Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Mafia

Hello Dolly!

by Ballroom_Blitz 1 review

Gerard is still being a mysterious little shit.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2018-05-16 - 768 words

Gerard's P.O.V

"YOU'RE GONNA DO WHAT?!?" Mikey pretty much yelled in my ear, I pushed on his shoulder so he’d land on his ass on the couch where it belongs. He hissed in pain holding his bandaged side.
“Fucking hell...” he muttered, glaring at me all the while. I did feel kinda guilty but you gotta do what you gotta do.
“Sorry Mikes but we got important stuff to discuss, huh?”
Mikey pulled a face but kept quiet, thankfully.
"Alright fellas, we got one shot to get fucking awful, dangerous long shot. Not gonna lie, don't have a fucking clue how this is gonna turn out but fuck, when has that ever stopped us before?!" I was at my usual spot, pacing in front of the fire. It helped me think, helped keep my focus. I didn't even have to look at the rest to know what their reactions would be.
"After weeks of trailing and interrogating, our dearest Franklin here finally got a lead. We have inside knowledge that Moretti-Urie's right hand man will be at an exclusive hotel bar for a meet with the leader from another family. Dunno what it’s about but Moretti-Urie is desperate and that doesn’t bode well for us. Whatever they’re up too, they don’t want us knowing. It also means if they get a single fucking hint of us being involved, then all of this motherfucking shit we’ve been through recently is for nothing. Moretti-Urie will go back underground and chances are we’ll never find him again...That's why we need to send in an unknown factor...someone allouring, sexy, charming, good at playing coy...Pandora is the obvious choice" This prompted a literal growl from Frank, much to my personal amusement. Better not to toy with him too much. He may be a midget but he might just be able to jump high enough to rip my god damn head off.
"Chill Frankie, I'm kidding man. Pandora is a marshmallow, she'd crumble anyway. Or is squash the right word..."
"You ain't making me feel any better Boss!" I glanced at Frank, his jaw was clenched and his fingers were interlocked, cracking his knuckles. Jesus, it must be fucking love if he's this pissed off.
"So you're sending Scarlette in instead." Ray interjected, ever the voice of semi-reason in this house.
"Yeah...Scarlette", I mused. I wasn’t entirely happy with the plan but fuck knows I didn’t have any thing else to go with right now.
“Uh, Boss. If I may interject, again?” I could see Ray mulling everything over out of the corner of my eye. I braced myself, getting ready for the “voice of reason” to derail my plan.
“Proceed Toro”. I leaned against the fireplace, pulled out a cigar from the box on the mantelpiece and bit off the end before lighting it in the fire. I didn’t usually bother with cigars but this was turning out to be a special occasion after all. Or maybe that was just my excuse, whatever.
“You say Scarlette is an unknown factor but...Moretti-Urie was awful close to Scarlette. Awful, awful close it would seem”.
My teeth clamped around the end of the cigar, it might be my turn to growl now.
“If ya got a point Toro you better damn well make it fast. Otherwise I ain’t sure if you’re gonna live long enough to finish it”
“True but who else would put up with your shit all day?” The man had a point so I motioned for him to continue.
“Well I’d have thought given Scarlette’s past with them-”
“-Say it again. I dare you”.
“All right, all right...But! All I’m saying is, if you send in Scarlette chances are this guy would recognise her. Blow the whole damn thing”
“Ah see now we’ve thought about that. HAVEN’T WE SUGAR?!” I seen the boys look confused as I yelled the last part out. Good! Always keep them guessing, that was my motto. Dunno how well it was working out but eh, that’s life.

Scarlette slinked into the room, head up high, hips swaying deliciously as ever. Her ruby red hair was now the same violent purple colour as Pandora’s, only now reaching half way down her back in gentle waves. She had coloured contacts in, changing her naturally brown eyes to forest green. Her make up had been revamped, changing the shape of her face. She looked different, beautiful as ever but different.
Hello boys”.
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