Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Imaginatio Potestatem

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

Lyrics included in this chapter belong to Bob Dylan's Let Me Die In My Footsteps and altered lyrics of Rush's Xanadu. Also quote from King Lear by Shakespeare.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2017-08-03 - 9080 words - Complete

It was a Hard rain that fell on the city of London as a flash of lightning lit the night sky, revealing to Hermione the carnage that filled the streets of London. Goblins battled among themselves, jumping on to cars and terrifying the Muggle population, who were struggling to flee the city. Hermione's LLR also battled with Totalitar, deflecting the curses the Totalitar aimed at the Muggle cars. Meanwhile the sound of gunfire filled the air, as Muggle soldiers struggled to to contain the rampant Mutants that the Totalitar had unleashed in the city.

Hermione ducked behind a car as an explosion shook the city. Ragnok rolled beside her and launched a spear over the car, a poison tipped spears with tracking runes. Hermione heard someone cry out and Ragnok laughed savagely. "I love the smell of human in the smells like a victory feast."

Hermione ignored the Goblin as Ron ducked undercover beside her. "It's a Bloody Shit show Hermione!"

Hermione shook her head. "I know but we have to help these Muggles."

"The Muggles?! We don't know how long we have before..."

Suddenly jet airplanes flew above them followed by large missiles that could only spell trouble. Ragnok croaked morbidly. "It's over...the final war has begun."

Hermione felt very cold, so this what it is then...not going back. "Get everyone underground, try to save as many Muggles as possible."

Ragnok nodded before spotting something. Then the Goblin roared. "DROLOGCK!"

"RAGNOK!" Hermione shouted after the Goblin king before he ran into the darkness.

Hermione looked around and saw bodies littering the streets. She saw children without parents, and parents without children. Hermione looked to Ron and whispered. "I'm done Ron, I'm done fighting. Everyone should head underground, and remove our involvement from the war. This isn't helping anyone. It's just pointless suffering, it's self destruction. It's all just suicide."

Ron nodded slowly as he uttered. "War's like Wizard's chess, it's destructive and full of sacrifices, but when it's over, you just reset the board and play again. Nothing's's impossible."

Ragnok let out a loud cheer as he held Drologck's severed head above his own only to realize everyone had suddenly gone quiet. Everyone was looking up at the bright lights in the sky, the brightest looked as if it was moving straight at them. Hermione shouted. "Everyone underground now. Bring as many as you can."

Some of the Wizards started moving, but the Goblins remained still. To everyone's surprise it was Ragnok who spoke first as he dropped the Goblin head and did the last thing anybody expected the Goblin king to do... he began to sing.

Or he attempted to, as the Goblin croaked out with a tuneless voice. "I will not go down under the ground, 'cause somebody tells me that death's coming around.

Suddenly other voices joined in with conviction and sang "And I will not carry myself down to die. When I go to my grave my head will be high! Let me die in my footsteps, before I go down under the ground!"

As Hermione listen to the the singing she felt something she had not felt in a long time, she felt like herself. Suddenly she wasn't being torn to pieces anymore. She heard Ron start to sing as well though he didn't know the words, surprisingly outside of a few Muggles, only the Goblins seemed to know the song, which Hermione vaguely found odd. But as she listened to the words she understood why it would appeal to them, and in that moment, they appealed to her as well.

Hermione linked arms with Ron and started singing with them. Those who knew the words sang them too.

There's been rumors of wars, and wars that have been.

The meaning of the life has been lost in the wind,

And some people thinking that the end is close by.

Instead of learning to live they are learning to die.

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground.

"Happy birthday to me." A now 18 year old girl sang with a smile as she looked up at the sky, she could see the light of every missile being fired from around the globe. "Happy Birthday to me. Happy birthday dear Luna, Happy Birthday to me."

Harry watched Luna she finished her slow dreamy trip up the hill that led to the graves of her parents. As she walked, the snow around her melted, revealing a beautiful bed of flowers and lush green grass, as if the snow had never been there. Harry spoke carefully as to not disturb her still fragile mental state in the real world. "Shouldn't we hurry Luna? I don't think we have much time."

"Time isn't a problem Harry." Luna hummed dreamily. "We have all the time in the world."

Harry looked up nervously at the bombs. "I don't think there's much time Luna."

"No but it's more than we need." Luna uttered with a sweet melody. "We're here."

Harry looked down to where Luna was pointing and saw two flowers that stood out from the rest. The flowers that marked the final resting place of Pandora and Xenophilius Lovegood.

"I wanted them to see this, I want to be close to their spirits." Luna smiled calmly. "I know Filius is with me too, and of course you Harry, the most important person of my life. Here surrounded by my family. I finish what you started Mother. Once and for all."

Luna smiled at Harry who couldn't help but smile back at the woman he loved. "You ready?"

Luna giggled uncertainly. "I've never been more ready in my life...but I'm nervous."

Harry laughed softly before pulling her into a hug. "I'm here for you, if you need me."

"I don't think I need you for this but...It's always nice to know your there to catch me if I fall," Luna hummed with contentment.

Harry smiled as he took a step back and winked. "If your ready..."

