Categories > Books > Harry Potter > It's Only Love

It's Only Till Death

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

I'm saying nothing, if you've read this far then enjoy the next chapter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2018-07-05 - 5070 words

It's Only Nargles?

By The Nargles!

Beta read by The Nargles!

Staring The Nargles!

Note from the Nargles

This chapter features no Nargles...


Wait What?! Oh that's Bullsh-

It's Only Till Death

By Marvolo666

Beta Read by Mrxdeathx808

My dearest friend Hermione

I hope Christmas is treating you well, my Christmas as been rather awesome so far. I've never been happier. I know you had asked why I was so giddy on the train ride home and I told you I wasn't. You said I was acting loonier than Luna Lovegood and I started laughing so hard I broke a rib? Well there was a reason I was giddy.

I need you to come to the Burrow for New years eve. I know that tonight's new years eve and you probably want to spend the day with your family. That said I confess that I'm about to do something really stupid and I really want you with me. I understand the last thing you want is to be in Ron's company but please, for my sake be friends again for one day. You and Ron are the closest thing I have to a family and the way you two feel about each other will never change that.

War is coming Hermione, you care about Ron whether it be as friends or more. He cares for you too, in his own way. Do you really want to spend this Christmas mad at each other, or do you want the Golden Trio to go on another adventure, one that doesn't involve near death experiences for once. Remember, every day could be our last, not just because of the war. Life is fragile, so is friendships, please don't let this one end in regret.

If nothing else, I'm sure you two can act civilly for a couple hours and frankly, you will want to stop me from doing this so you better come and try. Of course, I won't be able to do this without you so...I guess it's your call.

Your dearest friend Harry

P.S It's Luna here, my Owl is sick so Harry is letting me send my gift with his letter. It helps you see Nargles and those they infest. Merry Christmas, see you soon.

Hermione reread the letter in her hand for the 7th time. It was not lost on Hermione that the letter was longer and more articulate than any letter Harry had ever written, it also held the bubbling energy that burst from Harry the day they went home for the holidays. He was smiling, giddy and unrecognizable from the moody boy she knew so well. There could only be wrong culprit. LOVE POTIONS!

Luckily Hermione had prepared for this eventuality and had already prepared the antidote. To her surprise however, not only did Harry not resist taking the antidote, nothing even happened. Either Hermione's potion didn't work or Harry wasn't being affected by a love potion. Since the first option was so ludicrous it wasn't even considering, that left Hermione back to the drawing board trying to figure out her friends sudden change in attitude. She still remembered what he had said as the train arrived in London.

"I'm fine Hermione, thing are truly great, I've never been better. I know what will defeat him, I know the power he knows not."

Hermione's Christmas with her parents had been as awful as to be expected. Her parents had continued to drift farther apart from her and deep down Hermione suspected they wish they never had a child. She was certain she was an accident, and frankly for a time was certain her Mother must've conceived her during one of her many flings that Hermione pretended not to know about. It seemed more plausible then the idea of her parents actually conceiving at all. It wasn't until she had spoken with the Gringotts Goblins that they confirmed she was indeed the daughter of her parents. At least she was still Muggleborn, and could continue to show the Purebloods they were full of shi... I mean full of it.

What? Hermione's love of rules may have been damaged, but she still didn't swear, she had some standards after all. For the record, her disillusionment came from her realization that her parents didn't really care about her not matter how well she behaved. It also might have changed when incompetent Wizard Schools and Governments ran things only for it to become regular occurrence for children to be nearly killed under their watch, and allowed the Wizarding equivalent of Hitler and Freddy Kruger to pull a Lazerus by rising from the dead, and regaining power.

What was she talking about again...oh yes the letter. As much as her Christmas vacation had become a boring time, reading nonstop while her parents spent the Holidays at the dentist and her Father was abused the laughing gas, it was certainly better than spending it as this letter had all but demanded, in the company of...Him! The backstabbing, red headed, heart throb, I mean human vacuum...

