Categories > Movies > Star Wars > The Resistance

Chapter Ten: Darkness Rises and the Light to Meet It

by Studentwriter666 0 reviews

chapter 10

Category: Star Wars - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2018-02-13 - 3959 words

Rey sat atop a large sand dune, pulling apart small bits of bread and tossing them into her mouth absentmindedly as she stared up at the approaching hoard of dark clouds, a sight she had never seen juxtaposed against the light sands of Jakku.

Down below pilots were testing out the odd navy the Resistance had amassed on Tatooine. Many allies did not have the means to join them with the most armored and up to date ships, and so the whole grouping was a mixture of vessels, many old and on their last days. Poe had been put in charge of organizing the fleet, which was proving to be quite difficult.

"Look we need to have someone take up the vanguard of the attack!" He threw his hands up in the air, his voice carrying up to Rey from her high perch.

A Wookie began yelling at him, flailig its own harry arms in response and taking an angry step towards him.

Rey chuckled as she watched Chewie run over to stop the fight that was about to break out, having a few choice words for both of them.

Further in the distance, closer to the ruins of the old base, she could see her small grouping of apprentices, practicing with each other using the weapons Rose had designed. Unfortunately they did not have the means nor materials to construct lightsabers from scratch, but she had designed for them, using scavenged materials, sword like weapons and light armor that they now vigorously tested against each other, honing their abilities to intertwine their force sensitivity with close combat fighting.

Their powers were still weak, but their connectedness was strong, the impending battle and fight for freedom was likely acting as a catalyst, driving them to become more in touch with their abilities.

Over the past two days since she'd spoken with Leia a sense of calm had come over her. A sense of acceptance of her fate and those around her. Everyone had been pushing themselves to prepare, and so had she along with them, but now things had slowed. Resistance fighters were now attempting to enjoy the few days they had left before battle, days that could possibly be their last, and that was what Rey was doing now. Sitting in the sand as she had done all her life, feeling it's warmth beneath her like the heat of a companion, she enjoyed the sight of community, of the family she had suddenly accumulated all thanks to a lost droid.

She stood up, mind in thought, and slowly slid down the sand dune, feeling the air cooling on her bare arms. she walked off past the training fleet and joined her pupils, watching their techniques and giving them some feedback, mostly regarding the use of their minds over their physical force. She was proud of their progress, knowing that she was yet the teacher they deserved but hoped to be in the future, if they survived the coming battle.

She left them to continue on and meandered past the base in search of the canyon.

It was quite wide, but not immensely deep, almost as deep as a walker was tall and expanding out in the shape of a long rectangle which narrowed at the ends, ideal places of retreat. Resistance members were currently in the process of finishing off small nooks along the sides of the canyons from which they could hide and shoot long range weapons from.

She looked down, her foot resting on the ledge, sprinkles of sand falling over into the open air of the canyon.

Trenches were also in the process of completion, ones similar to those on Crait, with tunnels leading back to the underground base.

She slowly lowered herself to her knees, and reached over the edge, placing her palms against the canyon wall, and closing her eyes.

Was it fate, she thought. Was there some design beyond her that had brought her here to this place, that had led her to meet the individuals she had met. Was the force more than an element at the heart of everything, was it a creator too, did it influence, did the light and dark ebb and flow, like the ocean against a shore, of its own accord?


Her eyes sprang open as she heard the alarm calls going off inside the base.

They’d arrived.

She could hear yelling all around as others were awoken from their slumber. Roll calls were being called out in various languages as contingents gathered their own together. Orders were being screamed. It was a flurry of chaotic preparation.

She threw herself out of the small cott in a panic and began pulling out the tan leather armour that had been made for her, tying it on in a rush on her arms and shins, a simple wool tunic of light gray and white underneath.

She hooked her lightsaber on her belt and ran out of the small room in search of her companions.

The landing bay was full of frantic activity as well. The large roof doors had been opened revealing the dark tatooine sky above which threatened rain at any moment. It was the dead of night, and yet there was an eerie illuminating glow to the sky.

Ships were taking off already, flying out to lure the First Order to take up position in the canyon. Tired eyes were wide with anxiety and determination. Friends held each other for their last goodbyes. Helmets were being pulled on, communication devices checked. Tears streamed, jaws hardened, eyes alight, the emotions in the air were palpable.

She found them by the Falcon.

Poe was prepping Chewie and BB-8 over strategic maneuvers. Finn and Rose were locked in an embrace.

Chewie spotted her first, pushing Poe out of the way he picked her up in an embrace. She laughed, holding him back as her feet flailed above the ground.