"Then it's time to say the magic words." Luna whispered serenely. Then she felt herself start to rise, higher and higher and higher. Harry watched from below as the flowers that marked the Lovegood's resting place suddenly started to grow. Before long the flowers where as tall as trees but Luna kept floating higher.

Luna didn't know how high she was in the sky. She had her eyes closed and and could feel the pull of gravity being broken, Luna felt her mind enter higher states of consciousness. Sound seemed to fade until the deafness drowned it away. A vague feeling of numbness washed over her, while the light that shined through her eyelids vanished, leaving her in darkness. Suddenly, in this surreal moment of conscious, unconsciousness, a memory appeared unbidden between her eyes..listening to the voice of Flamel's teachings from her memories.

"That's it, let go of yourself and embrace your own delusions.

You must surrender conscious thought and act solely on your instinct.

This is why you mediate.

You are too focused on your emotion, on your consciousness and your mind.

You must let these things go, to see the world for what it really is.

What ever you want it to be.

Defy limitations, refuse expectations and let your dreams become reality.

The moment you embrace the impossible is the moment when anything becomes possible.

Luna's mind raced as she allowed Images, Words, Sounds, Visions, Memory's and Dreams to enter her mind and overwhelm her conscious being...

"Let go of your logic, let go of you sanity, let the power of imagination flow through you and

Embrace the Magic!

Luna blinked three times and felt the words echo around her, words she did not even speak aloud.

Imaginatio Potestatem!

Back in London the singing had only grown louder. It spread like a fire that filled the hearts of every Goblin Wizard and Muggle who sang it. They all stood united and together, as they waited for the inevitable. Then Hermione trailed off as she swore she heard a faint sound in the distance. The sound of laughter.




Everything had suddenly gone quiet as they somehow heard the the laughter. An unnatural silence fell upon them before an angelic voice echoed through the sky.


Suddenly everything went white, and the world exploded with sound. Hermione felt the ground shake beneath her feet and she was certain the end had come. Laughter consumed the panicking people of London and colour came flushing back to there vision.


Hermione stumbled backwards as the cackle of the Nargles hollered through the air, laughing their terrible cackle. Everyone looked up with a shriek as the missiles soaring through the air igniting into balls of blinding light, painting the sky with fire. Hermione and the other magic users looked on mesmerized as the Nargles heckled.

So much good has begotten bad

So much happy has begotten sad

When the sky is black and you know not why

Know you live in a world gone mad

Then before anyone could comprehend what they were witnessing, the explosions seemed to implode upon themselves before vanishing into little specks of dots...

Hermione opened her eyes and gasped for breath, sucking in air as if she had been on the verge of drowning before breaking through the surface and into the realm of the living. When Hermione caught her breath she found herself on a peaceful green hill, and looking upon what could only be described as paradise.

There were waterfalls thundering in the distance, lush fields of green grass with a rainbow of flowers sprouting among them, and a forest with trees that kissed the sky. On the horizon Luna could see the ocean as blue as her Mother's eyes. In the center of the Island was a tower that disappeared into the clouds. If Hermione didn't know any better, she would say it lead the way to heaven.

"Welcome to Xanadu, or at least my memory of it."

Hermione spun around and felt the air leave her just as quickly as it had first come. There was Luna. Despite the brightness of the paradise around her, Luna seemed to be bathed in moonlight,. Her skin was as silver as her eyes. All she wore was a brown dress, crafted from the very dirt beneath her feet. Luna's eyes shined with both life and an otherworldly intensity that shook Hermione to the core of her existence.

Luna looked into Hermione's eyes and saw the awe and fear in them. Luna smiled sadly before sitting on the ground and offering the spot beside her. Hermione opened her mouth before closing it and doing as Luna suggested. After struggling to find her words Hermione finally blurted out. "Am I dead?"

Luna slowly shook her head, Hermione only noticing when she chanced a glance at her, and also noticed the faint smile on her face. Hermione seemed to find some courage in this and asked. "Why did you bring me here? Is Ron OK? Is anyone OK? Is London..."

"As we speak I have removed weapons from the world. The world shall be weaponless until they can be rebuilt...about a day. So it only makes sense to let things return to the original state of things, but only after I've done and said my peace. I wanted to speak with you first though. Even Harry knows not of this." Luna uttered solemnly.

Hermione looked intrigued before she remembered what Luna said. "How could you remove all the weapon...You discovered the secret of magic, didn't you? Harry said you did...then figured it out himself. Took me the night to finally understand what I said that triggered him off...Imagination?"

"If you look too closely for a flower, you miss the field." Luna smiled mischievously before looking serous. "No can know of this, not even you, once you leave this hallowed place."

"How can-"

"It is near impossible to be able to truly defy reality with magic and imagination...but such power is reachable. It is a power I struggle not to abuse. It seemed so simple to me, to not do evil, but the evil that good brings is beyond my knowledge. Every single action I take and leave causes both great and terrible things, that is the price of power, it makes every action and inaction ripple throughout the world. Imagine if the wrong sort got this power. This knowledge must die with me, no-one else can know."

Hermione nodded slowly, not understanding what Luna was speaking of, but surprisingly content with ignorance for once. Luna smiled before saying to the sky. "You are the smartest living person I know Hermione. Your intellect may blind you with it's rigidness, still it by far exceeds my own."

