Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Thinking About You


by FFisoline 0 reviews

SasuxSaku/AU/OOC/SongFic: A wedding to attend to, flashbacks of a past love interest, unsettled emotions and all that other typical romantic clichés. But the biggest and greatest cliché of them a...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Sakura,Sasuke - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2017-10-23 - 3401 words - Complete



"/Will I be able to keep my promise to him?"/





The light bulb turns on as the refrigerator door opens.

A woman with rose gold hair and green eyes leans forward as she eyed the contents of the refrigerator. She reached for a can of beer before pulling herself away and closing the refrigerator door.

Sakura opens the can and helped herself to a few generous gulps.

She then made her way to the living room - wearing a light blue tank top and white pajama shorts - one hand on the can and one hand on the towel she was using to dry her hair.

She lets the towel hang on her shoulder as she joined Ino and Sai on the living room.

"The bath is free.", she announced as she sat down on the couch beside Ino.

"Okay.", Ino acknowledge her then turned to Sai who was sitting on her other side. "You want to go first?"

"Yeah sure." Sai handed Ino the remote control and stood up. She smiled at Sakura before he left the two girls alone in the living room.

Sakura drank from her beer can again. "Want one?", she offered.

Ino wrinkled her nose. "Nah. You know I don't drink the night before a day I need to be up early."

Sakura drank a few more gulps from the can before setting it down on the coffee table.

The two girls tuned in on the program.

Ino lowered the volume of the television. "So, are you sure that's what you're going to give them for a present?"

"Yeah. Why not? Your present is intended to please the bride so mine's intended to please the groom."

"Well, you do know him well enough to know what he likes after all." Ino shrugged.

Sakura nodded.

They turned their attention back to the television.

"Forehead." Ino spoke again after few moments.


"Whatever happens tomorrow, I hope you can be totally honest with yourself."


"Fight for your happiness Sakura."


A man that looks like Ino suddenly walked into the living room and made his way towards the door. "Ino.", he called.

"Dad?" Ino turned her head to look at him.

"I'm going to the hospital."

"What time will you get back?" Ino stood up and walked towards his father.

"I'm staying there for the night. There are some case files I wanted to review and you know I'm not allowed to take those out of the hospital.", he told Ino as he put on his coat.


"Your mom said she will head straight to the venue, from the flower farm. She will leave for the Uzumaki ancestral house early as dawn. If you want to help your mother set up for the wedding, you have to be there early as well."

"Got it." Ino gave her father a goodbye kiss. "Don't work too hard."

"Okay. Don't stay up too late."

"We won't."

Mr. Yamanaka raised an eyebrow at her. "Seriously. Don't stay up too late."

"Dad! We're not kids anymore."

"Okay." He patted her daughter on the head then turned to Sakura.



"Don't drink too much. Be strong okay? Don't do something you'll regret. Don't let love pass you by."

"Y-Yeah... Okay. Thanks... I guess."

The man nodded.

"And Sai!" he turned to Sai who just came back from his bath.

"Sir." Sai walked in, wiping his hair dry with his towel. He wore a plain black t-shirt and equally black sweat pants.

"You're the man of the house for tonight. You keep my little girls safe okay."

"Yes Sir." He smiled at the man.

"Well. I'm off!"

Ino trailed after her father, as he stepped out of the house, to walk him to his car.

"So, Ino's father works at the local hospital. Why didn't she?" Sai joined Sakura on the living room.

"Huh? Oh!" Sakura realized that Sai's question was directed at her. "Ino... She didn't want to work in an environment where people would see her as the shadow of her father. She wanted to show everyone that she could also be great."

"I see. That's very admirable of her."

"Yes. She is amazing."

"So why didn't you?"

Sakura blinked.

"Why did you decide to work at Senju Hospital in Tokyo?"

/"... at Senju Hospital..."/

A faint memory of a woman flashed in Sakura's mind. She blinked again.

/"Don't blink…"/

/"Why did you do it?"/

/"Sasuke-kun had asked me even before"/

/"He did?"/


"Sasuke-kun did what?", asked Sakura.

"Sasuke did it!", Ino beamed.

"Ino! What?! What did Sasuke-kun do?!"

"Whatever it is you wanted him to do that everyone didn't think he could do but he DID IT! He did what he had to do and now you can do it! It's gonna be you!", Ino squeaked.

