissed her, pouring his soul into the kiss. Luna kissed back as if her life depended on it, or at least her sanity, which probably did. As they broke apart Luna started laughing which melted Harry's heart. Luna giggled. "I'm still confused, but at least I have you."

Harry grinned. "If you don't know what's real and whats not, don't fight it...embrace it. That is the secret to Magic isn't it."

Luna nodded slowly. "Imaginatio Potestatem, It was in front of us this whole time, we were looking so hard for the secret of magic, we weren't able to see it written right under our noses."

"It can't be that simple though, can it?" Harry asked shaking his head. "I mean you are telling me after everything we've been through, after everything we've seen, the secret of magic is something as saccharine as the the power of imagination?"

"Is it?" Luna hummed with wisdom. "Imagination is magic...if you think about it. Magic is the act of defying what we believe to be impossible, and so is imagination. Imagination is the fuel of the world, it is the root of our progress. Without imagination we could not create and invent new creations. Through imaginations we dream. We dreamed of flying, We dreamed of seeing the world, of building towers that touched the sky, of diving into the depths of the deepest oceans and we dreamed we would touch the moon. We imagined a world where all the people of the world, lived in peace and harmony."

"Then somewhere on the way we lost it." Luna whispered sadly. "Somewhere along the way our innocence died, our hope died, dreamers were beaten into submission, they were told to grow up and follow the rules. They were taught that to be different was a sin and that reality was a fixed thing that could not be defied, they taught us to not even try. We used to read books and play imaginary games.

With imaginary people, Muggles just watch TV and play video games, they let others think for them. They were told what to dream and not to imagine at all. We became scared, so we learned to become numb. Is imagination the secret of magic I doubt it, but it is the secret to wielding it. It was not something that could be taught. It has to be something understood, something lived, something experienced. Mother once said that the only real rule of magic is that there are no rules. She was almost right. One must truly imagine without a shred of doubt, that the impossible is not only possible, of a certainty. Pandora's Box was the key, entering made me realize, that the only thing stopping us from Mastering magic is ourselves.

Luna sighed. "Mother made a mistake, she thought the secret of magic was madness and by the time she learned the truth it was too late. She could not imagine breaking what she had already lost touch with. I needed to do what she could not...but I can't do it without you, I need you to keep me sane, long enough to do what must be done."

Luna rose from the the bed extended a hand to Harry, her eyes gleaming with determination as she reached into herself and felt the weak pulse of her magical core.. This is the key of magic, to truly understand it has no limit, no rules, no laws. Reality is liquid and impossible is a lie. I may not know what's real anymore, but I know with all my being, that with magic and the power of imagination, anything is possible.

Luna closed her eyes as she walked towards the glamoured window and took Harry's hand. "Keep talking to me."

Harry nodded feeling a smile form on his lips. "The whole world has it's eyes on you Luna, what are you going to show them? The world has it's ears upon you Luna, what our you going to tell them? The whole world is waiting for you, what are you going to give them?"

Luna opened her eyes as she felt her magical core start to expand outward, power exploding through her like nothing she had ever felt before. Then Luna hummed. "Magic."

"Imaginatio Potestatem!"

Harry watched in awe as the images in the glamour window began to change, the entire wall rippling like it was a puddle. Luna stepped inside the rippling wall and began to enter the glamour window's image before turning back to Harry. "Well aren't you coming with me."

Harry closed his jaw and nodded before retaking Luna's hand and together exited through the glamoured window. "Where are we going?

Luna smiled. "Where ever we want."

Harry felt every inch of his body contort as it stretched and compressed into the glamoured window. Harry heard a pop and suddenly found himself surrounded by colours and images that Harry found overwhelming. Luna whispered beside him. "This is nothing Harry, what I experienced in Pandora's Box was a thousand times more beautiful, wonderful and...consuming."

Luna sounded haunted as she whispered this, and Harry focused only on her as he tightened his grip on her hand. Luna looked to him and nodded, focusing on Harry and not the images that swirled around them. Luna focused on an image before looking upon a Castle that Harry thought he would never see again. "In my mind Hogwarts was never destroyed."

Harry smiled at Luna's words as he looked down upon the castle that he had long called home. Harry saw a pair of students kissing on the top of the astronomy tower and Harry recognized the students as himself and felt like years ago, for them maybe it was.

Luna hummed. "How old I was, I'm younger than that now."

Harry chuckled. "Who said that...Gandhi?"

Luna grinned and winked. "I said that."