Hermione frowned. "Thanks?"

"It's the truth." Luna shrugged causing Hermione's frown to deepen. "I need your help. This entire time I have been dedicated to solving the secret of magic and gifting magic to the world...Now I wonder after all this time I've been trying to achieve this, I must ask myself if I should."

Luna faced Hermione and spoke. "If I give the world magic, I give it a key to it's own salvation...and destruction. Even limited to what a normal Witch or Wizard is capable of, the last few years have revealed what happens when magic is given to twisted minds with distorted morals and dreams. Yet I ponder more every day...if I should take away magic from the world."

Hermione stared at Luna before whispering. "What?"

Luna continued undeterred. "Whatever choice I make, I must make one. I can't leave things as they are...I must restore the way or another."

Luna looked up and sighed. "Much good would come if I took away their magic. Wizards would be forced to work with the Muggles. People would be humbled, and motivated to earn back what was lost. People would be forced to not take for granted what matters in life. But what taking away there magic...I take away what makes us so special?

"What if I take away not only Magic but love and wonder from the world, our drive to succeed, our innovation and creativity, our imagination? It is what separates us from the animals. Though I do love animals...we can be so much more." Luna hummed tiredly.

"What should I do Hermione? Do I give people a second chance?. Or do I take away something as magic as sacred, as if I was taking a toy from a naughty child. The only way I can guarantee peace is by removing free will, and that is something I will not do." Luna finished with conviction before looking to Hermione who's brain had kicked back into gear.

"We don't deserve a second chance Luna. We don't deserve magic. We deserve what we have wrought, all of us." Hermione uttered sadly before looking up with a glint in her eyes. "But what of the children, what of the next generation, and future generations to come. What of the children who have yet to be taught how to hate. Luna, I too have been thrust into positions where I had to make impossible choices. What makes every single leader before us any different? People think the leaders of the world are the reason nothing changes, that they refuse to make a difference, and sometimes that is true. But often the truth is, many of us are trying to make a difference, we just fail."

"This is our one chance to make a difference Luna. If you really do give Muggles and Squibs Magic, you will change the world, for better or worse. We both agree a change is needed. You do this you restart the engine of the earth. I think if you do give us this chance, you might be surprised as to what we can accomplish. The goodness of humanity will be given a chance to shine, as will our darker side. I guess I have faith that the love of humanity will prevail, and see this for the gift that it is."

Luna looked to Hermione seriously. "And if you are wrong?"

"Then I am wrong." Hermione sighed sadly. "Then nature will run it's course, and we will find our ruin by our own accord. If we blow this golden opportunity...we deserve our downfall. I don't believe it though, I can't believe it, I shan't believe it! The world is a wonderful place and is worth fighting for, and so is every single person in it!"

Luna smiled with a wink. "I'm glad to hear that, because I'm putting you in charge."

Hermione blanched. "In charge...of what?"

"Bridging the two worlds." Luna said with a hum. "Educating the Wizards of Muggles and teaching Muggles magic. Finding a place for the Goblin's and the other Magical creatures of the world. I know it is a heavy burden but there is no one more deserving of this task then yourself."

Hermione looked determined as she nodded. "What about you?"

Luna smiled. "My work is about done Hermione. I think I'm going to disappear for a little while. They used to say I was Loony but the world thinks me a prophet. I'n no prophet, I'm just Luna, no more no less."

"Maybe you are all three, Luna, Loony and Prophet all at once" Hermione uttered with a giggle before saying more seriously.. "You and Harry are the greatest people I have ever met in terms of heroism, and yet you are normal peoplw. If there is one thing I've learned since entering the Magical world, it's that heroes are no different than anyone else, except they do what is right, not what is easy."

Luna hummed thoughtfully. "If that is all that makes me a hero I guess I can except that. Still I am only one of many, you too are a hero Hermione. You consistently strive for goodness and righteousness above all else. Yet none of this makes me the prophet they dub me."Luna then smiled a smile befitting a Nargle and whispered conspiratorially to Hermione. "Or maybe I am, and doth not know it. Maybe thy great magic act shall be but a Muggle's magic trick. Out of thin air I shall conjure a prophet out of myself. A transfiguration that shall make Mcgonagall's spirit proud."

Luna giggled before giving Hermione a hug. She pulled back and smiled mischievously. "If the world wants me a prophet, then perhaps I should preach to them. I shall play the part and give them a sermon they won't soon forget, I shall then beget them a miracle, to birth all future miracles. The Miracle of Magic. Then I shall vanish before they know better and make a martyr out of me. Let a legend replace me, devoid of the flaws that taint the picture, but make reality so beautiful. After all, nothing ruins a magic trick like revealing how the trick is done."

Hermione nodded before frowning once more and asked. "Is any of this real, Xanadu, this conversation, the Nargles, or is this all in my head."

Luna laughed a heartfelt laugh before replying. "'Of course it is all in your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?'"

Suddenly Hermione was again sucking in breath on the floor, staring up at the London sky. Ron was kneeling over her with wide terrified eyes that suddenly shined with relief. "Hermione, thank Merlin, I thought I lost you."