Hermione was interrupted from her confused thoughts by a knock on the door. A horrid shrill smokers voice hollered out. "Hermione, It's your Aunt Martha. Are you in there? Martha needs another foot rub!"

"Oh dear God not Aunt Martha!" Hermione utter in horror before drawing her wand. Not for the first time thanking Merlin that she was of age. With a wave of her wand she conjured a note for a parents and disapparated. Anything was better then Aunt Martha!

She arrived at the Burrow in one peace and sided. Heck an awkward afternoon in her insensitive crushes company was still far more tolerable than Aunt Martha!

"Hello Hermione." A voice squeaked causing Hermione to yell.

She spun around looking for the source of the voice, but couldn't see anyone. She suddenly felt something tug on her pants. "Miss Granger, Dobby be down here."

Hermione looked down and saw the Elf wearing the strangest suite she'd ever seen. It looked as if someone had tossed random paints on it. "Dobby, What are you wearing?"

Dobby smiled with crooked teeth. "The Great Harry Potter told me to buy clothes for myself with his money, but they were all only one colour. So Dobby's made some changes. See it looks like a Rainbow."

Not for the first time Hermione wondered if Dobby her parents would put it, living an alternative lifestyle, a little off to the side, batting for the other team-

"Hermione!" Harry shouted snapping Hermione from her thoughts. Harry ran towards her and then too Hermione's shock, initiated a big hug the way she normally had to do. "Hermione I was worried you wouldn't come."

"Well I'm here, prepared to stop you from doing whatever crazy thing you say you are going to do." Hermione replied tiredly.

Harry chuckled. "You do know it won't work right?"

Hermione shrugged and raised an eyebrow. "What else is new?"

After a moment they both laughed an Hermione hugged Harry back. Harry pulled her with him to the house. "We are going to spend the day in Ottery ."

Hermione looked at Harry curiously at this. "I assume that's not all were doing."

Harry shook his head. "I'll tell you more later."

Harry opened the door as Dobby popped in front of him. "Mr. Longbottom says he will be here in five minutes."

Harry smiled. "Thanks Dobby."

Dobby beamed before vanishing. Hermione rounded on Harry. "What are you planning to do? Are you paying Dobby? Why is Neville coming? Wh-"

Harry interrupted. "He's part of the Ministry 6 and a dear friend, 5 Galleons a day and you'll find out later. I have to go, you can talk to Ron."

"But I don't want to talk to Ron..." Harry had already took off, leaving Hermione to trail off. Ron was standing behind him and staring at Hermione. Hermione plastered on her stiffest and fake smile and uttered. "Hi Ronald..."

"Hi Hermione..." Ron replied slowly. "Why are you smiling like that."

"Like what Ronald?" Hermione asked before nodding. "I'm going to talk to Ginny, bye."

Hermione walked away leaving Ron to shake his head. "Mental."

Soon Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Ron, were heading down to Ottery before as Hermione suspected, Harry left the path and made his way east. Harry grinned. "We need to make one extra stop."

"Reuniting with the last of the Ministry 6?" Hermione guessed aloud, remembering Ron mention Luna lived near the burrow. Harry nodded silently and Hermione pressed further. "If I didn't know any better I'd say this was a press event."

Harry shuddered at that before laughing nervously. "No press, none at all...I hope."

Ginny frowned as she noticed the trail Harry was walking. "I thought Luna was going to meet up with us, how do you know the way to her place."

This grabbed Hermione's attention and she realized further that Harry was blushing. He grabbed the collar of his robes and muttered. "Well see..."

"Harry are you sweating." Hermione exclaimed as she took a closer look at Harry.

"I'm a little nervous about today is all." Harry snapped defensibly as he wiped his brow.

"What are you nervous about, Harry what's going on." Hermione asked full of growing concern.

"I think I see Luna." Neville interrupted causing the everyone to follow his finger. The rook shaped house was in the distance and Luna was already running towards them.