Harry frowned. "I''m pretty sure I've heard that before-"

Harry's words faded from his mouth as he suddenly saw images of himself and Luna throughout their life together. Of the wars they suffered their parting and reunion, of the magic of Xanadu, where all they had was their love.

Then Harry saw other images. He saw Luna in a a white wedding gown, before it changed into an indescribably strange dress that had the image of Harry in tears of laughter as Luna floated down the aisle. Harry realized that Luna could perform magic and was a witch. Then he saw the two of them together on a small cabin in the middle of Xanadu with children running around their feet. He saw them as the children grew older and so did Luna, and so did he. He saw him watching his children get married and have children of there own.

Harry whispered, tears in his eyes.. "Is this the future?"

"I hope so." Luna uttered softly with equally damp eyes. "These are the dreams, I dream."

Harry then noticed other people he hadn't noticed before. He saw Xenophilius and an old Pandora smiling, as they held the youngest child. His breath left him as he saw his parents among them. Luna whispered, "With the Power of Imagination, with the Power of magic. Nothing is impossible, not even our dreams."

Harry suddenly blinked as he saw two stones in the center of Xanadu. Harry realized what they were as he looked to Luna. "You dream of this? Our graves?"

Luna giggled and shook her head. "No, but we all must go one day, it does not frighten me. I dream of what is written upon it. How will people remember me. I never cared what people thought of me, but I do wish they understood one thing about me, in life and after."

Harry looked at the stone before saying. "I don't think I can look at it."

Luna shook her head. "Don't worry Harry. You will never see this grave. We will never part, I know it."

Harry took comfort in Luna's eyes before confronting Luna's epitaph, and reading the words brought tears to his eyes.

Here lies Luna Potter

Just as sane as you or I

Harry looked to Luna who smiled. "People see me as a saint, as a hero, even you look up to me. I don't mind being different, but I just wish they'd except me for who I am. If I complete my mission. This will never come to be."

Harry felt a deep understanding with Luna. Harry suddenly had an Idea and uttered. "I'll do it."

Luna looked to Harry confused before he clarified. "I'll take the credit...become the saviour of magic. Become the hero, and all the shit that comes with it."

Luna smiled as she whispered. "If you were anyone else I would accuse you of trying to steal my unwanted glory. No I will not burden you with my achievements. You have enough of that as it is. We shall carry the weight together. Now excuse me Harry, it's time for me to meet someone."

Luna stuck her finger out and started twirling the images before her, causing the fabric of space to swirl around them in a whirlpool. When it stopped Harry was at a familiar house, shaped as a Rook."Luna...what are we doing here?

Luna looked seriously at the house. "I'm going to make my dreams come true."

Before Harry could stop her Luna ran into the house, Harry trailing closely behind. Luna felt an excitement flow through her as she nearly fell down the stairs to the basement, before bursting through the door. Luna felt Harry behind her as she took in the room. Luna heard a voice whisper hoarsely. "I'm sorry, I know I wasn't the best Mother, but you are the best daughter a Mother could ever ask for. I know life will be difficult, and there will be times when you just want to give up and let your grief consume you, but I promise it will get better.. No matter how dark things may seem the dawn will be astounding!"

The lab was on fire as Luna walked towards Pandora who had just had her memories enter a potion vial and began to close her eyes. Harry noticed the younger unconscious Luna collapsed in the corner of the room, while Luna was already kneeling next to Pandora. She was surrounded in a pool of her own blood and looked up to where Luna stood. Luna smiled in memory as she whispered to her Mother. "No I'm sorry, for ever doubting you. I could not ask for a better Mother, I just wished I told you before."

Pandora smiled softly, as she somehow heard these words. "You never had to..."

Luna cut her off. "I know Mother, but perhaps I can show you."

Luna raised her hand and started healing Pandora's wounds causing Pandora to gasp in shock. "Luna...what are you doing?"

Luna looked excitedly at her Mother. "I have discovered the secret of Magic Mother. Have gone through so much, both good and bad. I have suffered unimaginable grief and loss and suffering, but I've also found love and happiness like I could never even dream of. I have come so much more then I ever could have imagined. I owe everything to you Mother, I owe you my life. I know the circumstances of my birth, and what would have happened to me if you hadn't rescued me from her. I owe you more than you can know. I'm going back to finish our work. To give the world magic, and I'm taking you with me!"

Pandora's eyes widened as she shook her head. "Luna..."