Hermione paid him no mind as he helped her to her feet, her mind transfixed on the sight before her. It was a sight that made her jaw drop. Up in the sky was a star, far brighter than any she had ever seen before, except for the blinding sun. It was the size of the moon and shined a beautiful silver. Suddenly the black sky rippled outward, as if the star was a stone that had been dropped into the puddle that was the night sky.

As the sky continued to pulse with ripples, Hermione asked urgently. "How long was I out?"

"3 minutes." Ragnok growled with frustration. "Our weapons are gone and so are the missiles in the sky. The Muggle generals tell me that there have been reports of a world wide disappearance of weapons."

Hermione remembered Luna's words and replied. "Don't worry Ragnok, you will have your weapons back. It's just a part of her act."

"What? Never mind, there is more. The same message is being repeated across the globe. Be it in the televisions of Muggles, the Fires of Wizards, the Veils of Goblin's or the Stars of the Centaurs."

"What's the message." Hermione asked hesitantly.

Ragnok closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath and smiled with content. "The dawn is coming."

It was strange, how those words effected Hermione, she could see the effect it had on the Goblin too. His eyes closed, she could see him imagining the light of the sun shine upon his people who for so long had been hidden beneath the earth. Envisioning a dawn he had never truly seen, a dawn that belonged to him. Hermione saw something different. She saw a future.

Hermione, even after everything she had been through, still hated flying. Ron helped her dismount the shoddy broom which had on more than one occasion tried to buck the couple off it's back like a bull. "Ron I swear to god you need to get another broom!"

"Easy on my arm." Ron winced as Hermione held herself up by holding onto her boyfriend's bad shoulder. Witches and Wizards from around the world had already arrived. With many Muggles and Goblins arriving on the scene. Ron ducked as a large noisy machine flew over his head. "What the Bloody is Hell is that?"

"Whatever it was, it's wicked?" Ginny exclaimed as she stood by her brother, dismounting her own broom.

Hermione shook her head. "It's a Helicopter, it-"

Hermione's voice was drowned out by the roar of another Helicopter. "Never mind!"

"What!?" Ron asked holding a hand to his ear.

"I said, Never Mind!"



Ragnok and George joined them as they followed the Helicopters to the destination of this great gathering of people. As they walked, one of the Muggle generals on the scene noticed Hermione and approached. Hermione smiled as she recognized him to be one of the Queen's men. "Minister Granger, let me escort you and your generals to the appropriate destination and pardon my manners, I did not see you Goblin King. I shall accommodate you as well."

It was nearly two hours later and there was a sea of people in every direction that stretched far beyond the sight of Centaurs let alone Humans or Goblins. The Muggles stared at the Wizards in robes and looked fearfully at the Goblins. Yet none did a thing. Hermione realized that somehow, Luna had indeed removed weapons from the people of the earth, and also why she did. Whatever she planed on doing it involved a lack of bloodshed as the enemies gathered together.

One thing the Muggles did have were cameras, lots and lots of cameras. Cameras of every shape and size as reporters and government officials clustered upon the scene. Those who could not attend were watching in some way or form, especially the Muggles who were feeding footage of the gathering mob to households around the globe.

Hermione and Ragnok sat with the world leaders, gathered together in uncomfortably close proximity to each other. Ron was with her as was Ragnok's most trusted companion who's name she knew not, while the rest of the LLR was nearby in the mob. The makeshift shelter made Hermione shake her head as the uptight politicians used the platform to put themselves above the people. Hermione did reluctantly admit that she had no interest of being lost and consumed in the cluster of people. The cold winds of winter was rebuffed by the tent that sheltered Hermione and the other leaders. but outside it, the people let the cold, burn their skin as they sang songs and awaited salvation.

Hermione continued to observe the cause of the gathering, the bright star in the sky. However it was not a star but a ball of sparkling white light, the size of a small house that floated over this seemingly random piece of the land, and shined a light so bright the whole world could see, yet blinded no one.

It had taken not five minutes since arriving for Ron to realize where they were. "Hold on...I think we are near the Burrow?! In fact I think something else is supposed to be here."

It was an odd thing. Hermione had also felt that something was mysteriously missing. Hermione had pondered this for a minute before a realization struck her. "Whatever was here must be under a Fidelius charm. That is why we do not remember it. Ron this must be where Luna is!"

"Still the brightest witch of your age, but aren't you forgetting someone." Harry chuckled playfully.

Hermione blushed at his compliment and mockingly hit Harry. "Of course I didn't forget you Har.-"

Hermione nearly snapped her neck as she performed a sudden double take. "HARRY!?"

Ron jumped at Hermione's shout before noticing Harry and laughing at Harry's face as Hermione hugged him. Ron hugged Harry on the other side causing poor Harry to squirm under their grip. "I'll get you for this Ron."

Only after they parted did they notice the other world leaders looking upon their reunion with contempt and disdain. Hermione looked bashfully to the ground at losing her composure while Harry just smiled at the leaders. He raised his hand in mock salute and uttered. "Wotcha!"

Harry noticed the British Prime Minister utter to his main general. "Who the devil is that? Is he supposed to be here?"

"Please do not speak about me as if I'm not here. If you would like to know my most dishonorable acquaintance, I would suggest you request it to my person." Harry uttered with a fake posh accent.

