Categories > Books > Harry Potter > It's Only Love

It's Only For Life

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

nargles out

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2018-07-20 - 4216 words

"So Father has been helping us out, keep our bonding a secret, since if Death Eaters found out it would be worse than a Nargle cross breeding with a pixie, witch ironically enough is were Pargles come from. I used to own a Pargle, but it wouldn't stop barking." Luna hummed as she finished telling the others their story. Harry would be blushing as he occasionally added details here and there. Luna kept the more private aspects of their relationship to themselves, something Harry greatly appreciated.

Hermione couldn't help but notice how happy they were as they made the trek across the beautiful farmland. This put Hermione in a bit of a quandary. On one hand, if there was one thing Harry seriously needed in his life, it was happiness and Luna seemed to give this to him. On the other hand, getting married was a really really really really really...really bad idea. It didn't help that Luna's own father was unable to discourage them, what could Hermione do.

To be honest Hermione couldn't really understand what Harry saw in sweet but eccentric girl. She was a good friend and Hermione had grown to like her despite the girls infuriatingly eccentric views. Still, she was not the type of person Hermione would imagine to be Harry's wife. Then again Hermione realized she probably shouldn't be talking as she glanced at the red headed oaf that as walking in a stunned stupor beside her.

"So are you going to say something?" Ron whispered almost loud enough loud enough the others could hear.

Hermione glanced at Ron and snorted. "I think you're a moron, and you have bad teeth."

"I meant about our best friend marrying Loony...I mean Luna freaking Lovegood." Ron hissed while whiling under Hermione's glare, earned for his slip of the tongue. Then Ron suddenly frowned. "What's wrong with my teeth?"

Hermione opened her mouth before shaking her head. "I'm sorry that was uncalled for."

"So my teeth are fine?" Ron said with relief.

"No, but with my history of dental issues and buck teeth, I shouldn't really be talking." Hermione sighed, before she nodded to herself. "I'll talk to him but...when has he listened to me before. For Merlin's sake I can't even get him to stop using the Potions book of the Half Blood Prince. I hate to say this but I think you better get used to having your best mate married to your neighbor."

Ron looked as if Hermione had told him his Owl had died. Hermione gave him a soft shove, relishing in the banter between them. "Look on the bright side, at least he's still not crushing on Ginny."

"Yeah..." Ron nodded as Hermione walked ahead of him. Hermione grinned as she then heard Ron utter. "Wait...What?"

Hermione caught up to Harry who smiled and whispered to Luna. The blond gave him a kiss before going to to speak with a Ginny and Neville, whom she was closer to. Harry turned and waited patiently for Hermione to speak, which of course she did. "If you want me to convince you not to marry her, then my work is already done. We both know there is nothing I can say or do to stop you from doing something stupid."

Harry nodded before glancing at Hermione. "I listen to you a lot, but not as much as I should. I won't change my mind though, not on this."

She shook head and huffed. "Are you sure about this Harry, it's not too late to back out, admit it was a mistake. I'm sure Luna would be disappointed but if she really cares for you she would understand and still be your girlfriend. I'm worried that you aren't think this through in a logical-"

"Do your parents love each other Hermione?" Harry asked out of the blue.

Hermione paused at this. "Why do you ask?"

"The Dursleys." Harry answered sadly. "They loved Dudley but my time with Luna made me realized something. My Aunt and Uncle, they don't love each other, at least not in a way married couple should."

"No offence but it would be like us getting married." Harry seeing Hermione's embarrassed blush, did so to himself as he struggled hastily explain. "I mean...I guess it would be...nice? I mean we like each over, we would get along would be..."

"...Boring." Hermione answered softly, thinking about her parents. "Maybe not loveless but devoid of all romance. Like they were married for every reason except the one that matters most. Sometimes I used wonder if they even love each over. Now I know they don't..."