"I understand you can't change the past, otherwise things wouldn't have happened the way they were meant to. You needed to die, and I needed to go through the thing I did to find Harry, and discover the secrets of Magic...but I can bring you with me. When your soul parts I can bring it with me. I can recreate your body. I can bring you back to life. Don't you understand Mother. I can do everything. I can make the world paradise, a utopia. I can put an end to suffering an end to death itself. Death will no longer exist. I won't just bring you back you Mother. I will bring back his parents to Harry."

Pandora shook her head. "Luna think about what you are saying...what you are saying would disrupt the fundamental laws of nature."

"So is giving magic to Muggles and Squibs, I can make our mission obsolete, I can do this Mother." Luna hummed with happiness.

"There is a difference between having the power to act and wisdom to not." Pandora whispered as she rose to her feet. "Can you imagine a world where no one died. It would not be as pleasant as one would first think. The temptation of power is strong. It is not the evil of power that always corrupts but the temptation to do good, or what appears to be good, by any means necessary, but death is necessary. Without death there can be no freedom. Without death Umbridge would still rule. The universe would collapse. The power to change the world must be done with grave caution even giving magic to the Muggles could end very badly. "

Luna deflated a little. "Fair point but...but I can still bring you back. I can bring back my family and Harry's family...and the loved ones of my friends."

"I you bring me back...I will not be able to stop myself from asking, if you can bring back my Mother, the Mother who died giving birth to me. I would ask you to bring back the Father who loved me, but could not let go of his hate until he had driven me away. I hated him, I never gave him a chance to make amends, it wasn't until he died that I realized deep down, I still loved him." Pandora whispered with sorrow.

Pandora looked up at Luna with desperate eyes. "What about my Grandmother who raised me? The Grandfather who died before I could remember him? What about Xenophilius and Filius who if I am correct will have...passed on in your time? What about their Parents and Grandparents. Filius had three human wives and tons of human children he was doomed to outlive."

Luna shook her head as she insisted. "I know it's a lot of people, but-"

"You think it ends there Luna? Everyone I've mentioned, and every family member they would want brought back, they too would want more loved ones back, and those loved ones will have others they want back. This doesn't include those who don't want to come back, who are at peace with death. You bring back enough people and some will be enemy's, some will go dark where they were once purely good, secrets will be unlocked, secrets better left dead. Filius will have three wives but would have to choose one. Don't you see how hopeless it is, how maddening?!" Pandora uttered with a manic look in her eyes.

Luna felt tears run down her cheek as she looked to Harry who had tears of his own realizing how impossible it truly was to ever see his family again. Pandora continued as she placed a hand on Luna's cheek. "Once the doorway to immortality and necromancy is unlocked, there can be no going back. You would refuse to let Harry die, and in turn you would refuse to die yourself, even if it is just for him. I had to come to terms with the same things as you have while working on the secret of Magic...I knew I wasn't strong enough to resist such a temptation but trust me Luna, Power does corrupt. You may think you have the best intentions but that is how the corrupting influence of power works."

Luna flung herself at her Mother and cried and finally she felt her Mother hug her back, for the first time in 10 years. Pandora cooed softly. "Hush now my child I am not upset with you, I am so proud of you. The flaw in your plan is the same truth that makes us so special. We are all related, we are all individual, yet we are all one small part of a great collective human race. And nothing unifies life like death itself. It is the one certainty of life...It is the one thing in this universe that is truly and completely fair.

"I don't want to live Luna, for I do not want what I do not deserve, I deserve to rest. I deserve to be with Xenophilius...and one day we shall meet again. When that day comes, hopefully when you are old and grey, you will understand that death isn't the end, it is the finish of a race. Raise your arms and cheer. "I lived my life well, I dedicated it to doing good, I embraced love and happiness with open arms. Now that my time has come, l do not say I died. I say I lived."

Luna pulled back and cried. "I miss you so much, I'm sorry for everything you had to suffer for me. I'm sorry you died for me. I'm sorry for everything."

"Oh Luna don't you understand." Pandora whispered imploringly with tears in her eyes. "I did not live, I did not love, and I was never truly happy, until I held you in my arms and you called me Mother. It was the greatest decision I ever made and I do not regret a second of my life. Seeing you here, all grown up, is more of a blessing than I could ever have dreamed of. If you wanted to thank me for everything I've done for you, being here now is far more than I could ever ask. All I wanted was for you to be happy. What ever your future holds, don't let anyone take your happiness away from you."

Luna nodded before backing away. "I guess...I have to go...I still need to give magic to the world...You can come with me...just so you can see it...your dream come true."

Pandora laughed as she looked upon her daughter. "It already has..."