“I’ll be fine I’ll be fine!” She chuckled as he called out. He put her down, laying a hand on her shoulder. With his head hanging he let out a soft call. “I think he would be proud too.” She replied back, an ache in her heart.

Poe threw an arm out to shake her hand. “I’ll trust you’ll do what needs to be done?”

She gave him a firm shake, nodding her head. “Only if you’ll take care of my ship.”

They laughed, pulling each other in for a brief hug.

Rose lay her hand in silent comfort on Rey’s arm before leaving in a hurry to the control room where her expertise was needed. She would be manning controls under General Organa along with a small crew meant to oversee operations and commands at the base.

Finn stood, watching her go with a tear in his eye, before he turned to Rey with a half smile. “Are you ready to do this thing?”

She let out a deep sigh, giving a curt nod, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for this, for any of it, but if it means putting an end to this tyranny than I’ll make sure I’m ready.”

The turned to wave at Chewie, Poe and BB-8 as they boarded the Falcon.

Rey and Finn stood shoulder to shoulder and watched as the ship came to life, ascending upwards into the darkness.

Face turned up, following its ascent, she felt a raindrop hit her nose, her eye, her forehead.

The rain had started.


She could barely see through the rain, streaked with mudd, and combined with sweat which streaked down her face, stinging her eyes. She dodged a blow, slipping in the mud and falling to her knees. Using the sudden move she sent her lightsaber swinging, cutting out the legs from the attacking storm trooper. Their screams of agony joined the chorus of others on the muddied battlefield.

Rain poured down in a deluge, muddying the canyon floor, making it hard to move and see, an advantage for Resistance fighters who had equipped themselves with lighter more flexible armour. The dull glow of the night was interspersed with flashes up above from shooting and exploding ships as the two navies whirled in a dance to the death.

Below ground forces were neck and neck, with Resistance fighters holding their own, and striking down one stormtrooper after another, and yet, they just kept coming. They were outnumbered three to one, meaning they could not advance on the First Orders army of stormtroopers, for once one was killed, another would come forward to take their place. They’d expected this to some degree, and that’s why they’d taken their stand in the canyon, where their limited numbers could stand firm and keep back the attacking army without being surrounded. But ground fighters were growing weak and the battlefield was growing increasingly difficult to navigate through the mud, rain, and bodies.

Rey had lost track of time as she struck down one stormtrooper after another, always keeping an eye on Finn to her left as they tried to advance to no avail.

When they’d joined the battlefield shooters were already in the midst of a barrage upon the neat rows of stormtrooper after stormtrooper as they were lowered down from First Order ships on the other end of the canyon. Those ships were the number one target for resistance ships for not only did they carry troops, they carried commanding officers, including General Hux. But as more and more troops descended, flooding the canyon along with the rain, ground troops amongst the resistance fighters were ordered to march forward, shooters and shield wielding fighters in the front, and close quarter combatants in the back.

Now all manor of troops were littered across the battlefield as careful strategic planning crumbled beneath the rain and sher numbers of opponents.

Four bodies of white armor ran at her, catching the glow of her green lightsaber in the darkness. She’d become a target.

She threw out her left hand, yelling with a adrenaline, and sent them flying back. They tumbled backwards and she flew at one, jumping up and bringing her lightsaber down into their neck, whirling down onto one knee to dodge the blow of another, swinging and bring the lightsaber into their back as they tried to turn. Jumping to her feet and grabbing the hilt with both hands she stood firm to meet the blow of the third trooper, kicking them in the stomach before swinging and grazing off the top of their helmet and head. The four, having lost their weapon on the mudd pulled out a blaster. She closed her eyes, feeling out in the air as the trigger was pulled again and again. Swinging her lightsaber she blocked one blast after another, taking a step forward each time until she brought her lightsaber down, clipping off their hand.

The force of the movement sent her slipping again and she fell onto her back in the mud. The rain choking her she turned her head to the side. Next to her lay the lifeless body of one of her young apprentices, the young stowaway from Naboo. She rolled onto her stomach, tears streaming down her face, and crawled towards his body. A sob escaped her lips as she cradled his head gently between her hands. She pulled back, fixing his hair before softly closing his open lids.