Hermione trailed of as she realized she was no longer speaking of a hypothetical relationship, but the real one she saw back home. Harry seemed to have sensed this as he looked off somberly. "I've seen so many married people, looking at them to see what love was. So far I've only seen it in the Weasleys. Everyone else is married for other reasons. Money, reputation, companionship. The fear of being alone is a big one. Some even marry so they can feel loved, only to marry someone they don't. The Dursley's got married because it was expected of them, and it was the normal thing to do."

Hermione looked at Harry as a realization struck her. "You really love her don't you. I mean, you don't just think you do. This isn't a silly crush."

Harry nodded as he looked to Hermione. "I love Luna, I've never been more certain of anything in my whole life. So many people are too scared to grab a hold of love when they find it, and they let it slip away."

Hermione felt her eyes drift to Ron and sighed. A sudden sadness coming over her less overwhelming but more deeper than anything she had felt when she first saw Ron kiss Lavender. She had crushed on Ron for years, but she was too young, he was too immature, he would grow into a better person, she would change him as she reached the proper age for proper romance. Were her views on romance any different then? Is that why her Parents married, because they didn't act on their feelings and let the one they truly love slip through their fingers? Was this her fate, was this logic's reward?

Harry seemed to sense her sadness as to Hermione's surprise he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I do love you Hermione, not like Luna I mean but, as far as I'm concerned we are family. I couldn't imagine a life without you in it, same with Luna. Whatever happens you will always be my dearest friend."

Harry stepped away from a suspiciously teary eyed Hermione to speak to the others. "You are all here because I value family. I know some of you better then others, and others are closer to Luna but in the end, as far as I'm concerned, we are all family. You are the only family I've ever really known. That's why I invited you all here."

Luna smiled as she saw Hermione suddenly hug Ron and start crying. Ron looked startled before getting a little choked up himself. Hermione got a hold herself and pushed off Ron looking frustrated with herself. Ron took her hand and she blushed a little. Luna couldn't help but think there might be hope for them after all. Neville spoke up overcoming his shyness. "Thank you both for inviting us."

Luna shrugged in her dreamy way. "Thank Harry, it is part of my customs that only the closest friends of the bonded should witness the ritual. Even my Father can not witness it, though we'll see him afterwords. Sadly I don't have any close friends besides Harry..."

Before Harry could respond Hermione stepped forward. "That's not true Luna, we are your friends,'re more than that, you're part of our family."

"Hermione and Harry are right." Neville declared surprising everyone. "We have all been through some crazy things together, I consider you all family, that includes you too Luna."

Ron nodded and spoke. "I admit I think you are...strange, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. As far as I am concerned Harry is my best mate but if he hurts you I'm breaking his glasses."

Ginny suddenly ran up and hugged Luna. "I never stopped being your friend Luna. I'm sorry I never showed it."

Luna felt like she was going to cry as she hugged Ginny back and soon everyone came together in a tearful group hug. After a moment Harry spoke. "We better get going, we're almost there, and we don't have too much time."

Five minutes later and Harry could feel the magic in the air. They were close and Luna looked nervous. Harry took her hand and whispered. "It's not to late to back out of this Luna. Be a normal teenage couple."

Luna was silent for a moment then whispered. "Is that what you want Harry?"

Harry hastily shook his head. "Of course not but I would never want to do something that would hurt you..."

"You're afraid of hurting me?" Luna asked confused.

"If I in anyway pressured you into marrying me when you didn't really want to. That would be hurting you." Harry insisted as he gripped her hand tightly.

"They are starting to get into your head Harry." Luna hummed softly with a smile. "My Father, Hermione, the others. Then there are those who don't know yet but who's reaction you fear and don't forget the little voice in your head you've hidden from others but not yourself. It's OK to be scared Harry, I'm scared too. That's how I know this is something worth doing."

Luna started into Harry's eyes. "Father might be worried we are making a mistake, but I know in my heart we aren't. Marrying you shall be the best thing to ever happen to me. I will never regret becoming Luna Potter."

