Categories > Original > Mystery > Our World of Terror

chapter 4

by annabethchase6 0 reviews

chapter 4

Category: Mystery - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2018-01-13 - 242 words - Complete

Kyle and Johnnie were getting the flashlights from the bedroom. Johnnie picked up a light from the bedside table; he turned around to have Kyle standing directly behind him with a flashlight under his chin, "Boo!"

He quickly jolted back in fright. "God Kyle, don't do that!" He gave him a slap on the arm, "almost gave me a heart attack."

"Ha-ha sorry."

"Not the time to be scaring people dude. We have someone trying to kill us." Johnnie turned his back and bent down to get the light he dropped.

"But...what if the killer is me?" Kyle sneered.

"huh?" Johnnie turned around only to be stabbed in the stomach by the same steel hunting knife that Alex had been killed with just hours before.

Johnnie fell to his knees, in too much pain to make a sound as the blood covered knife was pulled from his stomach and blood poured from the open wound.

"I said," Kyle whispered staring coldly into his 'best friends' eyes, "What if the killers me?"

Looking up into the eyes of a cold-blooded murderer Johnnie Guilbert drew his last breath and collapsed dead onto the floor.

Slipping the bloody knife back into his back pocket and covering it with his shirt, Kyle quickly placed himself by the entrance to the room, put on his best-horrified face and screamed.

"Oh my god, Jeydon! Jordan!"

short chapter i know but the next will be longer i promise!
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