Abruptly another explosion brightened the night above as a First Order bomber was shot down directly above the canyon. Flames flew out in all directions as another explosion ripped through the bomber as it began to descent to the ground in a fireball. Rey jumped to her feet, striking a stormtrooper out of her way, she ran through the mud towards Finn. He was surrounded by two troopers with batons. Running full speed she flew past the troopers and lunged at Finn so that they both fell into one of the trenches just as the flaming carcass of the bomber landed like an earthquake on the canyon floor, right where Finn had been. She landed on top of him, shielding his body as flaming pieces of the bomber came crashing into the trench, a scorching piece of metal flying by and nicking her shoulder before flying in the the dirt wall of the trench

Rey let out a scream of agony, clutching at her arm.

Coming out of shock Finn wriggled out from under Rey who still shielded him, and gently lay her down on the trench floor as she fought back more screams of pain. He inspected the wound, “Rey the wounds been cauterized, you’re lucky.” The metal debris had been so hot, it had closed the wound as soon as it had made it, searing the skin and blood vessels shut as it shot by.

Rey nodded her head, trying to collect herself, trying to overcome the excruciating pain coming from her right shoulder.

“Wait what the hell were you doing?” Finn suddenly yelled, his words barely audible over the
deafening sound of metal on metal, blasters, screams, machinery, and now the cracking of fire, coming from the battlefield above.

“Saving your life?” Rey shifted her body, sitting up so she was resting on her knees. “It was coming right for you, I, I had to.” She shrugged.

Finn wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm, making a face at her. “I can take care of myself,” he grumbled before the corners of his mouth lifted, “thank you.” He stood, keeping his head tucked into the level of the trench, and reached out a hand to help her up.

Rey smirked and extended her arm, taking his and standing up.

Suddenly the wind was knocked out of her

She felt nothing, her body going numb, she saw nothing, her eyes glazing over with darkness. A moment passed in emptiness before a set of familiar dark irises appeared, a puckered scar slicing down one side, glared out at her. She could feel the searing warmth of his mind suffocating hers in a red glow. She felt his breath raising hairs against her neck as he whispered with venom, “Let’s do what we must.”


She threw her eyes open.

Finn was holding her up, gripping firmly onto her arms, staring frantically into her eyes as he struggled to keep her on her feet. “Rey, are you alright, what happened, what did you see?”

“He’s here,” she whispered. “He, he’s not coming to the battlefield, he’s at the base.” she spoke in a daze, staring out but not seeing, eyes open but glazed, and then the pieces fit together. “He’s at the base!” She yelled at Finn, grabbing the collar of his jacket. “Leia! Rose!”

Before she could say another word Finn had let go of her, crouching low he ran towards one of the tunnels in the trench that led back to the base. Rey followed, stealing a glance behind her to make sure they weren’t being followed before throwing herself down on hands and knees and catching up behind him in the tunnel.

It wasn’t a long crawl before the tunnel opened up into a larger tunnel that joined the maze of intertwining, twisting channels that made up the underground base.

Finn stood unsure, looking left to right, chest rising and falling with frantic breath.

“Left!” Rey called as she got to her feet, instantly taking off behind Finn as he sprinted for the control room.

It was almost completely empty save for lieutenant Connix frantically shouting orders into a headset as her fingers glided over a control panel.

“What’s going on? Where is everyone?” Finn looked around with confusion and worry, Rey at his back, panting from their sprint and aching from her shoulder.

“It’s not looking good.” She shook her head, bracing her arms out againsts the control panel. “Kylo Ren arrived with a small contingent of forces. He’s trying to regain control of the First Order, but, but if he does, if his forces join what’s left of the First Order, we have no hope of winning this…” Her voice trailed off in a defeated whisper.

Rey stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on her back. “Where are they?”

Connix looked up. “We lost transmissions to our ground troops. There was no other option but to send commanding officers and control technicians up to the old base to meet the two armies. I’ve lost communications with them too now.”

“Let’s go” Finn took a step towards the door, but Rey threw out her arm to block him.

“No. Go gather more ground troops and sneak them out through the trenches.” Her voice was firm with authority. They couldn’t help just the two of them, they needed more resistance fighters, plus she knew, she knew his better judgement would be clouded by his feelings for Rose, just as they had with her in the past. Finn stood firm, his mouth in a hard set line. “Trust me,” Rey pleaded, “I’ll make sure she’s alright.”

Finn let out a sigh, but gave her a curt nod before running out back the way they had come.

She stood for a moment, collecting herself. She was muddied and dripping wet from battle, cuts littered her arms, blood streaked down her forehead from a small cut, bruises riddled her body, she could feel a large one on her ribs from being kicked in the side. Her shoulder ached, and every move with her right arm sent ripples of pain through her body. She wiped the blood, mud, and rain from her face before checking she still had her lightsaber and sprinting out the door with determination.