Harry took deep breath to hold in his many emotions before chuckling and whispered. "Well if it doesn't work out you can always Marry Ron. "

"Hmm" Luna responded with a blank dreamy face.

Harry smirked as he poked her. "Well your father let it slip that you used to have a little crush on Ron."

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about Harry." Luna answered plainly with a face void of emotion...too void of emotions.

"So you won't mind me asking Ginny about this?" Harry asked with a hint of a silly grin.

"Of course not, though if you did, it's most likely Ginny will find out about your recent crush on her."

Harry froze and started at his smiling fiance. "You wouldn't dare?"

"And neither will you." Luna answered sweetly.

"Fine, but you just proved you had a crush on Ron." Harry exclaimed triumphantly.

Luna's mouth curved a little upward. "I have no idea what we are talking about Harry. Oh look here we are."

"This isn't over dear." Harry nudged her playfully as he said this.

Luna gave Harry one of those sideways looks and hummed. "Yes it is, it's over when I say it is. That's the first rule of marriage, the wife is always right."

Harry laughed nervously before gripping Luna's hand. She squeezed back and Harry felt calmer. The tree was indeed as huge as Xenophilius said. It seemed to reach the heavens and the air sparkled with a burst of sapphire blue light.

"Once the ritual begins you can not interrupt us." Luna spoke as she took out 4 stones and handed them to the others. "These are portkeys Father made, just say Nargles Out and they will take you to Ottery St. Catchpole, where father has rented an inn for a private party. Once the ritual ends please activate them so we can say our private prayers to the the Goddess of love who dwells in trees like this. We'll join you there not long after."

Harry and Luna hugged the other four one at a time. When Harry reached Hermione she whispered tearfully. "You've changed Harry, in a good way I mean."

Harry chuckled as he looked lovingly to his soon to be new wife. "Not really, I'm just not scared anymore."

"What were you scared of?" Hermione asked as Harry backed away..

Harry closed his eyes as he held his soulmates hand. He opened them, staring into Luna's silver eyes and whispered. "Being happy."

Harry and Luna nodded to each over, then together they turned around and walked towards the tree. The magic seemed to grow brighter and louder with each step they took. Everything seemed to vanish as they looked into each overs eyes and Harry felt what could only be described as bliss. If this was the power of love Voldemort didn't stand a chance, because Harry felt invincible.

The young lovers turned to face each over. Luna sighed with bright eyes as she felt a warmth in her heart spread throughout her very being. Luna whisper softly. "Take my hand for it is yours."

Harry bent down and kiss Luna's hand as he remembered the words Luna had taught him. "I take your hand as I'd take mine."

Luna whispered breathlessly. "Take my lips and I'll take yours."

Harry smiled as he gave a chaste kiss to Luna's lips, even now it took her breath away. "I take your lips and give thee mine."

Luna softly uttered again her voice trembling. "I'd give you my heart but it is already yours."

Harry closed his eyes for a moment then stared deeply into Luna's eyes. "I will never be worthy of a heart so pure."

Luna's smile was full of tears as she whispered. "Take my dreams for they have already come true."

Harry whispered with tears in his own eyes. "My dreams are nothing without you."

"Give me your love and I'll grant you my soul." Luna cried happily.

"With love I exchange my soul for yours." Harry whispered before Luna joined in. "And united we shall be separate nevermore."

Harry and Luna join hands and raised them as they chanted together. "In the light of the sun let two become one, and only in death shall our bond be broken."

The light grew brighter then as thousands sun and Harry and Luna embraced. It felt like time had stopped. Harry was surrounded by stars, the faces of strangers and friends flashing before his eyes. He saw figures who looked suspiciously like Luna, only older. He saw the faces of his parents, and even Sirius. Luna saw it all, some faces Harry recognized, she could not, while others she saw looked like her departed family. Then he saw Luna, holding his sleeping body to hers and whispering.

"May he be blessed in your name great spirit mother.

Love he was never shown

Peace he has never known

Life he had lived alone

Bless him with wife and child

So he will always have a home

For this I give my heart, body, soul, and purity.