"I say, such gall!" The British Prime Minister uttered, offended, while another leader seemed to slither towards Harry and shook his hand.

"I'm the President of the United States." The man uttered reminding Harry of Gilderoy Lockhart, only uglier. "Of course you know my name as I know yours Harold, and as you can see this is a gathering of world leaders."

Harry glanced at the other leaders and uttered in a bad American accent. "Yo."

Harry strutted to the center of the room mockingly as he looked down upon the leaders that towered before him. "Does any of you know why you are here?"

"Of course."

"I don't."

"To hear from this Moonchild that my people keep speaking about."

"I thought it was because of the Aliens."

"You mean the Lizard people."

"I'm a Goblin, not some cold blooded weasel with scales."


"SHUT UP!" Harry shouted, silencing the group.

Harry raised his wand and grinned. "You idiots blew up the planet. Luna stopped this from happening but you still did it. You all pressed your big buttons for no reason other than your own vanity and pride. Your pride is not the kind to be proud of. I have spent my entire short but eventful life dealing with people like you. People who believe in law and order, as long as it is theirs. People who believe in justice as long as it ignores their own crimes. People who believe one thing but turn a blind eye for the sake of power, ambition and greed. How many wars have you started because your over inflated ego was offended. As far as I'm concerned you are all failures. You have failed this planet, of course many of you were not yourselves, many of you were under the control of someone else."

Harry looked upon certain leaders including the British Prime Minister who looked uneasy and the President of the United States who was fuming. Harry laughed a scathing laugh. "You know if I was under the control of the Totalitar and had been freed from their possession. I would tell someone and do everything in my power to prevent it from happening again, to myself or others."

Harry shook his head with disgust. "Yet you all say nothing, you are ashamed to reveal weakness, afraid to lose power, you'd rather be a puppet in power, a slave with a crown, then be free as a human."

Harry looked to the Queen. "In some cases age gives us wisdom, and this is a key to being in a position of power."

The Queen smiled and Harry bowed before turning on the other leaders. "On other occasions age leads to stubbornness and arrogance. You are outdated, obsolete and behind the times, yet your ego refuses you to allow change. Mark my words the hell you wrought is known, that you would rather destroy the world than let it slide out of your control."

Harry looked at the world leaders from around the world, both Magical and Muggle. "The problem isn't that many of you are old, but you have not a shred of wisdom to you. For someone to have lived a long life and have not an ounce of wisdom to his person, is someone who does not understand life. So in the case of those who have no wisdom I have as message. The world has changed, step down with dignity while you still have it or you will be lost in the seas of change. Now I bid thee Fuck off."




The Nargles cackle signaled the tented platform to tilt to the side, flinging many of the leader to the ground, where the people mocked and laughed. Others remained on the platform as if their feet had been glued to the surface.

Harry smiled before conjuring seats out of thin air. He played the gentleman and helped the women to their seats as the men sat themselves. The Queen smiled as he did this, while Hermione simply hissed in his ear. "What is going on?!"

Harry smiled as he sat beside her and looked upon Ron as well. "You'll see."

As he said this the Ball of light started to shimmer, and the gathering masses went silent, as if death had fallen upon them. Harry leaned next to Hermione and whispered in her ear. "Let the show begin."

The ball of light above them suddenly exploded with a spectral of colours that rivaled the greatest of fireworks causing the audience to scream and cheer with both wonder, awe and terror. Then a figure seemed to appear, a figure as mythical as any ever seen. A figure with hair of silver and skin of diamonds, a being that exuded power, strength and wisdom. A figure that...popped like a balloon, letting out an undignified sound. All that remained was tiny bits of silver confetti which slowly fell to the ground.

The crowd began to grumble with confusion when a soft voice caught their attention. There, where the confetti fell, beneath the silver star which had vanished, where not a moment before had been where no one had dared tread, stood a girl.

The girl looked hardly older then 17, despite her childlike appearance making her appear younger. Her hair was blond, and her skin was white, her eyes silver and wide, full of both wisdom and whimsy. She was short but tall, and her face held a dreamy smile. The girl giggled as she whispered. "Confetti is very useful you know, it keeps away the Nargles."

The crowd was silent with confusion as the girl looked around her. "Not that I have anything against the Nargles but they can be a bother when one must be serious."

The crowd was still silent as one person audibly muttered. "What the bloody hell..."

Luna's face gave a faint blush as she uttered. "Oh...pardon me, I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Luna, Luna Lovegood, Luna Puer Lovegood. Actually my full name is Luna Martha Rowena Newt Puer Diminsey Benjamin Lovegood the first."

Luna smiled as she said this but the crowd seemed even more confused as a restless murmur grew over them. This was it, this was Luna Lovegood, the girl who's exploits had been whispered throughout the world and become that of modern day myths. This prophet that would hold their answers was nothing more than a quirky girl who was hardly 18 years old. Hermione looked nervously to Harry who simply smiled with love and pride at Luna.

Luna looked confused herself at the crowds reaction.. "What? Were you expecting something else?

The crowd began to to get more agitated as they closed in around the space Luna occupied. Shouts started ringing out as the Mob turned angry. One man shouted. "You said you would help us!"