Hermione stifled a chuckle at Luna's deliriously weird dress. It was a swirl of colours that reminded her of something she saw in a Woodstock documentary. Luna's hair had grown even longer then before, in fact it reached her feet and Hermione was certain magic was behind this sudden growth. Her dress seemed to sparkle in the sunlight and her eyes did as well. In fact Luna's eyes seemed the most different of all. They didn't hold the same dreamy look they usually had. They were full of life and euphoria and something else.

Before anyone could react Luna had reached them and threw herself at Harry, Wrapping her arms around his neck and snogging the daylights out of him. They stayed like this for a few moment before Ron exclaimed. "Bloody Hell?!"

Harry parted from Luna blushing but with a silly grin on his face. Luna wasn't blushing but had the same silly look. Hermione would've laughed if she hadn't been so shocked, in fact she felt like an idiot, it all seemed so obvious in hindsight, well to her at least. Luna grinned and hummed in a slow dreamy voice. "Hello Ginny Weasley, Hello Hermione Granger, Hello Neville Longbottom, Hello Ronald Weasley."

Luna kissed Harry again and beamed. "Hello Harry Potter."

Harry blushed but grinned. "Hello Luna Lovegood."

Luna sighed before stating. "Father offered to apparate us down but I told him I wanted to walk. He seemed rather relieved to be honest."

"So... you too are dating then?" Ginny half asked already knowing the answer, yet she was surprised.

"Not exactly." Harry answered slowly. "That's kind of why we are going to down to the village."

Suddenly Hermione remembered the letter, the Dress Robes Harry was in, the more zany than usual dress Luna wore, among many other small clues. Hermione groaned sympathetically as it all came together. "Oh Harry, you're not seriously going to...are you?"

Harry met Hermione's gazed and shrugged before mumbling with a shy grin. "I told you it was something dumb"

"I prefer the term loony to dumb Harry." Luna replied with a sly smile. "It is rather loony thing to do, seeing as we've been dating for 11 days."

Ginny gasped while Ron and Neville exchanged a look. Ron finally spoke, "What the hell is going on?"

Hermione sighed with frustration and distress, she should've stayed home. "Harry and Luna are going to elope."

At the blank look on the two faces Hermione huffed and shouted. "THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!"

A brief moment of stunned silence followed before Ron burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he collapses to the ground. Ron look up with tears in his eyes. "Harry, did you hear what Hermione just said..."

Ron trailed off as he realized no one else was laughing. Harry and Luna exchanged an awkward look and Ron muttered. "Bloody Hell Harry, are you serious?"

Harry glanced at Luna then smiled. "Absolutely."

Ron started laughing again only more awkwardly. "Merlin Harry, at least make her work for it!"

7 days ago

1 week to be exact

11:00 PM if you want to know

Luna waited in her room humming as she continued painting in her diary. Her room was a mess, her books were protected by spells but everything else was covered in plants and paint. She hastily looked up and beamed as she heard the sound of tapping on her window. She quickly ran to it with a bounce in her step, before pulling Harry inside. The two kissed and embraced as it had been 5 days since that magical night. Harry had placed a charm on detect when he would wake up, since Ron didn't need to a sleeping charm to be clinically dead to the world for 12 hours.

Luna parted and beamed. "Happy Solstice Harry."

"Merry Christmas Luna" Harry uttered as he kissed Luna's cheek before hastily blurting out. "I mean Merry Solstice. I mean Happy Solstice I mean..."

Luna silenced him with as kiss before she giggled. "I may not be traditional in my beliefs but I celebrate Christmas Harry. "

Harry kissed her and whispered. "I love it when you laugh."

Luna pulled him to her and the two snogged some more. When they parted Luna sighed and hugged Harry, resting her head against his chest. "I missed you, more than I thought was possible."

Harry kissed the top of her head and rested his own on top of hers. "I'm here now Luna, I missed you terribly, but honestly I've been too happy knowing I have your heart to be sad about it."

Luna grinned contently. "Me too, but I still missed you."

