Categories > Original > Mystery > Rock Stars Go To Hell

Mental Perfection

by Playing_With_Fire 1 review

blah blah i aint giving away the surprise

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-09-15 - Updated: 2006-09-15 - 1295 words

Chapter 2
Mental Perfection

I rushed past Tito and through the backstage door. My first shot at fame and I was running late. I tried to form a story in my head I could say something like my ballgame went into overtime or traffic got ugly.
"Britney! You get into hair and makeup, your clothes are on that hanger over there," Philip said rushing amps around the back of the stage. Before I knew it I was sitting in a chair next to Davey on my right and Myles on my left. They were carrying on a conversation about what they would do if our song was a hit among the crowd and nick signed us to his label.
" Yea I would like bathe in the glory... and like do a couple of stage dives I guess playing my guitar while surfing the crowd," Davey said stroking the imaginary strings on his imaginary guitar.

" Hey! Britney, where have you been you're late we go on in like ten minutes," Myles said getting up out of his chair.

" Okay you got me I was talking my way out of getting grounded for sneaking out last night to come practice..." I began to lower my voice seeing as Myles wasn't paying me any attention.

Gina straightened my long layered hair and then dabbed a waxy rock star wax onto her hand and began to work my hair into a messy, I bang my head way to much, style. I personally liked my pink on blonde and blonde on black style, but I guess she wanted to what's the word define the separation between the colors.
Gina finished my hair and three make up artists moved in on me. I was choking from all the base and powder they gobbed on my face. They lined my eyes with a thick black line on upper and lower lids, they curled my lashes and put several coats of mascara on them. I closed my eyes and they painted on a glowing pink layer of sparkling eye shadow. After their tortuous grasp I broke free and whipped into my black dress and cuffs just before I was showered with body spray and sparkles. I wheezed I think I swallowed the whole can of spray.
I turned and walked straight into Blake holding my white and silver Gibson guitar.

(I don't really know what it is Blake didn't tell me when he gave it to me btw this is in real life)

" Hey!" he breathed into my ear as he slid his arm across my lower back.

" Hey what are you doing back here?" I asked turning around so that his arm slid off my hip to his side.

" I'm just back here to wish you luck and..." his words trailed off as Philip pushed me too the stage. I was being poked and prodded by people I didn't know. I had my ear piece shoved in by some midget standing on a ladder. Blake ran up behind me and draped my guitar strap over my shoulder. Blake just stood there with a look of absence on his face a look that suggested he didn't get to tell me what he wanted to.
I walked out across the dark stage careful not to trip over anything. The spotlight was on the announcer Steven (Steven's Untitled Rock Show). There were cameras everywhere. Cameras for FUSE, MTV, and VHI were standing specks from the stage.
The first song in our five song lineup was Forget Me! Don't Regret And Kill Yourself. I began the count strong and confident. We sounded great I found nothing wrong we were perfect the guys were doing their jobs we worked on perfectly. I couldn't have asked for more when Dillon's guitar solo came up he had made a few adjustments that he didn't tell anyone about, which scared the living hell out of me, but the crowd loved it . We went through the next few songs my hands plucking the chords with perfection. Not one screw up. We were going to nail this record signing.
" Our last song for you guys tonight ,Overdosed, is dedicated to our birthday boy Blake Thomas and my Dad who's in a better place now." I spoke into the mic as if it were my mirror five years ago. " Let's give Blake a round of applause and a happy birthday on three." I said with excitement, I knew Overdosed would blow Nick away and he couldn't resist signing us to his record label.
"1, 2, 3..." I said.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKE!" the crowd roared with excitement.
The smooth chord transitions everything we worked on definitely showed. Our debut was extreme we had a light show and smoke was everywhere.
" I'm laying here on a ... cold steel table ... black tar is pumping through my veins ... they're trying to stop the poison ... stop my suicide attempts ... JUST LET ME GO... I can feel the blood pumping through my veins ... Slowing down at a rapid pace ... My heart stops beating now ... My lungs stop breathing now ... I've had an overdose ... Just let me go," I sang and began to fade. The crowd roared and Blake walked across the stage. Gunshots rang through the air. I looked up the isle of the theatre and seen two guys standing there. Tito grabbed them in headlocks and the next thing I know the cops were standing at the doors hand cuffing the guys. I looked down at Nick who was ducking under his chair. I ripped my ear piece off and set my guitar on the stage floor. Blake helped me down and I made my way through the crowd. In the center of the mob I seen Sean laying there a bullet wound to his head. A velvet red pool of blood was around him. Sean had been a family friend for a long time, he's the reason we made it thus far. I knelt down beside him picked up his head and stroked the tuft of hair that wasn't stained with blood. A single tear slid down my cheek.
" Call an ambulance!" I begged my face burned red with anger.
Everyone just stood there staring at me like I was stupid or something.
The ambulance arrived ten minutes later and Sean was pronounced dead on arrival. Blake grabbed me and I buried my face into his shoulder.

The next day my picture was on the front page of every newspaper in the country. The headline read " Blow Out Performance and Still Unsigned".

They started off...but they resound as sharp as they sound. You can't mistake the sound. First click, then the visible breath, both parting the biting cold of the night. They came, they come in time....
New York Times

I still wasn't signed, but I was every teenaged girls idol. This would be the perfect opportunity to plant the seeds of sin inside all their little heads. I grabbed for a paper, but my hand clashed with Sonny's.
" Hey nice picture," he said. He seemed as though Blake had the night of the big show as if he had something he wasn't telling me that he wanted to.
" Thanks, Sonny is there something you need to tell me or are you like just acting this way for some odd reason?" I asked looking at him in the eyes. He looked like a deer caught in the glowing stream of headlights.
" Oh, Brit it's nothing I promise," Sonny said with a look of frustration on his face.
" Sonny if there's anything I can do just tell me okay," I said to his back as he walked away. He just waved his hand in the air. Does Sonny like Britney? Will they get signed? What will happen between Blake and Sonny?
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