Luna frowned. "I never said a thing, I said I would finish my mothers work, I believe it will be most beneficial to you. However outside of this there is nothing I can do to help you. I can not stop this war, this madness or this fighting. I am only human after all, at least I think I am."

There was a moment of silence, then the shouting started.

"Help us against the Muggle masses!"

"Help us against the Magi threat!"

"The Squib is a Magi you idiot, and call us Wizards!"

"Are you the Daughter of God?"

" Great philosopher, who wins the next Quiddich world cup?"

"George your not helping!"

"Sorry Ginny."

"Mental that one I'm telling you."

Luna had a vague sense of deja vu as the ground all but engulfed her. For a moment she found herself back on the Hogwart's express, being hounded by the students about her wand-less magic. The shouting grew louder and louder as the mob pushed their way towards her in desperation.


Luna blinked twice and uttered with a voice that seemed to reverberate through the field.

"Help yourselves."

Suddenly the crowd was thrown backwards, as a wave of magic separated Luna from the crowd. The air crackled with static electricity as Luna took in their stunned faces, suddenly looking upon her in a new light.

Another voice cried out. "They said you could save us. They say you're our prophet."

Luna shook her head. "That's what you say, you say that I am. Yet you do not know me, you have not met me. You have no idea who I am or what I have been through. What I have experienced and what I have suffered. It was you who dubbed me a prophet, not I nor anyone else."

Luna seemed to stand taller as she spoke, conviction in her eyes. "You asked that I help you, You prayed for it, I don't know why or how. You ask of me something that no one can give. I can not stop you from destroying each other, not without forsaking free will. A life without freedom is no life at all and it would be better if you destroyed yourselves. Humanity is no longer a child, ignorant of it's savage behavior. It is as the fool said to the King. "If thou wert my fool, I'd have thee beaten for being old before thy time. Thou should'st not have been old till thou hadst been wise."

Luna sighed with sympathy. "I know many things, but I know not why the world is as it is. I don't know why the good die young. I don't know why the good that men do is often littered with their bones while the evil they do lives on. I don't know why the way to hell is paved with good intentions, I don't know how many times the bullets must fly before they are forever banned. I don't know what happens after we die, or who begot this world with such love and hatred. I don't know why some are born with magic and others not. I don't know why some are born with parents and others not. Why must there be orphans and diseases. Why children must cry when they are born when they should be so happy to have been blessed with life."

"I don't know why my family, which I cherish so much, has left this world, or why my only living relative is in a Mental health ward. I don't know how a Mother could abandon her child, or why we teach children to hate others for being different. I don't know how I came to be blessed with love or how I ever lived without it. I know none of these things. All I know, that 9 years ago my mother died trying to make the world a better place and 9 years later, I have finally finished what she started."

Luna went silent as she looked at the people around her. They waited with bated breath, hope burning strong in their eyes. She could see women and children, both weak and strong. She could see people stretched out as far as the eye could see. Luna felt a warmth come over her and she felt her Mother and Father's spirit with her as she felt her magic hum in the air. Luna raised her hands as she closed her eyes, as if she was about to perform a pagan ritual. She whispered, yet all heard her. "I have with me a gift for you all. I pray to the Moon Mother's spirit you do not forsake it, but I have faith that you will do the right thing."

Luna raised her hands and clapped them and suddenly the stars in the sky fell as if they were but sprinkles. Hermione was reminded of a cartoon she had seen as a child, where pixie dust was used to allow children to fly. As the stardust fell a mystical aura seemed to appear around Luna as she spoke to the Heavens. "In the name of the Moon Mother, let your work be done!"

Around the world be it day or night the world seemed to be raining star dust. Yet as the stardust landed around inhabitants of earth, strange things started happening. Random objects like plates, books, chairs televisions and cars started levitating. Muggles screamed in horror, then cried with happiness like children as they slowly began to grasp what was happening. People suffering from diseases were cured, and many aging folks felt 20 years younger. In a small cottage in the outskirts of London, a horrified Dudley was being chased by a pig he had somehow conjured out of thin air. Petunia who had suddenly transfigured her flower garden into lilies, let out a loud shriek and fainted.

In a Mental ward hospital a bunch of strange individuals of all colours, shapes and sizes, as the stardust fell, transformed into normal looking human beings, and found themselves with a clarity they had thought long lost. One of these individuals was a middle aged man, with graying hair. He looked at his hands and looked out the window and watched the rising sun. Healers analyzed the sudden changes and treated the patients, while one approached the middle aged man. "Evan we need to perform a few spells on you to find out what's happened and if you are well."

"I've never been better." Evan sighed as the Healer dragged him by the arm. "Luna did it. Healer please call me Evander, I like that name."

Back at the gathering, people cried as they felt an overwhelming wave of happiness engulf them, as for the first time magic entered their being. As the people reveled in their gift, Luna turned to the east and watched as the yellow sun rose from the horizon. Luna closed her eyes and bathed in it's warmth as the light seemed to shine on her alone. Harry looked on amazed as the sun made her skin glow with such life, in a way the moon never could, she seemed to be reborn in that moment. As Luna opened her teary eyes and looked upon Harry with all the happiness in her heart. An understanding passed between them as they both realized with sudden clarity, that her work was finally done.