She ran through the twisting corridors, choosing to come out from one of the hidden entrances of the underground base situated at the back of the ruins of the old. The rain was still pelting down without cease. The gray skies above were lighter, dawn would be breaking from behind the dark clouds soon.

The back of the base was empty of life. Up above ships flew, turning, dodging, twisting, as they evaded fire. There must have been hundreds of them filling the sky. Some whirled by alight with flames, others crash landed in the distance. Not far she could hear the torrent of noise coming from the canyon.

She crept along the the large crumbling ruins of the base until she spotted them.

In the open space just in front of the base were the fallen remains of an Upsilon-class Command Shuttle, the very one she had spotted transporting troops and carrying commanding officials. It lay in complete ruin, one of its wings had been ripped off and lay several miles away on fire. Billowing columns of black smoke swirling up out of the wreckage. Small pieces of debris from the ship lay scattered everywhere. A large fire at the tail of the ship illuminated the scene before her.

There was a stand-off.

His ranking First Order officers in suits of black and gray, along with surviving crew members, crouched behind the intact wing of the shuttle, their blasters in hand.

Across from them, seeking refuge behind a fallen pillar from the old base was the small group of control technicians and Resistance officials.

In the space between stood General Hux, his arm wrapped around General Organa’s neck, the other holding a blaster to her temple.

“IF ONE SHOT IS FIRED I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER.” He screamed in his shrill voice across at the Resistance fighters.

Leia stood calm beneath his grasp. Her eyes flashed to Rey, spotting her peeking out from a corner.

She crouched lower, carefully trying to get closer. When she felt she was close enough without detection, without hesitation she threw out her hand. The blaster instantly flew out of Hux’s grip, flying across the space and into her awaiting palm. Hux’s face fell with concern, he was practically shaking with fear and anger, but as soon as he saw Rey step out into the void, pointing the blaster at him, his tension eased slightly.

He sneered at her as she stepped closer to him. He still held onto Leia, unwilling to let go the only insurance that he could get out of the situation alive. “Ha! I was wondering when you would arrive.”

“Let her go!” Rey yelled, her arm still steadily raised, pointing the blaster right at his head.

He pulled Leia in closer, using her as a shield. Rey could see the panic still in his eyes. He had run out of options without his blaster. She took a step closer. He took a step back, dragging the general with him.

Suddenly his mind was made up, rain pelting down, he thrust Leia at Rey and screamed, “Shoot! Shoot them!”

He jumped to the ground just as Rey caught Leia in her arms, dropping the blaster in the process.

Without time to think twice she thrust Leia behind her and threw out both of her hands, stopping their hit right before the first blasters shot could make contact with her chest. It hovered right before her and she sent it flying back at the First Order commanders as they began their assault on her. She was stopping one blaster after another in a manner of seconds.

Before the Resistance fighters could even move forward to advance and get them to safety a booming voice ripped through the night in the shadows beyond. “Attack! Both of them!” Came his deep voice, filtered through the baritone of his mask, making it inhuman.

She sent the stunned blaster rays out towards his deep voice in the darkness with the flick of her wrist.

Suddenly his red lightsaber appeared, meeting the blasters rays so that not a one touched him.

Before another move could even be made, before another hand could even be raised to shoot or stop a shot, the sound of a blaster went off and a scream of agony echoed out across the empty space.

Leia had tried to flee in the sudden flurry of activity, making a run for the pillar and other Resistance members, but what no one had seen was General Hux, using the sudden distraction to crawl and grab hold of the blaster that Rey had dropped. As soon as Organa had made a run for it, he’d shot her.

“NOOOO” Rey screamed, instantly running towards her crumpled body in the wet sand. She fell to her knees in front of the general.

Around them battle had begun. Four fighters in black armour had stepped forth from the darkness beyond the glow of the alight shuttle and split off, two turning to attack the Resistance fighters, and two turning to attack the First Order officials.

But all that was lost to Rey as she pulled Leia towards her, cradling her body, supporting her neck against her arm. Her body was almost limp, the blaster had hit right in her stomach and blood was seeping out onto the light gray of Leia’s dress. Leia raised her hand weakly and Rey grabbed it, clutching it tightly in her own.

Eyelids barely able to remain open she looked up at Rey, the rain streaming down her face. Rey could feel Leia’s body going limp in her arms. Slowly Leia opened her mouth to speak, “Darkness rises and the light to meet it.” She whispered with her last breath. Her eyes closed, mouth drooped, and then her head fell limp.
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