Great Spirit mother grant him shelter from the storm."

Harry felt like he would cry if he still had a body, whatever doubts lay in the depths of his soul was gone. He suddenly felt Luna beside him watching before they met each overs eyes. They leaned forward and kissed as an ancient voice hissed in the sudden darkness.

Be blessed for you are home

Welcome Children

Then they were on there knees, under the tree, trembling from there out of body experience. Harry and Luna starred at each over as they struggled to grasp what had happened. Luna seemed to be the more shaken, as she understood more of what had happened then Harry.

Luna shook her head and clapped her hands together and started to pray. Harry did the same as he listen to the sound of the portkey's being activated. After a moment Luna whispered. "Are they gone?"

Harry risked a peak and nodded. "They are gone, thinking we are praying."

"I always wanted to pray like in churches." Luna giggled as she put her hands down. "Harry that was the most...un-ordinary thing to ever happen to me."

Harry laughed as he looked at his new wife. "I love you Mrs Potter."

Luna beamed brightly. "I love you Harry Potter, but I'm not Luna Potter just yet. There's still one last step."

Harry laughed as he took Luna in her arms and removed her dress. So it was in the shade of the ancient tree they made of love and became one.

"I love you my dear." Luna whispered as she trembled from her state of bliss "My one regret is that it's only for life."

Hermione sat silently in the inn while Ron was complaining about the lack of a bachelor party. Neville of all people agreed and were already planning one for when they got back to Hogwarts. Hermione didn't want to know anymore about this and sat drinking in the corner, waiting for the Potter's to return. At that thought Hermione poured herself another drink.

Everyone's attitude had been changed somewhat by the bonding they had witnessed, no one was really sure what to make of it all. On one hand they clearly loved each over and the ritual was beautiful, though Ron kept this to himself and called it "bloody bonkers". At the same time Ron's sentiment was felt by the other's, this whole thing was "bloody bonkers."

Hermione felt guilty that she wasn't happy for her friend, and then guilty that she was when she should've tried to stop the whole thing. She felt guilty for the way she had been acting towards Ron. Whether or not Ron deserved it wasn't the point. The point was Hermione was a hypocrite acting just like Ron had during the Yule Ball. Yes they were going to go to the party together but as far as Ron knew it was as friends.

"Or maybe it's because Lavender looks up to him, while you always put him down." A voice in Hermione's head whispered. "Maybe it's because you spent years denying your feelings for him, the moment you begin to accept them, he moved on."

"If only you knew how much I look up to you." Hermione thought to herself as took another drink and thought to herself.

"You know that's non alcoholic right." Xenophilius said as he took a seat next to Hermione. She nodded and the Wizard passed Hermione a shot glass. Hermione stared at it before meeting Xeno's eyes. "Just a shot won't kill you, besides you should celebrate. Not everyday your best friend gets married."

Hermione took the glass and downed it before slamming it on the table and hissing. "How can you be OK with this, letting your teenage daughter get married to another teenager, you know they've been dating for a little over a week. Not to mention the boy your daughter is marrying has You Know Who himself after him-"

"They aren't married." Xenophilius uttered as he took a drink, a faint smile on his face.

Hermione stared up at him and intelligently uttered. "Huh?"

"Marriage is a legal process which used to be the buying and selling of women. Now it's just legal document with legal ramifications. It's ill advised and stupid. I never married Pandora that way. The only marriage that matters is the marriage between two body's, two souls, two hearts. In the name of magic they are married." Xenophilius said with a smile. "Not that there won't still be complications. However when it's all said in done, one day you reach a point when you can't tell your child what to do anymore. All you can do is guide them, something that you are finally starting to learn, in regards to your friends Miss Granger.

Hermione shook her head at this. Xenophilius chuckled before giving a wink. "Trust me when I say I know what I'm doing, I know things you don't, things that as of now no one else knows. Don't sell me short, if I were as crazy as you feared, I wouldn't be able to run the Quibbler."