Sakura crinkled her forehead and began rubbing her temple. "Seriously, what are you trying to tell me? You're not making any sense! It sounds like it's supposed to be good news but-"

"FOREHEAD!", Ino interrupted her. "He did it! I'm not sure how Sasuke pulled it off but he got eight place. Do you know what this means? You have a chance to beat Neji!"

"Wh- Really?"

Ino nodded. "Everyone's talking about it. They finally posted the results of the finals on the bulletin board."

"They did?"

"Yes! Maybe Sasuke's the reason why they posted it too late. You think, maybe the teachers were a little bit surprised that Sasuke got good scores that they postponed it to recheck his exams? Maybe they even had him take it again."

"That's a bit- Anyway, come with me! I want to take a look." Sakura stood up from her chair.

After picking up their things, the two girls left the almost empty classroom.


-was written on the board.




Sakura and Ino made their way to the bulletin board hanging on the wall between the faculty room and the principal's office. Sakura was delighted after confirming that Sasuke was in fact in eight place. Then she realized that she and Neji were tied on first place.

"I- I tied Neji on first place!", She realized.


"You're so sly! You mentioned Sasuke-kun to distract me. To keep me from checking my own ranking first."

"Congratulations~!", Ino sang.

"Ino! I did it!"

"Yes! You did!"



The two girls giggled cheerfully as they jumped for joy together while holding each other's hands.

"Tck." The girl named Ami clucked as she passed Sakura and Ino with her group.

"Rude much!", Ino sneered.

The group did nothing more and just went on their way.

"What's their problem?!", Ino blurted.

"Forget them Ino.", said Sakura. "Let's not let those girls ruin our mood."

Among the crowd that formed around the board, Sakura recognized two boys from their class. Neji and Lee.

Lee glanced at her and they're eyes meet.

Sakura smiled at him but tears formed in Lee's eyes.

He bowed to her then quickly ran off leaving Neji behind.

"Eh? Lee?" Sakura was confused by his action. "What... happened to him?"

"He's still upset about seeing you get on that motorcycle.", explained Neji as he walked towards them.

"That afternoon, with Sasori?", recalled Ino. "He saw that, huh?"

"All this time he thought you were just playing hard to get and made up this guy that you said you like.", said Neji.

"What?!", Sakura spat.

"For a while he led himself to believe that Uchiha was his rival for your love. Now he recognized his errors and it rendered himself unable to face you out of embarrassment and due to his broken heart."

"Seriously that guy!", Sakura sighed.

"Anyway." Neji held his hand to Sakura. "Congratulations."

"Oh... T-Thank you." Sakura took his hand and shook it.

"I've always admired your hard work and perseverance."

The two of them drew their hands back.

"But my achievements are nothing compared to yours."

Neji shook his head. "I've been tutored since I was young. I've had the liberty to take up advance classes and I'm even attending cram school. You on the other hand... I have heard that on top of this... you've been helping a Biomedical Engineering student of Tokyo University with his practice thesis."

"That's... I mean... this is the only time I've ever tied you in first place."

"Yes. But with this result, you'll definitely have the lead over me. We still have that extra point that will be awarded to us based on the pairing system."

"Oh. But, I'm pretty sure that without it... the results would've been the same as the previous ones. And at the end of the day, it's still all because of Sasuke-kun's efforts."

"Indeed, Uchiha has done his part but you played a major role in his performance. No one can ever deny that. ... Regardless of how the grading system works, I believe that you do deserve to be the number one."

Sakura was moved.

['Right... All this time... I was the only one who saw him as a rival. I was the only one who was competing for first place. All this time, he had just been doing his best.']

"Let's do our best again in the next term. Yamanaka as well."

"Yeah." / "Thanks."

Sakura and Ino smiled at him.

Neji nodded and excused himself then.

The door of the faculty office suddenly opened and Kakashi came out.

The students around the area bowed and greeted him.

"Kakashi-sensei~ See you next term."

Kakashi nodded at the students. "Ah. Enjoy your vacation."

As Sakura and Ino leaves, Sakura glanced back at Kakashi.

Kakashi glanced at the posted results then turned to Sakura. They looked at each other briefly before he went on his way as well.





Sakura ran towards Sasuke as soon as she saw him up ahead, staring into his shoe locker.

She threw herself over his shoulders to hug him from behind. And since he was tall, her feet were off the ground for a good second.

Sasuke was quick enough to shift his body weight forward so he wouldn't fall backwards.

"Oi!" / "Sakura!"