Harry sat down on her bed and Luna cuddled up to him. It was the most they could get away with as just down the hall was Luna's father. Luna didn't care, just feeling loved was enough to last her a lifetime. Harry would probably disagree about the lifetime part, he was a teenage boy after all. In this moment though Harry felt like he could stay like this all night. However he was here for more than a cuddle with his girl. "How much does he know?"

Luna looked up and sighed. "We don't lie to each over. I was honest with him."

Harry raised an eyebrow and Luna shook her head. "He knew something was up so I told him I couldn't tell him, that it wasn't my tale to tell. It would be told to him soon. I think he suspects to an extent. I'm sure he's figured a lot of it out by now though."

Harry nodded in thought and Luna could feel his heartbeat quicken with fear. "You want me to talk to him myself."

"He already knows someone's in my room." Luna acknowledged as she point to the window. "The house is warded for intruders. The wards are telling him a non-hostile wizard is in my room and we are not participating in anything carnal. It's more privacy than most Magical parents allow their children to be honest."

Harry shook his head and laughed despondently. "So he's standing outside this room with his wand waiting to blow my bits off."

"He's downstairs making two cups of tea." Luna said with a conspiritory smile. "He's not the only one who warded rooms in the house."

Harry couldn't help but laugh and kiss Luna again. When they parted he took a deep breath and uttered. "I'll go talk to him."

Luna nodded and the two stood. Luna opened the door and Harry walked out. Luna took his hand and begun to follow him when Harry turned around and cupped her hand with his. "I love you Luna, but I feel like this is something I need to do alone."

Luna saw the conviction in his eyes and nodded. "He only made two cups maybe he's just expecting me, but if you're sure."

Harry nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before letting go of her hand and walking down stairs. Luna sighed as she walked back into her room. Her hand felt cold from the loss of his own, but her cheek burned from the mark his lips left. Luna sat on her bed and tried to calm her nerves through meditation but found herself more nervous then she had been in her whole life.

Harry walked down the stairs, each step letting out a sound that seemed to echo throughout the house. Harry was really regretting not bringing Luna with him. His courage seemed to leave him as soon as he had left her. When he arrived at the bottom step he saw Luna's Father sitting in the guest room with his back to him.

The man took a sip of his drink and uttered. "You are under the age of 17, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to enter my Moonshines room. This means you did not arrive here by Apparition, This means you are likely one of the Weasleys. You are male so the daughters out, leaving only Ronald Weasley. I know Luna had a small crush on him when she was younger, something she wasn't subtle in, but that was a long time ago, and Luna's made it very clear to me that small crush has went the way of the Long Horned Snorkak. I also know those my dear Luna is close too, as she tells me everything. I'm one of the few people she is comfortable opening up to, and I'm always happy to listen and offer my advice and guidance. However she did not share this recent development, perhaps you could elaborate Harry Potter."

Harry gulped as he heard the man utter his name and willed his inner Gryffindor to guide him. Harry walked around the man and sat in the chair opposite of Luna's Father. Harry took a sip of his tea as he spoke. "It's a rather recent development Mr. Lovegood."

"Please call be Xenophilius." The man said as he smiled kindly to Harry. "The friends of my daughter are friends of mine, and recent developments aside, Luna has told me much about her friendship with you."

Harry looked up surprised though he guessed he shouldn't be. "Really? What did she say."

Xenophilius chuckled at Harry's enthusiasm. "She told me that you were nothing like the story's, you were so much more. She told me that you gave her the strength to stand up for herself, and not let others push her around. She understood, at last that it didn't matter if it made difference or not. In Luna's words, "If you do not stand up for yourself, what do you stand for."

Harry sat back as he felt his heart burst with a feeling of pride. "Wow, I never thought about it that way before."

"You're a Gryffindor, your job is not to think, but to feel, leave the thinking to the Ravenclaws." Xenophilius laughed until he had a coughing fit. "I can see that you two are already good for each over. Hell it's not like my say in your relationship would make a difference."

Harry gave a small grin and uttered. "I love my friends, but no understands me like she does. She's helped me so much these past year. We've both lost people who are close to us, and she helped me through the loss of my Godfather."