In their moment of euphoria, Luna's voice suddenly cut through, and brought their attention back to her. "Look to the east. You see it now? The dawn that was promised? It is the dawn you always missed, the dawn you never saw. Think of how close you all came to never seeing it again. As I speak you should all be dead, just as my mother prophesied. Now with the gift of magic, let you not waste it. Do not make my suffering be in vain, nor the suffering of my Mother and Father, who died for this moment. The death of my friends and enemies, and the all who died too young for this moment to come. Now in their name you have one last chance. If you think this magic changes the world you are blind. Magic can not change the world. There is no solution in my possession. I have told you before I don't have the answers to the questions that plague us. I do know that the world can change. You do what is right, not what is easy. You want answers, you want to end war, then stop fighting. The answers are there before you. Fundamental truths of humanity that have been taught to you a thousand times before.

Let Life triumph over Death

Let Love triumph over Hate

Let Happiness triumph over Sorrow

Let Good triumph over Evil

Let Hope triumph over Doubt

Let Dreams triumph over Nightmares

Let Truth triumph over Lies

Let Knowledge triumph over Ignorance

Let Ambition triumph over Greed

And Let Nothing triumph over Morality

These are not secrets, you know all this, yet you choose to ignore it. Evil exists because we let it exist. Darkness controls us because we let it. You look to prophets to cure you, yet all they do is speak what has already been spoken. We have the key to our own salvation and redemption. We have the power to do great and terrible things, the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can control our own fate. That is how you conquer your demons, you understand them and reject them. It might not be easy but it is simple.

With this magic you can achieve a utopia the likes of which this world has never seen before. This magic could be the evolution of our people, our society. It can bring about a world where world peace and freedom are not conflicting ideologies that cannot be united, but are as real as the sun that rises to greet you."

Or maybe you don't change, maybe you let your hate overcome your love, and you thirst for blood, overcome your desire to preserve it. It is up to you whether you seize this chance of a new dawn, or whether another sun should rise, this time in the west, made of Man, and Hellfire.

Why are you so willing to throw your life away, for your country, your race, your loved ones. You all seem to want to die for a higher purpose. Don't you understand that when you throw your life away you die in vain. If we don't stop fighting we will all die in vain. Every day this pointless violence continues, we spit on the graves of those who died. But if we stop, put down our weapons, and join hands in friendship, when the last war has ended and the hatred in our hearts is forever cleansed, then the dead shall rise and their spirits shall cry "victory". For the dream they died for now becomes reality, and not one of them has died in vain."

This Magic is only power, it is up to you to make it magic. If you lose the Magic you suffer the same fate the Wizards and Witches of the world suffered.

My Mother once told me "Things may seem dark now but dawn is going to be astounding! It is a dawn I have dreamed would come to pass, but feared I would never live to see. Now I see it, the night is over and there is the dawn. The storm is over and there is the rainbow rising over there on the horizon. If ever you doubt in yourselves, look upon a rainbow, or the glorious sun, for the beauty of the world, if ever you feel that darkness can never be defeated, look upon the moon, for even in the darkest night the moon is out there to shine a light."

As the many people looked upon the dawn their hearts filled with hope, some looked back to Luna, wondering what rainbow she referred to as there was none they could see. When they did, they gasped in shock. For as suddenly as she had appeared, Luna Lovegood had vanished, leaving nothing behind but a wand, pointing towards the dawn.

Hermione felt the air snap to her side and looked to see Harry too, had vanished. Hermione looked to Ron who's face mirrored her own. "Don't worry I'm sure we'll see them again."

Hermione nodded. "I'll miss them though, who knows were they are off too."

Ron shook his head. "Off to the next adventure, or at least a much needed break. I know that's what I'm doing."

Ragnok laughed as he wiped what looked suspiciously like a tear from his eye. "Our work has just begun Weasley. We got to rebuild, and make sure the Moon Mother did not die in vein...or Filius..."

Ron sighed. "Shit..."

Hermione laughed as she rapped an arm around his shoulder then another around the Goblin King's head. "It's not so bad, things will be rough but...Well I guess I just have faith things will work themselves out in the end."

As Hermione looked out at the people she realized they were singing a different song. Singing that they shall overcome, and as they did she understood what they all saw in Luna, what Harry saw in Luna. She had seen the wisdom of youth, and the light in her eyes that should have long been put out. Whatever beatings she had suffered, both psychical and metaphorical, she had endured. She retained her innocence and gained only wisdom. Hermione felt unshed tears in her eyes as she laughed to herself, remarking how the Loony, the outcast, the individual, the butt of jokes and taunts, the one who read the Quibbler upside down, spoke of fiction as fact, and dressed like a hippie, was Luna, who shined the brightest of them all.

On the mysterious Island of Xanadu, two Magical beings walked up towards the tower, holding hands as they did so. Luna rested her head on Harry's shoulder, suddenly looking very tired. As they approached the tower a voice spoke from behind them.

"And so it comes to pass, That the Pupils return as Masters.

Harry Potter the Master of Death, Luna Lovegood the Master of Life.

Together you are Guardians. Gods of this time.

Immortal, Mythical, Legendary And yet, nothing more

Than ordinary Harry and Luna. Simple people I know,

And do love like children of my own"

Luna smiled gently. "You speak words of kindness, but words unwanted. I am no Master, just servant

who has finished her work and now only desires rest."