Hermione refrained from snorting and instead stared at Ron. Xeno noticed where her longing gazed lay. "You know when I first courted Pandora she was seeing another man. I knew I should've felt bad or guilty but I didn't care. That's the way it goes sometimes, because when you love someone, nothing is going to stop you from earning their heart. I stole her heart and broke another's in the process and...I would do it again and again."

Xeno pointed at Ron as he spoke. "You want a peice of advice Miss Granger. Love is not a game one wins by following the rules. Take these fabled words to heart. All is fair in love and war."

Xenophilius stood up but hesitated before adding. "Except love potions, that's cheating...and illegal."

Hermione took in these words with a calm stoic nature before she nodded and chugged down the rest of her glass, which wasn't much but Hermione wasn't exactly an experienced drinker. She stood up and strode forward just as Harry and Luna appeared in the inn. Everyone started to congratulate them, in some way shape or form. Most still doubting the rationale behind their rash decision.

Harry spotted Hermione storming towards them and opened his arms only to pause at the angry look in her eyes and stepped aside.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley." Hermione snarled as she approached the now pale redhead. To two stood there for a moment, Ron all but quivering under Hermione's fierce gaze. Then she pounced, grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into a fierce kiss.

Neville dropped his glass, and Ginny covered her mouth in barley constrained mirth. Ron finally registered what was happening and kissed back, forgetting about everything but the women in his arms.

Luna shook her head and smiled. "Poor Lavender will be most devastated."

Harry blinked at the horrid sight in front of him before turning to Luna. "You must be devastated, your crush will remain unrequited."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Luna replied struggling not to laugh herself.

Harry looked with concern at his two best friends. "Do they have a shot?"

Ron and Hermione parted, grinning stupidly into each overs eyes as Luna spoke. "They are perfectly horrible for each over."

At this Ginny burst out laughing, and so were the others and not for the first time Luna questioned if maybe this love thing, was more complicated when she first thought. As she looked to her Father chuckling in the background, Luna remembered the words the Spirit Mother had told her, and felt a hint of fear behind her happiness. Good times were ahead, but maybe just maybe, the easy part was over, and things were going become difficult.

The end...?




Chapter ? It's Only What?

2 Months later

Ravenclaw Tower.

Luna rubbed her eyes as she once again thought over the visions she saw during her secret bonding with Harry. She couldn't help but feel that in her happiness she was missing something. Harry and Luna had never been happier, spending time together to the surprise of the school. Luna had been bullied more than ever but as Luna put it to Harry. "It's not worth bothering over, I can summon my missing things now, and what is broken I can repair. I can stand up for myself and defend myself. Their bullying was no more annoying than a pesky Nargle bite."

Luna knew she owed her growing confidence to Harry. However she was worried. Darkness was coming to Hogwarts and she felt like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. She was missing something, A thought on the tip of her tongue, yet out of reach. She once again went over the vision, the words of the spirit Mother, the words she had whispered to her, in her sacred love felt prayer.

There was a sudden intake of air as Luna's eyes widened. Luna reached for her wand and held it before her. She closed her eyes and hummed, her voice echoing throughout the room, yet unheard by all except her. She felt her wand vibrate and when she opened her eyes she saw her wand give off a blue sapphire light, like from the bonding. Luna's mouth dropped as she uttered. "Oh..."

Luna stiffly rose from her bed and absentmindedly walked over to the loo. She splashed some water on herself as she looked into the mirror. Her face was pale, even for her. Her prayer had come true, all of it. Luna took a deep breath before muttering. "Oh dear..."

"What's the Matter Loony." A seventh year half taunted as she used the sink next to Luna.

Luna stuttered in her shocked state. "It's's Only...It's Only..."

Luna trailed off before muttering. "Please catch me."

"What are you..." The seventh year was cut off as a thud was heard. The 7th year sighed before running up to her room. "Cho! Loony fainted again!
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