Xenophilius smiled sadly as he looked away wistfully. "I still see her as if it was yesterday. They say it gets easier, I've never understood that. For me the first month was the most painful, but then you slowly begin to function as you realize that life goes. There is still joy in the world and you begin to love your life again. Pandora remains in my heart and that gives me the strength to carry on. What they don't tell you about grief is, the hardest part isn't the first few months, its the years, years Harry, without someone who was a constant in your life. Do you understand what it is like to not see a loved one for months, I'm sure you do, what about years. It's been 7 years since Pandora died, since I spoke with her, saw her face with my own eyes, since I held her close and kissed her. I miss her Harry, I always will miss her. That's the hardest part. So remember you Godfather, remember those good times, that is how you dampen the sorrow. Remember and smile, for it will be alright."

Harry felt a lump in his throat as he whispered. "I'll try sir."

"That is all one can ask in this right." Xenophilius uttered before taking another drink and grinning at the boy before him, he could already see what Luna saw in him.

"Despite previous words, I think Luna would be better suited to telling me the story of your blooming romance," Harry sighed with a relief but Mr. Lovegood cut him off. "But...I feel that is not why you are here to speak with me, and I'm afraid here is where my insight fails me. You are the one with the upper hand now, so tell me boy. Why do you sit here before me. What are your intentions towards that witch which I treasure most."

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Your not going to like it sir."

Xenophilius laughed before he leaned forward and whispered. "Let me tell you a secret Harry. I don't like any of this, no father does. If it were up to me, Luna would still be a little girl who thinks boys are gross. So tell me and I promise not to kill you. Unless you hurt Luna, then I'll bring you straight to You Know Who himself."

Xenophilius laughed even harder but Harry had the distinct impression he wasn't joking. Harry steeled his nerves and thought about Luna and spoke with confidence he did not truly poses. "Luna and I have discussed it. We love each over, I can't explain it any better than that for the first time in my life, I am truly and completely...happy. I've lived my whole life and outside of the love of friendship, love has been a stranger to me. I don't want to live with regret, I don't want to die regretting either. Whether Voldemort kills me tomorrow or I live for a thousand years I know I want to live my life with Luna. That's why I'm here Xenophilius, to ask for your blessing...for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Xenophilius spit out his tee and coughed which Harry immediately took as a bad sign. "Merlin, you weren't joking when you said I wouldn't like it."

Harry looked nervously to the stairs and muttered. " that a no?"

"What...Of course it's a no! You are both 16, your both too young to be getting married, especially with this being a recent development!" Xenophilius shouted before laughing. "It's nothing personal understand. I could think of few people I'd rather for a son in law then you. You are brave, you are strong and you both understand and love each over. That is all a father can ask for. However as a Father I can not encourage you two to do something that so ill advised, so...MORONIC!"

Harry nodded in understanding disappointed but filled with pride at Xenophilius blessing, if not for marriage then for his relationship with Luna. "I understand sir."

"I said it was Xenophilius, but you can call me Xeno for short. My friends call me Xeno and as I said before, a friend of my daughter is a friend of mine." Xenophilius answered as he extended his hand. Harry took it and they both shook hands. Xeno's grip was tightened. "Don't harm my daughter though, I will do anything for her. Believe me when I tell you, of all the danger's you have faced, you've never faced someone like me."

Xenophilius let go the now pail teenager and hollered so loud that Harry's ears were ringing. "LUNA!"

The sound a footsteps followed and Luna came running down the stairs before stopping under her Fathers stern gaze. Harry noticed her hands were shaking and Harry carefully took it in his own. Luna glanced at Harry and offered a fleeting but grateful smile before looking back at her Father. Xenophilius noticed the exchange and couldn't help but chuckle. "Seeing as your dear friend just asked for your hand in marriage and his words were clearly influenced by your own I am to assume you already knew this."

Luna nodded. "Yes Father."

Xeno shook his head and asked abruptly. "Are you pregnant?"

"No." Luna answered immediately before frowning. "At least I don't think so."