Luna felt Harry take her hand as she whimpered. "This is goodbye then...for real..."

Pandora smiled, "There there Luna, it's not really goodbye after all. I'll be with you, in your heart. So will you father and Godfather, and everyone who has ever loved you. I can't wait to see what life has in store for Moonchild..."

Luna smiled sadly. "Thank you...goodbye Moon Mother."

Luna blinked her eyes and vanished, and Pandora was on the floor. The wounds had been numbed but were otherwise bleeding her out. She felt pride in her heart, pride for her daughter, and even pride for herself for raising such a wonderful daughter...

Harry watched on silently as Luna knelt down next to her Mother, who seemed to no longer see her and whispered. "One last gift to you Mother."

Harry felt the room distort, as if time itself was being stretched and overlapping, parts of the room seemed older and more worn out. Suddenly, and figure appeared on the opposite side of Luna and Harry instantly recognized the dying figure as Xenophilius. Luna reached out and took his blurry hand while holding onto Pandora's and the two seemed to instantly stir.

Pandora looked to her other side and her face saddened. "I'm sorry love, I only did what I had to, but now our work is done."

Xenophilius opened his eyes and uttered. "Pandora?"

Pandora smiled softly as she nodded. "Thank you Xenophilius, thank you for giving me the family I always dreamed of."

Xenophilius gasped. "Pandora...My love...take me home...I am ready..."

Pandora nodded as she as saw little Luna slowly start to wake. "Ready or not, here we come."

Harry watched as the life left them both and Luna let go of their limp hands. Xenophilius' figure faded as the room shifted back to the moment of Pandora's death. Luna rose to her feet and whispered. "I guess I'm ready too. I'm ready to live again."

Luna looked back at Harry who was looking at the unconscious child that was a younger Luna, slowly rise to her feet and run over to her Mother's body. The older Luna sighed, before something occurred to her. "I don't remember anything after this."

Then Luna saw them, shadows from the wall illuminated by the fire that was spreading throughout the room.

Little Luna cried as she whispered. "Please wake up...Please mummy..."

The shadows crept closer to her little Luna and the older Luna watched almost knowingly. Harry felt a chill go up his spine as the shadows floated over the child. Little Luna suddenly whispered, "Please...Please make it go away. Please..."

The shadows suddenly laughed a familiar mischievous laugh before the shadows shot towards the girl who screamed before everything went white.

Luna looked around herself and saw no little Luna, no Harry, No...anything. Just unending whiteness. Luna nervously called out. "Hello?"

Luna heard a voice whisper from behind her. "Congratulations!"

Luna turned around and let out a startled scream. In front of her were three Nargles but they did not result in the scream, standing by them was Little Luna, only it wasn't her. Little Luna's eyes were black, except for the Iris', which were white, just like Cyrus. The girl spoke in a voice that belonged to the eyes, along with the Nargles as one. Luna found herself speaking too and suddenly found it odd that all the voices together sounded like Pandora.

Now we have come full circle. Moonchild.

Journey is over, your quest is overlapping

What happens next is up to you

The Power of Imagination is inside you Moonchild.

Never forget that for as long as you hold this power inside you,

You will always be Magical.

Luna felt the world come back into focus around her and saw Harry rising unsteadily to his feet. Luna realized they were back in Pandora's lab, only judging by the shape of the room, they were back in the present. Then Luna gasped and Harry turned and smiled. Luna uttered. "I never thought I'd see you again."

Think nothing of thoughts not thought.

Celebrate what is and bugger whats not

On that note it's 1 o'clock.


The three Nargles floated towards them with genuine smiles on their faces.

"Today's the big day."

Luna looked over to Harry. "What day is it today?"

Harry blinked before muttering. "Honestly don't have a clue."

(Cough) Valentines Day (Cough)

(Cough) Moonchild's Birthday (Cough)

(Cough) You're screwed Loverboy (Cough)

The Nargles dodged as Harry tossed a broken vial at them. Luna bounced with excitement. "Harry listen. If it's Valentines Day that means..."

Luna trailed off as the Nargles began to recite.

The bridge between two worlds shall be born on lover's night

The spark to change the world shall be born when love is right

The spark shall reach the moon the day before it ignites

It shall be fostered by the dead who shall rise on the devils night

Only in death will these words of hope be broken

Only in life will dreams of love be awoken

Only through sacrifice shall the gift be given

Only through death shall life be forgiven

The bridge between too worlds shall be born on lovers night

The spark to change the world shall be born when love is right
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