Ino was just as surprised as him with Sakura's actions.

"Did you see it yet?"

"Huh?" Sasuke quickly shut his locker closed.

"The results of the finals?! You're on the list."

"Oh." Sasuke glanced from Sakura to his shoe locker and back at her.

"And..." Sakura found herself distracted by his eye movements. "Guess what?"


"I tied... What was that by the way?"


"In your shoe locker. I barely glimpse it."

"It's nothing." He rested his hand on his locker and leaned his weight on it.

"Nothing?! There's something else in there other than your shoes. Was that... a love letter?"

"Huh?! Oh... Y-Yes it was."

"Eh?!" Ino joined Sakura in her surprised reaction.

"Are you suddenly popular again?", wondered Sakura.

"Who knows."

"So have you read it yet? Who is it from?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

The two of them stared at each other. Sakura moved away and Sasuke's eyes followed her. She tried stepping to the left and stepping to the right. Sasuke's eyes still followed her.

She tried going around him slowly and Sasuke shifted from his one hand to the other to keep up with her, without leaving his locker unguarded for even a second.

Ino didn't know how to react to the scene taking place in front of her. Once again, she was seeing a side of Sasuke that seems to only slip out whenever he was with Sakura.

"Fine!" Sakura raised her hands in surrender. She turned on her heel and Sasuke let his guard down.

A mischievous smile formed on Sakura's lips as she swiftly sneaked herself between Sasuke and the lockers.

She boxed him out as she snatched the letter from his locker but Sasuke was quick enough to steal it away from her.

"What the?!... Come on! Can't you show me?"

Sakura started on a series of attempts to reach the pink paper that Sasuke held by his outstretched hand. She jumped and skipped and twirled around Sasuke.

"It's address to me!", said Sasuke.

"But... don't you want a girl's opinion on the matter? It could be a prank."

"As a girl, you ought to be more considerate. Think of what the sender would feel if she found out I allowed someone else to read it!"

"Don't suddenly act so 'thoughtful and considerate' of strangers just cause it's convenient for you! You're so out of character!"

"You're not yourself right now either. This thing doesn't interest you!"

"But what if it really is a prank?! I'm not saying that it's weird for a girl to suddenly want to confess to you, but with your current reputation in this school, it's weird for a girl to suddenly want to confess to you!"

Sasuke transferred the letter to his other hand and raised it as high above his head as he could. "Why do you want to know so /bad/?!"

Sakura didn't even think twice to move in closer and chest to chest with him - or chest to abdomen to be more precise. Her left hand held unto his right arm for support as she stood on her toes. Her right hand was raised and pulling on his arm that held the letter.

"I haven't even decided whether to cheer for Karin or whoever that girl is. The last thing I need right now is for another girl to join the equation!"

Sasuke was about to say something but Choji spoke first. "Will these two ever stop flirting?"

Sakura and Sasuke whipped their heads towards Ino and saw that she was now joined by Naruto, Shikamaru and Choji.

"Shut up Choji!", Ino told him. "You don't know anything so keep your mouth shut, pig!"

"Pig?! Who you calling a pig, INO-PIG?!"

"Only Forehead can call me that you BIG FAT PIG!"




"ENOUGH!" Shikamaru stepped in between them. "You're both troublesome!"

Naruto just had the usual passive expression he always had whenever he saw Sasuke.

Sasuke's interactive mode shut down. He was about to reflect the same passive mood to Naruto just as he always did and Sakura took that as an opportunity to seize the letter from him. Then she stepped back away from Sasuke and turned around.

She was about to open the letter but to her surprised, Sasuke came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her head in order to cover her eyes.

With her back pressed against his chest, she knew what he would do next so she stretched her hand out forward. "Ino! Help!"

"Er." Ino wasn't ready to take any action at all.

"Naruto! Grab it!", Sasuke instructed.

Despite Naruto's surprise, he was able to move and retrieved the now opened letter from Sakura.

"N-Naruto?", said Sakura as she peeked through the space between Sasuke's fingers. She saw Naruto's eyes skimming the contents before folding the paper shut again.

Sasuke finally released her.

Sakura looked back at him. "Hey! Naruto read it!"


"Eh?! So Naruto can read the letter but I can't?!", she protested.

"Yes. Because he's my best friend..."

What Sasuke said shocked everyone then.

"...and I'd let him know first-hand before I make a move on a girl or accept one's confession."