Harry blanched at Luna's answer before glancing at Xeno, who clearly picked up on what Luna had unintentionally implied. Xeno met Harry's mortified gaze with a grim one of his own and grumbled. "Delightful."

Luna finally caught up and blushed bright red. After a moment the disgruntled, but somewhat amused Xenophilius began to speak. "As a Father I can not give you blessing to be married. You have found a charming boy but I would annul everything I stood for if I encouraged you to marry with my blessing."

Luna nodded as she gripped Harry's hand tighter. Xeno continued as he started to pace. "I understand the temptation to get married, especially in times of war. I did the same with your Mother, we were only 17. However it was never something we would've done if we felt we had a choice...however there were...other circumstances, that sort of forced our hand..."

Luna continued to stare at Xeno who shook his head. "Never mind, the point I'm trying to make is, the beginning of our marriage was hell. It got better and we loved each over through it all. That said being married at 17 with an unplanned...I mean a beautiful baby girl was not the optimal way of starting a relationship let alone a marriage. To be honest we probably would have separated if it weren't for you dear...Not that this is a bad thing as we loved each over and were able to make it through those hard times still loving each over. That said many marriages aren't as lucky as mine was with Pandora. Many times people are stuck together who despise each over. I can think a few marriages like this. I don't want to see you stuck in a loveless marriage Luna. Do you understand what I'm trying to say dear."

Luna nodded looking up at her father with wide eyes. Harry watching the look on her face the entire time, noticing how present they were. Xenophilius stared at his daughter for a a few seconds before sighing. "Your still going to marry him aren't you."

Luna nodded with defiance in her eyes, something that shocked Harry. He was given the impression Luna had never defied her father before. Xenophilius didn't seem surprised though, he seemed to be expecting this. "There's nothing I can say or do to change your mind is there."

Luna shook her head and Xenophilius laughed tiredly. He looked to Harry and muttered. "She's just like her Mother she is."

Xenophilius knelt down to look her daughter eye to eye. He seemed to be searching for something and after a moment he sighed. "You've grown up dear, and it hurts for me to say this but I'm filled with so much pride. When your Mother was...blessed by the Goddess of life, and we decided we should be married, her parents disowned her. It broke her young heart, and she carried that heartbreak till the day she died. Whatever choice you make Luna, right or wrong, know that you are always going to be my daughter. I will always love you, and I will always support you."

Xenophilius kissed the brow of Luna's head before he stood up and began walking to the stairs. He stopped as he reached them and turned around. "There is a tree, near the outskirts of Ottery St. Catchpole. It is a tree as old as magic itself. It is where your Mother and I became one. If two were to know the words, they could become one as well. It would be far safer then doing the ministry approved ceremony, especially in these dark times. In fact as long as no one is around to see it. No one even has to know."

Xeno turned around and winked before heading up the stairs. Harry stared for a moment before he asked. "Luna...did he just give us his blessing."

Luna shook her head and softly uttered. "No, he's just supporting us. Pardon me Harry."

Luna bolted up the stairs tears streaming down her face. Harry followed her as she disappeared from sight. When he reached the top of the stairs he saw Luna hugging her father with all her might as Xeno gently rubbed her back. Luna stepped away and smiled tearfully. "Thank you Daddy."

"Don't thank me for being your Father Luna, I thank you for being my daughter." The Wizard uttered emotionally before walking to his room and shutting the door. Luna ran to Harry and embraced him. "I love you Harry Potter."

Harry grinned and the two young lovers ran out of the rook shaped house. Harry lead them Luna up to the top of the hill then to Luna's surprise knelt down on one knee. Harry whispered "Will you be my bonded?"

Luna threw herself at Harry and kissed him. When they parted Luna blissfully sighed. "Merry Christmas Harry."

Soon they were rolling down the hill kissing and laughing, while a solemn Wizard watched the young lovers from his room. He wiped a tear from his eye and drew the curtains shut, but not before whispering. "Bless them Pandora, bless them both."
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