"Rest as in..." Nickolas Flamel frowned as he trailed off, making a motion of cutting his throat.

Luna's eyes widened at Flamel. "Goodness no, I just want a vacation. I've been rather busy lately."

Harry shook his head sadly. "You have been a spirit for too long Flamel."

The ghost nodded sadly. "Apologies but I have not known rest in years, for me rest is death, a death that never comes."

"That is partially why we are here." Luna replied. "Rest, we would like to stay here for a while. No missions and no quests. I was wondering if you would mind us staying."

Flamel smiled. "You are always welcome here, I missed you a great deal."

"Not to be rude but I believe there is someplace you would rather be." Luna hummed as Harry removed a stone from his pocket. "With your Wife."

Flamel gave a confused look before his eyes drifted to the stone of resurrection. Harry spoke, "You have told us of your woes, you have been a ghost for too long. I am offering you chance to finally rest, and"

Flamel looked up at Harry in a stunned silence causing Luna to giggle. "It is up to you, but it is a choice you should make quickly. You see we do not wish to be guardians or Masters. We just wish to be Harry and Luna, no more no less."

Flamel smiled proudly. "I assume you will keep your cloak Harry Potter.

"Yes but the Wand and Stone shall find themselves tossed into the sea." Harry confirmed.

Flamel looked to Luna who smiled. "I shall forget the secret to magic, so as not to be tempted by it. Power is so tempting for even the noblest of souls, which I am not."

"I vehemently disagree." Harry retorted causing Flamel to laugh.

"Your wisdom belies your years. So it shall be." Flamel uttered solemnly. "Let it me known..."

"Master of Life, Master of Death

The Master of Everything, Shall rule over Nothing."

Harry smiled and raised the stone. "You ready Flamel. to join your life in the afterlife?"

The Ghost let out a nervous nonexistent breath. "I confess, having waited so long for this moment. Now that it's here, I find myself afraid. I don't want to die, to go gently into that good night. I...I...I'm frightened...and yet...I see her face that haunts my pitiful lifeless life. I have not lived a day since you left me Perenelle. Your sad eyes which miss me, that weep in my dream for I have abandoned you to the eternal void of death alone. I'm tired, I have had more than I deserved. Oh sweet wife, sweet love, I'm ready. Please Harry, let me look upon her face again. Let me go home"

Harry nodded as he raised the stone and Flamel's spirit started to fade. Harry and Luna spoke as one . "Farewell Nickolas Flamel."

"Farewell my children, may magic forever bless you for this." Flamel whispered before he recited.

I stood within the Pleasure Dome Decreed by Kubla Khan,

I tasted anew the fruits of life, The last immortal man,

But now I return home at last, For even Immortal men must die

For I have dined on Honeydew, And seen the face of Paradise

Harry and Luna held hands and watched as Flamel's ghost faded until he vanished into thin air. Luna's leg buckled under her and if it wasn't for Harry' catching her she would have fallen to the ground. "Luna, are you OK?"

Luna sighed tiredly. "It's too much, this power, it will destroy me, leave me mad. I may not have shown it Harry, but giving magic to the world, was the most exhausting thing I've ever done. May I borrow your wand?"

Harry nodded and quickly hand Luna his wand and said. "Are you OK? Do you need any help?"

Luna shook her head. I have strength for this. Luna aimed the wand at Harry and whispered. "Neither of us can remember the secret of magic."

Harry nodded and said with a wink. "Knowledge is power, but power is overrated."

Luna laughed as she held the wand in front of both of their faces looking into each others eyes.


A white light flashed before their eyes, and just like that, the secret of magic was a mystery once more.

Luna sighed, feeling as if the weight of the world was lifted from her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around Harry and the two lay down on the ground. Harry caressed Luna's hair with his hand as he whispered. "Are you OK?"

Luna nodded dreamily. "It just funny, I finished my Mother's work, yet failed to fulfill her primary goal."

"What do you mean." Harry asked worriedly.

Luna smiled. "I pushed myself to the limit giving magic to the world, I'm afraid I had nothing left for myself."

Harry's face fell. "You mean you're..."

"The last Squib." Luna sighed sadly. "I believe I have cast my last spell."

Harry felt sorrow over come him as he held Luna closely. "I'm sorry Luna, if I could I 'd give you my magic."

Luna hummed. "It is not magic I lack, just the power to wield it. Do you still love me Harry?"

Harry nodded vehemently. "Of course I do, more than life itself."

Luna smiled and hugged Harry tightly. "Then I have all the magic in the world. Your love is all I ever really wanted. I believe all my Mother ever really wanted, was my happiness. I see nothing in the future but happiness and love."

Luna smiled as she kissed Harry passionately before whispering softly. "I may no longer remember the secret to magic, but I have found something far more rare and powerful. The secret to happiness."

Harry smiled as he felt emotions over come him. He thought back to when he was a lonely child with a life devoid of love, and realized how much it had change. Now he had friends, family and the the love of his life and he owed quite a bit of it to this most curious girl. In a hoarse voice he choked out. "I think I have too."

As they rested in silence Luna suddenly spoke. "I must admit, there is one more thing I would like to do..."
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