Naruto smiled. Then he let his lips form a smug grin. "There you have it Sakura-chan!", he told her as he moved forward.

He didn't miss his chance to lightly smack her head with the folded paper before walking passed her and handing it back to Sasuke.

He then looked back at Sakura after Sasuke took it. "Sorry! But you only come in second to me!"

Sakura scowled and moved towards Ino. "Well. Just so you know Sasuke-kun! You also only come in second to Ino!" she held Ino's hand for emphasis.

"Second?", Sasuke smirked. "I'm above Sasori now?"

"Hah?!", Sakura sneered. "I take it back! And you know what?! You're actually /fifth/! Nurse Rin and Karin are definitely above you! Beh~!"

After sticking her tongue out towards Sasuke, she raised her chin at him.

"What a childish way to behave for being this schools second smartest student."

Naruto snorted. "Oooh~ Burn!"

"S-Shut up!"

Regardless of what anyone really felt, everyone ended up smiling after that.

"I'm off.", Sasuke excused himself in the friendliest way he could manage.

It was the first time in a long while that everyone saw Sasuke and Naruto go their seperate ways with a smile.

"Later Teme."

"Aa. Dobe."


"I'm so happy for you Naruto." Sakura told the blonde boy as soon as Sasuke was gone.

"Yeah!" Naruto grinned at her. "Aah! I just remembered! There was something I have to do!"

"Naruto?", Shikamaru wondered.

"Sorry. I can't go with you guys this time."

Shikamaru sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I get it. Go ahead Naruto."

"Thanks.", said Naruto then he ran off towards the exit.




Ino stretched her hands up. She felt a good weight off her back. "Finally! The summer break starts tomorrow!"

Sakura and Ino fell behind Shikamaru and Choji as they walk out of the gate.

"So Forehead, where should we go this summer? How about the beach?"

"Uhm, okay but I have to ask Orochimaru-san of I can take some days off. I still don't know my work schedule."

"You're really going through with that?" Ino stopped walking.

Sakura looked back at her and halted as well. "Yes."

"But won't you reconsider now that he and Naruto are okay again. How about letting Naruto take your place? It could be a good opportunity for them to catch up with one another. I'll help you ask him, if you like?"

"That's a good idea Ino! I'll ask Naruto to help us too."

"So you're still gonna do it?"

"Of course! I said I'd do it. Sasuke-kun has done his part so it's the least I could do to help him."

Ino sighed. "I guess so. Anyway it's only for this summer. After that, you're finally gonna be free of him. Surely, whoever you get paired with in the next term can't be as much trouble as him."

Realization dawned on Sakura.

['Oh yeah. I forgot. The pairings will be reshuffled in the next term.']

"... I'm sure whoever it is, you'll do an even better job since Sasuke was like... the most difficult to deal with. I really hope you beat Neji. No! We have to stay positive. You're definitely going to place first! And then, your parents will just have to let you move with me to Tokyo."


The two girls walked on.

"Then, it will be just you, me and Sasori. Like always!"

['Ino, me and… Sasori']

"Right Forehead?"


['Just the three of us. Like always.']

"Geez, it's so hot!", said Ino while waving her hand as a fan. "Want to get ice cream?"


['I wonder, what Sasuke-kun is going to do after high school? Where will he go?']


/"I promise, I'll still be there for you. I'll help you then. Fill that space."/

/"Thank you... For telling me words I didn't even know I needed to hear."/


['Will I be able to keep my promise to him?']




Sakura and Ino walked out of a convenience store. They were helping themselves to their popsicles as they made their way back to the sidewalk.

Sakura's phone vibrated.

"It's Karin. She sent me a picture message." said Sakura after checking her phone. "She wrote 'come quick' as the subject."

Sakura scrolled down and then she gasped.

"What is it?", Ino implored.

"It's a picture of Sasuke-kun and Naruto. But- They both look beaten up."

"Let me see!" Ino leaned closer to take a look.

In the picture, Naruto had his hand around Sasuke's shoulder - to keep him from getting away. Naruto had a big grin despite the multiple band-aids and bruises on his face. Sasuke's face was equally filled with band-aids. He looked half happy and half annoyed. In the back was a medical cabinet.

"We were just with them a while ago. What could've happened to them in such a short span of time?", Ino noted.

"Is this in the infirmary? It looks different.", wondered Sakura.

Ino took a closer look at the background. "No. That interior looks like- That picture was taken inside… Uzumaki General Hospital."



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