Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fighting To Live
Fighting To Live
(#) patrickdance4me 2006-09-19
hehe my throat hurts and i kinda lost my voice. it sucks. but anyways... i love this freaking story seriously you should update lite uber fast! :) aw when i was little i always wanted to get married on April 26. Dunno why it just sounds like an awesome date to get married. woohoo. of course they are going to have a killer wedding party afterwards. with drinks. :)Author's response
aww gargle salt water, that helps. hope you get your voice back and your throat stops hurting soon. haha thanks. Stacey should be updating soon. I hope lol. april's a pretty great month to get married, just as long as it doesnt rain lol.Fighting To Live
(#) pixied_secrets 2006-09-19
okay, seriously...i just read all of the stories leading up to this (i haven't stopped reading to review yet...that's how great it is)and I have gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep in the middle of them. i'm's like crack for my mind. i'm going threw withdraws...please update!!!Author's response
aww wow. hopefully you got more sleep. glad you liked the stories. xoxo - Laura
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